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Democrats vs republicans

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I listened to Glen Beck yesterday. He was defending his rally from comments made by Sharpton and others. Very dramatic as usual I might add! He made me laugh because he put his head down then in dramatic fashion looked up and said,"Im just an average American like you". and he actually gets people to believe he is "just an average American". I got a message for all you nutty Glenn Beck lapdogs, He aint even close to being average. He makes millions of dollars from these events, he takes your money and laughs at you all the way to the bank! He's rich, why wouldnt he try to persuade you nuts who believe him to vote republican! And he claims he's independent!! I quit believing him a few years ago but I thought even though I dont agree with any of his views he's a sincere guy. Well I lost any respect I had for him when he made fun of Obamas daughter. Its not even that its Obamas daughter(yes it is), its the fact that he wants everyone to believe he's so genuine. He' just like the rest of them. I can just picture him calling you lapdogs a bunch of idiots and laughing his a$$ off(off camera) while he's counting his money!

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I listened to Glen Beck yesterday. He was defending his rally from comments made by Sharpton and others. Very dramatic as usual I might add! He made me laugh because he put his head down then in dramatic fashion looked up and said,"Im just an average American like you". and he actually gets people to believe he is "just an average American". I got a message for all you nutty Glenn Beck lapdogs, He aint even close to being average. He makes millions of dollars from these events, he takes your money and laughs at you all the way to the bank! He's rich, why wouldnt he try to persuade you nuts who believe him to vote republican! And he claims he's independent!! I quit believing him a few years ago but I thought even though I dont agree with any of his views he's a sincere guy. Well I lost any respect I had for him when he made fun of Obamas daughter. Its not even that its Obamas daughter(yes it is), its the fact that he wants everyone to believe he's so genuine. He' just like the rest of them. I can just picture him calling you lapdogs a bunch of idiots and laughing his a$$ off(off camera) while he's counting his money!

He's not the only one laughing about his followers. So is limbaugh about his dittoheads and Murdoch, the Koch brothers and Dick Armey about the teabaggers and Sarah Palin about her grizzly mamas. They are all making a ton of money off of ignorance of their followers.

Imagine their hilarity when they see one of their poor slobs who doesn't have a pension, who's saying "welcome to walmart" at age 70, protesting estate taxes for the wealthy.

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They make these Texas scroundrels look positively philanthropic. Well, not really. These Texans have always been inspiration to them for what they get away with here. There are some serious names of wealthy bad guys that I could mention from the Reagan and Bush years, who hailed from Texas. It got so bad that some of them finally served some time, I think.

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Happy Labor Day!

This sums up why I am a democrat:

A partisan holiday

by Laurence Lewis

Mon Sep 06, 2010 at 09:30:03 AM PDT

Labor Day shames Republicans. They campaign against unions. Their media propagandists rail against unions. Their policies consistently favor corporatists over workers.

If the Republicans had their way, minimum wage would be kept to a minimum. Regulations that protect workers would be slashed or eliminated. Consumer protections would be slashed or eliminated. Environmental protections would be slashed or eliminated.

Republicans like to claim they are about less government, but they are really about less government protection of people and workers from corporate abuses. Republicans want to regulate our personal lives, telling us who we can and cannot love and marry, what women are allowed to do with their own bodies, and how we all are to respond to our bodies' natural rhythms. But they want corporations to have complete freedom.

Unions and union workers played a huge role in creating the best of what America has been for the past century. They built our national infrastructure and our national security. They taught us and fed us. They protect us in our homes. They protect us from natural disasters. Republicans love to stoke fear and hatred based on the 9/11 attacks, but they have opposed helping that day's first responders who saw friends and colleagues die, who risked their own lives, and who continue to suffer the after-effects from those attacks.

