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2 years since being banded

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so I am plateaued (sp?) for over a year. I am banded plenty tight, but seem to have taking up some bad habits..... drinking mixed drinks with mixers, eating foods that get by the band.... eating too many calories and not working out. So, I am working through it. I was extremely overrweight most of my life, so being at a weight less than I was 25 years is amazing, but I am 25 lbs away from my ideal weight (yeah, I know, it could be 100lbs or even more) but living with the band is tougher than i tought it would be.

I guess it is always a constant learning process, even 2 years out, I am learing every day.

Guess I was just ranting....

The best thing I have started doing again is journaling... it is amazing what you think "I am having a good day".... journal it, my good day was 2200 calories (ouch!).

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Oh, this so sounds like my story!! I was banded Sept 30th 2008 and initially lost 80 pounds and was around 25 from goal. Well I would say in the last 10 months or so, I have gained 20 back so here I sit at 45 pounds from goal. Disappointed in myself, but I bit the bullet & made an appointment for a fill on Dec. 9th. I hope this is the step I needed to get myself back in gear.

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I haven't been banded for quite 2 years (almost a year and a half) but about 5-6 months in (and 80 pounds down) I started slipping into bad habits and eating foods that slid right through (ice cream, primarily). I gained 50 pounds back doing that. In September I decided to get back on board and have lost almost all the 50 that I gained, but today I actually had my first appointment with an eating disorder therapist so I can try to address some of my issues with compulsive overeating. For me, I think overcoming my emotional issues with food will be the only way I'll have long term success.

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May I please ask a question of the posters here how did you let your self gain so much back? I do not say this to be mean, but why did you not stop at 2 or 5 or even 10 lbs. I am asking for my own information as I do not want to fall into this also. It is a possiblity all of of us face. Any advice you can give us that might would have made you stop and get back on track sooner?

I have gone up as much as 2 lbs and quickly return to liquids as I suffer from clinical depression and emotional eating is just one cookie away for me. I think the returning to liquids is how I have chosen to cope with the emotional eating. I saw a therapist for 3 years and then on and off since then. I did not see her for an eating disorder but for my depression mostly due to grief and learned hope to use coping skills. Behind every emotional eater is problem that needs to come out. Please do not be offended by my question I would really like to know for myself.

I saw a sign today that said inside of me is a skinny person, but I can usually shut her up with a few Cookies.


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There will forever be good days and bad days - must never lose focus on the energy balance.


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I'm a newbie with the band (banded 04/16/2010. I have lost a total of 60 pounds. I haven't been at this weight (320) in over 15 years. Sounds great right? I think it sucks. I should be lower and losing more. Crazy huh??? Huge accomplishment but my fat mind that is so used to years and years of self hate (i'm 45) at my weight is saying your still to fat. I was talking to someone with anorexia and they felt the exact same way. I'm not a therapist or even going to one, but after talking to her, I realized our brains where acting the same. She was to fat, I'm still to fat. But with her she didn't eat. With me I eat out of disappointment in myself. It's like winning a million dollars and thinking, damn why didn't I win 2 million. So I now understand how powerful the mind is. People always tell me how great I'm looking and how my body has changed, but me? I look in the mirror and see fat ass John. So now on top of focusing on my portions, I am working on my brain. I have an old work ID badge that I carry around with me and when I start getting that nasty thinking, I look at all my chins. I still have chins but not nearly like I did. I can see the difference only in that pic. It's a process. I'm so lucky to have supportive friends that accept me and don't judge me. That really helps. The staff at True Results Scottsdale have been incredibly supportive to me also. Thanks for letting me share.

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May I please ask a question of the posters here how did you let your self gain so much back? I do not say this to be mean, but why did you not stop at 2 or 5 or even 10 lbs.


That is the million dollar question that each and everyone of us is going to have to deal with in our own ways.

I am more successful this time out than I have been in the past with losing weight. This is however the third time that I have lost more than 100 pounds.

On both of the previous occasions I lost exactly 108 pounds and swore to myself that I would never let myself gain a pound of it back. I gained back 120 pounds the first time and 138 the second because I got bored with the changes I had made and fell into a rut. By the time I realized what was happening, I figured it was too late and said, "screw it."

It's also why I am forever preaching about the power of a positive attitude. Once you lose focus it is very hard to get back on track and getting back on track immediately is the only way to stop the downward spiral.

