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November 2010 Bandsters - post op

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Okay- I have been posting but I dont know where they are! I was banded on Nov 11th ( i think the same as topazz) but I dont feel as great. I stayed a little longer in hospital because or extreme nauseous and pain. when I got home the next day I hurt but not that bad. On Saturday I hurt like a truck had hit me. I called my doctor and he gave me a new med for nauseous and the pain. The throwing up is much better. BUT, OMG the pain in my stomach and chest and left shoulder is so BAD! My chest and shoulder are like throbbing ridiculous. I dont know if I should call my surgeon again to tell him these pain meds are not working!!!! My shoulder is just simply killing me! I have not slept good since at least Saturday. Im drained. I'm noy hungry and I have to sometimes remind myself to keep drinking all my fluids. I guess because I hurt I'm starting to get depressed in a way. My incisions dont hurt that bad (honestly) its the GAS PAINS from hell. I have tried Gas-X, heating pad walking around like I'm crazy. Last nite I walked to my mailbox in the front of my developement just to try and clear my head and didnt even get my mail! I dont want to be a problem patient (especially when I work in the medical field) but something has got to give. The pain is discouraging me even when people have said they can see that I am losing. I dont know what to do. Can anybody give me any suggestions??? Do you think my dr will be mad if I tell him this med isnt working either.??? This pain is really getting to me and I dont know what to do? Please some one give me their thoughts.Does anyone out there have this much pain after surgery that is still there, and if you do how did you fix it? I'm open for anything. It does feel good to hear the compliments ( i'd be lying if I said it didnt) I just need to get to a place I can be comfortable. Thx in advance for any responses. ;)

I really must have been lucky. I only took my Pain meds for 4 days. But then again I do have a High Pain Tolerance. Had to baby's without any Pain meds. Now I will say that when the Gas went to my Shoulder, that hurt really, really bad, but it only lasted for like 3 days. Since I had to go back to work, I didn't take anything for that since I would not be able to drive if I was still taking the pain meds. I am not sure what you can do about the pain. I just walked, and walked some more, and things got better for me each day. Today, 13 days out, I have No Pain except if I wear a pair of jeans. For some reason even though my jeans fit, when I sit down it hurts on my big incision. Good luck with your figuring out why you have so much pain, I hope your doctor can give you something to help soon.

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Brownsugar and others...

I think walking and taking Gas X are the two best things, along with drinking your Protein and Water, that you can do. The walking may hurt but it will help clear the gas that is in your body...and your head. Take your pain meds, but walk as much as possible.


Deb WS

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A brief update:

I had my (almost) 2-week post-surgery checkup today, and it went swimmingly. I go back in 4 weeks, at which time the surgeon will probably do the first fill.

I then saw the nutritionist and had another great meeting and am now cleared to move to the phase 3 diet, which is mushy soft stuff. It will feel like an 8 course banquet, in teensy amounts!

I have a call in to the physician assistants in my practice to find out when I can return to my yoga practice, and when I can start working with a personal trainer.

I am quite cheered by all this - small steps, but important ones!


Deb WS


Surgeon: Dr. Malcolm Robinson

Brigham and Womens Hospital

Banded Nov. 3, 2010

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Congrats to all this week's bandsters! Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. It really is great to read everyone's stories. It really helps knowing what is to come. I have had 5 lap. surgery's done over the past 10 years, due to female issues. I know how that pain can feel, but I am not looking forward to it. I have never been able to have surgery on an out patient basis, so I think that has me most worried. From reading everyone's posts, it looks like you all stayed overnight. Is anyone here have there surgery and leave the same day? If so, how long where you there?

I was banded on 11/10/10 at an outpatient surgery center. Went in at 10am and was in the car headed home by 3pm. I am still having quite a bit of gas pains and cannot get in enough fluids....but hopefully with time the swelling will go down.;)

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So what is everyone eating at this point? Im 4 (or 5 depending upon how you look at it) and Ive only managed 10oz of Tomato Soup (split over 2 servings) half a protien shake, and a sugar free pudding cup (shared with my 1 year old). I dont have restriction (other than the swelling) so I feel like i should be able to get down more the the shake, but after about half a cup Im done with it, mainly because I dont feel like I need more to satisfy me. I go back for my 1 week check up tomorrow, so we'll see what the surgeon says. They used durabond on my instead of stitches/staples, and its starting to itch, so lets hope they have some helpful ideas to stop that.

