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feeling a little down...

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OK I know I am only 2 weeks post-op what do I have to feel down about right?

1. I thought it would be easier then this.

2. I miss my friend food.< /span>

3. I'm not losing weight anymore.

How did i think it would be easier? I dont know it just seemed like getting banded would be an easy thing to do. I mean you go to sleep wake up and bam you got a band. But now I have been dealing with weird gas pains, phelibitis (an inflamed vein where the IV was) and absolutly no restriction what so ever I can eat and eat and eat... well not really I do have to stop or I get this weird pain in my left shoulder.

I just now realized that food was my best friend and now I cant eat as much of it as I used to if I do I get a pain in my shoulder then feel bloated and ill. I went to a birthday party today and was really bummed that all I could eat was like 1/2 or 1 cup of food, while every one else was pigging out. I mean that is a good thing that's the whole reason I got the band I just didn't think I would feel so bad about it.

Now that I am on solid food again I have stopped losing weight and have become a bigger slave to the scale. I know I know that this is a time for healing not losing but just can't get over how I am eating WAY less but am not losing anymore.

I know I need to take my Vitamins, anti-depressants and start walking but how do I find the motivation to do it?

This weekend has been a very crummy weekend full of laziness and self pity...Sorry for the long post I guess I just needed to get this off my chest.



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Welcome to Bandster hell! This is a time for your body to heal from the surgery and to start making the changes in your life necessary. Since you are just starting back on solids, its not a big surprise you are not losing weight. This isnt a bad thing at all, simply means your body is doing exactly what it is suppose to be doing: healing! That little pain you feel in your shoulder could be residual gas, but more likely than not thats your body telling you its full. It took years of abusing food to get to the point that banding was an option, likewise it was take some time to make the changes in your life and eating habits necesary to lose the weight. You will lose the weight, but those first few weeks after surgery are strictly about healing. Any weight loss you have is a bonus. Any doctor will tell you this also.

I'm now 14 months out of surgery, and down 95 lbs. My relationship with my band is a love/hate one. I love that Buster tells me when its time to stop eating, because I dont have that control myself. I hate it when he tells me I cant eat certain things because I know if I do I will pay for it dearly. But those things I shouldnt be eating anyways. I would love to eat me a PoBoy sandwich with all the fixings, but Buster says nope, for example. But I love being able to eat, enjoy my food and know I ate just the right amount. And the feeling of being full. I had no idea what that felt like, and it feels pretty darn good. Yes, food was my friend. Always there when I was happy, sad, scare, mad, whatever, my friend was always there. The problem is my friend was gonna kill me one day. But I realize now, it wasnt my friend at all, it was my enemy. Now, its my friend.

I spent alot of time researching recipes for all these veggies and stuff thats a part of my new diet. And I found ways to modify recipes so they were better for me. I love Paula Deen but her stick of butter in everything would be the death of the world. I change what I need to in the recipe and still get all the benefits.....

I hope this helps, but this too shall pass! Good luck!

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hi Zen, I with ya gal:sad: I miss my pal too. I especially had 3 bad craving days and it has not been too bad since. I was told not to do anything but fluids until week four so I am still on all fluids except cream of wheat that I mix with skim milk. Are you getting enough Protein? I am getting 100 grams a day which I think helps. I was told to still do two Protein Drinks even when I go to regular food. I am scared that on week four I will eat too much since I will have free rein. I do have my first fill date on Oct. 6th though so I will do my best for those 2 weeks and try to maintain until I get a fill. It may take two or three fills but it will happen. Sometimes a certain food will come to mind and I miss it and realize I will NEVER get to pig out on it again. That is a weird feeling at times. But then like today I put on jeans and they were loose so that was so cool. Hang in there. I need to exercise too...yake care,lynda

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Zen , the left shoulder pain is your sign you are very full!! at least you have a sign .