Those who fought and died to create the labor movement helped end child labor and legal employment discrimination, and they helped create the forty hour work week, paid overtime, workplace safety, workers' comp, unemployment protections, pensions, guaranteed health insurance, sick leave and guaranteed vacations. When Republicans criticize unions and talk of reducing government, they are talking about ending all of that progress.

More than any other holiday, Labor Day is partisan in nature. Republican presidents and Republican elected officials may pay it lip service, but they rarely mean what they say. Their actions speak their true intentions, and they rarely act to the benefit of workers or unions. The only surprise is that they haven't attempted to abolish the holiday altogether. Perhaps someday they will seek a balance by attempting to establish a holiday that equally reflects their values and their agenda. But Corporate Plutocracy Day just doesn't have the same ring to it.


Edited by Cleo's Mom

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GOP Continuing Hostility to Jobs as Economy Shows Signs of Life

Mon Sep 06, 2010 at 10:50:51 AM PDT

Crossposted from The People's View.

4962365934_5528852492_m.jpgIn the fledgling economy, Friday's jobs data showed some signs of new life. Private sector employers added 67,000 jobs in August, better than expected, while the private sector data for the rest of this summer was revised up (see chart on right, credit: New York Times). Overall, however, public sector job losses -- mostly the loss of temporary census jobs, but also about 6,000 other public sectors jobs were lost -- netted a loss of 54,000 jobs, ticking the unemployment rate up to 9.6%.

There are other signs of life in the economy. Prices for single family homes have stabilized, manufacturing is gaining for the first time in a long time, and business spending on new equipment and software spending is up an impressive 22%. Half of the Federal Reserve's 12 districts have noted signs that the economy is starting to rebound.

The Rockefeller Foundation finds that state tax revenues are up by 1.4%, compared to a devastating decline of 17% last year (hat tip to "Beet" in the comments).

As the economy struggles to gain back some footing, Republicans are going for a full court press to try to keep it from making a comeback. The GOP leadership in the House and the Senate were hoping for far worse jobs numbers in the public sector, as they blocked and delayed the passage of a $26 billion state aid bill that is expected to save up to 300,000 jobs.

Already, states and local governments have shed 170,000 jobs this year.

State and local governments shed 48,000 jobs last month, bringing this year’s losses to about 170,000, according to the Labor Department. The bill would provide $16 billion to help cover states’ Medicaid bills plus $10 billion for teachers.

So what's the Republicans' beef with this bill? You see, the bill was partly paid for by eliminating tax breaks on corporations that offshore American jobs to other countries in the search of slave cheap labor.

The bill would be financed in part by a $10 billion tax increase on multinational corporations, which split lawmakers along party lines. Democrats said they are cracking down on the abuse of foreign tax credits intended to ensure companies aren’t taxed by both the U.S. Treasury and foreign governments on earnings abroad. Republicans, along with trade groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable, called the tax increase a jobs killer.

Since when is not giving tax advantages to American multinational corporations to create jobs in China a "jobs killer?" Unless of course, your intention is to create jobs in China rather than in the United States. I hope the Republicans take this message to voters in November, and I hope Democrats remind voters just what is at stake. The modern GOP simply can't stand Americans.

The GOP is not just hostile to public sector jobs -- which, apparently they do not believe are real jobs. The GOP is just as hostile to job creation in the private sector. They have consistently blocked clean energy legislation that is expected to add jobs. The Republicans in the Senate are still blocking a small business jobs bill that, if passed, would create hundreds of thousands of jobs. As the Senate Republicans all voted to block the bill from even coming up for an up or down vote, they came up with an excuse even more novel than "big corporations would have to stop being coddled" -- the argument this time is that not enough GOP amendments were allowed (although each side would get votes on three amendments). Just what is wrong with an up-or-down vote on a bill to help community banks help businesses in their community, Leader McConnell?