I was banded on the same day and still at 6 days po cannot really take in more than 4oz of liquid in an hour. A 8oz portein shake takes me a good 2 hours to finish. I am hoping that I will be able to take in more soon, but am feeling really tired and not getting enough Protein. My PA says that this is normal and not to worry. I am a big baby and have already gone through my pain meds and am still in a bit of pain when I walk..........but am losing weight soooo.......that's the goal right?

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I was banded Nov 2nd. Everything with the surgery went just fine and I was in very little pain in fact I was off of pain meds the second day after surgery.

The only real issue I had was about three days post op I let myself get dehydrated because I was just not thirsty but I quickly corrected that.

The only other issue I have is that I started out with a lot of restriction and it was really hard for me to drink anything but now 14 days in I have very little restriction which is really strange because I can eat some things and they stay with me for hour and I can eat other things and they pass right through me. I will admit that I should be on mushy stuff but I have sneaked and had a small piece of bbq chicken(as in smaller than a dime in size) and it seems to have went down and I have tested a few other solid foods with no issues but I have not really pushed anything.

I go to my post op follow up so the DR can see how I have been doing and I will be honest with him about the things I have ate and I am hoping to get cleared for solid foods lol and I also cant wait for my first fill so I can really start losing the weight.

I started my journey at 601lbs and I plan on ending my journey at 250lbs but that was not my goal. My goal is to be able to ride roller coasters with the person I love.;)

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I'm feeling panicky and depressed looking at everyone else's weight loss tickers. I've lost maybe 10 pounds after 3.5 weeks of shakes, whereas many of the rest of you have lost more than twice that! Why am I not losing weight faster? I feel like cutting down on my shakes.

Plus, I'm just so TIRED of those everloving shakes. Last night I sneaked a slice of roast beef (thin, deli cut) off my husband's leftover sandwich and God it tasted good. I think I'm anemic or something.

I just feel down and like this is yet another failure for me to control my weight again.

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I'm feeling panicky and depressed looking at everyone else's weight loss tickers. I've lost maybe 10 pounds after 3.5 weeks of shakes, whereas many of the rest of you have lost more than twice that! Why am I not losing weight faster? I feel like cutting down on my shakes.

Plus, I'm just so TIRED of those everloving shakes. Last night I sneaked a slice of roast beef (thin, deli cut) off my husband's leftover sandwich and God it tasted good. I think I'm anemic or something.

I just feel down and like this is yet another failure for me to control my weight again.

I know the feeling. I had to do 2 weeks of the shakes pre op and I passed out 5 times so the Dr changed me to one low carb meal a day and that helped a lot. My problem now is now that I am post op I think I may have goofed up. I had a piece of beef fajitas a really small piece and I chewed it until it was mush and I think it irritated my stomach so I am going back to full liquids and mushy stuff until I start feeling better. I know nothing is blocked and I can drink liquids just find I just dont want to screw anything up.

I would also not worry about the weight loss. Once you have your fill and they find your sweet spot you will lose weight. ;)

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Just had my surgery yesterday. Came home in the early evening, and was soooo out of it. The shoulder pain was by far the worst. I've been taking the liquid Lortab every 4 hours, and it is definitely helping. I hate being propped up though. Trying to walk around frequently to relieve any gas build up. Having a hard time getting liquids/shakes down at all. I HAVE to make a conscious effort - don't want to get dehydrated or have digestive issues. Anyone experiencing pain in the bellybutton? Weird- I know. I also just washed my binder, and it's drying in the sun......feels good to have it off for a bit. I just wanted it to be fresh and clean. Any showers yet?

