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This is a forum for weight loss, not election issues.

LBT Rants and Raves *** Off-Topic DEBATE AREA ***

Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!

What part of "Off Topic", debate, etc... don't you understand? Stay out of here if you don't want to read/debate off topic threads. There are plenty of forums and threads about weight loss, so why come here at all?

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What part of LAP-BAND®® Discussion do YOU NOT understand? My understanding is that this web page was designed for Lap-Band®® patients to learn about and discuss Lap-Band®® surgery, as well as offer support and advice. No where in the Title Lap-Band®® is there a mention of "off-topic" issues. Why even post them in a weight loss forum if they are not related to weight loss in some form or fashion. I'm sure there are many election discussion forums you could go to do discuss these issues. I'm sure there are public forums in your town or community. I clicked on this link thinking there would be discussions on Election Day issues related to working the polls and not being able to eat normally, etc. I feel this web page should be dedicated to issues regarding Lap-Band®® subjects ONLY. I'm entitled to my opinion, regardless of what YOU think. Apparently, you don't want to hear from someone if their opinion differs from yours, so why not let me RANT about my thoughts!!!:smile2:

You're more than welcome to rant about anything your little heart pleases. But why do I get the feeling that you might not have been uncomfortable with the discussion if the content had aligned more closely with your own political viewpoints?

just gotta ask: Why in the world would you be opposed to people discussing their political views? Or their views about marriage? Or their views about getting pregnant? Or husbands cheating? Or religion?

We are all in this weight loss boat together but that doesn't mean that we don't have any thoughts about other things going on in our lives. I am really happy that this Lap Band Talk forum allows us to vent our spleen about anything at all. It gives me a "home" where I can come to find a friend no matter what is going on in my day. What's wrong with that?

I've been coming here since 2006 when I begain considering the Lap Band Solution. I had my surgery that September. I've been posting ever since. And I gotta tell you that I wouldn't still be coming here if it weren't for the discussions that do not necessarily relate to the lap band.

It's an easy move for you - just avoid the threads that do not relate to lap band issues. Then you have nothing to complain about, right? You get what you want and you don't interfere with what other people want. :blushing:

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What part of LAP-BAND®® Discussion do YOU NOT understand? My understanding is that this web page was designed for Lap-Band®® patients to learn about and discuss Lap-Band®® surgery, as well as offer support and advice. No where in the Title Lap-Band®® is there a mention of "off-topic" issues. Why even post them in a weight loss forum if they are not related to weight loss in some form or fashion. I'm sure there are many election discussion forums you could go to do discuss these issues. I'm sure there are public forums in your town or community. I clicked on this link thinking there would be discussions on Election Day issues related to working the polls and not being able to eat normally, etc. I feel this web page should be dedicated to issues regarding Lap-Band®® subjects ONLY. I'm entitled to my opinion, regardless of what YOU think. Apparently, you don't want to hear from someone if their opinion differs from yours, so why not let me RANT about my thoughts!!!:blushing:

I don't understand why you would enter a Rant & Rave Off Topic Forum to begin with. Off topic meaning off the topic of weight loss and band, etc.. It is right there on the LBT main page - Rants & Raves - "OFF topic". That means it won't necessarily be about lapband and weight loss.

As BJean said, if you don't want to enter into off topic discussions and prefer to stick to lapband/weight issues, then why come here? There are plenty of forums and threads on LBT to satisfy anyone's need to discuss weight loss and the band.

I can post here and on other websites, if I choose, and again, if you don't like off topic threads then don't come on here. The LBT administrators set it up to be off topic and it is a legitimate forum. Stay off it if you don't like the topics or opinions expressed.

I have no plans to stay away because I didn't complain about this forum to begin with. :smile2:

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Atta girl, Cleo's. Keep the political information coming.

Even if someone is not a progressive, doesn't think that this administration is trying to get this country on the right track, it is good infomation that you provide. It is important for us to be knowledgeable about both sides of the issues, not just the ones we instantly think we agree with.

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Atta girl, Cleo's. Keep the political information coming.

Even if someone is not a progressive, doesn't think that this administration is trying to get this country on the right track, it is good infomation that you provide. It is important for us to be knowledgeable about both sides of the issues, not just the ones we instantly think we agree with.

