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November 2010 Bandsters - post op

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I haven't seen new threads here in quite a while - nor have I posted. That is, I suppose, partly because I haven't had a lot to post about! Ten months past surgery, I have been mostly 'stuck' at a 35 lb. loss. I go to my doctor monthly and (with the exception of one month) we've been in this tweaking process, where I get a 1/2cc fill or skip a month to see how it goes. Last week I got another 1/2cc, and am now at 8.5 cc's. I have to be very careful of what I eat and mindful of how I eat, although this is a good thing - paying attention is something that all of us probably can benefit from. I would love to hear from those who have hit the "sweet spot" that I keep hearing about. Is this it? Does the sweet spot mean that sometimes food gets stuck and you feel uncomfortable but that, mostly, you find that you are able to eat modest amounts and lose steadily?

What have you not been able to tolerate? My "no thank you list" currently contains maki sushi (the rolled kind) and most Chinese food - which is either too stringy (mushi) or tough (orange beef, for instance) for me to be happy with...also I've heard that rice, in general, is difficult to deal with.

I'd love to hear from more of you as to how you are doing and what your experiences have been.

Best to all,

Deb WS


I tell you, there is nothing sweet about a stuck episode - so in answer to your question, no, that is not the sweet spot. The sweet spot is when you eat just enough, then have the sensation of satiety or being satisfied for a few hrs. Being stuck generally occurs (as in my case) when you dont chew thoroughly, eat too fast or you eat something that doesnt agree with the band. It will get stuck in the stoma area (above the band) and then backs up (oh the pain)! This is the reason we're told not to sit in front of TV because we wont pay enough attention to chewing. I have lost 50 lbs since Nov 22 and should be further along, but have been distracted. If I exercise discipline, then I can progress because though I am tight, emotionally I still want to eat. At this point its all abt discipline for me. I have clinic tomorrow and will share myndownfalls so I can get back on track. I dont need another fill or I may get stuck all the time because it will be too tight.

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Topazz, just read your post, you have inspired me! Im at 215. Gained 3 lbs. Looking forward to getting under 200 as Im sure we're all looking forward too. Staying in touch is so helpful to me. Nov 2010 group, can we do that? We really do need each other!! We have been on the same journey so it would be cool for us to keep track of each other until we reach our goal. Then we can help others reach theirs!

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JaGo, count me in!! We do need the support!! And I need all the encouragement I can get!! Do you guys go to support groups? My dr. runs one every month. I can never go though, since hubs works evenings, and I have no one to watch my son. So I am doing this solo!! Not sure how I inspired you, but hey, I'm glad to help!!

G Rose, you went to Dr. Geiss too, right? When is your next appt? I have mine on 9/30. Maybe we'll bump into each other one day!! LOL!!

I looked at your tickers, and it seems like we are all doing great!! I guess now is the plateau for all of us, and it is hitting us physically and mentally! I get so frustrated not watching that scale move!! I figure, "What's the point if I am not losing weight?" Then I jump on the Oreo wagon, and feel so guilty!!

One thing I have learned is that I learned not to deny myself. If I want a cookie or a piece of chocolate, I have it. Otherwise, I'll eat everything else around it and and end up eating it in the end. I find chocolate covered raisins and cocoa almonds help curb my sweet cravings.

Anyway, I'm glad we are back in touch, and hope others join us!!

Have a great night!

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JaGo, count me in!! We do need the support!! And I need all the encouragement I can get!! Do you guys go to support groups? My dr. runs one every month. I can never go though, since hubs works evenings, and I have no one to watch my son. So I am doing this solo!! Not sure how I inspired you, but hey, I'm glad to help!!

G Rose, you went to Dr. Geiss too, right? When is your next appt? I have mine on 9/30. Maybe we'll bump into each other one day!! LOL!!

I looked at your tickers, and it seems like we are all doing great!! I guess now is the plateau for all of us, and it is hitting us physically and mentally! I get so frustrated not watching that scale move!! I figure, "What's the point if I am not losing weight?" Then I jump on the Oreo wagon, and feel so guilty!!

One thing I have learned is that I learned not to deny myself. If I want a cookie or a piece of chocolate, I have it. Otherwise, I'll eat everything else around it and and end up eating it in the end. I find chocolate covered raisins and cocoa almonds help curb my sweet cravings.

Anyway, I'm glad we are back in touch, and hope others join us!!

