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November 2010 Bandsters - post op

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I have screwed up royally and need some encouragement to get back on track. I was banded Fri, Nov 5. I am now 9 days post op and I am already starting to eat everything in sight. The first 2 days I could not eat anything. I barely drank Water. By day 3, I was starving. I am supposed to be on a pureed diet on weeks 1/2, soft foods weeks 3/4 & regular foods by week 5. Well it all started on day 3 post op. I got hungry and ended up eating some KFC mashed potatoes and gravy. It hit the spot. Next morning I ended up eating one scrambled egg and I ate some more mashed potatoes with pureed chili. Was hungry not too long after I ate it. On day 7 I went to Super salad and ate lettuce, ham, cheese and egg drenched in low cal ranch and a slice of cantaloupe. All this while taking little sips of Water. I felt like my stomach was about to burst but I was satisfied. Yesterday I was aout and about with my daughter all day and I had a baked potatoe and chili from wendy's for lunch and some flounder with mashed potatoes from red lobster. This morning I ate a ham, fat free cheddar cheese omelet. I had lost 10 lbs since surgery day and I gained 5 right back just this weekend. I don't know what to do. I am constantly hungry and I don't know what to do! I am not even supposed to be eating regular food yet!!! While I am happy that my stomach has tolerated all this food this short after surgery, I am concerned with not allowing my stomach enough time to heal and the feeling of being hungry all the time is very unnerving. Any advice?

At 9 days I was on full liquids, Tomato Soup and Protein shakes. I would have the Soup and then a couple hours later have the Protein. This way I was "eating" every couple hours. Your stomach needs to heal; you could do yourself damage eating solids like this. The post op "diet" sucks but it's there for a reason. If necessary then add additional Protein Shakes since protein makes you feel satisfied longer. Having 1,000 calories of liquids is better for you at this time than 1,000 cal from solids.

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So what is everyone eating at this point? Im 4 (or 5 depending upon how you look at it) and Ive only managed 10oz of Tomato Soup (split over 2 servings) half a protien shake, and a sugar free pudding cup (shared with my 1 year old). I dont have restriction (other than the swelling) so I feel like i should be able to get down more the the shake, but after about half a cup Im done with it, mainly because I dont feel like I need more to satisfy me. I go back for my 1 week check up tomorrow, so we'll see what the surgeon says. They used durabond on my instead of stitches/staples, and its starting to itch, so lets hope they have some helpful ideas to stop that.

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I was banded the same day and feel the same way. There's no way I can get my 2 litters of Water down and my 60+ grams of protein! I managed to have a little less than 1 litter or water (diet gatoraid), half of a Protein Shake and have sipped on some split pea Soup throughout the day. I find it actually hard to distinguish between being hungry and having stomach sensitivities due to healing. I then think to eat and often feel better. I'm still so dehydrated. I can tell that everyday is getting better and I'm becoming more used to my new stomach. Good luck!

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So what is everyone eating at this point? Im 4 (or 5 depending upon how you look at it) and Ive only managed 10oz of Tomato Soup (split over 2 servings) half a protien shake, and a sugar free pudding cup (shared with my 1 year old). I dont have restriction (other than the swelling) so I feel like i should be able to get down more the the shake, but after about half a cup Im done with it, mainly because I dont feel like I need more to satisfy me. I go back for my 1 week check up tomorrow, so we'll see what the surgeon says. They used durabond on my instead of stitches/staples, and its starting to itch, so lets hope they have some helpful ideas to stop that.

Mine is a little red and itching as well but the doctor told me its healing and thats the reason its iching. I need to call tomorrow and ask if I can put triple strength antibiotic ointment on it.

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I am day 4 post-op and forthe first time I was hungry last night. My 2 week liquid diet consists of 4 Protein shakes, a Soup, pudding and yogurt. Yesterday during the day, I was hungry and only had 3 shakes, soup and a pudding. But in the middle of the night, I was starving!! Today I will make sure to have all of my required intake and drink more water! I generally do drink al ot of Water, but have not since I have been feeling full.

Today I am also going to have chicken soup with pureed noodles, so that will hopefully make me feel fuller.

I am nervous that I will not have enough discipline to train myself to eat the right foods. But I have lost 20 lbs already, and that is keeping me going!