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I'm a newbie with the band (banded 04/16/2010. I have lost a total of 60 pounds. I haven't been at this weight (320) in over 15 years. Sounds great right? I think it sucks. I should be lower and losing more. Crazy huh??? Huge accomplishment but my fat mind that is so used to years and years of self hate (i'm 45) at my weight is saying your still to fat. I was talking to someone with anorexia and they felt the exact same way. I'm not a therapist or even going to one, but after talking to her, I realized our brains where acting the same. She was to fat, I'm still to fat. But with her she didn't eat. With me I eat out of disappointment in myself. It's like winning a million dollars and thinking, damn why didn't I win 2 million. So I now understand how powerful the mind is. People always tell me how great I'm looking and how my body has changed, but me? I look in the mirror and see fat ass John. So now on top of focusing on my portions, I am working on my brain. I have an old work ID badge that I carry around with me and when I start getting that nasty thinking, I look at all my chins. I still have chins but not nearly like I did. I can see the difference only in that pic. It's a process. I'm so lucky to have supportive friends that accept me and don't judge me. That really helps. The staff at True Results Scottsdale have been incredibly supportive to me also. Thanks for letting me share.


Congrats on your progress!!

You have to fight the selfish tendency of of wanting more and be happy with what you have. I have the same issues but have overcome it with the weight thing.

Take pictures of yourself often. Nobody ever has to see them but you. Then put the fattest one you have next to your current picture and the difference will give you such a high. At least that works for me. It is better than any drug I've ever taken for a quick high.

It sounds like you have a great support network in your friends. That is a huge help as well.

Also, why aren't you seeing a therapist? Have you tried? It may help. If not, you're only out $85 - $100.

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That is the million dollar question that each and everyone of us is going to have to deal with in our own ways.

I am more successful this time out than I have been in the past with losing weight. This is however the third time that I have lost more than 100 pounds.

On both of the previous occasions I lost exactly 108 pounds and swore to myself that I would never let myself gain a pound of it back. I gained back 120 pounds the first time and 138 the second because I got bored with the changes I had made and fell into a rut. By the time I realized what was happening, I figured it was too late and said, "screw it."

It's also why I am forever preaching about the power of a positive attitude. Once you lose focus it is very hard to get back on track and getting back on track immediately is the only way to stop the downward spiral.

Thanks for responding. Do you think it makes a difference that this time you are not doing it all alone. You have the band which tends to help some in ways. I also have lost weight only to slowly gain it back, but since the band I feel as though if I fail this time I really did not put in the effort since I have help with losing and keeping it off, whereas before I was always on my own. Plus I was self pay, and in my family that was a lot of money. I already have clinical depression and it it harder to deal with than the weight, so I told my husband I could not deal with both anymore so I am losing the weight with the knowledge that I have some help now meaning the band.

I keep a tight eye on my weight have lost 80lbs so far and would like to lose more, at least 20 more to put me at 150 lbs. Which I have to battle with every pound and it is slow now and even with exercise every night still slow. If I find myself falling into the emotional eating I just return to liquids for a couple of days so I can just take my mind off of all food. But if my scale goes up to 2 lbs and stays there 2 days and I know I have been grazing. I just stop all food and use ready made Protein shakes until I am ready to do it again. I hope my body will let me lose the rest. I am now a year older 50 and feel beter than I have in years. My surgeon does not think I need to lose that I have already exceed the amount they say you could loss with the band. He deems me a success, but like I told him as a women my regular Dr is not going to be happy with 170.4 lbs So it must come of. I do not know why they think it will just stop when you get above 60% of you excess weight. I have seen other people and i am going to do it also.

But knowing I spend $12999 I feel I have a resonsibilty that is diiferent this time around. So I could never see myself letting it get past a few pounds this time.

Hope you are feeling better?


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I am hoping the band helps and so far so good. I physically cannot over eat like I did in the past.

I have been diagnosed bi-polar but haven't touched my medication in a long time. I have too many health related prescriptions that are hard enough to keep track of.

Depression makes it that much worse. It's like I have an excuse to say screw it. I refuse to let even the smallest weight gain get me depressed because that may trigger reverting back to emotional eating.

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That is the million dollar question that each and everyone of us is going to have to deal with in our own ways.

I am more successful this time out than I have been in the past with losing weight. This is however the third time that I have lost more than 100 pounds.

On both of the previous occasions I lost exactly 108 pounds and swore to myself that I would never let myself gain a pound of it back. I gained back 120 pounds the first time and 138 the second because I got bored with the changes I had made and fell into a rut. By the time I realized what was happening, I figured it was too late and said, "screw it."

It's also why I am forever preaching about the power of a positive attitude. Once you lose focus it is very hard to get back on track and getting back on track immediately is the only way to stop the downward spiral.

have you gained any since being banded, or has it been all loss?

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May I please ask a question of the posters here how did you let your self gain so much back? I do not say this to be mean, but why did you not stop at 2 or 5 or even 10 lbs. I am asking for my own information as I do not want to fall into this also. It is a possiblity all of of us face. Any advice you can give us that might would have made you stop and get back on track sooner?

I have gone up as much as 2 lbs and quickly return to liquids as I suffer from clinical depression and emotional eating is just one cookie away for me. I think the returning to liquids is how I have chosen to cope with the emotional eating. I saw a therapist for 3 years and then on and off since then. I did not see her for an eating disorder but for my depression mostly due to grief and learned hope to use coping skills. Behind every emotional eater is problem that needs to come out. Please do not be offended by my question I would really like to know for myself.

