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I had surgery on July 17th this year. I didnt really follow the post surgery diet. (I know bad!) I recieved my first fill august 20th, where I weighed 245. I have religiously worked out since then, 5 times a week for an hr everyday.. im very athletic and do bootcamp classes, run atleast a mile everyday or the tredmill! Also, I've been eating leancuisine meals religiously through out the weekday.

breakfast- oatmeal & apple (200 cal)

Lunch- Lean cusine (250 cal)

Dinner- Lean Cusine (300 cal)

and I usually eat 1 cup cottage cheese through out the day. So like 800 cals a day.

I do have a cheat day on saturdays but i never go crazy.. just let my self drink alcohol. :D lol

Also, I need a fill but kinda broke right now. (I can't wait!!)

I have changed my life style so much!! Its awesome!

Although, I weighed 231.6 this past Saturday morning.

I cheated over the weekend drank/ate alot.. :) Today I weighed 237!!! WTF Its been like 3 months and ive only lost 10 LBS!! How are all of yall losing so much weight?? I dont get it! What am I doing wrong?! Cheating one day a week should NOT make me gain that much.. im sure its Water weight and ill prob be like 234 tmrw. But still thats only 11 lbs down!



July 17-surgery ( 250 )

August 20- first fill (245)

Current- 235

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It sounds like you are active, but sometimes, it's not enough. I know you mention that you're eating lean cuisines, but the packaged foods are loaded with sodium, so you really need to pay attention to your Water intake. Are you getting at least 64 ounces of Water a day? For Protein, how much are you taking in? My doc tells me 70g, but I am actually around 80-90g per day and it does make a difference.

I understand the need for 'cheat' days here and there, but they should be every now and again during this time and when you get closer to goal, perhaps you could do more often (this is what I did, which is why I am still 10 lbs from goal LOL).

You have the tool to help and until you get a fill, try to find alternatives to one of the lean cuisines. Perhaps do some chicken and veggies for lunch or chicken salad with light mayo and wheat thins. I bring lean cuisines to work because it's just easier, but I make sure I drink a ton of water to balance out the sodium. 2 a day might be a little much, so you really have to get that water in.

The good thing about the band is that it's always there to help you, but to be successful, it truly is a way of life. It's not an easy road, but it's definitely a journey--we can't just snap our fingers and BAM! we're all following everything to the "t". So, pace yourself. Don't be hard on yourself and try to Celebrate your successes with things other than alcohol or food (me, it's usually a pair of shoes or new jeans LOL). I do have some wine during the weekend, but try to keep it within reason.

You'll get there. It's definitely not about deprivation, but moderation. Good luck to you!!!

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Amanda.... I'm not sure. All I can say is everybody seems to be so different. I had my surgery 9/30 and I haven't been to get any fluids down and I've only loss 3 pounds from starving for approx 5 days. When I see other posts saying they have loss nearly 10lbs. I'm a bit discouraged because now I think I'm going to be losing my weight at a snails pace compared to others that can just shed it off :) blah! I'm over 300 lbs and I have a lot to loose.

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I had surgery on July 17th this year. I didnt really follow the post surgery diet. (I know bad!) I recieved my first fill august 20th, where I weighed 245. I have religiously worked out since then, 5 times a week for an hr everyday.. im very athletic and do bootcamp classes, run atleast a mile everyday or the tredmill! Also, I've been eating leancuisine meals religiously through out the weekday.

breakfast- oatmeal & apple (200 cal)

Lunch- Lean cusine (250 cal)

Dinner- Lean Cusine (300 cal)

and I usually eat 1 cup cottage cheese through out the day. So like 800 cals a day.

I do have a cheat day on saturdays but i never go crazy.. just let my self drink alcohol. :D lol

Also, I need a fill but kinda broke right now. (I can't wait!!)

I have changed my life style so much!! Its awesome!

Although, I weighed 231.6 this past Saturday morning.

I cheated over the weekend drank/ate alot.. :) Today I weighed 237!!! WTF Its been like 3 months and ive only lost 10 LBS!! How are all of yall losing so much weight?? I dont get it! What am I doing wrong?! Cheating one day a week should NOT make me gain that much.. im sure its Water weight and ill prob be like 234 tmrw. But still thats only 11 lbs down!