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I have screwed up royally and need some encouragement to get back on track. I was banded Fri, Nov 5. I am now 9 days post op and I am already starting to eat everything in sight. The first 2 days I could not eat anything. I barely drank Water. By day 3, I was starving. I am supposed to be on a pureed diet on weeks 1/2, soft foods weeks 3/4 & regular foods by week 5. Well it all started on day 3 post op. I got hungry and ended up eating some KFC mashed potatoes and gravy. It hit the spot. Next morning I ended up eating one scrambled egg and I ate some more mashed potatoes with pureed chili. Was hungry not too long after I ate it. On day 7 I went to Super salad and ate lettuce, ham, cheese and egg drenched in low cal ranch and a slice of cantaloupe. All this while taking little sips of water. I felt like my stomach was about to burst but I was satisfied. Yesterday I was aout and about with my daughter all day and I had a baked potatoe and chili from wendy's for lunch and some flounder with mashed potatoes from red lobster. This morning I ate a ham, fat free cheddar cheese omelet. I had lost 10 lbs since surgery day and I gained 5 right back just this weekend. I don't know what to do. I am constantly hungry and I don't know what to do! I am not even supposed to be eating regular food yet!!! While I am happy that my stomach has tolerated all this food this short after surgery, I am concerned with not allowing my stomach enough time to heal and the feeling of being hungry all the time is very unnerving. Any advice?

I am going to be totally honest with you. If this were happening to me, I would immediately call the psychologist with whom I had the screening consult. You can really hurt yourself and completely defeat your surgery by doing this. You must understand that. Therefore, there must be something else you can't control here, and that needs to be dealt with. That is what I would do. I would also be honest with the doctor about what happened. If you can't do this, the band isn't going to be successful for you in the long run in any case- sounds like there are some issues for which a psych trained in eating issues could really help!

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Thought I would see if anyone out there is in my boat. I'm 6 days post surgery, and in more pain than ever. I really envy the people on here who reported only mild pain, who weren't taking pain meds, and who were up and driving and the like! There is no way I could do that. I am getting one mile of walking in (very slowly), and doing everything else right (liquids, protein- no problem at all getting the required amount in, tracking everything). No throwing up (I am a master at not throwing up, though!)

But the PAIN, ugh. It's the port, but also diffused all inside around the stomach area (not the short, sharp gas pains that dissipate quickly). This is really starting to stress me out and get me down. I can only take vicodin once a day or I get horrible rebound headaches, and that is only lightly touching the pain.

I see the doc on wed, and I will call today, but it just seems that I have a lot more pain from this than others on here. I'm very bruised, one of my incisions is still leaking a bit (but is not infected), so I'm wondering if the surgery didn't go as easily as it might have and I'm just more banged up inside than some. I think I had a hiatal hernia repaired, but I don't know for sure- Ill ask on wed. While my surgeon is good he is horrible about talking and I was too out of it to remember to ask.

Anyway.. anyone else in this boat? Any pain relievers other than vicodin/tylenol anyone is using (in the US) that work? I am definitely under-treating this pain and it is making me mental.

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Thought I would see if anyone out there is in my boat. I'm 6 days post surgery, and in more pain than ever. I really envy the people on here who reported only mild pain, who weren't taking pain meds, and who were up and driving and the like! There is no way I could do that. I am getting one mile of walking in (very slowly), and doing everything else right (liquids, protein- no problem at all getting the required amount in, tracking everything). No throwing up (I am a master at not throwing up, though!)

But the PAIN, ugh. It's the port, but also diffused all inside around the stomach area (not the short, sharp gas pains that dissipate quickly). This is really starting to stress me out and get me down. I can only take vicodin once a day or I get horrible rebound headaches, and that is only lightly touching the pain.

I see the doc on wed, and I will call today, but it just seems that I have a lot more pain from this than others on here. I'm very bruised, one of my incisions is still leaking a bit (but is not infected), so I'm wondering if the surgery didn't go as easily as it might have and I'm just more banged up inside than some. I think I had a hiatal hernia repaired, but I don't know for sure- Ill ask on wed. While my surgeon is good he is horrible about talking and I was too out of it to remember to ask.

