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2nd fill tomorrow... no loss since 1st fill

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I have lost and gained the same 3 lbs since my 1st fill in the end of September. Of course I'm due for TOM in 4 days so I can already feel the bloating. Is it ridiculous that I'm worried I'll "get in trouble" for not losing when I go in tomorrow? The thought of being scolded my the dr. makes me cringe. I've quit doctors for that kind of thing, and I really like this group!

I haven't been 100%. I've been eating more than I should. Not necessarily "bad" foods, just too much. We do have pizza once or twice a month, and I make sure to order it with half veggies so I can have 1 slice that's loaded with veggies. But 3 meals a day at 1 cup each isn't holding me, and even a lowfat cheesestick or fat free greek yogurt between meals doesn't make me get through. I am worried that my split sleep schedule is making the recommended meal times unrealistic for me.

I'm up at 4am and at work by 5am. Have Breakfast when I get to work at 5am. So by 8 or 9 am I am really hungry. I have a cheese stick. Then an hour or 2 later I'm really hungry- loudly gurgling and feeling sick to my stomach from the hunger again. If I drink a big glass of Water when I'm feeling like that it actually makes the feeling worse, after 5 minutes I'm twice as hungry as I was before. So lunch at about 10am. Home at 1pm, snack of another cheese stick or 1/2 cup of chili or something like that. Nap until 5pm. dinner with the family around 6 or 630. Then by 9 I'm super hungry again. I'm about cheese sticked out. I'm up until midnight so I've got to have a little something or I toss and turn and don't get sleep because of the gurgling stomach/nausea from hunger.

I'm getting 1000 - 1200 cal/day. Drinking my Water. Just hungry. And if I let myself get too hungry it's so easy to eat too fast or not chew enough and then ouch.

so I've been going down and up and down and up by the same 3 stinking pounds. I've got to re-vamp the way I'm doing something, just not sure how to exactly. Anyone else have a ridiculous schedule that can share advice with me?

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Me too..Im having the same issue...I have had 2 fills...3cc's total..and have no restriction...and my appetite is back....I can eat anything.....Nothing gets stuck...I dont know what to do either..Im very frustrated now...My surgery was aug31st....Im just so upset after going thru this and nothing....Just dont know what to do

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I was banded on Sept. 20. For my 2-week visit, I had lost 12 pounds. For my visit a month later, I had gained weight.

I got my 1st fill on 11/4, but I feel no restriction at all. Looks like I may have another gain this month too.

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I was banded on 7/22 and have had 2 fills so far and I have some restriction but not that much. I have lost 25 pounds so far. But I haven't lost any weight in FOREVER. It gets so frustrating knowing that you made the choice to have WLS and then not getting the results out of it that you want to. I am happy to have lost some weight but really thought I would be further along than I am. To be honest, I know I should be working out more and eating healthier more of the time. But at the end of the day, I will just be happy when I have MORE restriction so that I CAN'T eat more than I should. That was the point of the surgery in the first place right???? My doctor only does fills every 8 weeks and then he only does about 1cc at a time so I have a way to go before I get to full restriction. My 3rd fill isn't even until Dec. 13th. I feel your pain! I guess all we can do is hang in there until we get to restriction land! Good luck!

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If you burn more calories than you eat you WILL lose weight - it really is that simple, so look at what you are eating, it must be more than 1000 - 1200 calories a day - be real with yourself, even if you were at full restriction you would consume about 800 calories a day - so if you are having 1000s calories a day now you would still only lose 1 lb every 16 days with full restriction!! The average person uses over 2000 calories a day just living, so if you can stick with 800 cals a day and you exercise to 500 cals a day you would lose 3 lbs a week - dieting isn't rocket science, either eat less, move more or do both and you will lose weight, if I was your doctor he won't think you are some medical miracle - he will know that you haven't been following the program as you should have been or you would have lost at least 16lb in last two months!!!!!!!

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Actually if I eat too few calories I do not lose weight. 1000-1200 has been a successful range for me in the past. I'm cooking out of a couple of WLS cookbooks only, and if I don't cook it then I'm having Protein shakes and lowfat cheese sticks or ff greek yogurt. Water or crystal light. Slowly getting back into working out after a bout with 3 slipped discs so I've been pretty stationary for a few weeks which I know hasn't helped weight loss.

Protein shake for Breakfast


200-250 cal lunch

cheesestick or yogurt

250 cal dinner

cheesestick or yogurt

Protein Shake

That's my day. Grr. I know I will get there, but it's frustrating. Fill in a couple of hours and I hope it helps.

