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Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!

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Okay... So today is my One-Year Bandiversary, just so happens that my follow up appointment with my surgeon was today, too.. I made it!! I lost 13 pounds since my last visit.. puts me at a total of 103 pOuNdS!!! (whoop whoop!) He told me if a year ago, I weighted 2 pounds less that I do now, I would no longer be a candidate for surgery.. I have gone from a BMI of 50.5 to 35.2. From a TIGHT size 26 to a LOOSE 16 - I need to get a pair of 14's but just dont have the cash for all these clothes.. But let me tell you - he showed me a picture that they took of me before surgery (and WHY they spent a full cartridge of colored ink to print a full page picture to put in my medical file...) regardless... It was shocking for me to see that...

If you asked me - even though my clothes are smaller - I dont "see" a difference in the way my body looks.. Obviously its there - because the body I drag around now looks nothing like what that picture showed me.. {{{shudder}}}

I am very proud, not just of myself - but to us all!! Look forward to setting new goals (like exercise?) and getting on here more frequently to stay on track and hold myself more accountable.

Way to go, friends!!

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My band anniversary is tomorrow and i must say i have failed. i haven't lost weight in months and i don't have any restriction at all. i'm going to call my physician and see if i can get a fill this week or early next week. I need a revamp of what i'm doing cause this isn't working for me at all. everyone seems to be doing well but me. i'll probably be crying all damn day tomorrow.

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Oh remember not everyone!!!and there are varying degrees, in 3 months I only lost 7 lbs total. uggg. I have 8 cc's, I have a friend with 9 you have lots of room, ask your dr to be aggressive. have you hesitated to get a fill because of expense, explain to them that this is an issue and that you'd like them to be aggressive.

try to find a cheaper way to get a fill without endangering yourself- my place is 150 for a fill- I"m self pay, it's a blind fill. I had one flouro fill and I liked it but it's too expensive for me. Definately change, commit to the weight loss. One thing that helped me be on track in the begining was the hard core diet before the band- where I did 1 Protein Shake and 2 lean cuisines a day, - I did that for a month- sometimes instead of lean cuisine it was just a mean less then 350 calories of my own design. Now lean cuisine is hard for me becuase there is so much starch that is hard for me to eat- but eating like the sort of broke my focus on food, and increased my connection with weight loss

I also did Fiber in the morning, and fiber in the afternoon

and cromium piccolate

maybe try something stark like that- if the lean cuisine is too expensive, figure out another meal that is less then 350 cals, if you like to home cook. just use the recipe calculator on spark people .com to see exactly how big of serving your recipes are.

world according to eggface has tons of resources too, great inspriation and great recipes, and tips to get more Protein.< /p>

make sure your protein is above 75 a day or your body will not let any weight go.

you could even go starker and do 2 shakes and 1 meal per day. but solid foods are always better.

YOu can do this!!!! it's hard, the band should be dimming your hunger, but you should working at seeing how little you can eat, not how much.

and drink lots of Water.< /p>

just get a change started, recommit. you can do this,

plus do some activity start out with walking for 30 minutes 5 days a week and build on that, the weather is nice for that , or do it in a mall or some other big building, or on a treadmill.

We are all here for you.

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Hi Ebeeze, i also just passed my band date and i am down just 36 lbs and i struggle to keep there, but one thing i know is all of us have a different journey and like someone else said on here normally by now i would have put it all back on + more. AI also am struggling with hunger again so it is time for a fill, i currently am at 11 out of 14 but i can tell that i am no longer tight. I know it is hard to read all these posts that have lost so much but i just keep hanging on to the fact that my journey is mine and i can't compare myself to everyone else. Maybe check for a fill and also if you have an IPHONE or computer there is a site called lose it that is so easy to track what you are eating an excercise i love it. It has helped me track everything so much better , also it works on droids to. Keep on truckin and trying to do the next right thing when it comes to your health. We can do this, remember we did not go thru this surgery and journey just to fail! Try talking to yourself more positively about the amount you have lost, positive works so much better in the long run. Also shout out to all of you who have done so awesome KEEP IT UP!