I saw a sign today that said inside of me is a skinny person, but I can usually shut her up with a few Cookies.


I realized that I never replied to this but I meant to.

I often ask myself how I allowed myself to regain 50 pounds because when I had lost it initially, I remember thinking to myself that I would never go back there. However, I eat compulsively and food is an addiction for me. So when I am compulsively eating, it doesn't matter if my true, authentic self is screaming that I need to be good to myself and my body, and that eating is not going to solve my problems (sometimes its not a problem...sometimes its just boredom or habit). My compulsive self screams WAY louder. For me, compulsively eating makes sense in that it solves something or fills a void that I'm having. I still am not sure what its solving or how its making sense, and its something that I'm working on. I guess for those months where I was gaining weight, my compulsive voice was WAY louder than my authentic voice (who was trying to be heard but with no success). Now that I have relost the 50 pounds I gained, I am going to therapy to try to deal with the underlying cause of all of this. And so in a way, this time around, I am trying to make this not about losing weight, but getting healthy (physically and mentally). For me, my band has helped with many things, but not my compulsion to eat (and if you are addicted to food, there are many foods you can eat that will slide right through the band). So I'm hoping through introspection and therapy, I'll be able to sustain a healthy lifestyle for good. That, combined with assistance from my band, will lead to me being successful permanently.

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have you gained any since being banded, or has it been all loss?

Some weeks I gain a couple of pounds but I have put no "real" weight on since banding.

Down 170 pounds with only a couple to go. It has only been 15 months since I made this lifestyle change. So, time will only tell if it is permanent.

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Thanks for your post, hope this is not too long but I can certainly sympathize with you and I am also a slow looser, and it is so easy to start to eat NORMAL and for the weigh loss to stop or creep up. For me I have to be really strict with my food plan. I was banded May 1st 2009 at 300/lbs. The first 30 came off quickly, Joined a gym and worked with a nutritionist ( I have posted on this too!) she had me eating more working out and I lost inches but my weight did not really move. From Dec 2009 to Sept 2010 my weight has been fluctuating 248 to 258. Went back to my Bariatric nutritionist who helped me get down to the 248 mark again.

A friend told me about a weight loss program in town that she was going to so I joined.

It is more restrictive than what my nutritionist had me on. The daily totals were similar but for me I need limit my choices and it has started to work. Since Oct I have stared to loose again and now down to 238 (15 From Goal) Actually I meet with my Bariatric nutritionist early this week and she is ok with the plan and agreed that I loose slowly and that I need low carbs to get things moving. My plan now has 1200 to 1500 calories about 50 – 60 carbs a day and yes probably too much Protein. Some of us really need to be strict. I am hoping that as it has taken me so long to lose the weight that I have a chance to keep it off. I still work out with a trainer 3 times a week and try to get in another 1 or 2 work outs a week. Even my Trainer and Nutrionist say that weight loss is 90% Diet and only 10% Exersize! So it is mostly what you eat! But working out is great too (NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD EVER SAY THAT!) But it is amazing how good you feel when you start to work out.

If you are wondering my plan is as follows.

Breakfast 1 Protein – 1 carb – Protein Supplement

Snack (Optional – Protein supplement 70 – 100 calories)

lunch 1 Protein – fruit – Veg – Protein Supplement

Snack (Optional – Protein supplement 70 – 100 calories)

dinner 1 Protein – 1 Carb – Veg – Protein Supplement

Snack (Optional – Protein supplement 70 – 100 calories)

The Protein supplement drink should be low carb, low cal type. Due to the band I usually have it before I eat.

Protein Serving, 6 onz meat, 6 onz cottage cheese, you can also have hard cheese once per day.

Carb – 40 Calorie type bread 1 slice Breakfast / Dinner

KEEP UP THE FIGHT! I had hoped I could just eat normal but less and loose but for me that did not seem to work, I am hoping I will be able to maintain that way.

Good Luck


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I was banded the week after the creator of this thread and we are at a similar loss. I started at 412 and am at 338 and slowing down. I want more loss but could not be happier.

For the first time since in 7 years I am off cholestorol medicince, my blood pressure is normal, all of my lab work says I have no deficiencies in nutrients. I can run... granted my flabby stomach bounces around and hurts after a while. I am fat but so much healthier.

I look thinner everywhere but my lower abdomen and thighs now. My body has a diamond shape but I am working on turning it into a nice cylcinder shape.

I did not see the physical changes until I started looking at those pictures.

Celebrate in the acheivement thus far... don't beat yourself up on what could have been... and keep pushing to your goal. I still have 120 lbs to go and I am not the least bit upset that I haven't moved as fast as I wanted to... mainly because of the Lap-Band Talk community.

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