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How will Lap Band Help?

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Hello all,

I am in the early stages of considering and researching the Lap Band. I have some questions on how the Lap Band would work to help me lose weight. First, let me fill you in on a little about me and my weight issues.

I am a 45 year old male who is approx 150lbs overweight at the moment. Since my twenties I have been up and down in weight from my ideal weight to 150 pounds overweight. I have many times lost a significant amount of weight in the past. Over the last 15 years I have lost all my excess weight 4 times over a 10-12 month period, but then over 2-3 years I put it all back on, plus a few more! I lose it through diet and exercise, and I put it back on with lack of diet or exercise! I also enjoy having a couple glasses of wine almost every night or a hard drink or two with friends on the weekends while BBQ-ing or watching the game. All this is culprit in not being able to keep the weight off. I know how to lose the weight and I am successful as long as I have a goal and have the excitement of watching the weight come off. After the weight is lost and the excitement is over, I have a hard time sticking with the diet regiment to keep the weight off. In addition, I eat even when I am full because I enjoy the taste. When I am at a buffet, I have a hard time stopping because it is all delicious! Many weight lose clinics will try to determine the subconscious reason for eating. I have never found any such thing, I just enjoy the taste!

So my questions:

1. How will the Lap Band help me lose weight?

2. What kind of diet needs to be kept after the Lap Band is installed?

3. If I/We/anyone can’t maintain a diet regiment before the Lap Band, how can we expect that it would be any different after the Lap Band?

4. Are there medications or supplements that need to be taken after the Lap Band is installed?

5. If insurance covers the procedure (I am investigating that with my insurance right now), and there is a problem with the device such as a leaky port, who covers the expense of fixing it?

6. Are there other manufacturing defect problems that can occur with the Lap Band, and if so who absorbs the cost of repair?

7. I am noticing the number one side effect of the Lap Band is nausea and vomiting. Is that a temporary problem or an ongoing problem?

8. Is there any restriction on drinking alcohol when you have a Lap Band?

Any insight that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated,



Edited by BobLindemann

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Hi, Bob! Here are my answers to your questions. Feel free to take a look at my blog if you want info. about how the surgery went, etc. (you'll want to go to the beginning).

1. How will the LAP-BAND® help me lose weight?

It lets you be satisfied and full with smaller portions. It also stops you from overeating.

2. What kind of diet needs to be kept after the LAP-BAND® is installed?

You should focus on eating Protein first. But, by and large, you can eat just about everything once you are banded. You just eat less of it.

I stay away from breads that get Gummy after you eat them, and sometimes it’s hard for me to eat hamburger without getting stuck, but in general, you can have a little bit of anything you like. The best part is that you will be satisfied sooner.

So, if you are someone who tends to eat quality food -- but too much of those foods -- this is a really great solution.

3. If I/We/anyone can’t maintain a diet regiment before the LAP-BAND®, how can we expect that it would be any different after the LAP-BAND®?

Well, it sure has been for me. I’ve dieted a million times before. Like you, I’d take off weight. . then put it all back on and more eventually. With the band, however, I have been able to follow the rules and succeed for two years in a row (and counting!). I’m in maintenance now, and it’s very easy for me. I just keep on doing what I’ve been doing all along. My problem was overeating good food, and now that I have this tool to stop me from doing that, it's surprisingly easy to keep my weight constant. (I do work out regularly now, too, which helps a lot!)

Also, I am definitely a fan of nice wine as well. One of the things about the band that I really appreciate is that I’m still able to enjoy wine or cocktails. Of course, at 80 pounds down, I can’t drink as much as I used to!

4. Are there medications or supplements that need to be taken after the LAP-BAND® is installed?

I take Flintstones Vitamins (chewables). That’s it.

5. If insurance covers the procedure (I am investigating that with my insurance right now), and there is a problem with the device such as a leaky port, who covers the expense of fixing it?

I don’t really know the answer to this, since I was self-pay. I think most insurances would cover a problem, but you can call your provider and ask what their policy is.

6. Are there other manufacturing defect problems that can occur with the LAP-BAND®, and if so who absorbs the cost of repair?

I have no information about this.

7. I am noticing the number one side effect of the LAP-BAND® is nausea and vomiting. Is that a temporary problem or an ongoing problem?

It’s not a side effect. Actually, nausea doesn’t occur. What happens is that if people don’t chew well enough, or their band is super tight, they may get “stuck,” and the food will either work its way through. . or come back up. When this has happened to me, I have always had about 1-2 minutes where I look normal on the outside, but know that I'm stuck. So it’s not a problem to get to the restroom gracefully.

The interesting thing about this “vomiting” (which people call a PB. .or a “productive burp”) is that the food only is coming up from the pouch above your band, so it doesn’t have stomach acid in it. In other words, it isn’t as gross as actually throwing up, and doesn’t (sorry if this is gross) taste like throwing up.

