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Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!

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Hi Brian and everyone else from the Sept. 2010 Bandsters! We all made it! Yeah!

Thanks Brian for pushing us to cross over from pre op to post op and for keeping this great group together.

I was banded on 9/17/10 and I'm now in the mushy stage, which is so much better than the liquid stage. The only thing good I can say about the liquid stage is it makes you lose a ton of weight.

I had my first post op visit last Monday (9/27) and I'm down 18 lbs! :smile2: While 3 lbs. came off after my surgery (in 10 days, which is not too bad), most of the weight (15 lbs!) came off prior to my surgery. I feel like I made good progress!

I'm learning to eat differently - eating slowly and making better choices. Congratulations to us all! We are on our way!


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Thanks for starting the thread, Brian!

And John, thanks for the inspiration from a 2009'er! It's amazing to think where I might be in a year.

Yesterday was my 2-week anniversary for my band and I am very happy I did it. Most of the time I feel normal and I haven't really had any problems with following my diet. I get to add more natural Protein on Monday, so I'm excited for that since I'm having a hard time getting Protein in. I'm looking for a truly unflavored Protein powder I can just stir into stuff-- any suggestions?

But, I have to admit, there are a couple of things I'm bummed about. #1, I have an incision site that the dermabond came off of too early and it is a little open (not bleeding open, but definitely not closed skin). My surgeon looked at it and said it would be fine, though will probably take longer to heal/have a larger scar, but the bottom line is he didn't stitch it back up. So now I'm taking nasty liquid antibiotic and I have to be even more careful with lifting/bending etc. It's a bummer when I see other people healing faster than me. Maybe related is the fact that I STILL cannot sleep comfortably on my side and forget the stomach! My back and neck hate me from sleeping on my back and I'm just really tired of it. I know absolutely that it will go away eventually but I'm so impatient!

The good outweighs the bad though. I'm looking and feeling better everyday. My in-laws sent me a Macy's giftcard as a "get well" present and I went to spend it yesterday. I hit the clearance racks and grabbed 1x, thinking that I am currently at 2x and I could shrink into them. But, the thing was, they all fit or were even too big so I ended up in the shoes instead. I've got a great new pair of calf-length gray boots :smile2: Thanks in-laws!

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hi people...i'm 3 days post op and i'm still pretty sore. I'm hungry and so ready to eat food but that is still a week away!

can anyone tell me how to get the ticker on here? i've cut n pasted but all it shows is html..not the actual picture...

anyway...Brian..glad you started another thread!

Go to tab "FAQ" then to *General Forum Usage, then to *Adding a ticket to your signature.

There is a great tutorial, otherwise I would not have figured it out.

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Thanks for starting the thread, Brian!

And John, thanks for the inspiration from a 2009'er! It's amazing to think where I might be in a year.

Yesterday was my 2-week anniversary for my band and I am very happy I did it. Most of the time I feel normal and I haven't really had any problems with following my diet. I get to add more natural Protein on Monday, so I'm excited for that since I'm having a hard time getting Protein in. I'm looking for a truly unflavored Protein Powder I can just stir into stuff-- any suggestions?

But, I have to admit, there are a couple of things I'm bummed about. #1, I have an incision site that the dermabond came off of too early and it is a little open (not bleeding open, but definitely not closed skin). My surgeon looked at it and said it would be fine, though will probably take longer to heal/have a larger scar, but the bottom line is he didn't stitch it back up. So now I'm taking nasty liquid antibiotic and I have to be even more careful with lifting/bending etc. It's a bummer when I see other people healing faster than me. Maybe related is the fact that I STILL cannot sleep comfortably on my side and forget the stomach! My back and neck hate me from sleeping on my back and I'm just really tired of it. I know absolutely that it will go away eventually but I'm so impatient!

The good outweighs the bad though. I'm looking and feeling better everyday. My in-laws sent me a Macy's giftcard as a "get well" present and I went to spend it yesterday. I hit the clearance racks and grabbed 1x, thinking that I am currently at 2x and I could shrink into them. But, the thing was, they all fit or were even too big so I ended up in the shoes instead. I've got a great new pair of calf-length gray boots :smile2: Thanks in-laws!

I found some unflavored Isopure in a pouch at BariatricEating.com - Protein powders

The flavored ones are awesome as well. I too bought some clotes a size too small. As soon as the weather gets cooler I hope they will still fit. I have been sleeping mostly in my recliner with the kitties. It's been 4 weeks for me, and I still cannot sleep well in the bed. But it will get better for us.

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it was like that for the first 4 days for me. just now am i able to drink at least 12 oz of the Protein shake that im supposed to be drinking 24 oz of a day[8oz 3x a day]. a big help for me was to sip on broth and eat Jello and take in some sugar free popsicles.

i got frightfully sick on the 4th day.on thursday i went to Target which was a huge mistake. i got all headachey and i felt weak so i pushed to sip on the Protein shakes more to try and get some source of nutrients. i also began taking my Vitamins and not overextending myself. i m beginning to feel a bit better and not so "out of it" and im going on my sixth day.

hope you feel better soon.