My band anniversary is tomorrow and i must say i have failed. i haven't lost weight in months and i don't have any restriction at all. i'm going to call my physician and see if i can get a fill this week or early next week. I need a revamp of what i'm doing cause this isn't working for me at all. everyone seems to be doing well but me. i'll probably be crying all damn day tomorrow.

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I called my physician today and made and appt for next tuesday evening. I was planning to ask them to put in a few cc to get me up to at least 6cc's. I figure if its too tight then i'd be more likely to come back sooner and have some taken out versus not having enough and not really being in a rush to get it to the right level. Right now i can eat like i never had the surgery so its very hard for me not to eat like that even though mentally you know you shouldn't. i just have to do better because i really wanted this surgery pretty bad and i'm starting to get discouraged on every level.

Hi Ebeeze, i also just passed my band date and i am down just 36 lbs and i struggle to keep there, but one thing i know is all of us have a different journey and like someone else said on here normally by now i would have put it all back on + more. AI also am struggling with hunger again so it is time for a fill, i currently am at 11 out of 14 but i can tell that i am no longer tight. I know it is hard to read all these posts that have lost so much but i just keep hanging on to the fact that my journey is mine and i can't compare myself to everyone else. Maybe check for a fill and also if you have an IPHONE or computer there is a site called lose it that is so easy to track what you are eating an excercise i love it. It has helped me track everything so much better , also it works on droids to. Keep on truckin and trying to do the next right thing when it comes to your health. We can do this, remember we did not go thru this surgery and journey just to fail! Try talking to yourself more positively about the amount you have lost, positive works so much better in the long run. Also shout out to all of you who have done so awesome KEEP IT UP!

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Hi Ebeeze, i also got so discouraged because it took forever to feel any tightness. But in april my friend who was tight from the start and lost 95 lbs in 3 months had to have her band taken out permanently. because it completely eroded into her stomach. In part it was because she was to tight for so long and so i realized that if i slowly tightened my band and slowly lost it, i would be further ahead. I watched her struggle throughout her journey of being able to eat anything and how easy to have to purge it. I have not had to much problem with that unless i get way to tight. What size is your band? I had a flouro finally done to see where i really was and when we got in there i had 1,5 cc's less then they said , so i was not messing up like they made me feel , i truly was not filled like they thought. Since being tightened i have done so much better. So good luck with your fill and just try to be mindful of what you are eating for? HUnger or something else??. Best of luck to you!

I called my physician today and made and appt for next tuesday evening. I was planning to ask them to put in a few cc to get me up to at least 6cc's. I figure if its too tight then i'd be more likely to come back sooner and have some taken out versus not having enough and not really being in a rush to get it to the right level. Right now i can eat like i never had the surgery so its very hard for me not to eat like that even though mentally you know you shouldn't. i just have to do better because i really wanted this surgery pretty bad and i'm starting to get discouraged on every level.

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thank you so much for the encouragement!!! I only have about 3cc's in my band because the nurse somehow managed to take some how and by some unforseen source she couldn't put any in. go figure.

I called my physician today and made and appt for next tuesday evening. I was planning to ask them to put in a few cc to get me up to at least 6cc's. I figure if its too tight then i'd be more likely to come back sooner and have some taken out versus not having enough and not really being in a rush to get it to the right level. Right now i can eat like i never had the surgery so its very hard for me not to eat like that even though mentally you know you shouldn't. i just have to do better because i really wanted this surgery pretty bad and i'm starting to get discouraged on every level.

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Thanks Lady I hope this picks up pretty well.

