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Wonderful Wednesday to Everyone!

I am just wondering how is everyone doing when it comes to loosing weight? I have read about people gaining or standing still after they start back to regular food or pureed.

I am 6 days post op and have lost 22 pounds since starting my pre op diet about 6 weeks ago. I have lost about 5 pounds since surgery.

Expecting it to be a rollercoaster ride until the fillings start; but curious how everyone else is doing?


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Good Luck to all that are being banded today....:unsure:

Cathy: Hope you are doing well, haven't heard from you....

I rec'd a packet from the doctor's office yesterday with my prescriptions, papers I need to take to pre-op and a letter for time off. The letter stated I needed to take 6-8 weeks off, I thought to my self OMG I was only playing on taking 8 days. I called the doctor's office and they made a mistake the letter is for gastric bypass, I asked them to make sure they had me down for the band and they said they did. I am going to check again at pre-op and day of surgery... I can just see that they make a mistake and I get the bypass instead of the band..


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I was banded around 0715 Sat 11 Sep, and I think I was in recovery by 0930. The doctor repaired a hernia while he was in there so I have two incisions. The most pain was in my left shoulder, I was told that was gas. I had to spend an extra night becuse my oxygen was low and I had a fever. I think it was a good idea. Most of my pain was from gas an on Sunday it WAS BAD!. I felt a bit better on Monday and was home by 6:00 pm. I couldn't keep the pain meds down so earlier today I felt kinda crappy. With everyone that called me on the phone I started crying cause I felt so bad. I had left the kitties with automatic feeder and Water, but hated leaving them, and they were scared when I got home, and wouldn't come out for two hours. Once they figured out it was me, then they said REAL food, Mom's home. I tried half a dose of pain med a little while ago and was able to keep that down. I too was told to start walking and that would help the gas dissipate. I can't wait to try some of those sugar free bars. I had gotten some, but they don't taste that good. I will look for Dreyers and Crystal Light bars. My biggest problem right now is trying to keep the kitties from jumping on my tummy. My new life has begun!! My gal pal and drill sergeant just called and told me to walk on the treadmill for one minute. She had the surgery in Feb and has lost 63 lbs. Something for me to aspire to. Thanks for all the support, I will provide updates.

Missjoany, Glad to see things went well. Thanks for the infor about the treadmill, I think that's how I will be doing most of my walking.

I had surgery this past Friday and I am feeling great. Not 100% but pretty darn good. If this gas would leave I would be 100%. I have been off of my script pain killers since Saturday pm. I have been using tylenol or advil only as needed and that really is not that much.

A good friend who has had LAP-BAND®®®® gave me some liquid ideas that I am very greatful for. Icecream, sherbert, and cream of Broccoli Soup from Panera through the blender and then strained. I am so happy to be able to eat something that my mouth likes.

Now keep in mind I have not been able to do huge amounts of any of this but 1 TBLS here and a 1/4 cup there and I am not hungry, nor am I in pain or ready to kill the inventor of chicken Broth!

I know we can all do this together!!!

Shushuandanniesmom, It's something how Doctors can be so different my surgeon, told me to avoid Advil.

Also thinks for the infor about the cream of Broccoli soup from Panera through the blender and then strained, like the old saying goes two heads are better then one, I did not think to do that

I hope you continue to have a fast recovery

First and foremost a heartfelt thank you for all of your support and encouraging words - they brought tears to me eyes. After dry heaving and salivating all morning, we finally discovered that my band was too tight. This afternoon I went in for an adjustment (which was such a breeze) and they took out the nasty little air that was stuck in the band. I instantly felt better - my voice changed, I could breathe deep breaths and thank God I stopped spitting! By no means am I 100%, but the relief is 1000%! Now I can move more than 10 steps without losing my breath and talk with my people:thumbup:

thanks again!

Desiree1972, So happy to see that your Doctor was able to correct the problem, and your doing better. Things, worked out that wonderful! :crying:

OMG - 1 week to go. I think it has just hit me. Now I am panicking. Just had confirmation from my insurance company so think that is what triggered the sudden anxiety. What a rollercoaster ride this journey is.:unsure:

Hocuspocus, I'm feeling you, at first my surgery date was September 30, yesterday I was moved up to September 23.