The big GOP argument on opposing everything the President supports is this: Obama is introducing all these reforms, which is rattling the markets, because they're uncertain, ergo they are not hiring. No new regulations, no new reforms, and rescind the reforms enacted so far -- that is the GOP battle cry. Ezra Klein took that hubbub to the woodsheds:

For the past few months, the GOP has been arguing that the jobs numbers are grim because of the policy uncertainty caused by Barack Obama's radical legislative agenda. So, do today's numbers provide support for that?

Well, no. The private sector added almost 70,000 jobs. Now, it's possible that they would have added more new jobs in the absence of the Obama agenda.
But then you look at where the jobs came from: The largest gains were in the health-care sector, where 28,000 jobs came online.
Health-care reform doesn't appear to be scaring that industry out of hiring, which is as you'd expect, as the bill makes demand for the services more, rather than less, likely.

This evening in Milwaukee, WI, President Obama is going to lay out a $50 billion plan to invest in rebuilding and strengthening our nation's infrastructure. I am quite certain the Republicans will find a way to oppose shoring up America's infrastructure as well.

There is an impediment to job creation in this country that is man-made. Insofar as the impediment to job creation is a result of policy, it is a result of conservative policies, not progressive ones. Republicans have consistently opposed aid to states, aid to the unemployed, and even aid to their own favorite talking point: small business. The professional poutrage manufacturers on the political right would like to assume the mantle of fiscal responsibility after causing the economic meltdown. They want to do so by stopping all help to ordinary Americans and small business, and delivering the money to the ultra rich.


Take a look at the chart and the direction jobs are going. Is the American public really that "uninformed" as to think this is the wrong direction for this country? Would they prefer to go back to the direction it was in the last 18 months of bush? I guess I just can't understand the mindset of those who would vote for those whose policies got us into this mess - the republicans.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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I am really excited about the infrastructure thing. This is long, long overdue!

Of course the republicans are opposed to it. Because it comes from Obama. You know how they are always yapping about cutting taxes and helping small business? Well, Pres. Obama has several bills that will do that. It will increase the republican idea of allowing businesses to write off 50% of their capital investment to 100%. Opposed. He also has several bills that incorporate tax breaks for small business. Opposed. Just because it comes from Pres. Obama.

And these are the people some want to elect more of?

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Lots of people have been incited into a frenzy of "throw the bums out" because of (fill in the blank) and they'll vote an incumbent out for miriad reasons that may or may not be valid.

If the Democrats do their job of getting their message out, including exposing the Republicans for what they have NOT done for them, then they will not vote Republican.

Many folks won't like either choice and will vote for some outsider, who by the way, often aren't good candidates but they just want change so they'll vote for them. Ralph Nader is a good example of that. And freaking Ross Perot. OMG!

So just pray that the good guys do a good job of getting the message out and the bad guys are exposed and then pray that people use their heads and vote in a sane and reasonable fashion.

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At least Boner didnt cry today. He did however make a mistake which Im sure dems wont mention, during his speech he referred to something he said regarding the constitution when it was really from the Declaration Of Independence. You'd think the reps in general, Boner specifically wouldnt make a mistake regarding the constitution seeing as how they refer to it in everything they say.

(I know its not a big deal but there is absolutely nothing to talk about otherwise. The big deal is the fact they refer to it quite often)

It also cracks me up when they talk about his "American Dream" regarding his family's bar in Ohio. I dont know any bar owners who live in poverty! You'd think he grew up in the "getto" the way they talk about the way he accomplished his American Dream. The bar was passed down through his family from his grandfather. Just like most politicians he's had everything handed to him!

(Again, bored)

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At least Boner didnt cry today. He did however make a mistake which Im sure dems wont mention, during his speech he referred to something he said regarding the constitution when it was really from the Declaration Of Independence. You'd think the reps in general, Boner specifically wouldnt make a mistake regarding the constitution seeing as how they refer to it in everything they say.

