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I hear the drums of war beating!!!!!!!!!

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Alot of chattering about Hizbullah re-arming right under the noses of the 12000 worthless U.N. peacekeepers! Russia is ready to "fire up" the reactor in Bushehr, Iran. Once its fueled its too late to do anything unless millions of Iranians die!

Will Israel bomb Iran in the next 1-2 weeks.

God, lets hope not!

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Bob, I think Israel is going to have to bomb the suspected reactor sites. IDK about the 1-2 weeks, though. Maybe the Mayans were right about that 2012 thing after all, eh?

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I heard today that the U.S. convinced Israel not to bomb Iranian nuclear sites. I can't imagine what would have happened if they had.

The world would be a better place.

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The world would be a better place.

Let me explain my answer better. I believe we dont have a choice. Its better if we do it rather than Israel. I just dont know what would happen to the world/economy! However the alternative is unthinkable! Iraq is going to get alot worse, Iran is going to ratchet it up over there to buy time. They will probably start another proxy war with Israel via Hizbollah. I dont want to sound like a warmonger but if or when we decide the time is right we need to include Syria because without Iran and Syria theres no more Hizbollah or support for Hammas! The day Sadams sons where killed I was doing a job at a hotel near the Pittsburgh airport. There was a muslim man watching the breaking news at his kiosk. He told me the US needs to "take out Iran and Syria, it would only take us about a month"! He told me Iran sabre rattles like Sadam! A war with Iran would surely be ugly so we may as well do the job right and include Syria(the two biggest state sponsors of terrorism in the world) because the alternative would be unbearable! As time goes by its not going to get any easier. I think we already waited too long! Thank Bush again for the Iraq debacle, that limited what we can do about Iran!

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Let me explain my answer better. I believe we dont have a choice. Its better if we do it rather than Israel. I just dont know what would happen to the world/economy! However the alternative is unthinkable! Iraq is going to get alot worse, Iran is going to ratchet it up over there to buy time. They will probably start another proxy war with Israel via Hizbollah. I dont want to sound like a warmonger but if or when we decide the time is right we need to include Syria because without Iran and Syria theres no more Hizbollah or support for Hammas! The day Sadams sons where killed I was doing a job at a hotel near the Pittsburgh airport. There was a muslim man watching the breaking news at his kiosk. He told me the US needs to "take out Iran and Syria, it would only take us about a month"! He told me Iran sabre rattles like Sadam! A war with Iran would surely be ugly so we may as well do the job right and include Syria(the two biggest state sponsors of terrorism in the world) because the alternative would be unbearable! As time goes by its not going to get any easier. I think we already waited too long! Thank Bush again for the Iraq debacle, that limited what we can do about Iran!

Another thing, we would just be buying time ourselves if we go to war with Iran. We're in no position to implement regime change in a country as big as Iran and the next leader might even be worse! He might actually keep his mouth shut. Ahmadinijad runs his mouth, makes us suspicious of him.

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Oh yea loserbob and the rest of you more war and more killing is the answer, just go to a place you think just every last person is out to get america and blast them all! I am disgusted that we have not had more women around the world involved in real peace keeping and improving the lives of human beings and we left it up to the men, see what has happened? bigger bombs, of course you can buy one yourself and be a maniac because we left men guarding the damn things! I really just hate your stupid fear mongoring and hoping for more wars and death, ICK!!! I know alot of people at my job and they are from all over the world they all want what we want, to raise our families and see them be happy and productive, not overseas getting killed and mamed.

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Oh yea loserbob and the rest of you more war and more killing is the answer, just go to a place you think just every last person is out to get america and blast them all! I am disgusted that we have not had more women around the world involved in real peace keeping and improving the lives of human beings and we left it up to the men, see what has happened? bigger bombs, of course you can buy one yourself and be a maniac because we left men guarding the damn things! I really just hate your stupid fear mongoring and hoping for more wars and death, ICK!!! I know alot of people at my job and they are from all over the world they all want what we want, to raise our families and see them be happy and productive, not overseas getting killed and mamed.

