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Frustrated w/ Doc's Office! HELP!

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I feel for you. We take so long in researching the band, and then it must be the pits to end up with a dr. and an office staff that don't care. As stated, if this is the treatment you are getting now, it will be the same after you are banded. What on earth would happen if you had an emergency or needed support of any type from that office. It is going to be their loss to lose you to another dr. but you deserve much better treatment and I would certainly look at other options. In fact...I would have been long gone from there, but I don't have the kind of patience you are displaying with rude people giving me the runaround either.

I have met all of the office staff and I know if I have a problem to ask for Brenda and she will immediately contact the dr. The entire staff takes their job and their patients seriously, and like I said they take time out of their day to see how I'm coping with this ulcer and the postponing of surgery, and they don't really have to do this. I feel like I have joined another family in my doctor's office. Everyone is so kind and caring, that it really ticks me off you are getting this kind of treatment by anyone, let alone a professional and his staff. You have probably put a lot of time into research, and chances are if you find another dr. you may just have to attend another seminar, but big deal, be careful and make sure he is kind and you like him and the staff. It makes al the difference in the world.

Me...I am anxious to get that trip to Applebee's, although I hope as a bandster I'll have learned a whole different way of eating. I'll just be eyeing the ribs :(

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sherry-if you do end up going to another surgeon, make an appointment with him anyway (i know, it may take forever) or send him a personnel message to tell him how you have been treated. the doctor i went through was wonderful. his staff was and still is terrible!!!! never smile, never how are you today, nothing. i have an appointment with my doctor and i will bring it to his attention.

hope it all works out!! good luck!!

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With an approval from your insurance, you most defintely can change surgeons as long as they are in network. I did. I went through a similar situation andI could not get my original surgeons office to call me back even though I already had an approval. I changed surgeons and had surgery three weeks later.

Its really important to think about aftercare....

Babs in TX




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Thanks all for your input and support! Next ??? Can someone refer me to an awesome facility/surgeon in the Kansas City area??? I'm about an hour from the city (two from the Kansas side) but more than willing to make the drive as well as the effort, just ready to get on with it! lol!

Thanks again!

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And the saga continues.....It's Monday now, the day I was supposed to get scheduled. For the third of fourth time. I have called the office twice and no one can return my call, they will as soon as possible. DH says I need to call every five minutes until I get to talk to talk to someone who can schedule me. I think I just need to move forward......


Please pm or email me with the name and number for your band doctors I'm going to find a new one tomorrow that likes to schedule patients.

Thanks to all!!

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And the saga continues.....It's Monday now, the day I was supposed to get scheduled. For the third of fourth time. I have called the office twice and no one can return my call, they will as soon as possible. DH says I need to call every five minutes until I get to talk to talk to someone who can schedule me. I think I just need to move forward......


Please pm or email me with the name and number for your band doctors I'm going to find a new one tomorrow that likes to schedule patients.

Thanks to all!!

I agree! A starter would be to go on the obesity help website and look up bariatric surgeons. ObesityHelp.com That way you can look em up and see what folks have to say. I know there is just the right surgeon for you!


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I would see if you can get the doctor on the phone. You might even just call and say you have some questions (not bring up your current history), and then bring this to his attention. Doctors often do NOT know that there are problems with their office staff.

Regarding the $750, I imagine that with what's been going on, you can get out of that considering they haven't given you any service. It might take a little work, but I bet it could be done.

Good luck!

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I called twice more this afternoon before office hours ended. I asked to speak to the man who does the scheduling and, again, was told that it is their policy to take a message and have him call me back rather than to call him to the phone. I then asked to speak to the office manager. The policy is the same. I left messages, again, for both to return my call urgently. I then asked if the scheduling person had voice mail. I was sent to his voice mail which told me that he could not retrieve voicemail from that mailbox as there was some 'internal problem' w/ the phones. It gave another number to call to leave a message. I did this. In the second voicemailbox, he stated his name and said he was a Director of Nursing, and did NOT use the clinic name. I left a voicemail stressing the importance of speaking to him.

I would love to speak to the doctor since I have never had the privelage as to date. However, I'm guessing if it's their policy to not even let you speak to office staff unless they answer the phone.....they're not going to let me talk to the head man. Rest assured, I'm going to keep trying until I get to complain to my satisfaction. And I'm not going to give up on my lap-band surgery.

I'm going to call my insurance company in the morning and ask if I can switch doctors or if I have to go through the entire approval process again. From the way my approval letter sounds I can switch as long as it's a provider that they accept. Shouldn't be any harder than getting a phone call back.

I've kept track of when I've called. My approval letter was granted November 15th. I called them w/ the letter in my hands on November 21st. And have called several times a day/week since then. Not a good track record on their part. All the person on the phone can tell me is that they can't discuss the reason for the delay. There is a reason, but they aren't at liberty to discuss it, the scheduling personel will tell me when they call me. ARGH!!!!! hahaha!

Thanks everyone for your input and support!!


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If you have the time, I vote yes on calling them every 5 minutes. If they ask why you keep calling tell them you are trying to catch the person you need and then when they take the message, let them know you will try back ion five minutes. After a couple of hours of this you may find satisfaction.

Another thought is to pose as a new client and see if they give you to the person you need. If you have a different number or cell, leave that number and you may get a call back. I love a good ambush.

I think you can let your inner bitch out in this situation with out a whole lot of guilt. I'm behind you and hope you get through to them!

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Well, today was the last day I was going to attempt to call to schedule my surgery. I called another clinic to schedule a new patient appointment, destined to go through the entire approval process again. I gave my dr. office till noon to return my call.

At 11:30 I called them again to see if they were going to talk to me and low and behold I got to speak to the man himself who handles the scheduling. I FINALLY got some answers to this entire saga......