Have a great night!

Hi Topazz,

I have an appt with Dr Geiss's office on Thursday.

I have been struggling with too-loose and too-tight bands. I can't seem to fnd my sweet spot. I should probably go to a support group but I just have so little time and energy. And I really dislike eating slowly and in tiny pieces, so that's been hard for me too, but I'm getting better about it!

I just need to keep going. I'm just disappointed because I thought I'd've lost more weight by now. But hell, let's kick some butt, November bandsters!

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Seems like a lot of us banded on 11/2010 are experiencing slow weight loss. I'm at that point too... I'm about 6 lbs from being under 200 lbs. I haven't been under 200 since the early 1990's.

I myself I plan on hitting the gym pretty hard for the remainder of the year. I just have a goal of looking really spectacular for the holidays.

Let's starting moving y'all!!

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Thanks, Jeannette, for this and to all of you who have posted as well: (more commentary/thoughts below quote):

Seems like a lot of us banded on 11/2010 are experiencing slow weight loss. I'm at that point too... I'm about 6 lbs from being under 200 lbs. I haven't been under 200 since the early 1990's.

I myself I plan on hitting the gym pretty hard for the remainder of the year. I just have a goal of looking really spectacular for the holidays.

Let's starting moving y'all!!

I am struck by the fact that a number of us talk about being stuck and yet we have all lost weight...in a number of cases, lots of it...just not as much as we had hoped. This is certainly true for me, too. I feel much better, I look much better. I just wish that I were able to move forward, and that is the challenge. But to be clear: through all of this there has not been one moment -- not even one -- where I regret my decision or have wondered if it was the right thing to do. That, to me, is proof enough that this is a great thing.

What I do keep trying for, though, is the sweet spot moment of just enough/not too much. And that is what has been a struggle, and an unfolding process. Since my last 1/2cc fill, I am finding that it's taking much less to satisfy me. I also find that I really don't want to drink much with a meal -- and that I do want to always have something to drink with me during my day. These are definite changes. I'm also experiencing less hunger throughout the day. And so I am hopeful that finally the sweet spot may have been achieved. (I will say that having a colonoscopy during this last week has also helped...in that I had to be on a clear liquid only diet for a day, then nothing for much of another day. That refocuses things pretty quickly)!

I hope more of you will write as we share where we are right now!


Deb WS

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I agree with you Deb. Yes it's slow moving but progress is still progress nonetheless and that's what we need to hold on to.

Like you, i'm finding that everything I've learned about living with LapBand is being put into practice within the last 2 months. I eat slower, take smaller bites and try my best not to drink with meals.

I know my trigger foods that will make me stuck (bye bye Buffalo Wings and Texas Toast!).

Thanks, Jeannette, for this and to all of you who have posted as well: (more commentary/thoughts below quote):

I am struck by the fact that a number of us talk about being stuck and yet we have all lost weight...in a number of cases, lots of it...just not as much as we had hoped. This is certainly true for me, too. I feel much better, I look much better. I just wish that I were able to move forward, and that is the challenge. But to be clear: through all of this there has not been one moment -- not even one -- where I regret my decision or have wondered if it was the right thing to do. That, to me, is proof enough that this is a great thing.

What I do keep trying for, though, is the sweet spot moment of just enough/not too much. And that is what has been a struggle, and an unfolding process. Since my last 1/2cc fill, I am finding that it's taking much less to satisfy me. I also find that I really don't want to drink much with a meal -- and that I do want to always have something to drink with me during my day. These are definite changes. I'm also experiencing less hunger throughout the day. And so I am hopeful that finally the sweet spot may have been achieved. (I will say that having a colonoscopy during this last week has also helped...in that I had to be on a clear liquid only diet for a day, then nothing for much of another day. That refocuses things pretty quickly)!

I hope more of you will write as we share where we are right now!


Deb WS

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I haven't seen new threads here in quite a while - nor have I posted. That is, I suppose, partly because I haven't had a lot to post about! Ten months past surgery, I have been mostly 'stuck' at a 35 lb. loss. I go to my doctor monthly and (with the exception of one month) we've been in this tweaking process, where I get a 1/2cc fill or skip a month to see how it goes. Last week I got another 1/2cc, and am now at 8.5 cc's. I have to be very careful of what I eat and mindful of how I eat, although this is a good thing - paying attention is something that all of us probably can benefit from. I would love to hear from those who have hit the "sweet spot" that I keep hearing about. Is this it? Does the sweet spot mean that sometimes food gets stuck and you feel uncomfortable but that, mostly, you find that you are able to eat modest amounts and lose steadily?