8. Is there any restriction on drinking alcohol when you have a LAP-BAND®?

Not really. I have wine regularly and cocktails once in a while. You shouldn’t consume too many liquid calories whenever you’re trying to lose weight, so that’s the guideline most people follow. Also, you would never want to be hungover to the point of having to vomit, since that might be bad for your band. But, wine and cocktails in moderation are fine, according to my doctor. I wouldn’t have had the surgery if that wasn’t the case.

I hope that helps! Honestly, I am a big proponent of this surgery. It's helped me so much, and I can't imagine ever getting too my goal without it. This has made the weight loss much easier than dieting alone (not that I haven't worked hard -- just that it didn't feel as frustrating and I wasn't hungry and feeling deprived all the time).

Best wishes for your success!


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So my questions:

1. How will the LAP-BAND® help me lose weight?

There is something magical that once you hit your "sweet spot" you can only eat about a cup of food at a sitting - and your body stays satisfied with that - thinking it is full....I find I don't crave sweets or junk food...bread has NO pull at all as my body craves the Protein that it needs to function well. I would've NEVER believed that pre op - as i was a carbaholic!

2. What kind of diet needs to be kept after the LAP-BAND® is installed?

Like she said - you first eat your Protein - as I found if you aren't getting enough protein your hair will start to fall out...not cool! You will find that once you have eaten your protein you haven't room for much else! But if you want to eat a scoop of frozen yogurt or something as a treat you can, and it is no big deal...you just have to be careful at the "slider" foods that go through the band and don't leave you feeling satisfied. I shoot for more solid protein that will stay with me longer.

3. If I/We/anyone can’t maintain a diet regiment before the LAP-BAND®, how can we expect that it would be any different after the LAP-BAND®?

You still have to work on WHY you overeat -or make the choices that you do...it isn't an easy fix, which folks seem to think it is. (common misconsception) If you are prone to turn to food when upset - you still will even with the band, and you can "eat around" the band by overeating with slider type foods that go right through....and thus circumventing the band. So it isn't a cure all - but it helps you control your portions of foods and you can still eat "real food" - it just takes a LOT less to satisfy your body.

4. Are there medications or supplements that need to be taken after the LAP-BAND® is installed?

I just take my Gummy Vitamin - some docs recommend a Calcium supplement, too.....your doctor will go over what they recommend. It isn't like the gastric bypass, though, where you have to take a lot of things for the rest of your life. (or so I am told by others...)

5. If insurance covers the procedure (I am investigating that with my insurance right now), and there is a problem with the device such as a leaky port, who covers the expense of fixing it?

My mom's friend had to have her lapband replaced as it sprung a leak - her insurance covered it...I think typically if they cover putting it in, they would cover anything else that had to be done...but I would definately check with your insurance company.

6. Are there other manufacturing defect problems that can occur with the LAP-BAND®, and if so who absorbs the cost of repair?

Haven't heard of anything on this either.......

7. I am noticing the number one side effect of the LAP-BAND® is nausea and vomiting. Is that a temporary problem or an ongoing problem?

Can be ongoing depending on what you are trying to eat! If you are sticking to the right types of foods (protein - not breads and things that get stuck) then you won't have any trouble with PB'ing (which reminds me of a baby spitting up -just a burp) - but once you hit your sweet spot and have good restriction you will find that you have to eat slow and chew well ---- or else you can still struggle a lot with the "vomiting". I struggled the first 4 months or so...but then everything became habit and I haven't had any problems for a long time.

8. Is there any restriction on drinking alcohol when you have a LAP-BAND®?

Not that I know of - course you wouldn't want to drink too much since it is empty calories....

Good luck!


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Thanks Catherine and Kim for your responses. I had to chuckle on the "Productive Burp" / "PB" terminology! Too funny!

Congratulations to both of you on your weight loss, that's awesome! Since you are both very close to your goal weight, are you still losing regularly or are there ups and downs? Did either of you spend any length of time in the hospital when you had your Lap Band installed? I also see in Kim's signature a mention of '1st Fill' and '2nd fill', what is that? I have seen it mentioned in other posts too and was curious what that was. Also, Catherine mentions that she is in maintenance. Are there organized classes that you attend? Is that something that is available everywhere? Is that included in the cost of the surgery? How long do these classes go on? Lastly, do you in anyway feel the band inside you either in normal activity or more vigorous exercise or aerobics in which you may bend or twist?

Thanks again,


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Kim and Catherine,

thanks for the great information. Catherine...I stumbled upon your blog and it was instrumental in helping me decide to go ahead with the lapband. My surgery is set for Nov. 9. I can't wait.

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Hello all,

I am in the early stages of considering and researching the LAP-BAND®. I have some questions on how the LAP-BAND® would work to help me lose weight. First, let me fill you in on a little about me and my weight issues.

