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December Bandsters (Early Xmas present)

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How much Protein is it? Talk to your doctor if you don't feel good. This stage is inconvenient but you shouldn't be starving and weak.

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my surgery is on the 29th, starting my preop diet on the 15th. Its been such a long journey, can't believe they day is so close :)

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uuuuggggghhhhhhhh........is it just me that feels like someone stripped me of my willpower? I have totally gone off the 500 cal/day diet (5 HMR shakes) yesterday and today. my last preop checkup b4 surgery on the 20th is on monday and if I dont lose at least a couple pounds (last weigh in was 11/23) they are going to know I havent been doing the HMR strictly.....its just sooooooooo hard to even sit up consuming a mere 500 cals a day (I have missed two days of classes cuz my energy is so low), and those HMR shakes really get tiring/sickining after awhile.....

good for you guys for not giving in to your hunger pangs....I don't know what the hell is wrong with me...hopefuly I can get down to business for the next 5 days cuz when I stick to it, the weight does come off.....I am such a strong person, but when it comes to food, I am easily defeated.....and when I get defeated...I have trouble not beating myself up about it......

wow 500 cals...look let me tell you something this stage of it sucks. and don't beat yourself up...look I'm pretty sure we are all strong people but food is our weakness. if it wasn't I would say confidently that NONE of us would be here. now I'm only 2 days post up but I was where you are just a week ago and I can tell you that I wasn't this strong person who made the best decisions all the time. but I was fortunate enough to have tell me its ok...now move on....now I also had a person tell me that maybe I wasn't ready for surgery and even though she was trying to be nice and honest (which I appreciate) it motivated me and always made sure to remind myself every time I was put in the position of make the good and bad choice.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!! the headaches, the pain, and everything goes away...don't dwell on it...try to keep yourself busy...I know you say your tired to go to class but force yourself to go to class to distract yourself...don't dwell on the fact that you don't have energy and just look at the list of things you have to do and do it.!!

god luck!smile.gif

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Looks like there are several of us getting banded on the 29th! I go for pre-op on the 22nd. I am starting the pre-op diet on Dec, 14th, the day after my 50th birthday!

50 is the year of the great epiphany: I want to live the rest of my life happy and healthy with my husband and be around to see my grandbabies.

My Mom called one day and said she was liquidating some stock she was saving for my inheritence. She hit the nail on the head when she said "It's not your inheritence if you die before I do"

She was right, {sigh} she has never really had a weight issue, but she is trying to understand and love me enough to offer me the money (our insurances have special binders to not include ANY type of weight loss surgery). I am taking her up on the offer.

Unlike some of my new buddies here I have told lots of folks. I am scared to death of them saying "Well, we knew she couldn't do it", but I am also jazzed to prove them wrong!

I am so glad I found you guys!

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Tell me i am gonna be fine...

I was just having a convo with hubby about the upcomming surgery, having doubts, worried and scared...i think i am so upset at this point i am willing to say anything to change my mind, then i think how unhealthy i am, and i want to do so much with my 7yr old son, but i cant, i worry if i will EVER be able to eat the foods i love again, not as in gorging but will i be able to have a slice of pizza again, rather then 6 slices i used to have, will i be able to have a cheeseburger with some fries again? not a whole big mac and large fries and a coke with an apple pie, i am just so worried i will never have the foods i love again but in small amts here and there...i know i need this bad cause i am hungry all the time, right now i am cause this diet is kicking my @ss.....any words of wisdom

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I was banded this past Monday. My birthday is the 26th of this month so this was a combo Christmas/Birthday gift to myself. Now all I can think about is how great I'm going to feel this summer. This is the most exciting thing that I have ever done for myself.

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Sal thats great news, i hope it maintains for your appt...

OMG i finally opened one of the packs of Unjury i got in the sample pack, i made orange drink from Crystal Light and poured the unflavored Unjury in it, and OMG what in the world was that? it smelled sooo bad and unflavored my behind it tasted like crap, im sorry that was more gross then the Atkins shake i was drinking, i just needed more Protein and thought hey its unflavored, NEVER AGAIN has anyone else tried this?? and the smell was puktred if thats a word...LOL if i dont get control of these shakes i am getting from lack of food i dont know what will happen, its the shakes you get when your surgar is below 70 i am not diabetic but i am insulin resistant cause of pcos and i dont like feeling like this, i am so glad i go to the Dr for some pre-op testing on Friday

The Jillian Michaels shakes fro Walmart are pretty good and meet the protein and carb requirements. Hang in there!