What have you not been able to tolerate? My "no thank you list" currently contains maki sushi (the rolled kind) and most Chinese food - which is either too stringy (mushi) or tough (orange beef, for instance) for me to be happy with...also I've heard that rice, in general, is difficult to deal with.

I'd love to hear from more of you as to how you are doing and what your experiences have been.

Best to all,

Deb WS


Hey Deb and Nov Bandsters,

I am down 72 lbs since surgery last October 27th. I have been stuck in the 170's for months, dropped a few lbs last 2 weeks. I had a little mishap exercising and tore some cartlidge in my knee and am in PT now trying to recover. I have not had a fill since Feb or Mar of this year. I am pretty much at my sweet spot and can eat pretty much anything. I eat around 1100 to 1200 calories a day, when I was exercising I tried to eat aound 1340 to account for the exercise. I lost 13 inches during exercise and am in a size 12 from my original size 24. I track my food daily on myfitnesspal.com and work hard to stay focused. I have gotten stuck in my progress off and on but have either increased activity or went back to monitoring my intake and writing everything down. I still have 30 lbs to lose to goal, I will get there eventually but it is slow going for now. I do most of my writing on the lap band blog now. Just keep working at it, it takes time and we are all going to experience slow periods along the way.

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Hello everyone!!!!! I must say my weight loss is slow!! But I have not had a fill yet I was band on 22 of Nov!!! I am so happy the nov bandster or coming to support each other:)

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After my clinic appt on Friday, I was told (and have been told before) by them that statistically, losing 40-50 lbs within a year is considered the norm and very successful, and that any more than that within a year is a bonus. Though that's encouraging, I had a personal goal for 100 lbs in a year. I'm thinking now that I may have shot too high - in that case I will revise my goal so that I am not fretting over losing original goal weight within a year. I will continue, however, until that goal is reached. By being too hard on ourselves, can sometimes bring disappointment (and maybe even emotional or stress eating - it has in my case) so let's not do that to ourselves. It feels good knowing that you all are still out there and willing to continue dialogue about this fantastic journey that we are all on together!! May God continue to bless us all!! :)

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I was banded in december and i have lost 72 lbs total and 51 since surgery. I have felt really stressed lately and have seen no one from dec so i am joining you guys band wagon!:) I feel the same as alot of u I had wanted to reach 100lbs in the first year but i realize that may not happen. I have started doing yoga and that has helped. But i too am struggling with wondering if i am too tight or just right. I am due to go back but have not. I get things stuck alot more than i used to but it is almost always my fault ie eating too fast and the wrong things. Lets hang in there we all have lost and more than we probably ould have without the tool. I keeo remebering looking at charts and 18months out most people with the band level out with those with gastric so I am just hoping I start loosing faster agian.

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Interesting...I don't recall hearing the stories I am hearing in this thread prior to surgery. I am in the same situation as those that have been posting; lost 50lb and hit a plateau. In my case, my doc said 3 months to my next appointment (from Apr to July) and then I had to reschedule to September, so I went 4 or 5 months without seeing the doc. During that time, I actually gained 6 lbs but even worse were the eating habits I re-developed.

So, two weeks ago, I had an appointment. Doc wasn't thrilled about having gained (neither was I !). I got a fill from 8 to 8.5. I've since lost the 6 lbs and am doing OK. I'm going to see the doc more often, cause I'd like to finish what I've started. Like everyone has said - small bites and chew-chew-chew!

I'll stay in touch.

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I was banded in december and i have lost 72 lbs total and 51 since surgery. I have felt really stressed lately and have seen no one from dec so i am joining you guys band wagon!:) I feel the same as alot of u I had wanted to reach 100lbs in the first year but i realize that may not happen. I have started doing yoga and that has helped. But i too am struggling with wondering if i am too tight or just right. I am due to go back but have not. I get things stuck alot more than i used to but it is almost always my fault ie eating too fast and the wrong things. Lets hang in there we all have lost and more than we probably ould have without the tool. I keeo remebering looking at charts and 18months out most people with the band level out with those with gastric so I am just hoping I start loosing faster agian.

Welcome!!!!!! Happy to have u here :lol:

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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