Don't worry, I will. Anyone who comes on here knows I won't be intimidated.

She didn't have the guts to reply here so she sent me a PM. She does the complaining and then complains about you and me. :blushing:

Notice she didn't complain on the other non-weight loss threads that weren't political in nature - like "should we pay drug abusers to be sterilized" or "polygamy". She's just someone of a different political opinion trying to mask it as being upset that there is an off topic thread, much like the teabaggers try to mask their hatred of Obama behind the deficit and spending. Yeah, right!

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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I don't understand why you would enter a Rant & Rave Off Topic Forum to begin with. Off topic meaning off the topic of weight loss and band, etc.. It is right there on the LBT main page - Rants & Raves - "OFF topic". That means it won't necessarily be about LAP-BAND® and weight loss.

As BJean said, if you don't want to enter into off topic discussions and prefer to stick to LAP-BAND®/weight issues, then why come here? There are plenty of forums and threads on LBT to satisfy anyone's need to discuss weight loss and the band.

I can post here and on other websites, if I choose, and again, if you don't like off topic threads then don't come on here. The LBT administrators set it up to be off topic and it is a legitimate forum. Stay off it if you don't like the topics or opinions expressed.

I have no plans to stay away because I didn't complain about this forum to begin with. :blushing:

Cleos, Bjean, remember, be nice and control your emotions. Let me handle this.. Hey Peggycas, nutcas whoever you are, if you dont like the topic its very simple, get the FU%K out!!!

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Everyone needs to quit with the language, and quit with the pointing fingers, and either get on with the topic at hand or let the thread die a natural death. The arguing gets nowhere, and ends up causing many problems.

Politics is a subject that causes emotion to run high, and one that is obviously divided naturally. This thread IS in Rants and Raves, and off topic of lap band, no one has problem with that. It is the language, when referring to other people and actions such as that that have to stop.

Let's get back to topic.

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To all who really give a crap, this is my original post when I entered this forum. "This is a forum for weight loss, not election issues." So there. Simple sentence with no bitching or complaining about anything other that stating my opinion.

No, you said it in a private message to me since you didn't have the guts to come on here and say it. You have been put on my ignore list as you should be. :blushing:

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Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day

By Dave Johnson

Created 10/22/2010 - 1:07pm

There are a number things the public "knows [1]" as we head into the election that are just false. If people elect leaders based on false information, the things those leaders do in office will not be what the public expects or needs.

Here are eight of the biggest myths that are out there:

1) President Obama tripled the deficit.

Reality: Bush's last budget [2] had a $1.416 trillion deficit. Obama's first reduced that to $1.29 trillion [3].

2) President Obama raised taxes, which hurt the economy.

Reality: Obama cut taxes [4]. 40% of the "stimulus" was wasted on tax cuts which only create debt [5], which is why it was so much less effective than it could have been.

3) President Obama bailed out the banks.

Reality: While many people conflate the "stimulus" with the bank bailouts, the bank bailouts were requested by President Bush [6] and his Treasury Secretary, former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson. (Paulson also wanted the bailouts [7] to be "non-reviewable by any court or any agency.") The bailouts passed and began before the 2008 election of President Obama.

4) The stimulus didn't work.

Reality: The stimulus worked, but was not enough [8]. In fact, according to the Congressional Budget Office [9], the stimulus raised employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million jobs.

5) Businesses will hire if they get tax cuts.

Reality: A business hires the right number of employees to meet demand [10]. Having extra cash does not cause a business to hire, but a business that has a demand for what it does will find the money to hire. Businesses want customers, not tax cuts [11].

6) Health care reform costs $1 trillion.

Reality: The health care reform reduces government deficits by $138 billion [12]..

7) Social Security is a Ponzi scheme [13], is "going broke," people live longer, fewer workers per retiree, etc.

Reality: Social Security has run a surplus since it began, has a trust fund in the trillions, is completely sound for at least 25 more years and cannot legally borrow so cannot contribute to the deficit (compare that to the military budget!) Life expectancy is only longer because fewer babies die; people who reach 65 live about the same number of years as they used to.