Thanks OCBUTTERFLY! It makes me feel better to know that this is something others have experienced as well. I'm working on 4 oz of Protein Shake now and if I can get that down in an hr., I'll try again in a couple hours for another 4 oz. I sure appreciate your input and since I'm 2 days behind you, I'll be watching for how things go for you. Keep us posted, please!

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Hi everyone, I feel like I just graduated! It has not been an easy journey but so well worth it. I was banded on sept 7th and have not had a fill yet so basically i have been running on sheer will power. I am hoping in two weeks when I get a fill my body will be trained to pick up the signal of fullness. Thanks Brian for getting us together on the other side. Keep in touch sept banders!

I too have not had a fill yet, and a few times I was really really hungry. But even with 1400 -1500 calories yesterday, I could still lose a pound a week. That's 12 pounds by Jan 1, which for me would be awesome! My next appointment is 10/15- I heard we have to go back to liquids after a fill to make sure everything stays down. I have a luncheon the next day, so am kinda scared, but I will try and chew, chew chew, some Soup, or maybe they will have some yogurt.

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I am 1 1/2 weeks post-op.......feeling great...eating 2 tbsp of food 3x's a day and protien shakes in between...learning how to eat again!!!lol....Thurs. I get 3 tbsp 3x's a day!! Hope I don't get too full.....yeah right...lol

I am ready for this cold to go away tho!!!!!! darn kids!

down 30lbs from pre-op....so happy:w00t:

I am craving cigs again!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stopped in March and now all I can think about is smoking again!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!:smile2:

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I guess I will re-introduce myself.

I am Brian. I live in Los Angeles / Santa Clarita, California. I work in the Motion Picture Industry. I was REALIZE Banded on Wednesday Sept the 8th, 2010 by Dr. Michael Feiz. Right now I am a little over 3 weeks Post Op. So far I am down 20 lbs since the 8th. I am feeling 100 % back to normal except that I have felt Restriction a few times and I have actually thrown up about 2 times.

Right now I am on Mushy / Soft Foods stage. So far so good. I got Banded because I was sick and tired of being overweight and the price it has caused me in terms of self confidence and my social life. I have been overweight my entire life and I am so glad I decided to take action and get the Band.

-Brian :smile2:

Thanks Brian for the new thread. I don't think I have felt any restriction yet, but this is the second time I went grocery shopping, and it is all about choices. Once a week when I went grocery shopping, I used to buy myself a treat, a piece of cake or some Cookies. But I have not done that at all since the surgery. It's not worth it. All the pain and suffering we went through, I am committed to losing weight. I agree it has made me suffer as well. I keep getting told I am one of the division's best workers, yet I don't get even close to the raises some of the others get. I feel the management knows I don't have the confidence to find a job anywhere else- who would want an old, fat sea hag. But I know my confidence will get better as I will have more energy. Thanks for you postings.

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Jon what an inspiration - thanks for sharing your 109 lb weight loss!

Butterfly - if you are not feeling it - why get the fill - this is your journey - you make the decisions you need to - slow and steady is good right?

Missjoany hope you get back in bed soon - the recliner can be comfy for only so long

Brian - sorry you threw up - that might be my least fave thing in the entire world!

cicigirl - you have been cigfree for months - cravings are natural and i know you are strong enough to stay away from them. Maybe you can find a website to continue inspiring you - whyquit.org or com is a great tool

congrats to everyone else

I was banded on the 10th.

I have so many different emotions about the journey thus far. I am so happy I did this! I thought about it for about 2 years before I began the actual process. I feel like I have more zing to my step - like I am moving faster. It is easier to put my shoes on and bend my legs back to sit in my fave chair in the living room.

One of my goals is to (and has been since pre op) not obsess about the actual numbers (weight loss wise) but to focus on Portion Control and making good choices. However, the scale taunts me every time I walk by it. I asked my partner to hide it! I really want to weigh myself once a month - does anyone feel the same way? It is a big challenge - but I know my personality and I don't want to weigh myself everyday - too emotional and it could lead to some problems and failed expectations kwim?

I find that I feel tight in the morning - anyone else experiencing this and better yet, anyone know why? Breakfast is hard for me - even a smoothie is a challenge.

I am super heavy - and while I hear about others striving to reach onederland - I want to know if anyone is with me in reaching twoderland? :smile2:

I am eating tons of pureed and soft foods and am so tempted by raw veggies and fresh fruits - honeycrisp apples are in season and I can't help but daydream about biting in to one. Lots of working on my relationship with food!!!!!!!!! Lots - what a challenge.

