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Slipping into September

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Well, I guess I will start.

I am in a don't give a funk attitude. I really don't want to work this anymore. I want it to be gone and stay gone!! I want the easy way out!! I even thought about liposuction. Then I realize that the easy way out is not going to get me healthy and that is all that matters to me is getting healthy. It helps, but I still have the attitude.

Hope everyone enjoyed your 3 day weekend.

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I fight that attitude everyday of my life. Guess I just want to feel sorry for myself. Why can't this be easy for me? You can do this, its not easy. Look at how far you have come in the last 3 years. Then remember where you would be without the band.

I'm still doing weight watchers and I'm still not losing as fast as I want to. I been losing around a 1 pound a week. Its a lot of work for just one pound. I have been walking everyday durning the week. I take Sat and Sun off, but I still get tired of it. Sometimes I think I'm getting burned out. This has to become a way of life. I fight that also. I want what I want when I want it. I don't like being told you can't have something.

Oh well. Everyone have a great day. Hang in there, I still need you.


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You guys you are not going to believe this one. It happened again. Basically I have been having gas pain and bloating and vomiting lightly for about 2 months. Went to the doc today and yes I have to have my gallbladder that is full of stones out. I guess I am happy only that it happens to people that have significant weight loss usually. But here is the kicker....

from the vomiting from the gallbladder i have slipped my band again and prolapsed my stomach.

Thank god this time i was not too tight and it did not strangle the stomach like last time.

They took all the Fluid out today and want to wait to see if the lower stomach will drop back on through the lapband.

Frankly I am hoping tomorrow when they take out my gall bladder they can fix the prolapse.

I will not lose this band again. Can you believe iam sitting at 203 that close to onderland. :thumbup:

I had to share with you guys I will keep you posted.

Where is everyone???

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Sorry to hear about your problem. Hope all goes well tomorrow. I square sometimes its just one thing after another. We will be here for you.

Keep us posted and I will say a prayer for you tonight.


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Janine-First off, I've missed you and granted it is sucky news but I am so glad to hear from you. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and a fix of the band. I also want to throw out there a big congrats for the weight loss, you are kicking some butt!! Only 3 lbs!! I can’t wait to hit onderland again!! I MISS IT SOOOOO MUCH!!

I did one hour on the treadmill last night!! I did 1.6 miles at 1.6 mph (go figure). This is the first time in over a month that I got on and it did make me feel good when I was done. I also went out to dinner with a friend from high school last night and was able to clean my plate, I NEED A FILL!!! Going in September 24 and I hope to get closer to that sweet spot.

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Hi All, back to see what's going on with everyone. In reading the previous posts, it's as if I don't need to write anything. I'm experiencing some of what everyone is saying. Especially with the I don't care any more attitude. Although I gain up to 10 lbs when I feel like this I'm still a lot better off than 3yr ago. I'm kinda back on track now. Although I need to go back to the doctor. I know a while back I was diagnosed with acid reflux but didn't take it seriously. This time round I'm not sure if it's acid reflux or my band is too tight. Really I think it's both. I'm only losing weight now because I'm pretty much only eating one meal a day. With PBing almost every day sometimes twice a day something is wrong. Have trouble eating a decent meal, but I have no problem eating junk food. Go figure.

I'm afraid if the dr. remove some fluids I'll get over conifident and really gain the weight back. In addition I haven't really excerised all summer. So now that school is back in session I won't need to be home for my daughter to much in the evening. I'm scheduling a program for excerise 5x a week. 3 mornings and 2/3x evenings. As we all know proper eating with excerise will help the weight come off.

Well enough of me. We all know where our faults are but although we get mad with ourselves for not doing the right thing, we do eventually get back on track. I have no doubt that each of us will. It's one of those things, "sick and tired of being sick and tired". We got the eating healthy part under control it's getting the exercise part in sync. At least for me.