8) Government spending takes money out of the economy.

Reality: Government is We, the People and the money it spends is on We, the People. Many people do not know that it is government that builds the roads, airports, ports, courts, schools and other things that are the soil in which business thrives. Many people think that all government spending is on "welfare" and "foreign aid" when that is only a small part of the government's budget.

This stuff really matters.

If the public votes in a new Congress because a majority of voters think this one tripled the deficit, and as a result the new people follow the policies that actually tripled the deficit, the country could go broke.

If the public votes in a new Congress that rejects the idea of helping to create demand in the economy because they think it didn't work, then the new Congress could do things that cause a depression.

If the public votes in a new Congress because they think the health care reform will increase the deficit when it is actually projected to reduce the deficit, then the new Congress could repeal health care reform and thereby make the deficit worse. And on it goes.

Back on topic!

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I actually thought I was being quite decent about the whole thing. Then I get a PM accusing me of being an ignorant right wing conservative. I don't understand why someone would think that's okay but to actually say it on a public forum is wrong. dude, if you can't say it in a public forum you probably shouldn't be saying it.

And Cleo's and loserbob, Cleo's has just posted something very relevant and important. Let's not allow someone to come on here and de-rail the topic since election day is fast approaching.

You all know as well as I do that many of these people refuse to expose themselves to the truth. They just join the tea party and blindly swallow the tea. :blushing:

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I actually thought I was being quite decent about the whole thing. Then I get a PM accusing me of being an ignorant right wing conservative. I don't understand why someone would think that's okay but to actually say it on a public forum is wrong. dude, if you can't say it in a public forum you probably shouldn't be saying it.

And Cleo's and loserbob, Cleo's has just posted something very relevant and important. Let's not allow someone to come on here and de-rail the topic since election day is fast approaching.

You all know as well as I do that many of these people refuse to expose themselves to the truth. They just join the tea party and blindly swallow the tea. :blushing:

Just put her on your ignore list and that way she'll know that we won't see her posts.

I just think about all the mega-rich laughing at all the duped people (who probably don't make more than $50,000-$60,000 a year) protesting wall street financial reform, estate taxes, capital gains taxes, etc.. while remaining silent about wall street bonuses, foreclosures, unemployment (except to say the unemployed don't want to work), etc.. These duped are doing all the work for them while they laugh all the way to the bank.

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Rant on if that's what blows your dress up.

The first time I noticed this thread I voted in the poll for jobs being the issue that is close to my heart and wrote my little 2 cents worth. I don't feel like debating anything, so I left it at that and went back to the weightloss and band posts. Simple. No need for me to leave LBT just because there are rants and raves about off topic stuff. I pop in and out of the rants and raves any time I want. It's great to have that freedom.

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Rant on if that's what blows your dress up.

The first time I noticed this thread I voted in the poll for jobs being the issue that is close to my heart and wrote my little 2 cents worth. I don't feel like debating anything, so I left it at that and went back to the weightloss and band posts. Simple. No need for me to leave LBT just because there are rants and raves about off topic stuff. I pop in and out of the rants and raves any time I want. It's great to have that freedom.

Well said. That's what it's all about.

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Hummingbird! I just saw your ticker!!! You're 5 lbs. from goal, WOW!! I don't mean to highjack the rants thread, but WOW that's fantastic! Good job!

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I actually thought I was being quite decent about the whole thing. Then I get a PM accusing me of being an ignorant right wing conservative. I don't understand why someone would think that's okay but to actually say it on a public forum is wrong. dude, if you can't say it in a public forum you probably shouldn't be saying it.

And Cleo's and loserbob, Cleo's has just posted something very relevant and important. Let's not allow someone to come on here and de-rail the topic since election day is fast approaching.

You all know as well as I do that many of these people refuse to expose themselves to the truth. They just join the tea party and blindly swallow the tea. :blushing:

Before I leave, to set the record straight my PM to Bjean is as follows: "I get the reason now for your unwarranted bitching and moaning. You are a right-wing conservative who thinks they know everything. Enough said." No where in my message did I call Bjean ignorant. Please get your facts straight before you misquote someone.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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