July 17-surgery ( 250 )

August 20- first fill (245)

Current- 235

This is going to sound stupid but I don't think you are eating enough.

Think of your metabolism as a fire. You won't get much of a flame just tossing in kindling but if you throw too much wood on it, you'll smother it. You have to find the precise quantity.

Make sure you are getting no less than 50 grams of Protein a day and drinking at least 64 ounces of Water.< /p>

Talk to a nutritionist if you have one handy. They can be a big help with these things.

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I had surgery on July 17th this year. I didnt really follow the post surgery diet. (I know bad!) I recieved my first fill august 20th, where I weighed 245. I have religiously worked out since then, 5 times a week for an hr everyday.. im very athletic and do bootcamp classes, run atleast a mile everyday or the tredmill! Also, I've been eating leancuisine meals religiously through out the weekday.

breakfast- oatmeal & apple (200 cal)

Lunch- Lean cusine (250 cal)

Dinner- Lean Cusine (300 cal)

and I usually eat 1 cup cottage cheese through out the day. So like 800 cals a day.

I do have a cheat day on saturdays but i never go crazy.. just let my self drink alcohol. :D lol HOW MUCH

Also, I need a fill but kinda broke right now. (I can't wait!!)

I have changed my life style so much!! Its awesome!

Although, I weighed 231.6 this past Saturday morning.

I cheated over the weekend drank/ate alot.. :) Today I weighed 237!!! WTF Its been like 3 months and ive only lost 10 LBS!! How are all of yall losing so much weight?? I dont get it! What am I doing wrong?! Cheating one day a week should NOT make me gain that much.. im sure its Water weight and ill prob be like 234 tmrw. But still thats only 11 lbs down!



July 17-surgery ( 250 )

August 20- first fill (245)

Current- 235

I was the same starting weight at you - I'm a lot older than you..

So here's my 2 cents

Calories should be 800-1200 vary them daily - I went to the gym 5 days a week - I did not allow too many treats during my weight loss phase (didn't drink everyweekend - you are negating the weight you lost during the prior week)

This isn't to say if I went to a bday party or concert that I didn't partake - - I just didn't do it every single weekend - maybe once every few monts

Quit eating processed food - this is a lifetime lifestyle change in your eating habits - are you going to live on frozen meals for the next 60 years..

You need to follow band rules - Limit your alcohal consumtion - they are empty calories..

Bf - Greek Yogurt & blue berries

lunch - BBQ chicken Thigh & salad

dinner - 4 oz fish (baked) 1/2 cup veggies & maybe 1/4 c rice

Snack 100 cal snack pack popcorn - sf healthy choice or WW fudgesicle - SF Choc pudding

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Yes, lean Cuisine has a lot of salt but I would be more concerned with the carbs. Most of the frozen dinners have rice, potato, or Pasta. So you could be getting way to many carbs for the amount of Protein. Sorry but the booze has to go. If someone said they were on a diet but ate 3 ice cream cones every Friday and Saturday night you'd think they were wasting their time on a diet. Admittedly I can say this easily because alcohol means nothing to me. If you gave me the choice of a rum and coke and a snickers bar there would be no contest.

Great job on your exercise program that is a huge part of the battle.

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I believe following the post surgery diet is the most important part to the weight loss journey. I have followed everything my surgeon and nutritionist has said, my surgery was September 16 and I'm down just over 20lbs. However, I weighed 320 the day of my surgery.

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I think you need to change your mind-set a bit: instead of having a 'cheat day' each week- why don't you increase your daily caloric intake so you don't look so forward to eating and drinking excessively on Saturday?

I'm not a nutritionist or anything- but it just seems like by having a cheat day you're thinking of being banded as a diet when you should be looking at an entire lifestyle change.

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i am certainly not an expert but i am seeing successful results so i'll key you in on what i am doing.

i find that i am tighter in the morning so every am, i have a Protein shake. i change it up- sometimes it is fruit based w/ a vanilla powder, sometimes chocolate w/ coffee added. i use unsweetened soy milk (same Protein, less sugar). by doing this, i start out with 26-30 grams of protein before i even start my workday.

appx 300 calories

for a mid-morning snack, i'll have something worth about 100 calories... handful of nuts, a few apple slices w/ cheese cubes, a yogurt.