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I have lost and gained the same 3 lbs since my 1st fill in the end of September. Of course I'm due for TOM in 4 days so I can already feel the bloating. Is it ridiculous that I'm worried I'll "get in trouble" for not losing when I go in tomorrow? The thought of being scolded my the dr. makes me cringe. I've quit doctors for that kind of thing, and I really like this group!

I haven't been 100%. I've been eating more than I should. Not necessarily "bad" foods, just too much. We do have pizza once or twice a month, and I make sure to order it with half veggies so I can have 1 slice that's loaded with veggies. But 3 meals a day at 1 cup each isn't holding me, and even a lowfat cheesestick or fat free greek yogurt between meals doesn't make me get through. I am worried that my split sleep schedule is making the recommended meal times unrealistic for me.

I'm up at 4am and at work by 5am. Have breakfast when I get to work at 5am. So by 8 or 9 am I am really hungry. I have a cheese stick. Then an hour or 2 later I'm really hungry- loudly gurgling and feeling sick to my stomach from the hunger again. If I drink a big glass of Water when I'm feeling like that it actually makes the feeling worse, after 5 minutes I'm twice as hungry as I was before. So lunch at about 10am. Home at 1pm, snack of another cheese stick or 1/2 cup of chili or something like that. Nap until 5pm. dinner with the family around 6 or 630. Then by 9 I'm super hungry again. I'm about cheese sticked out. I'm up until midnight so I've got to have a little something or I toss and turn and don't get sleep because of the gurgling stomach/nausea from hunger.

I'm getting 1000 - 1200 cal/day. Drinking my Water. Just hungry. And if I let myself get too hungry it's so easy to eat too fast or not chew enough and then ouch.

so I've been going down and up and down and up by the same 3 stinking pounds. I've got to re-vamp the way I'm doing something, just not sure how to exactly. Anyone else have a ridiculous schedule that can share advice with me?

I understand exactly what you are saying about the stomach ..I start my day early too..SOmething that I don't see you doing is a Protein shake. Maybe you didn't say. My nutrionist told me...always a Protein shake..and get creative with adding things--such as a lil peanut butter-- using milk. The other thing that she told me that has just made me a very happy person is fruit. I was not a huge fruit eatter before my band but now -- I have a new found love for apples. She explained that the more Fiber I put into my diet the less I will need fills..and it will help with losing weight.

I am about 12 weeks post -op and have cut back on my Protein Shake to once a day...add a banana, ff milk and tsp of Peanut Butter...it really makes me feel fuller then a yogurt. If I am having a second one because I am famished..which has only happened just a few times...I leave out the banana and milk...to cut calories...that is the only thing with them they are important but can be very caloric - GOOD LUCK

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If you burn more calories than you eat you WILL lose weight - it really is that simple, so look at what you are eating, it must be more than 1000 - 1200 calories a day - be real with yourself, even if you were at full restriction you would consume about 800 calories a day - so if you are having 1000s calories a day now you would still only lose 1 lb every 16 days with full restriction!! The average person uses over 2000 calories a day just living, so if you can stick with 800 cals a day and you exercise to 500 cals a day you would lose 3 lbs a week - dieting isn't rocket science, either eat less, move more or do both and you will lose weight, if I was your doctor he won't think you are some medical miracle - he will know that you haven't been following the program as you should have been or you would have lost at least 16lb in last two months!!!!!!!

Well hell! If it were as easy as that, then EVERYONE would be able to track EXACTLY how much weight they should lose and have it EXACT every single time...not that simple. How then is it possible for people to be on liquid diets for the first couple of weeks then suddenly stall out and not lose another pound even though they still are only on liquids? It happens and I can guarantee you that many people on this forum can tell you that this happened to them without shoving chocolate cake down their throats when no one was looking. I'm one of them...

Losing weight is more than just the numbers game or an exact science or you wouldn't have plateaus. I can tell you right now I track ALL of my calories including GUM and chewable Vitamins (ranging anywhere from 900-1600) and work out EVERY SINGLE DAY usually twice a day (once in the morning with a WII advanced step for 30 minutes- then in the afternoon after work at the gym for 45 minutes to an hour on the elliptical trainer or bike plus weight lifting for another 15 minutes or so.) The result? I have lost and gained the same 2-3 pounds since my last fill. Is it possible that I'm sabotaging myself by not eating ENOUGH calories to cover my workouts? Sure it's possible....but by what you are saying with taking in less calories than I am exerting, I should be dropping a ton of weight..and I'm just not.

By the way....yes, I'm frustrated with it... but all I can do is keep trying to figure out what will work for MY own individual body..whatever it may be and that is ok... I'll find it one day!