Well, love to you all and we'll get it straight some day soon. Then it's on to maintaining our lost weight. And we think getting there is hard. This is just the training step to maintaining our weight loss goal.

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No matter how many pep talks I give myself, I am still in a I don't give a funk attitude. I know that I am screwing up big time and I don't care. I am no where near restriction and I know that I need a fill (Sept 24) but as of right now, I don't care. I did get on my treadmill 3 times since last Thursday, but I just don't have the energy to keep it up. I was trying to figure out why and I think I might be a little on edge about my 3 month follow up/scans with my oncologist tomorrow. This one has got me a little freaked out and I don't know why. Yes I have a few new aches and pains, but I really don't believe it is going to be anything to worry about. I will give myself until after that appointment, then I am going to kick my own butt and get back on track.

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Well I had the gall bladder taken out and THEY SAVED MY LAPBAND I am so happy!!!

I definitely think the vomiting from the gall bladder stones took a toll on the lapband too!

The lapband is a piece of cake over this gall bladder. Very interesting fact for you guys. Essentially when you are on a low fat diet for along time like we all have been for the most part...the bile in the gall bladder which really is just cholesterol becomes hard hence turning into stones. In other words the liver shoots out bile when you eat a high fat meal, if it can't keep up it has the gall bladder shoot some bile to break down the fat. But if you don't eat high fat meals the gall bladder's bile turns sludgy then can turn into stones. Unlike kidney stones these stones can not be broken and must come out.

So if you guys get food regurgitation into your mouth, bloating, rotten egg burps right shoulder pain and pain in your stomach check your gall bladder.

I have to start all over again with Clear liquids, full , puree, mushies, soft...I can barley remember the stages.

You guys reading your posts I see you beat yourselves up over those ten lbs up and down, but the more people I see that have had the full RNY have large weight gains back, hang in there. I have had so many complications but still love my band.:thumbup:

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Glad to hear you are doing so good. You will bouce right back.

I think one of the things we have to do is realize that most normal weight people do mess around with 10lbs, up and down. My sister is one of those people. Shes always telling me she needs to get back on her diet,because she has gained 5lbs. That maybe one of thing we have to adjust to also.

I have a doctors appointment this week will be interested in seeing how all the blood work come out. I would love to get off some of my meds.

Again Janine, glad your doing so good. Hang in there, we all are still here.


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Janine-so glad you are doing good my band sister. You are doing great and will continue to do great. Thanks for the info about the gall bladder.

Well, I had a fill on Friday, up to 2.5 cc from 1.8. Tonight, drum roll, I FELT FULL for the first time in forever. It was about a cup of food, but I am just so happy that I FELT FULL and I didn't over do it. I am hoping that this is it and I have found my sweet spot!!

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Hi Fellow Bandsters: I think about you often although I haven't been on much. I was told I had acid reflux about three years ago. Although it was an occasional bout I really didn't pay to much attention to it. So, of course I didn't take the medication prescribed. Hence three year later I am hit with acid reflux big time. When it became a problem I took it as the band being to tight. After months, yes, months, since summer I've been having problems eating. What I thought was a bad case of PBing was in fact acid reflux results. In some reading it stated that acid reflux can be a result of gastric surgery. But the last time that had happened I had some Fluid removed and it solved the problem. So this time I thought to do the same thing. But when I took my medication it began to subside some.

Of course I like the fact that since I couldn't eat much or at all, the weight came off. So, I do believe if removing some Fluid the acid reflux will go away. Then there is the fear of not controlling my appetiate again. So, what's a girl to do? Take the medication, lose the weight then hope to maintain it. I only have 13lbs to weight goal. Here I'm trying to get off 2 meds and end up taking 3 now.

I haven't gotten back into excerising. My gym membership is about to expire. I want to renew it but when will I get back to the gym. Mornings are not looking good right now and I have a home remodeling project that at time keeps me from getting there in the evenings. And home excerising is not movitating right now. Well, enough about me. I'm just glad I can come and vent. Only someone going thru what we are can understand our plights. No matter what they are.