Well, I'm official! Surgery was Monday the 6th. It went well, and everyone kept saying how well I was doing. I ended up staying in the hospital two nights, because I had a hiatal hernia and a ventral hernia repaired while they were doing the band. I figured while they were under the hood they may as well do a tune up... ;) Everything was by the book, and I'm glad to finally be on this side of the surgery room.

I'm home now, and just getting started on my post-op recovery. All things considered, I feel pretty good, but my entire stomach area is a mess. A word of caution for anyone who will have the same hernia repairs I did: Counting the band, I have 13 incision sites. Guess my days as an underwear model are over... :)

Hope other December bandsters are all doing well. The journey continues...


I had a surprise hiatal hernia repair and have the usual incisions. Maybe the ventral repair caused them to need the extra incisions?!

OMG, yay! I was approved, and I got a date! They only had the 20th and the 29th open. Unfortunately I don't think I would be able to get off from work in 11 days notice, they actually want 4 weeks, but I assume surgery will be different, so I chose the 29th. Although, I may talk to my supervisor today and see if I can do the 20th.

I am so happy!! I can't wait, I am going to start 2011 on a whole new leaf. Goodbye old me!

Yeah Jess! I am so happy it finally went through!!!:D

uuuuggggghhhhhhhh........is it just me that feels like someone stripped me of my willpower? I have totally gone off the 500 cal/day diet (5 HMR shakes) yesterday and today. my last preop checkup b4 surgery on the 20th is on monday and if I dont lose at least a couple pounds (last weigh in was 11/23) they are going to know I havent been doing the HMR strictly.....its just sooooooooo hard to even sit up consuming a mere 500 cals a day (I have missed two days of classes cuz my energy is so low), and those HMR shakes really get tiring/sickining after awhile.....

good for you guys for not giving in to your hunger pangs....I don't know what the hell is wrong with me...hopefuly I can get down to business for the next 5 days cuz when I stick to it, the weight does come off.....I am such a strong person, but when it comes to food, I am easily defeated.....and when I get defeated...I have trouble not beating myself up about it......

I suggest you call the office and let them know how awful you feel. :( My preop diet was about 800 cal per day, 500 cal is insane!

Looks like there are several of us getting banded on the 29th! I go for pre-op on the 22nd. I am starting the pre-op diet on Dec, 14th, the day after my 50th birthday!

50 is the year of the great epiphany: I want to live the rest of my life happy and healthy with my husband and be around to see my grandbabies.

My Mom called one day and said she was liquidating some stock she was saving for my inheritence. She hit the nail on the head when she said "It's not your inheritence if you die before I do"

She was right, {sigh} she has never really had a weight issue, but she is trying to understand and love me enough to offer me the money (our insurances have special binders to not include ANY type of weight loss surgery). I am taking her up on the offer.

Unlike some of my new buddies here I have told lots of folks. I am scared to death of them saying "Well, we knew she couldn't do it", but I am also jazzed to prove them wrong!

I am so glad I found you guys!

Hey, I'll turn 50 in March! Yeah us!!:D

Tell me i am gonna be fine...

I was just having a convo with hubby about the upcomming surgery, having doubts, worried and scared...i think i am so upset at this point i am willing to say anything to change my mind, then i think how unhealthy i am, and i want to do so much with my 7yr old son, but i cant, i worry if i will EVER be able to eat the foods i love again, not as in gorging but will i be able to have a slice of pizza again, rather then 6 slices i used to have, will i be able to have a cheeseburger with some fries again? not a whole big mac and large fries and a coke with an apple pie, i am just so worried i will never have the foods i love again but in small amts here and there...i know i need this bad cause i am hungry all the time, right now i am cause this diet is kicking my @ss.....any words of wisdom

You will be fine! It is SO much easier and safer than childbirth (at least in my opinoin!) I felt worried, too. Even in the preop area a small part of me wanted to get up and run! But, I stayed, surgery went great, recovery has been easy and I am now one week postop. You can do this! Realize what a blessing this is!