Anyway.. anyone else in this boat? Any pain relievers other than vicodin/tylenol anyone is using (in the US) that work? I am definitely under-treating this pain and it is making me mental.

Today is my 12th day post-surgery (surgery on Nov. 3). I have not had the pain issues you mention...but I am still taking some pain medication. This morning I realized that I was very stiff (I have arthritis in one knee and one foot) and just generally 'achy.' (I had a busy weekend and feel like I'm fighting a cold, which is probably contributing to these feelings). I took 2 T. of liquid Tylenol, and it has helped. My pain medicine is Roxicet -- which is a form of oxycodone --and it has worked well for me. I took a dose last night, and it helped me to relax and sleep. I expect that I'm almost off the pain meds, but I'm not trying to 'tough it out' more than seems sensible.

It does sound to me like you might benefit from a call to your surgeon, however...just to check on the symptoms you are experiencing!

Deb WS


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Sometimes I have trouble at night, but I think thats because Ive worn myself out during the day. I still take a nap during the day after chasing around my 1 year old all morning, but Im okay with that. The pain meds are at night. It was weird because last night I wasnt going to take any, but when I laid down it felt like something was on my stomach (maybe it was my cat lol). But once I took the pain med i was relaxed enough to sleep through the night, and I got up with my daughter at 6:45 this morning, took her to daycare, and am up and ready to go to my first post op appointment.

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I had my surgery on 11-9-2010. Everything went really well and have had more pain today from sitting at work all day. I now know why they recommend 2 weeks off! Thanks to all of you who said you ate during your two weeks. I ate dinner every other night because I was getting headaches. I look at this as a life change and that I have eaten 36 years of McDonalds so I am ready for the life change.

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Thought I would see if anyone out there is in my boat. I'm 6 days post surgery, and in more pain than ever. I really envy the people on here who reported only mild pain, who weren't taking pain meds, and who were up and driving and the like! There is no way I could do that. I am getting one mile of walking in (very slowly), and doing everything else right (liquids, protein- no problem at all getting the required amount in, tracking everything). No throwing up (I am a master at not throwing up, though!)

But the PAIN, ugh. It's the port, but also diffused all inside around the stomach area (not the short, sharp gas pains that dissipate quickly). This is really starting to stress me out and get me down. I can only take vicodin once a day or I get horrible rebound headaches, and that is only lightly touching the pain.

I see the doc on wed, and I will call today, but it just seems that I have a lot more pain from this than others on here. I'm very bruised, one of my incisions is still leaking a bit (but is not infected), so I'm wondering if the surgery didn't go as easily as it might have and I'm just more banged up inside than some. I think I had a hiatal hernia repaired, but I don't know for sure- Ill ask on wed. While my surgeon is good he is horrible about talking and I was too out of it to remember to ask.

Anyway.. anyone else in this boat? Any pain relievers other than vicodin/tylenol anyone is using (in the US) that work? I am definitely under-treating this pain and it is making me mental.

I had surgery on Nov 1st & I definitely seemed to have more pain than others on here. I'm still on my pain medicine (liquid vicodin) once a day. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks post op & I just started feeling better yesterday. I'm still not able to take in the required amount of liquids but each day it gets better & better. Hang in there & keep in touch with your Dr. to make sure there isn't anything going on with your incisions. I never had any leaking so I would be a little concerned if you're still leaking after 6 days. Take Care & let us know how your appointment goes.

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Hi everyone! I am going in the am for my band! I am so ready! I must say after reading what everyone has been through it has actually helped calm me. I never thought I would say this put Bring on the gas strips! lol :thumbup:

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Okay- I have been posting but I dont know where they are! I was banded on Nov 11th ( i think the same as topazz) but I dont feel as great. I stayed a little longer in hospital because or extreme nauseous and pain. when I got home the next day I hurt but not that bad. On Saturday I hurt like a truck had hit me. I called my doctor and he gave me a new med for nauseous and the pain. The throwing up is much better. BUT, OMG the pain in my stomach and chest and left shoulder is so BAD! My chest and shoulder are like throbbing ridiculous. I dont know if I should call my surgeon again to tell him these pain meds are not working!!!! My shoulder is just simply killing me! I have not slept good since at least Saturday. Im drained. I'm noy hungry and I have to sometimes remind myself to keep drinking all my fluids. I guess because I hurt I'm starting to get depressed in a way. My incisions dont hurt that bad (honestly) its the GAS PAINS from hell. I have tried Gas-X, heating pad walking around like I'm crazy. Last nite I walked to my mailbox in the front of my developement just to try and clear my head and didnt even get my mail! I dont want to be a problem patient (especially when I work in the medical field) but something has got to give. The pain is discouraging me even when people have said they can see that I am losing. I dont know what to do. Can anybody give me any suggestions??? Do you think my dr will be mad if I tell him this med isnt working either.??? This pain is really getting to me and I dont know what to do? Please some one give me their thoughts.Does anyone out there have this much pain after surgery that is still there, and if you do how did you fix it? I'm open for anything. It does feel good to hear the compliments ( i'd be lying if I said it didnt) I just need to get to a place I can be comfortable. Thx in advance for any responses. ;)

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Thought I would see if anyone out there is in my boat. I'm 6 days post surgery, and in more pain than ever. I really envy the people on here who reported only mild pain, who weren't taking pain meds, and who were up and driving and the like! There is no way I could do that. I am getting one mile of walking in (very slowly), and doing everything else right (liquids, protein- no problem at all getting the required amount in, tracking everything). No throwing up (I am a master at not throwing up, though!)

But the PAIN, ugh. It's the port, but also diffused all inside around the stomach area (not the short, sharp gas pains that dissipate quickly). This is really starting to stress me out and get me down. I can only take vicodin once a day or I get horrible rebound headaches, and that is only lightly touching the pain.

I see the doc on wed, and I will call today, but it just seems that I have a lot more pain from this than others on here. I'm very bruised, one of my incisions is still leaking a bit (but is not infected), so I'm wondering if the surgery didn't go as easily as it might have and I'm just more banged up inside than some. I think I had a hiatal hernia repaired, but I don't know for sure- Ill ask on wed. While my surgeon is good he is horrible about talking and I was too out of it to remember to ask.

Anyway.. anyone else in this boat? Any pain relievers other than vicodin/tylenol anyone is using (in the US) that work? I am definitely under-treating this pain and it is making me mental.

Devo-Tee I feel your pain. I hurt more than when I came out the hospital. The gas pains are the worst and now that it is in my shoulder it hurts something fierce. I'm doing what I am supposed to be doing and the pains are still there. I'm at a loss on a solution. I guess I'm just venting! Sorry

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Okay- I have been posting but I dont know where they are! I was banded on Nov 11th ( i think the same as topazz) but I dont feel as great. I stayed a little longer in hospital because or extreme nauseous and pain. when I got home the next day I hurt but not that bad. On Saturday I hurt like a truck had hit me. I called my doctor and he gave me a new med for nauseous and the pain. The throwing up is much better. BUT, OMG the pain in my stomach and chest and left shoulder is so BAD! My chest and shoulder are like throbbing ridiculous. I dont know if I should call my surgeon again to tell him these pain meds are not working!!!! My shoulder is just simply killing me! I have not slept good since at least Saturday. Im drained. I'm noy hungry and I have to sometimes remind myself to keep drinking all my fluids. I guess because I hurt I'm starting to get depressed in a way. My incisions dont hurt that bad (honestly) its the GAS PAINS from hell. I have tried Gas-X, heating pad walking around like I'm crazy. Last nite I walked to my mailbox in the front of my developement just to try and clear my head and didnt even get my mail! I dont want to be a problem patient (especially when I work in the medical field) but something has got to give. The pain is discouraging me even when people have said they can see that I am losing. I dont know what to do. Can anybody give me any suggestions??? Do you think my dr will be mad if I tell him this med isnt working either.??? This pain is really getting to me and I dont know what to do? Please some one give me their thoughts.Does anyone out there have this much pain after surgery that is still there, and if you do how did you fix it? I'm open for anything. It does feel good to hear the compliments ( i'd be lying if I said it didnt) I just need to get to a place I can be comfortable. Thx in advance for any responses. ;)

My guess is that your doc will be more upset if you are still in pain and don't tell him! Call him now, why suffer if you don't have to? Besides, he may want to have you come in to make sure evertyhing is OK. Let him earn his pay!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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