At first I said I'm nerves, but now! like you say I'm starting to panic. The change in the date :smile:, I had myself geared for the 30th.

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Wow so much to read in just 24 hours! :crying: Have I mentioned that I love this group?!? We really have a great group of people here! :unsure:

I cant remember everyones names but...

I read about the exercise thing... I haven't gotten back onto my exercise routine yet. I just walk right now and do general house cleaning and chores that keep me moving. I am defintally not up to exercise yet. My surgeon also recommends waiting 2-3 weeks to recover before a starting light exercise. I really can't wait to start exercising again though.

Then about the ice cream thing.... I'd say STAY AWAY. Ice cream is full of fat and high in calories. Even the half fat ice cream is really high in fat. Go for frozen yougart BUT make sure you get the fat free/low fat ones. Like someone else mentioned- read the calories and fat. Turkey Hill has really good frozen yogart! Again, some are higher in fat and calories and just not worth it but there are lots of options that are very low in fat- my favs are the mint cookies/cream; pom berry truffle and cookie dough... and the neopolitian is fat FREE! The chocolate and strawberry are really good- the vanilla, ehhh not so great but still good enough especially for 80 calories and no fat per serving! Sorry, I am VERY passionate about this topic because I am a frozen yogart junkie. I was all about ice cream until I discovered that frozen yogart is a much healthier choice. My thing is... If I choose, theoretically I can have 3-4 servings of frozen yogart versus 1 serving of ice cream!

We all got (or getting) this surgery to make a lifestyle/health/body change! Don't waste it by having unhealthy things (like ice cream) when there is a better choice. Of course we can eat anything as long as we are aware and moderate our other meals, but why? Of course, we are all individuals and will go at different paces but my thought is, I am in it to win it... I have a goal and I fully attend to get there and stay there! No, I am not going to deprive myself of certain things, but instead of it being a regular thing, it will be my weekly/bi-weekly/monthly reward. Thats how my boyfriend is (hes very health aware and body beautiful- don't know how we are a good match but whatever lol)... Do good all week and reward yourself if you really have a craving at the end of the week... And enjoy your reward, have serving or two but not 4 or 5!

Desiree- So glad to hear that you are doing better now! :smile:

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Hello all,

My surgery (originally Sept 10) got postponed for week due to a delay on my insurance approval. I was on hour 36 of my 48 hour pre-op clear liquid diet when I heard and boy was I pissed! I've recomposed myself, spoke to the insurance company this morning and I've finally been approved! The anticipation was getting to me. Top that off with getting bit by my dog this past weekend (total fluke) and freaking out that I wouldn't be able to have surgery because of that (got put on antibiotics 'just in case').

After all of that, I'm scheduled for this Friday, Sept. 17. Starting Clear Liquids this morning. I'll be sure to check in when I'm post op.

Thanks for being so supportive. It's so nice to know what others have experienced so I can know what to expect.

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Hi Maxi2010 ! Good Luck with Surgery on Friday *** BUT *** by looking at your surgeon and his credentials ... I think you are in great hands. I have a GREAT Surgeon too and like I have posted elsewhere here it was pretty painless / less painful because of it.

As for fretting about the Post Op food... DON'T. You are making a extremely MAJOR life changing decision here. You want a better / healthier life and by going with a Band, you will be committed to it either way. Once you are banded ... you are banded Babe! It doesn't come out easily and once its it its in and you have to go through some hoops to get it out. It is almost like the Mafia but in a good way... it will make you lose weight unless you seriously fight it.

I am Day 6 Post Op and I have to say that I have had to come to grips that my attitude and relationship with food has to and HAS changed. I can't eat what I want and an extremely large amount of whatever I want when I want anymore. I can't pig out anymore / I can't numb myself with food anymore. AND thats a good thing. The Band is working and keeping me in check against my own food addictions and cravings. It is giving me the extra will power to fight a lifelong losing battle with food. Although I have had some major weak moments in the last few days and days I have had some low commitment ... the Band KEEPS working and keeping me in Check. The Band is great in that even with low commitment and resolve, it works and then when my Sanity returns a few hours later, I am so much more happy because of the Band and that it kept me honest and strong. The REALIZE Band is working for me and it is doing what I thought it would do for me. I am so sick of being overweight and what it has cost my life so far, it is time for a change. Now that I have it I only wish I did it YEARS ago !!!