My point of this rant was that it really makes me angry when people post with the attitude like everyone MUST be cheating if you aren't seeing the numbers...or with the "it's not rocket science" theory...like if you aren't losing the weight you are stupid or something.... some of us just aren't seeing the pounds come off no matter what we do.

Ok..sorry...rant mode off... carry on everyone... :thumbup:

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yes, I'm frustrated with it... but all I can do is keep trying to figure out what will work for MY own individual body..whatever it may be and that is ok... I'll find it one day!

My point of this rant was that it really makes me angry when people post with the attitude like everyone MUST be cheating if you aren't seeing the numbers...or with the "it's not rocket science" theory...like if you aren't losing the weight you are stupid or something.... some of us just aren't seeing the pounds come off no matter what we do.

Exactly, I am glad you said that (in a nutshell) we all have to find what works for our own bodies and situations! If it was that simple many of us would have not needed the lapband tool!

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Well hell! If it were as easy as that, then EVERYONE would be able to track EXACTLY how much weight they should lose and have it EXACT every single time...not that simple. How then is it possible for people to be on liquid diets for the first couple of weeks then suddenly stall out and not lose another pound even though they still are only on liquids? It happens and I can guarantee you that many people on this forum can tell you that this happened to them without shoving chocolate cake down their throats when no one was looking. I'm one of them...

Losing weight is more than just the numbers game or an exact science or you wouldn't have plateaus. I can tell you right now I track ALL of my calories including GUM and chewable Vitamins (ranging anywhere from 900-1600) and work out EVERY SINGLE DAY usually twice a day (once in the morning with a WII advanced step for 30 minutes- then in the afternoon after work at the gym for 45 minutes to an hour on the elliptical trainer or bike plus weight lifting for another 15 minutes or so.) The result? I have lost and gained the same 2-3 pounds since my last fill. Is it possible that I'm sabotaging myself by not eating ENOUGH calories to cover my workouts? Sure it's possible....but by what you are saying with taking in less calories than I am exerting, I should be dropping a ton of weight..and I'm just not.

By the way....yes, I'm frustrated with it... but all I can do is keep trying to figure out what will work for MY own individual body..whatever it may be and that is ok... I'll find it one day!

My point of this rant was that it really makes me angry when people post with the attitude like everyone MUST be cheating if you aren't seeing the numbers...or with the "it's not rocket science" theory...like if you aren't losing the weight you are stupid or something.... some of us just aren't seeing the pounds come off no matter what we do.

Ok..sorry...rant mode off... carry on everyone... :(

Good For you!!! I do think ..you are right you are not taking in enough for your workout day. Besides the doctor...I would consider..talking to your nutrionists...sometimes its as simple as fiber...also consider a Protein shake when you work out. Good LUCK!!!:thumbup:

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Good For you!!! I do think ..you are right you are not taking in enough for your workout day. Besides the doctor...I would consider..talking to your nutrionists...sometimes its as simple as Fiber...also consider a Protein shake when you work out. Good LUCK!!!:thumbup:

You know what? You just might be right! Now that I think about it...I used to eat WAY more fruits and vegetables and got a ton of Fiber through wheat and high fiber breads etc. Since I cut out breads and don't get nearly as much of the fruits and veggies....I KNOW I don't get enough fiber. I wonder if that could make a difference. Thanks so much for that! I think I've tried so many other things...I think it would be good for me to up my fiber and see if that helps

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You can only put on weight over a period of time if you have consumed more than you have burnt off - thats a fact - weight can fluctuate day to day and that will be down to Water retention etc but not over a long period of time - so be real with yourself and get on the program!! - you cant cheat yourself in the long run

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I'm in the same boat. I have had one fill since banding on 10/2 and have been at a standstill for several weeks. I am exercising and eating less than 1000cals a day. I will have fill #2 next week. Hope it helps with the hunger. chocolate cake with a bacon garnish sounds good right about now.

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You can only put on weight over a period of time if you have consumed more than you have burnt off - thats a fact - weight can fluctuate day to day and that will be down to Water retention etc but not over a long period of time - so be real with yourself and get on the program!! - you cant cheat yourself in the long run

Just curious, since you seem to be a "weight loss expert", how much have you lost so far following "the program"? When were you banded? Sounds like after being banded, you have been pretty lucky and haven't experienced the plateauing problem that so many of us have until getting a few fills. Good for you! Maybe you can share some of your banding story with us and how you were able to not experience the same things that so many of us have right after that liquids phase is done! :rolleyes2:

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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