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hi Zen, I with ya gal:sad: I miss my pal too. I especially had 3 bad craving days and it has not been too bad since. I was told not to do anything but fluids until week four so I am still on all fluids except cream of wheat that I mix with skim milk. Are you getting enough Protein? I am getting 100 grams a day which I think helps. I was told to still do two protein drinks even when I go to regular food. I am scared that on week four I will eat too much since I will have free rein. I do have my first fill date on Oct. 6th though so I will do my best for those 2 weeks and try to maintain until I get a fill. It may take two or three fills but it will happen. Sometimes a certain food will come to mind and I miss it and realize I will NEVER get to pig out on it again. That is a weird feeling at times. But then like today I put on jeans and they were loose so that was so cool. Hang in there. I need to exercise too...yake care,lynda

Bandongal , I hear you, but you are at the im full stage . Believe me it comes where you are hngry and want to eat everything . I was banded the 17th and im there!!! only another week and 2 days till my fill!!!

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Hi Zen!

Im only 6 days in so I have a long way to go still but I feel your "pain". I am probably right behind you with the feelings right now but not there so much yet...

Right now I can barely eat anything- I am lucky if I get 3 liquid meals in- I guess I am that swollen. BUT I have been soo bored during this week home I WANT to eat and its sad that I can't. I mean its a blessing that I can't cause thats what caused me to get fat to begin with but I miss eating whatever I want, when I want. Like CANTB2 said, food was the enemy and now its the friend... I get that concept. Certain food can be evil but most of it is nurturing and helpful! It took a lifetime to develop bad habits, give yourself a few months to get in routine with good ones.

As far a the weight loss stopped, its just cause your body it re-adjusting once again to the changes. I bet that if you can avoid the scale for 2 weeks you will see a sudden drop. This isn't the magic potion to be skinny, its the helpful too to help you get there. It took time to put on all this weight, it will take that time to lose it.

As far as walking... I know its a hassel sometimes, especially when we are feeling down, but walking will help the pain as well as burn calories which in turn will help you lose weight. Maybe just focus on little steps at a time, walk in place while you watch TV, go up and down the steps 2 times before going about other things.

For motivation, you need to dig deep inside mind. Set mini goals, envision your ultimate goal.

Hang in there and GOOD LUCK! YOU CAN DO THIS! :(

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The left shoulder pain is actually referred pain from some part of your band rubbing on your diaphragm. As you lose weight, this will lessen and the pain will go away for the most part.

I had this pain from the day of surgery until I lost about 40 pounds. I had 1cc put in my band this past week and the pain was back for a couple days, but it's gone this morning. I guess just the loss of a couple pounds is enough to put some slack on whatever is rubbing.

I absolutely understand missing your old buddy, food...but it does get better. Unfortunately, it's mostly a head habit and one you'll just have to learn to get over...maybe replace it with a new buddy? My new buddy starting tomorrow night is Tae Kwan Do. I don't know if I'll ever be as much of a friend with TKD, but a better class of friends is definitely needed if I want this to be a permanent life change.

Make sure you're getting a minimum of 60gm Protein a day. That helps with cravings. If you have to, drink a Protein shake. I make the EAS Protein Shake with unsweetened almond milk so it's about 130 calories and 3 carbs but it's 25 gm of Protein. It really does help.


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Things will get better, but I learned quickly that the band was no quick fix-a lot more work than I thought. I am 10 months out and just now getting good restriction at 7cc. Patience is the key. I just finished reading a great book called BREAKING FREE FROM EMOTIONAL EATING by Geneen Roth. Really helps when food has become your friend. I also read a book called WHY CAN'T I STOP EATING but can't remember the author...also a good book. Remember that this is a journey. It is not quick...it's life long. Very frustrating at times, but when you finally do get to restriction, it's like "Oh, that's how the band works!" Hang in there!

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Thanks guys for all the kind words and advice... Today is a little better I have decided to not weigh myself today and am not so much missing my food. I had a potluck today at school and didnt miss a thing!