(I know its not a big deal but there is absolutely nothing to talk about otherwise. The big deal is the fact they refer to it quite often)

It also cracks me up when they talk about his "American Dream" regarding his family's bar in Ohio. I dont know any bar owners who live in poverty! You'd think he grew up in the "getto" the way they talk about the way he accomplished his American Dream. The bar was passed down through his family from his grandfather. Just like most politicians he's had everything handed to him!

(Again, bored)

Could you imagine what the conservative talk show big mouths would have done to Nancy Pelosi had she blubbered like a baby at any point in her position yet alone when having a benign interview with Leslie Stahl? Leslie was embarassed, as was I, looking at Mr. Tan Man (now the Weeper of the House) not just crying, but having a meltdown when discussing elementary kids. Huh? I think he needs to go to the same shrink Michelle Bachman should go to.

I am disappointed that the tea party reps who are going to read the whole constitution didn't don their tri cornered hats. I'm glad they are going to read it - maybe some of them will actually learn what is in it. Like those born in this country are citizens.

Bush caused the deficit with two unfunded wars, two unfunded tax giveaways to the wealthy, and an unfunded big giveaway to pharma with medicare part D. Then the de-regulation of wall street combined with their greed and predatory lending caused the near total collapse of our economy and the rising unemployment.

Obama inherited all this and stopped the total collapse of our economy and the unemployment from going to 15%. But the biggest cause of the rising spending and deficit under Obama has been the recession, the unemployed and more people needing aid and fewer paying taxes.

The middle class did not cause the current economy or deficit but that's who the republicans want to punish with their spending cuts in social security, medicare, and social safety nets. Where is Wall Streets contribution to helping this economy starting with closing all the lucrative tax loopholes avoiding paying $25 billion in taxes. Now compare that money that wasn't coming in to the paltry $1.4 million Death Panel governor Brewster of Arizona cut from medicaid for those on the transplant list who had been approved. There were 99 of them. Now there are 97 as two of them have died from not getting their transplant because of Brewster. I guess she is the angel of death. And our elected officials are reading the constitution. Wow! Talk about priorities.

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Only day 2 of the republican congress and already they are backpedaling on their promises. How do you spell hypocrisy? R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N.

With regard to their bill to repeal healthcare:

They said they were going to have committee meetings for every legislation- not so for this bill

They said they were going to allow amendments - not so for this bill

They said they would cite area of constitution for every bill - not so for this bill

They said they would offset with spending cuts any bill that raised the deficit - not so with this bill (the CBO said the repeal of healthcare would add $250 billion to the deficit over 10 years)

They also said they were going to trim $100 billion from the federal budget. Now it looks like it could be as little as $35 billion.

Oh, and that whole "bills that increase the deficit have to be offset by spending cuts (not revenue increases) doesn't apply to the recent tax cuts for the wealthy". These guys are just too much. They aren't even embarrased by their staggering hypocrisy.

For those who voted for these hypocrites - feel duped yet? lol

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This is how I think:

CITIZENS of this country who CAN'T take care of themselves deserve the publics support. Everyone else SHOULD support themselves, provide for their family, It isnt anyones responsibility to provide for me, I am capable, I used the abundant oportunities in this wonderful country to make a life for myself thru hardwork, my wife and I didnt have children we couldnt afford, we dont drive expensive cars or live in a big house, we pay our bills we dont live beyond our means. The Govt should be very limited, we the people are free to make our own choices and then live with the consequences of those choices!

Thats it in a nutshell, I also believe if anyone thinks the Repub are any different from Dems or Dems from Rep, they all are out for only their own self intrest!!