What do you suggest we do with Iran, who's leader threatens Israels existence by making threats of wipeing them off the map! Whose stated goal is to end Zionism by getting rid of the jews and also getting rid of America! He doesnt have a nuclear bomb yet! What will he say, more importantly what will he do when he has one? Its not a warmongering rep point of view, at least not anymore. There are alot of dems who feel this needs to be dealt with! And at what point do you start taking Ahmadinijad at his word, probably after its too late hah? Sorry not me. We played around with N. Korea and Clinton let them develop a bomb after supplying them with a light-Water reactor. Kim Jong Il makes threat after threat, even kills 43 S korean soldiers by torpedoing their battle ship. What was the S. Korean response? Thats right, nothing because the north has a bomb! Now multiply that by 100 times when it comes to Iran. They already make threats about shutting down the Strait of Hormuz to stop the flow 80% of the worlds oil daily! The Saudis are afraid of being taken over by Iran. Iran has Hizbullah, Hammas they can use and supply nuc weapons to. It will start an arms race in the middle east!! What dont you understand!!!! Another thing, send your daughter, mother, sister over to Iran, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, wherever in the middle east to promote peace, Just make sure you tell them how much you love them!!! You say people all over the world want what we want, I believe that for the most part but tell me why there has never been peace in the middle east? These people have tribe mentalities. They live in the stone age, Im not being funny here. You can sit in your church and pray, You can drive to the mall and shop, you can buy any car or house you can afford and most of all you can do it in peace because there are people who sacrificed their time and in many cases their lives by doing "icky" things. Actually the problem is we're not blasting them all! We're not allowed to kill them all.(Im not talking about all muslims, Im talking about extremists, we're not allowed to kill them if there is any chance civilians will be killed, even though theyre shooting at us while hiding with civilians) we follow rules of war even against enemies who dont. To my last point, do you actually believe soldiers want to go to war? Think about the drs who where in Afghanistan since the 60s helping, donating to the Afghans, medical help. They where killed by Alqaeda a few weeks ago for being non muslim and spreading Christianity, they actually spared the life of the muslim interpreterbecause he started reciting the koran. They hate non muslims! So why dont you send more females over to promote peace, if you do make sure theyre females you dont care for! Why is it so difficult to see these people dont share the same values we do, which is fine. The problem is when someone comes on here with the answer that we should all live in peace, its just so out of touch with reality. The scarier part is you actually believe its possible!!

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I have to agree with Bob and Btrieger....

Does the quote "Nuke em' till they glow" bring back fond memories???? I still say it's true. Should have done it then, and should do it now. Period!

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Oh yea loserbob and the rest of you more war and more killing is the answer, just go to a place you think just every last person is out to get america and blast them all! I am disgusted that we have not had more women around the world involved in real peace keeping and improving the lives of human beings and we left it up to the men, see what has happened? bigger bombs, of course you can buy one yourself and be a maniac because we left men guarding the damn things! I really just hate your stupid fear mongoring and hoping for more wars and death, ICK!!! I know alot of people at my job and they are from all over the world they all want what we want, to raise our families and see them be happy and productive, not overseas getting killed and mamed.

Sorry im not giving you the politically correct answer you want to hear, I just live in the real world where war has always been and always will be a way of life, unfortunately! But hey, next time your sitting in your place of worship, or doing anything else that interests you, thank a soldier, man or woman for the fact you can do it in peace!!!

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I have to agree with Bob and Btrieger....

Does the quote "Nuke em' till they glow" bring back fond memories???? I still say it's true. Should have done it then, and should do it now. Period!

Hey Murpel, its time to dance in the rain, the storm is coming!

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I am happy to say I will never assume that we must "nuke" other human beings, I have had 3 nephews in these wars and thank god none have died or been mamed, one is still in the service and is a lifer. I have great respect for those who join the service and dedicated thier lives to the service of our wonderful country.

But I do not beleive we need to solve all the worlds problems because we cannot. somebody wise said "speak softly and carry a big stick" If we are attacked on out own soil we must fight to the death for our country.

Before Israel decided to not share with the Palistinians somewhere to live and trade and exist they should have really thought of the consequences. They were all there and need to be sharing some space to those people.

Iran well, I don't necessarily think we need to blast them and the koreans either. We are the ones who started this crap with nukes and atomic bombs and so on, we have to take some blame here for our reckless attitude. I think you all are so mad that President Obama won and just cannot get over it. I wanted health care reform and wish it would have gone further but we will take what we get on our way to a good socialized model. I am talking about basic health care not foolish wasted dollars health care.

I am proud of our President's work so far and nothing you all say will sway me. I work for kaiser myself and I think we do a great job for our members. I am also a union member and am proud of that as well.

I still say we can have a peace in the world someday and that is my daily prayer for us all. I am not a wacko religious freak either I am a buddhist. I have never collected one dollar of unemployment thankfully for my family but if I needed it I would and I would hope some kind of healthcare would available to my family. Those are social programs I believe in like social security,food stamps, and housing for the very poor and elderly care and help. If we cannot do that in thiscountry with some of those tax dollars what is this all about? keeping the rich rich? BULLSH!!T. I also give to some charities and i know some very wealthy people do as well, they are no worse for the wear. Just how much do some think they need?

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I am happy to say I will never assume that we must "nuke" other human beings, I have had 3 nephews in these wars and thank god none have died or been mamed, one is still in the service and is a lifer. I have great respect for those who join the service and dedicated thier lives to the service of our wonderful country.