Oh remember not everyone!!!and there are varying degrees, in 3 months I only lost 7 lbs total. uggg. I have 8 cc's, I have a friend with 9 you have lots of room, ask your dr to be aggressive. have you hesitated to get a fill because of expense, explain to them that this is an issue and that you'd like them to be aggressive.

try to find a cheaper way to get a fill without endangering yourself- my place is 150 for a fill- I"m self pay, it's a blind fill. I had one flouro fill and I liked it but it's too expensive for me. Definately change, commit to the weight loss. One thing that helped me be on track in the begining was the hard core diet before the band- where I did 1 Protein Shake and 2 lean cuisines a day, - I did that for a month- sometimes instead of lean cuisine it was just a mean less then 350 calories of my own design. Now lean cuisine is hard for me becuase there is so much starch that is hard for me to eat- but eating like the sort of broke my focus on food, and increased my connection with weight loss

I also did fiber in the morning, and fiber in the afternoon

and cromium piccolate

maybe try something stark like that- if the lean cuisine is too expensive, figure out another meal that is less then 350 cals, if you like to home cook. just use the recipe calculator on spark people .com to see exactly how big of serving your recipes are.

world according to eggface has tons of resources too, great inspriation and great recipes, and tips to get more Protein.< /p>

make sure your protein is above 75 a day or your body will not let any weight go.

you could even go starker and do 2 shakes and 1 meal per day. but solid foods are always better.

YOu can do this!!!! it's hard, the band should be dimming your hunger, but you should working at seeing how little you can eat, not how much.

and drink lots of Water.< /p>

just get a change started, recommit. you can do this,

plus do some activity start out with walking for 30 minutes 5 days a week and build on that, the weather is nice for that , or do it in a mall or some other big building, or on a treadmill.

We are all here for you.

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The beauty of the band, ebeeze, is that it's endlessly adjustable-- not having success in the first year is very disappointing and frustrating, but you can absolutely start anew as you're planning and get it to the point where it is helping you.

To me, that's what makes the band amazing. If you had the bypass, if you didn't lose the first year you are definitely not going to all of a sudden lose in year two. But the band can absolutely still work for you. Just don't give up.

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Hi there again, so I'm very excited, probably for the first time all year, I

ffnished the day with less then 950 calories, still didn't drink

enough Water, but my carbs are under 45, woo hoo, and my Protein is

75, that is all great for me.

my dessert, in celebration of my one year anniversary, I had 1/2 of a

pumkin yumminess shake from this web site.


pretty yummy.

oh and I did 40 minutes of zumba this morning.

my goal is to try to get to 100 lbs gone by the new year, which will mean 2lbs gone per week, something I haven't achieved in more then 6 months. I think I can I think I can I think I can

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hi all....today's my 1 year bandiversary. i'm down 110 pounds since 9 to go until my final goal, although i've already surprassed my dr's final goal for me. i hope to have those 9 off by the end of october, but we'll see how that goes. the lap band really changed my life!

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Hey, guys! It has been quite a while since I have been on the board, but I just had to check and see how everyone was doing. My bandiversary was Saturday and I am down 101 lbs!!!! I feel great. I have gone from a 26 to a 14. A 3x to a XL (I still have my boobs!). I love reading about everyone's success! Congratulations and keep up the good work!

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Good Morning,

I finally got a chance to get in for a fill and hopefully get this show on the road. I'm not sure exactly how many cc's she put in there but I'm feeling very full today for no apparent reason. I'm hoping that the weight loss will pick up. Its been a year and I'm down 32lbs total, not a huge amount but I'm not going to get down on myself to much right now. I'm in the market for some ways to prepare my meals and count my calories and Proteins. I don't buy very many precooked meals so I'm not really sure how to do this but I'm sure there is a method I can use. Anyway, you guys pray for me and I will try to get on this site as often as I can cause this seems to be the only place where I can get some kind of support. Thanks again team!!!

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good luck ebeez- I think I might go for a fill soon.

you can get this moving, I am trying too been platued for months now

I like the recipes in a book and the meal plans, called The instinct diet. her meal plans are 1200 calories, but some of the stuff was too um sticky- bready, for me, so I just deleted those, or changed to things I can eat.

also worldaccordingtoeggface.com has great recipes for lap band people. I especially like the egg bites, mini crustless quiches that I freeze 3 at a time for breakfasts.

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Oh yeah, this is funny, I just bought a little 2x4" digital scale, to keep in my purse, and make it easier to measure stuff, which makes it easier to track stuff.

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