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This is how I think CITIZENS of this country who CAN'T take care of themselves deserve the publics support. Everyone else SHOULD support themselves, provide for their family, It isnt anyones responsibility to provide for me, I am capable, I used the abundant oportunities in this wonderful country to make a life for myself thru hardwork, my wife and I didnt have children we couldnt afford, we dont drive expensive cars or live in a big house, we pay our bills we dont live beyond our means. The Govt should be very limited, we the people are free to make our own choices and then live with the consequences of those choices! Thats it in a nutshell, I also believe if anyone thinks the Repub are any different from Dems or Dems from Rep, they all are out for only their own self intrest!!
Your taking a stance of personal responsibility and accountability, which is something that dems and liberals vehemently disagree with, they believe the government should always be over our shoulder controlling what we do, how we do it, who we do it with, and where our money should go. None of them will come out and say it, but deep down they all want us to be more a socialistic nation, where EVERYTHING is provided for EVERYONE. Accountability and responsibility in their minds should only be provided by the governments because "they know what's best for us."

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This is how I think:

CITIZENS of this country who CAN'T take care of themselves deserve the publics support. Everyone else SHOULD support themselves, provide for their family, It isnt anyones responsibility to provide for me, I am capable, I used the abundant oportunities in this wonderful country to make a life for myself thru hardwork, my wife and I didnt have children we couldnt afford, we dont drive expensive cars or live in a big house, we pay our bills we dont live beyond our means. The Govt should be very limited, we the people are free to make our own choices and then live with the consequences of those choices!

Thats it in a nutshell, I also believe if anyone thinks the Repub are any different from Dems or Dems from Rep, they all are out for only their own self intrest!!

That's great that you have been a responsible person. Your opinion is shared by many. But where it's flawed is that you think you did it all without government help. You didn't. No one does. You can't get out of bed and make it to the bathroom without something the government did affecting your life. We tend to either not realize it, take it for granted or dismiss it. From providing tax write off for your employer to provide health insurance and write off 100% of its capital improvements, to insuring your savings, providing help with mortgages, etc..

I know it is the current popular view to be anti-government. But I am glad they are there to protect me against the abuses of corporate america. We wouldn't need big government if we didn't have big, corrupt corporate america.

People lose their jobs and their health care. Then when they can't pay their medical bills they lose their homes (the leading cause of foreclosure). These are people who played by the rules. And the republicans who didn't support extending unemployment benefits wanted to throw them under the bus. So don't tell me there is no difference between republicans and democrats.

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Your taking a stance of personal responsibility and accountability, which is something that dems and liberals vehemently disagree with, they believe the government should always be over our shoulder controlling what we do, how we do it, who we do it with, and where our money should go. None of them will come out and say it, but deep down they all want us to be more a socialistic nation, where EVERYTHING is provided for EVERYONE. Accountability and responsibility in their minds should only be provided by the governments because "they know what's best for us."

As usual, you're wrong. Liberals, progressives and democrats believe that the government should look out for the safety and well being of the people. They do this by making sure that our food, Water, medicines, products, cars and workplace are safe and our air clean. Conservatives and republicans think that corporate america will provide all these safe things on their own (that sound you hear is me laughing), when the ONLY thing corporate america is interested in is increasing profits. Period.

We should be embarassed that we are the only industrialized country that up until now didn't provide healthcare for everyone. That makes us less able to compete with countries that do (and who spend less of their GDP on healthcare than we do). Pres. Obama was right to pass the healthcare reform.

Marcellus shale drilling results in toxic waste Water. This pollutes wells, streams, rivers. People drink that water. Who do you think is going to oversee the cleanup of this water? Those who do the polluting?

When BP spilled all that oil - that was a private corporation. But the first thing people said was - what is the government going to do about it? Not one cent of my tax dollars should have gone for any of the clean up. And if it did, BP should reimburse the government. But REPUBLICAN Barton apologized to BP for what he called a "shakedown" by Pres. Obama in securing a $20 billion dollar fund from BP for clean up and to pay those displaced workers. And now Barton will head up the Energy Committee. A guy who apologizes to BP and he is heading up the energy committee. Wrap your head around that one!!!

And the only ones in government that I see wanting to control what we do and with whom are the republicans who want to deny the same rights to gays as straights.

So, don't tell me there is no difference between republicans and democrats.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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