Seems that Dr. Jesse Lopez has 'left'. They have no idea where he's gone or what happened to him. One day he was there, the next he was not and was not answering his phone or pager nor seeing his patients or keeping appointments. They didn't take our calls because they didn't know what to tell us. Apparently they have been working w/ their lawyers and have found another Bariatric Surgeon who is going to take the position for their clinic.

I cried horribly and explained to this person that a phone call several weeks ago would have greatly improved my disposition and that I felt I had a right to be kept up to date on MY care! I even let my DH have a turn to listen to all his explainations.

It being 'not his fault' (which I guess it isn't) he is trying to encourage me to stick it out w/ the clinic and is going to try to get me a date w/ the new surgeon before the end of the year.

I DID ask and check out about their after-care. It seems their staff and PA's have been taking care of all post-op patients for appointments and fills, it was just us who are in 'limbo' that have fell through the cracks.

Weighing my options still! The only other doc that I have found in the KC area that is willing to try to transfer my insurance approval w/out making me wait for the entire process to exhaust itself, I'm not sure is the best choice in a doctor. I've not heard the best of compliments about them and really don't want to go through all this drama again.

Just wanted to let you all know that I did get an answer even if it wasn't the one I wanted. After a good long cry I feel a little better and realize that it wasn't personal and they weren't just trying to avoid me, they didn't know what they were supposed to say. While still not what I would have done, I have to try to understand.

I also wanted to thank everyone who has added to this thread or left me pm's with advise and encouragement. I'm going to step back and see what happens between now and the first of the year before I start the entire process over again. I KNOW this lap-band is for me and I know I'll get there. Patience has never been my strong suit!

Hugs to all! And a very Merry Christmas!

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I hope it all gets worked out in a timely manner for you. I know what an emotional roller coaster waiting for the surgery can be. I hope they get you in before the end of the year. I agree though that the truth would have been better in this situation, than total avoidence of the issue.

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Well, today was the last day I was going to attempt to call to schedule my surgery. I called another clinic to schedule a new patient appointment, destined to go through the entire approval process again. I gave my dr. office till noon to return my call.

At 11:30 I called them again to see if they were going to talk to me and low and behold I got to speak to the man himself who handles the scheduling. I FINALLY got some answers to this entire saga......

Seems that Dr. Jesse Lopez has 'left'. They have no idea where he's gone or what happened to him. One day he was there, the next he was not and was not answering his phone or pager nor seeing his patients or keeping appointments. They didn't take our calls because they didn't know what to tell us. Apparently they have been working w/ their lawyers and have found another Bariatric Surgeon who is going to take the position for their clinic.

I cried horribly and explained to this person that a phone call several weeks ago would have greatly improved my disposition and that I felt I had a right to be kept up to date on MY care! I even let my DH have a turn to listen to all his explainations.

It being 'not his fault' (which I guess it isn't) he is trying to encourage me to stick it out w/ the clinic and is going to try to get me a date w/ the new surgeon before the end of the year.

I DID ask and check out about their after-care. It seems their staff and PA's have been taking care of all post-op patients for appointments and fills, it was just us who are in 'limbo' that have fell through the cracks.

Weighing my options still! The only other doc that I have found in the KC area that is willing to try to transfer my insurance approval w/out making me wait for the entire process to exhaust itself, I'm not sure is the best choice in a doctor. I've not heard the best of compliments about them and really don't want to go through all this drama again.

Just wanted to let you all know that I did get an answer even if it wasn't the one I wanted. After a good long cry I feel a little better and realize that it wasn't personal and they weren't just trying to avoid me, they didn't know what they were supposed to say. While still not what I would have done, I have to try to understand.

I also wanted to thank everyone who has added to this thread or left me pm's with advise and encouragement. I'm going to step back and see what happens between now and the first of the year before I start the entire process over again. I KNOW this lap-band is for me and I know I'll get there. Patience has never been my strong suit!

Hugs to all! And a very Merry Christmas!

I think their behavior was beyond selfish. They were looking out for their own interests. They didn't want to lose any new patients. I can see them covering it up to the present patients. What would have been so bad in telling you and letting you decide whether or not you wanted to stick it out and see if they could find another doctor for their clinic. I don't know how I'd feel about someone other than my doctor giving me my fills, and what about anyone who might have had a real medical problem???? Nothing against PA's, but I want an experienced surgeon taking a look at me when I'm having a problem. What if the sugeon who takes his plce decides he does not like their set up???? where will you be then? Legally how long can this place operate without a doctor heading it? I don't know, it all sounds a little too shadey for me. I wish you the best.

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I am so thankful for this site. A very sweet lady contacted me that has went through this same clinic and I've found out 'the rest of the story'.

The Doctor left the practice because of patient care reasons and things he thought weren't in the patients best interest. I have called and made an appointment in his new office and they are going to work very hard to get my surgery scheduled before the first of the year.

If it hadn't been for this site and all the input by the people here I know this wouldn't be happening! So thank you once again!!!!!!! And look for a little less of me in '06!

Hugs, Sherry

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WOW - Couldn't they had just given you the number to his new office in the start instead stressing you out?? I wish you the best and praying you get your date soon...

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LOL! Funny you mentioned that. No, they won't give out his number, in fact they are telling patients that he's 'disappeared'. Quite the opposite in fact. I called this morning and had an appointment this afternoon. And guess what........

I'M GETTING MY BAND ON WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To everyone, while I can not and will not recomend Mid-West Institure of Bariatric Surgery, I CAN and WILL recomend Dr.Jesse Lopez and his new staff!!!!!!!!!!!! His attitude and patient care is incredible, he is a warm and wonderful individual.

Good luck to all!

Not Frustrated Anymore....LOL!

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