100 calories

for lunch i either have a lean cuisine or i make something with chicken... chicken salad in lettuce cups, on low carb crackers, tortilla chips. i make my own dressings with different things- greek yogurt, mustards, vinegars, i mix it up. i use Beans a lot too. i just try different things to see what i like.

appx 300 calories

mid-afternoon snack, same as morning

100 calories

dinner- i might have a lean cuisine if i didn't have one at lunch and i'm busy. otherwise, i have a protein (chicken, beef or vegetarian product) and something with it (depends on what i have- Beans, veggies). again, i do a lot with sauces to change it up.

appx 300 calories

snack, same as morning/afternoon

100 calories

this puts me at ~1200 calories. if i don't have a snack, i might splurge a little more on dinner. i am very strict with my protein... i always get at least 80g a day. i drink a TON of Water and sometimes for 110 calories, include a protein shot (26 grams!).

if i go out, i do not stray from this. i am notorious for ordering the kid's grilled chicken wherever i go. i feel like i have good restriction but until i feel great restriction, i have to control everything i eat.

i work out about 3 times a week and walk as much as i can. the key is to eat enough to sustain your metabolism. there were times when i eat too little thinking i was doing the right thing.

plan your grocery list and stick to it for a week or two, it will pay off! :)

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You might also be a slow loser, I was. Many of us are. The band literature says 1-2 pounds per week AVERAGE. 11 pounds in 3 months is nearly a pound a week.

When I was actively losing, I averaged 3/4 pound per week. It was frustrating as all get out. But you know what? I have lost 70 pounds. Look long term. You are down 11 pounds in 3 months. Over a year that is 44 pounds!

You also have the band to help you keep it off. Is that something that would have happened pre-banding?

I know for me, 44 pounds in a year is a great loss. Not exactly the rate I'd like to lose, but better than gaining! This is for life. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

Besth wishes!

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I think with your workout you are not eating enough like the others have indicated and the sodium in the frozen meals. I also allow myself one day a week that I may decide to not be so strict (I like calling it that rather than cheating because it does not sound like you are doing something bad) and have been successful on the weight loss.

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I'd lose tons of weight eating that, processed food is not good for you and I'd quit it but I really believe weight loss is about calories and little more, so there is a puzzling equation that's just not working out there.

I'd really quit the treat days, obviously its just too much at this point in time. You work out a lot, I'd be tempted to try eating just a bit more healthy food on a daily basis rather than alcohol at the weekends.

And you might just lose very slowly, but weight loss is STILL weight lost, no matter how much or little it is.

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I had some struggles, just like you...and to my surprise I wasn't getting enough calories and put my body into "starvation" mode and your body then stores all it can, instead of burning it. Also, the Lean Cuisine meals....are you getting the recommended Protein you need??? My Doc says a minimum of 60-70 grams a day. I bet if you changed your diet a little and increased your calories...you'd start losing like crazy with all the working out your doing. Best of luck, hope to hear of all your successes :unsure:)

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So how much ARE you taking in on the weekly "cheat days?" What types of drinks are you drinking... and the Snacks that *usually* go with them? You might be surprised by the calorie content of some alcohol drinks. I LOVE margaritas... but that can have some SERIOUS calories associated with them. Especially when they are drinks the size of your face. (When did they start supersizing margaritas? My lord!) It's easy to undo a whole week's worth of low-cal eating with 3-4 of those bad boys. Easy.

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What you're doing wrong is making up your own rules and assuming they will work better than what your doctor told you to do. In short, you're sabotaging your success.

I'd recommend tracking your eating and exercise on Fitday.com. It will let you enter the nutritional information for your Lean Cuisines. After a few days, look at the pattern. You will likely see that you're getting inadequate Protein, and a whole lot of ...well, nothing.

Throw in a day off every week---and you're setting yourself up for failure.

I am not in the "you're eating too little" camp. I think rather than focusing on the often-given "eat more" advice, it would be a FAR better idea to reconsider the nutrition advice given by the surgeon/dietitian whose expertise you (or your insurance) paid good money.

You may or may not need more calories. There's no way to really know, because you're using free days, etc. Track what you're doing so you have a realistic view of what you are giving your body. You don't have to track forever--just long enough to get an honest view.

Sluggish weight loss aside, you are not giving your body what it needs to be healthy.

Edited by BetsyB

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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