Everyone keep strong and as healthy as we can possible be.

Ms Husker, when I screw up, I pass it on as taking control of what I want to do when I want to do it. It makes me feel great and in control then the high wears off and begin to have regrets. It's like that quick high. But we haven't gone that far we can't get back. And when our other health issue get in the way, that doesn't help. We're not failures, just didn't see that road block.

Janine, you most of all have kept us informed of many issues that may be as a result of being banded. But, each time you prevail over them. You are an inspiration for this. I hope I can have a positive outlook when something like that happens to me.

Carol, hope your medical ills begin to improve. I do remember that one of my quickest weight loss was my reducing of salt a lot. And weighing my foods. It took only weeks to begin to adjust my taste buds to the reduced salt intake. So, if you're using the weight watchers food, pay attention to the salt contents. The salt helps preserve the shelf life of prepared foods. And I liked the partnership of the program. It gave me motive to win those prizes (if that's still part of the program). In addition to that one person who talks so much about how much she's doing and not losing weight.

Well, thanks for taking the time to read my post. Until next time, when we are all on the good foot and losing weight again. Let's start our New Year's Resolution new. It'll be one we won't need to make then. We've already begun it.

Luv Ya All.

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White pants congrats on being so close to goal, that is awesome in itself. Watch that acid reflux that is how my gall bladder started, with also bloating and rotten egg burps. Nothing quite like being bloated with a lap band on UGH! Have you tried Zumba, you truly do not have to drag yourself to do it,it is so much fun. It is so trendy right now!

Mrs. Husker thanks for the well wishes I am so glad you found your sweet spot especially right before going into the holidays, Yeah!

Carol thanks for your kind words.

Did you guys watch Dr. Oz yesterday he said it is sooo hard for over 40 somethings to lose wait, not impossible but hard. Don't we all know it. So now I have nerve pain from being cut, but I am sure once I get through it I will be on my way again for a full recovery.

I swear I should write a book about my journey crazy. So here i am sitting with absolutely no fill and desperately trying to break 200. Hopefully watching Biggest Loser will motivate me!

Cheers to the new year of positive thinking and weight loss!:smile:

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My full switch is broken. Well, maybe not broken, but slow as all get out. It tells me I am full AFTER the last bite. UGH! I feel close to pbing and if I have a bite of food in my mouth, out it comes. It is very, very uncomfortable feeling. I am going to have to pay closer attention on the amount of food that I am eating. It is under a cup, but not by much, but I need to know when I should stop BEFORE I get overfull.

Well October is here tomorrow. This is one of my favorite months. I love the fall colors and the leaves turning and the weather is just nippy enough to require a light jacket. But most of all because the humidity is down and I can breath again outside!! I think I am going to take a walk outside tonight.

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Hi All, just checking in. Lately I've been able to eat without having a acid reflux episode. I'm still basically down to one good meal a day. But I can eat sometimes in one setting or two. Not three or four like before.

Ms Husker, when I used to feel like that, that last bite was more than enough. And that's not a good feeling as we all to well know. I learned not to take that last bite. No matter how small it is, just to keep from throwing it away or saving it till later. How I get over that is wait about 1/2 or more then go back and eat it, if I still have that "urge". And that's just what it is an "urge". An "urge" not to let that last bite get the best of me.

Janine, gall bladder problems was not one I would thing of as an effect of acid reflux. I was thinking along the line of espoghas issues. I still think that getting some Fluid removed might get rid of the reflux. But, I won't at this time. Since I"m so close to weight goal. And just get back into excerising. I"ll just keep taking the pills. It may not make since but we all know our goal is to get to our weight lose goal.

So, thank you for taking us along "Your Journey" for we are all learning lessons and issue that come along with the band. But as we've all said in the past "We Love Our Band".

Welcome back all March Bandsters. We may not get here regularly but we do come back. Please just write your success good or not. It helps you and us keep in line and on track.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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