I am a 45 year old male who is approx 150lbs overweight at the moment. Since my twenties I have been up and down in weight from my ideal weight to 150 pounds overweight. I have many times lost a significant amount of weight in the past. Over the last 15 years I have lost all my excess weight 4 times over a 10-12 month period, but then over 2-3 years I put it all back on, plus a few more! I lose it through diet and exercise, and I put it back on with lack of diet or exercise! I also enjoy having a couple glasses of wine almost every night or a hard drink or two with friends on the weekends while BBQ-ing or watching the game. All this is culprit in not being able to keep the weight off. I know how to lose the weight and I am successful as long as I have a goal and have the excitement of watching the weight come off. After the weight is lost and the excitement is over, I have a hard time sticking with the diet regiment to keep the weight off. In addition, I eat even when I am full because I enjoy the taste. When I am at a buffet, I have a hard time stopping because it is all delicious! Many weight lose clinics will try to determine the subconscious reason for eating. I have never found any such thing, I just enjoy the taste!

Spooky! You sound like me right down to the name and age.

So my questions:

1. How will the LAP-BAND® help me lose weight?

It is built in Portion Control but you still have to lose the weight. The lapband doesn't control what you eat, just how much.

2. What kind of diet needs to be kept after the LAP-BAND® is installed?

Nothing special. You just eat a balanced meal. The portions will just be smaller.

Just don't drink you calories and keep snacking to a minimum.

3. If I/We/anyone can’t maintain a diet regiment before the LAP-BAND®, how can we expect that it would be any different after the LAP-BAND®?

That's a chance you'll have to take. You have to ask yourself how serious you are about losing the weight. Don't make the mistake like many here and think that surgery is a panacea.

4. Are there medications or supplements that need to be taken after the LAP-BAND® is installed?


5. If insurance covers the procedure (I am investigating that with my insurance right now), and there is a problem with the device such as a leaky port, who covers the expense of fixing it?

It all depends on the insurance company; your coverage; your deductible; etc...

6. Are there other manufacturing defect problems that can occur with the LAP-BAND®, and if so who absorbs the cost of repair?

There are issues but I can't say who pays.

7. I am noticing the number one side effect of the LAP-BAND® is nausea and vomiting. Is that a temporary problem or an ongoing problem?

You're noticing wrong!!

Most of us never get nauseous and 90% of the time the vomiting is our own fault for not paying attention or eating too fast.

8. Is there any restriction on drinking alcohol when you have a LAP-BAND®?

Hell NO!!

Although, American beers are full of carbonation and that doesn't work so well with the band. I don't have any issues with Guinness.

Keep reading and don't hurry into anything. The lapband is not going anywhere. It will still be available if/when you decide you are ready.

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Thanks Bob for your reply,

It looks like we do have alot in common! Before your surgery were you skeptical at all about the product? I am struggling with the fact that its still diet and Portion Control that is going to loss the weight, not the band. I fear that, as with many diets past, I will lose successfully and everything will be great for year or so until I start getting bored and I want more. I also fear that knowing I enjoy drinking wine and Jack Daniels (and even Guinness!) I know those are empty calories and I fear that if I want to drink I will automatically start putting on weight; but as Catherine said earlier in this thread, she cant drink as much now as before losing weight, so I guess that would be a good thing!

Congratulations on your weight loss, 145lbs, WOW, that's great!!! If I am reading your numbers correctly, you lost 95 pounds before you ever had the band installed and another 60 in the last 7 months! Why the big drop before the surgery?

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How will the LAP-BAND®® help me lose weight?
Once you achieve restriction, which can take a period of months, you will be left with a pouch (with limited capacity) that slowly empties. This means that hunger is pretty much removed from the equation, making it far easier to sustain the lifestyle needed to lose weight and maintain loss.

What kind of diet needs to be kept after the LAP-BAND®® is installed?
It depends on your doctor. Many recommend a higher-protein, lower-carb regimen. There is limited pouch space once you achieve restriction, so the most important thing, really, is to choose foods that benefit your body and meet its needs. Well, most of the time; there is room for indulgences and treats.

If I/We/anyone can’t maintain a diet regiment before the LAP-BAND®®, how can we expect that it would be any different after the LAP-BAND®®?
See above; hunger is removed from the equation. If you are a compulsive eater, you will still have to learn new behaviors and coping techniques; the band will not miraculously remove the impulse to eat. But it does provide pretty good negative reinforcement for overeating.

Are there medications or supplements that need to be taken after the LAP-BAND®® is installed?[/quote] A good-quality bariatric Multivitamin and, possibly, Protein supplements.

If insurance covers the procedure (I am investigating that with my insurance right now), and there is a problem with the device such as a leaky port, who covers the expense of fixing it?
This is dependent on your specific policy. Mine does cover band-related complications.