I had my one week post op appt. today and all is well. :D I am able to now eat soft foods, no beef or pork. This includes soft pinto Beans and a cheese enchilada which I ate for lunch and thoroughly enjoyed!

Have a great evening, Joan

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Thanks Joan its just alot of people are saying i shouldnt have this done, i mean they will support me when i do, its just i have a week left and they are trying to talk me out of it, saying just diet, i have i lost 50lbs last year on a diet and gained it all back from Jan till now gained all 50 plus 10 more that sucks...i have been up and down all my life, never in my life have i shopped off the rack in a store, i keep telling myself i need this, then i get to talking to someone about it and i start to doubt again....i need a cheering squad,,, Im glad you are doin well though and Pinto Beans and cheese sounds awsome, didnt think you could have that a week out i thought that was 3-4wks????..im thinking of Xmas and what i will be able to enjoy 10 days out..arghh

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Thanks Joan its just alot of people are saying i shouldnt have this done, i mean they will support me when i do, its just i have a week left and they are trying to talk me out of it, saying just diet, i have i lost 50lbs last year on a diet and gained it all back from Jan till now gained all 50 plus 10 more that sucks...i have been up and down all my life, never in my life have i shopped off the rack in a store, i keep telling myself i need this, then i get to talking to someone about it and i start to doubt again....i need a cheering squad,,, Im glad you are doin well though and Pinto Beans and cheese sounds awsome, didnt think you could have that a week out i thought that was 3-4wks????..im thinking of Xmas and what i will be able to enjoy 10 days out..arghh

I think it's hard for me to NOT feel like I need to explain myself, what I am doing and why to other people. I know how you feel about people trying to talk you out of it. The bottom line, is it's not their choice, it's yours! You don't tell them what surgeries they should have! I am telling myself, (and you) that I don't need to explain and justify myself to them. If they don't agree, that's their choice, they don't need to have a band! But they will be singing a different tune when you are successful at losing and maintaining your weight and are healthy!!


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Yea I worry about that too. I can't distract my mind forever!! I can for this week. In guessing we gotta find different ways to satisfy our cravings. But I guess just take it one day at w time, gotta keep our mind off OMG what if I want pizza in a few months!!

Ughh in full on sick with a cold now :-/ my doctor said it's ok. But that's the last thing I want right now!

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I had a surprise hiatal hernia repair and have the usual incisions. Maybe the ventral repair caused them to need the extra incisions?!

Yeah, that was the reason. I knew I'd have more than a simple banding would get. I was just surprised how many I ended up with. Well, that, and the number of people who came to my hospital room to count them. :)


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Well Monday the 13th is my big-day. I completed all my pre-op today, met with my surgeon one last time...I'm WAY nervous. I was thinking the other day about what I'm worried about...and the strange thing is whats on the bottom of the list...pain. I'm sooo much more worried that this is not gonna work because, #1 My already high BMI of 55, the doctors wanted me to have the bypass instead, stating the reason being that I'd only be able to loose about 100lbs, when I need to loose 200lbs. I've lost 80lbs in the past on my own...my whole plan is to use the band as a tool to help me loose weight like I've lost before but now using the band to help me keep it off . #2 I'm bipolar and the meds I'm forced to take make me gain weight...the only solution I can see is limiting my food intake on a permanent basis. When I lost the 80lbs I had to change my meds suddenly, the new meds were a God send for my mental..yet at the same time I starting gaining like crazy even though I was still on the same diet I had been on...I lost 80lbs, and gained back 100lbs within one year. Is there anybody out there that has to take medication that makes them gain weight...I really could use some advice or tips on how to control my intake.

Thx Alyss

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For those looking for good tasting Protein, try Gold Standard whey isolate from GNC or Amazon. They've got some really good flavors. 120 calories per scoop and 25g of protein. Good stuff, though I find myself wanting some savory items instead of sweet all the time. I get banded on the 13th at 7:45 AM. Can't wait to return to mush in a few weeks...

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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