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Hi. That pain you feel is most likely refererred pain from gas or fullness because there is a nerve that can get irritated by now having that band in place. It runs along your stomach up to your shoulders. The good news is that there are certain things you can do to help...liquid tylenol, codeine, massages or hot or cold packs can also help relieve that.

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Hang in there. The sadness should pass soon. If not, please contact doctor. It is a mourning period. I am a year out and still get angry that I can't eat. Then I am angry at myself for not having control in the first place and on it goes.

Just keep on going through it. You will hit a drop in weight soon.

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HI! I am so glad I came across your post! I am 3 weeks post op and this week I can start incorporating softer foods. Yesterday and today I have been wanting to eat everything in sight! There were brownies at work, I would have eaten the whole plate but I cut off the corner chewed it up and spit it out. It sounds sick but it was so helpful and I didn't hate myself after! I know that my relationship with food is a sad dependent one, and I am trying to break it. I would love a loaded pizza and a huge burger NOW, but I know that they just taste good and they aren't going to make my life any better! Keep your head up and know that when you get on track you are going to feel great and you will look great! GOOD LUCK!!!

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I don't like the term "bandster hell". It just seems like kicking your own @$$ when you're already down! Why associate this good thing in life with such a negative state of being. But again, that's just me!

I've tried very hard to remain positive throughout this journey and to anticipate that there will be small failures. The battle is when it's time to pick yourself up and move on from those failures. Just keep in mind the big picture, all the things you've already done for yourself that are going to improve your lifestyle!

I will admit, during these 4 weeks since my surgery, I wondered about all the pizza, ice cream, cake and buffets i'm missing out on in life! It was my husband who finally put it into perspective when he said "buffet? people aren't supposed to eat like that!"

The past two weeks have been especially tricky. Work has been busy and stressful, I accepted a promotion right before surgery and returned to a heavy training schedule and being thrown in with the sharks to figure out this new job! Needless to say, before surgery, i'd cope by ordering pizza for dinner, pigging out and having some oreos. It somehow made everything feel better. It's not an option anymore! I found myself window shopping(more like walking around) for 4 hours from store to store because i didn't know how to deal with the frustration i was feeling! All i could do was walk, walk, and walk some more until i felt level headed again. My poor husband got the nasty side of this episode, but it's a lifestyle change right? Just remember, it took us all our lives up until the time of surgery to get this way! It's not going to change in just 4 weeks! It's going to take some time.

A positive attitude goes a long way, and so does medication! This is not an easy journey to embark on, but it's definately a worthwhile one! Don't beat yourself up too much about the little setbacks (stalled weight, gaining a few pounds), a year from now when you're doing so great, they only be a speck on this fantastic voyage!

Good luck and cheer up, you're going to be just fine :(

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I am also using a book about emotional eating called "Shrink Yourself" by Roger Gould M.D. It is fantastic. I am also doing their 12 week online program (of the same name) http://www.shrinkyourself.com

I was literally panicking right up until the liquid diet (trying to get my "last" meals in) and the first few days of liquids were extremely difficult for me (my first all liquid day we went to a baseball game and I could smell/focus on was the food and beer), but things have gotten better. I stayed 100% on track with liquids and just lost over 10lbs in a week, and I was just banded yesterday. Slowly, but surely, my life with food as my "friend" is no longer. I am striving to "eat to live" not "live to eat," and now that I know I am about 4 weeks away from "real" food again, there is really no panic. I was also lucky enough to find this blog with WLS friendly recipe make-overs:


and being able to look at the delicious post-op choices I will be able to "create" is starting to become enough for me to handle. I really suggest looking into one of the emotional eating books/websites/etc. as it has made a tremendous change in my life and I hope others will begin to feel the freedom that comes from breaking those heavy emotional bonds with food.

Edited by nkl1201
URL didn't work, one typo

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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