But I do not beleive we need to solve all the worlds problems because we cannot. somebody wise said "speak softly and carry a big stick" If we are attacked on out own soil we must fight to the death for our country.

Before Israel decided to not share with the Palistinians somewhere to live and trade and exist they should have really thought of the consequences. They were all there and need to be sharing some space to those people.

Iran well, I don't necessarily think we need to blast them and the koreans either. We are the ones who started this crap with nukes and atomic bombs and so on, we have to take some blame here for our reckless attitude. I think you all are so mad that President Obama won and just cannot get over it. I wanted health care reform and wish it would have gone further but we will take what we get on our way to a good socialized model. I am talking about basic health care not foolish wasted dollars health care.

I am proud of our President's work so far and nothing you all say will sway me. I work for kaiser myself and I think we do a great job for our members. I am also a union member and am proud of that as well.

I still say we can have a peace in the world someday and that is my daily prayer for us all. I am not a wacko religious freak either I am a buddhist. I have never collected one dollar of unemployment thankfully for my family but if I needed it I would and I would hope some kind of healthcare would available to my family. Those are social programs I believe in like social security,food stamps, and housing for the very poor and elderly care and help. If we cannot do that in thiscountry with some of those tax dollars what is this all about? keeping the rich rich? BULLSH!!T. I also give to some charities and i know some very wealthy people do as well, they are no worse for the wear. Just how much do some think they need?

I voted for Obama and think hes doing well for what was handed to him and I voted for him because of healthcare, Im just mad we wont get a gov option. So dont hand me the bs about how I just dont like Obama. And I will vote for him in 2012 . Again, I will make a generalization here which I believe to be true. Your one of those "we brought it all on ourselves, Its Israels fault that they get bombed every other day"! Israel contrbutes more to us and the world than all mid-east countries cimbined. These poor middle easterners, who stone women for infidelity, who consider women to be at the bottom of "the Totem Poll". You act like we go around killing at will because we feel like doing so! If you lived in the 30s-40s Im sure you would have been upset with our actions toward Hitler.

We where attacked on our own soil, wake up! Your going in circles. Your opinion is fine, its what you believe and I respect that. I just dont understand what your opinion is. You preach about peace then post a Quote like that which contradicts everything youve said. Who was the wise person anyway?

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Somebody wise said "speak softly and carry a big stick" If we are attacked on out own soil we must fight to the death for our country.

Before Israel decided to not share with the Palistinians somewhere to live and trade and exist they should have really thought of the consequences. They were all there and need to be sharing some space to those people.

So we should do nothing unless we are attacked on our soil? That is your stance? You realize that here in 2010 and into the future war will not be fought like it was 20-30-40 years ago, with people on the ground. When we are attacked (and without any preemptive move on Iran and possible N. Korea it is when not if) it will be a nuclear attack, it won’t be a little ICBM or an F-15 dropping some free fall bombs. It will be a nuke, and IT WILL KILL MILLIONS. So after this, is when we start to fight is what you’re saying? Sacrifice millions of American lives for some "dream" of world peace. World peace is a beautiful thought, but has never and will never happen. You cannot look back through history and find one single point since the existence of humans where there has been peace on earth.

Iran well, I don't necessarily think we need to blast them and the koreans either. We are the ones who started this crap with nukes and atomic bombs and so on we have to take some blame here for our reckless attitude. I think you all are so mad that President Obama won and just cannot get over it. I wanted health care reform and wish it would have gone further but we will take what we get on our way to a good socialized model. I am talking about basic health care not foolish wasted dollars health care.

I am proud of our President's work so far and nothing you all say will sway me. I work for kaiser myself and I think we do a great job for our members. I am also a union member and am proud of that as well.

Healthcare won’t mean much after a nuclear attack on US soil. The healthcare system will be so overwhelmed if you aren’t there for some sort of problem related to the bombing you won’t receive much care, and that will probably go on for some time. So all this work done by obama and the dems will be for not.

I still say we can have a peace in the world someday and that is my daily prayer for us all. I am not a wacko religious freak either I am a buddhist. I have never collected one dollar of unemployment thankfully for my family but if I needed it I would and I would hope some kind of healthcare would available to my family. Those are social programs I believe in like social security,food stamps, and housing for the very poor and elderly care and help. If we cannot do that in thiscountry with some of those tax dollars what is this all about? keeping the rich rich? BULLSH!!T. I also give to some charities and i know some very wealthy people do as well, they are no worse for the wear. Just how much do some think they need?

Again, I challenge you to find one point in history since the time of man, that there has been peace on earth. It’s not human nature, unfortunately.

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Who was the wise person anyway?

Are you serious? Thats almost un-American. Our 26th president of these United States Theodore Roosevelt. The quote is actually; "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

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