-Brian :crying:

:thumbup:I agree Brian, The sugar free pop's are saving me bigtime.. specially at work when everyone brings in all the snack foods.. i work in a huge medical office, there is take out every day and Snacks galour ! I have been on a liquid diet since last monday and i'm 10 day's of nothing but liquids so far.. i'm hungry but they really help ! I'm going into this knowing i need to make huge changes in the way i live my life.. the way i eat.. the way i think..about food and exercise. I'm not gonna like it for a while.. but i will learn to LIVE with it and love it later. If i were to find a possible way to eat the icecream or sherbert, i don't think this new lifestyle would last too long and i'd right back to the me i've become and not the Me i wanna be again.


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My surgery is Friday, and I forgot I need to pre-register! Good thing I remember two days before! Sometimes I wonder about myself...

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All I can say is wow everyone, great info, and thanks.

Also good luck to everyone that is getting banded soon.

I remember that a while back, maybe Cathy (CS in Texas) but maybe not- the longer I"m on this preop the worse my memory seems to be. Anyway someone was talking about a variety pack of protien shakes that could be gotten somewhere online. Can anyone help me with this, finding it.

thanks Lisa

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Hey everyone! Wow, yesterday was my first day back at work and let me tell ya, that 12 hour shift about kicked my tail! We delivered I can't even remember how many babies, and then at the end of the shift when it was time to go home....a floor above us caught fire, so the entire hospital went on lockdown. They wouldn't let us leave, and we were all soooo tired!!! Thank goodness we finally figured out a way to get out without getting caught. Then I came home and slept for about 12 hours too.

Good luck to all those being banded this week, I hope you all have a great experience and a speedy painless recovery!

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Our Special Dates:

Today: September 15

Kysmith72, piperboo, leeblewb

THIS WEEK: Good luck too those of you having your surgery this week. Let us know when you get a chance how you are doing after your surgery. We will have you in our thoughts.

September 15 - Kysmith72, piperboo, leeblewb

September 16 - sunny day, fldanny, kimmila, onceuponaband, kissalovoe, matzobeans, sugarmoma, stephanie24p, lauravarley, donna niemi, cortneyhughes*

September 17 - Stateofzen, hserrra, blondeej, vega1star, helgainaz, AnnaOz, MrsFitand42, maxi2010, risenhour1, maxi2010, jakealta, CdnBlondie


September 20 - RACandler, mytrice, Natalka, lbtss16, shellyh

September 21 - angellegna29, krieck, wishful-thinking, ledgins, HAD_ENOUGH

September 22 - ebonykisses, kittykat56, papoose, mom05, teach830, highlojack, Scarred4Life, highlojack, Tsaleen*

September 23 - emsbugbug, cicigirl, kierstyun2010, hocuspocus, mrsmontero12607, sarwenc*

September 24 - ctrose, kmckinleyrn, South Dakota Girl, cocoabeanie03*

September 25 - candy Rain


September 27 - babyk, LisaA (leaving for Mexico on the 26th), ocbutterfly, david314, wendyhart, panna

September 28 - Zippy74, kosy2, ebeeze824, newbs, Marte80, Paigey, tk07*

September 29 - wanna.b.healthy, Foxracing1201, chriper, Marte80*

September 30 - sourmissg, mrsbure, cndalbs, qtney1

*newest additions

I want everyone to be recognized for this journey, so please let me know if I overlooked you.

Those approved/self pay and waiting for dates:








60 have crossed over to Band Land:

1reign - from FL

ahlmanfamily - from MA

aliciaj - from PA

ally UK - from England

Angel82 - from MN

angelpix - from MN

bandalley - from Alberta Canada

BandedNellie - from CT

Brian-LA - Brian from LA

Butterfly2010 - from NC

CalaCake - from PA

cece1967 -from CA

ConB113 - from FL

CSinTX - Cathy from TX

danide - Danielle from NY

debrarh - from GA

Desiree1972 - from GA

donnalys - from AL

drm1123 - from NY

Esin - from London, England

Freshstart2010 - Christi from CA

glitteryvampiregirl - Catherine from AL

gracerev - Pastor from GA


jlr58 - from NJ

jmariedel - from VA

jshort - Jennifer from MO

KAS1971 - from MA

kydman - from KY


LadyT39 - from FL

Lanah - from TX


lemonchick - from TX

lillyegg - from NY

lovemysgt - from TX

Loyalfriend - from NC

Mandyrae - from TX

missjoany - from NC

motherbear - from NH

msmith73 - from NH

Nani4five - from MI

NYsLegend78 - from NJ

Olsweetmusic - from FL


playermimi - from MA

pooky032281 - from OK

purplevic -from FL

ready4change10 - from PA

rkwilliams1013 - Rebecca from GA

RN.Violet - from KY

Run Girl Run - from MO

sannersplace72 - Sandy from MD

SarahMarie123 - from WA

shushuandanniesmom - Jamie from IL

spitfireleo - from MA

stephanie1975 - from Victoria, Canada

swissnis - from IL

TheMaxwellFamily- from IN

WAH.MOM - from WI

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I like the way you think Danide-- in it to win it for sure.

Sorry to hear about your set-back LilMiss-- I've been there, done it-- and though it takes more time it will happen for you!

Just got back from pre-op-- surgeon is ok with me keeping my Friday date in spite of my lingering sinus infection as long as my PCP clears it so I'm in to see her tomorrow. I honestly think I'm good to go. So I'll be checking in at 8:30 Friday morning-- whee!

Now I'm going to go take a nap. This clear liquid thing is sapping my energy.

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All I can say is wow everyone, great info, and thanks.

Also good luck to everyone that is getting banded soon.

I remember that a while back, maybe Cathy (CS in Texas) but maybe not- the longer I"m on this preop the worse my memory seems to be. Anyway someone was talking about a variety pack of protien shakes that could be gotten somewhere online. Can anyone help me with this, finding it.

thanks Lisa

Hi LisaA: yes the number is 1-866-333-7403 ext 803. Tell them you are a Bariatric patient and they send you 13 individual sample packets for $13.00. It took a week to get them and I am really happy because you get a variety and that way you know which flavors you like. The company is Syntrax you can google it as well. 23g of Protein, no sugar and no carbs... Good Luck

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My doctor said maybe two weeks, depends on how You feel and if you feel you are ready to go back to work. You will know. When I can pick up my 20 lb Maine Coon Kitties and cuddle them, I know I will be feeling better.

Edited by missjoany

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I also ordered from Bariatricchoice.com. They are in NC, so I get my order almost the next day. They have good broths, beef bouillon, teas and clear drinks each with 12-15 Grams of Protein. BariatricEating.com - BE, Inc. The number one bariatric website for protein, Vitamins, and success. has samples as well. Most of them I can't eat till week two however. I got flavor-free Isopure and mix it with beef bouillon and consomme. I can't wait till next week so I can have the cream of potato and Tomato Soup. This is day Day 3 Post Op so still drinking clear liquids. Apple juice stays down well and Raspberry Isopure from GNC also (and it has 20 Grams of protein in each bottle).

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Thanks for the well-wishes everyone.

I just got back from my PCP a few minutes ago (have been having back pain and stiffness, and I wanted to talk to him about this surgery anyways, so I made an appointment)

I have good news, and bad news.

so, remember how i was bummed about having to do 6 months MDS (medically supervised diet)? well... I told him about it and he filled out two of the forms. One for our appointment last month when we discussed my weight, and one for this month. He wants to see me every month for the next four months to get this done. He also made some copies of some test results that he thought would be useful to the surgeon. He's really doing everything he can to help me with this, and I am sooo grateful for his support.

I told him I was also ready to quit smoking and asked about the medicine Chantix. He got me all set up for that, wrote the prescription and explained it to me... but when I got to the pharmacy my insurance declined it. Apparently they stopped covering it. I cant afford the $140 a month at this time, so I guess im gonna have to quit smoking on my own :unsure:

sooo... Im happy but frustrated yet again. Oh well, I'll get through it.

Edited to add- my diet plan for the next month: eat off of a desert plate... no going back for seconds, and my servings cannot touch eachother. Switch to diet pop for two weeks and then see if I feel good enough to eliminate pop completely. Go on a 20-25 minute walk 5 days a week. YAY!

Edited by TheLovelyMissJ

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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