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Just had my surgery yesterday. Came home in the early evening, and was soooo out of it. The shoulder pain was by far the worst. I've been taking the liquid Lortab every 4 hours, and it is definitely helping. I hate being propped up though. Trying to walk around frequently to relieve any gas build up. Having a hard time getting liquids/shakes down at all. I HAVE to make a conscious effort - don't want to get dehydrated or have digestive issues. Anyone experiencing pain in the bellybutton? Weird- I know. I also just washed my binder, and it's drying in the sun......feels good to have it off for a bit. I just wanted it to be fresh and clean. Any showers yet?

Oh the first shower was wonderful even if I did not stay in it that long it was still great. ;)

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My paperwork doesn't have any restriction on how soon I can shower. It just says - showers only. Did anyone else shower soon afterwards?

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My paperwork doesn't have any restriction on how soon I can shower. It just says - showers only. Did anyone else shower soon afterwards?

I had to wait 24 hours but after that I was good atleast that is what my Dr said and no scrubbing the surgery area for a week

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Hi everyone. I had my surgery on November 1st and, for the most part, it went well. Nothing went wrong with the surgery it was my stay at the hospital. Found out the day after and right before my discharge that someone was to get me up every three hours around the clock to walk....that didnt happen and also I was having port pain real bad and was not offered pain meds...because the pain was not bad enough when I was laying down or just sitting still. I ended up with lots of gas and still had port pain. Not kidding you, the pain was unbearable at times. Was told that in some people the port pain happens. Today Im back to work, Im on pureed foods now and doing just fine. I have no restriction yet. My first fill is scheduled for Dec 1st. Im so sorry to be the bearer of the port pain news, but it is possible and it does pass. Good luck to everyone with your journey to a healthier you.

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My paperwork doesn't have any restriction on how soon I can shower. It just says - showers only. Did anyone else shower soon afterwards?

i showered the day after surgery and everything was fine. I was not to bathe for the first few days.

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I am new to this site but I have been following it for a while. I was banded on November 12th so I am 4 days post op and I have had some ups and downs since the surgery. One main one being the fact that I went back to work on Monday 5 hours (day 3 post op) and I really wish I hadn't because I haven't been able to rest properly since. Even though I worked at my desk, I was miserable from gas pain all day. Anyway going back to my surgery day,I arrived at the hosp at 540am for my 730a surgery. All went well and I was back in my hosp room by 1100a. The nurses gave me morphine and toradol for pain and pepcid for my stomach. They also gave me blood thinners as a shot in my arm (that burned pretty bad but I survived) I really didn't have much pain in my incisions (I have 5) except the port site. That was the one with the most pain. I stayed over night. The next morning they did an xray (I swallowed the white chalky stuff, not as bad as I thought) LOL its like mylanta without the flavor. Anyway all was ok I was given liquids for lunch broth (it was horrid, I really think it was dish water) apple juice, 2 popsicles, and tea. I was so happy to see lunch I dove in but didn't realize that I had just had surgery and that my stomach was still sore. OMG it hurt so bad to swallow (as the liquid went down my esophagus). I immediately called the nurse for pain meds. So make sure you take it sloooow when u have that first liquid meal post op. Anyway I have not had any nausea since right after surgery, which Is great I hadn't had any shoulder pain since right after surgery either, BUT it came back yesterday and has been with me since. As well as the gas pains from HELL. Nothing helps, walking, moving, gas-x, nothing. I feel like I am going to float away. It also keeps me from taking in all the liquids that I need to cuz I'm so bloated. I did take liquid tylenol and It did help slightly with the pain today. But only briefly. I'm only working half days so I sit an watch the clock. I wish I had taken a week off work but as my luck always has it, I took a vacation at the end of october and I found out DURING my vacation that my surgery date was NOV 12th. What luck. I had no idea I would be approved so fast. I was thinking it would be after the holidays. So I really couldn't take several more days off. Oh well I'm surving. I love this forum, you guys seem so warm and friendly and we all have something in common! Thanks for listening to my rant and good luck to you all. Just take it one day at a time!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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