Are there other manufacturing defect problems that can occur with the LAP-BAND®®, and if so who absorbs the cost of repair?
I have not heard of any large-scale manufacturing defects. In general, when there are medical device issues, patients (or their insurers) are generally responsible for repairs unless the company is found liable. Your doctor will inform you pretty fully of the potential risks associated with banding, and when you consent to surgery, you accept those risks.

I am noticing the number one side effect of the LAP-BAND®® is nausea and vomiting. Is that a temporary problem or an ongoing problem?
It is temporary (and related to anesthesia and surgery itself); most doctors give medication that prevents these from occurring.

Is there any restriction on drinking alcohol when you have a LAP-BAND®®?
It depends on your doctor. Most do not recommend drinking alcohol for a period of time after surgery. Mine vetoes it for about a year; the idea is to promote the adoption of new health habits (while maximizing weight loss). Alcohol = liquid calories that are used, by the body, very efficiently (as in, converted to fat very easily). It is also a disinhibitor--making it more likely that you will make inappropriate food choices. That said, occasional drinking usually is not an issue (if you don't have medical issues that preclude it)--you just have to be aware that it can affect the rate of weight loss.

Edited by BetsyB

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I also see in Kim's signature a mention of '1st Fill' and '2nd fill', what is that? I have seen it mentioned in other posts too and was curious what that was.
When the band is installed, the ring that surrounds the stomach (forming the pouch) is not full. (Some doctors do put a bit of saline in at the time of installation.) Over time, saline is added to the band, via a port that lies under the skin of your abdomen. This adjustment is what we are referring to when we say "fills." Over a period of time--often several months, the band is adjusted until you achieve the appropriate level of restriction.

Also, Catherine mentions that she is in maintenance. Are there organized classes that you attend? Is that something that is available everywhere? Is that included in the cost of the surgery? How long do these classes go on?
A very, very important consideration, when choosing your surgeon, is preop preparation and aftercare. Some doctors do provide really good preop seminars, nutrition classes, exercise support, and support groups, and so on. Others do not--many patients end up feeling kind of abandoned. My doctor is in the former group--and nutrition courses continue for the first year postop. (I am sure you could attend longer, if you wanted.) It helps a lot. In addition, patients are given a pretty comprehensive "manual" of what to expect, how to advance diet and exercise, the changes to make during maintenance, and so on. When you're choosing your doctor, do ask about the support you'll receive.
Lastly, do you in anyway feel the band inside you either in normal activity or more vigorous exercise or aerobics in which you may bend or twist?
I never really am aware of the band, unless I've taken one bite too many. I just don't feel it at all. I can, however, feel my port. It doesn't really interfere with exercise, though I am aware of it more when using certain equipment.

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Thanks Bob for your reply,

It looks like we do have alot in common! Before your surgery were you skeptical at all about the product? I am struggling with the fact that its still diet and Portion Control that is going to loss the weight, not the band. I fear that, as with many diets past, I will lose successfully and everything will be great for year or so until I start getting bored and I want more. I also fear that knowing I enjoy drinking wine and Jack Daniels (and even Guinness!) I know those are empty calories and I fear that if I want to drink I will automatically start putting on weight; but as Catherine said earlier in this thread, she cant drink as much now as before losing weight, so I guess that would be a good thing!

Congratulations on your weight loss, 145lbs, WOW, that's great!!! If I am reading your numbers correctly, you lost 95 pounds before you ever had the band installed and another 60 in the last 7 months! Why the big drop before the surgery?

155, not 145. Get that right!! :smile2:

I lost the weight prior to surgery to prove to myself that I can still lose it if I try. I read up plenty on the lapband prior to ever making the decision.

I am skeptical by nature, I don't believe anything until I see it for myself. I am still a little skeptical about the lapband and think of it as playing a minor part in my lifestyle change.

In fact, I knew it wasn't going to make me lose weight when I had surgery. I got it as a failsafe to keep me from regaining the weight that I am losing.

So far, so good.

I don't consider what I've done a diet. Diets end and the changes I've made are forever. It's been a year now and I haven't sacrificed a thing I loved. I quit drinking soda; quit eating fast food and cut my portions down.

I still enjoy a snack once in a while. I eat pizza every couple of weeks. I eat out almost every day of the week and I enjoy Guinness or cocktails on occasion.

Anything is ok in moderation.

I used to be able to astound folks by downing a case of beer in a few hours. These days, I have a buzz after 3 or 4 and a six pack satisfies me for the night. I also don't drink every night or even every weekend any more.

Like I said, the lapband will be around when and if you make the decision. Keep reading and asking questions.

The lapband is only a tool and works well with 2 much more important tools, knowledge and a positive attitude.

Good luck!!

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