I don't have a fill yet and I have no desire to get one anytime soon. Because I am so heavy - I think it will be a while before I need one? I eat about every 2 1/2 hours. I never found a Protein shake I liked so I am mindful of what I put in my mouth - tons of pureed Beans and scrambled eggs. Anyone have any other recommendations for this soft food phase?

I haven't told my Mom yet either - I feel guilty because we talk all the time - but she is 700 miles away. She is coming to visit in November so maybe I will wait till then - so unsure. Anyone else dealing with this?

Love this forum btw!

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Hey ya'll! Not to sound negative, but... does anyone else hate this website as much as I do? I LOVE the forum, but I hate the website! Hmm...

Anyway... my name is Nikki, and I was banded on the 21st of September. No fills (my surgeon won't do it for 90 days post-op), 15 pounds lost so far, and I feel like I was born again! Everything is amazing, my relationship with food is changing before my very eyes, and I'm learning things about my body that I never ever knew. I rely on my Protein shakes pretty heavily to carry me through hunger and cravings, and it works beautifully. I hardly ever want to grab the wrong foods and when I do want to, I remind myself of what is important in my life.

I feel like I paid $10,000 for happiness, which is a really small price if you ask me. :) I am so excited about this journey! I'm glad to share it with you all as well!!

I also joined a support group, my first meeting is this coming Tuesday. Yay!


Arlington, TEXAS


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Hi Everyone!

I was banded on 9-10-10 and can't believe it will be a month soon! Where does the time go? I am very happy, thankful and blessed that I finally did this. I have used this forum to help make decisions and learn each day! I am so happy everyone posts and replies as I feel only experience is the best answers :smile2:

I'm 8 days away from "normal" food! Yes! My first fill is 10-17-10. I am nervous about that cause of all I have read about: no drinking, chewing, small portions etc...thank you everyone for all your info!!

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Hi all, thanks Brian for getting the switch. It's so interesting to hear all the different things that the doctors have us do.

My Dr. is Clear Liquids for a week, then I can add some Protein shake and drinkable yogurt for a week, then I can add pureed Soups for a 3rd week - before I start eating solid food.

I am 5 days post op, and still drinking takes forever, I do feel hunger and have since day 1 but drinking takes it away still. I have kids and have been cooking, which isn't challenging not to eat, I swear, it's the clearing their plates with all the left over little pieces of cheese or other foods that I would have scarfed down before. I always knew my portions were too big, but I realize now that this type of eating must have really added a lot to my calories- why on earth would I just finish my kids food. It''s bad enough my plate was always spotless empty but do I have to make theirs that way too.

Anyway that's my rant. So far my healing has been easy except the 2 year old wants me to carry her all over the place and it's hard to say no.

I go back to work on Monday.

I really liked Cici's story on the last thread about not needing a fill, I wonder if other's have found that or how often that happens.

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I was banded on the 13th and am feeling better every day! I can sleep on my stomach again, yay, that only happened last week but i tested it alot before that!

My inscisions are dry and healing, and super itchy, the tape really irritates my skin, the benadryl is a great idea.

I'm still having mushies, and feel full after meals.

My first fill is oct 28th, but i do have some restriction right now, we'll see.

I'm going to move my scale to the downstairs bathroom, it mocks me and i only want to weigh myself weekly or every 10 days.

I know i need to do more physical activity, no time like the present, even if it's just walking!

Thanks for moving this over to "post op", love all your thoughts and ideas, they are a tremendous help!!

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... One of my goals is to (and has been since pre op) not obsess about the actual numbers (weight loss wise) but to focus on Portion Control and making good choices. However, the scale taunts me every time I walk by it. I asked my partner to hide it! I really want to weigh myself once a month - does anyone feel the same way? It is a big challenge - but I know my personality and I don't want to weigh myself everyday - too emotional and it could lead to some problems and failed expectations kwim?...

I can relate: :(

The scale is constantly calling my name as well and I too, do not want to focus on a number. I only want to weigh in once a week, but broke my own rule again this monring and had a nice wake up call. On my home scale I was 204 and so excited! another 4 pounds down ( I thought). Then 2 hours later I had my official weigh in at the fitness center and was 207 :). Of course that bugged me so I went home again to weigh in thinking it is "the scale". Well, NO! At noon I had 207 at home! Sooooooo, another example why I should only weigh myself ONCE a week. It is driving me nuts... :smile2:

Have a great Saturday!!!!

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I hope you all don't mind my jumping into this thread because I am not a 2010 bander. However, I was banded in September 2009 and am now 120lbs down.

I just wanted to post this because I know you will alll be looking forward to losing the weight. It has changed my life and is the best thing I ever did.

Good luck in the coming year. Stay strong and enjoy all the new confidence you will develop. This is the start of your new life:smile2::smile2:

Hi John !

That is extraordinary ! And Please anyone and everyone post here. A great success story as yours is truly an inspiration to us all. Please post anytime as it will help your fellow new Bandsters in their new journey. How did you do it ?


-Brian :(

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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