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Looking for September 2010 Bandsters

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Our Special Dates:

Today: September 14

KAS1971, TheMaxwellFamily, WAH.MOM, purplevix, Angel82

THIS WEEK: Good luck too those of you having your surgery this week. Let us know when you get a chance how you are doing after your surgery. We will have you in our thoughts.

September 15 - Kysmith72, piperboo, leeblewb

September 16 - sunny day, fldanny, kimmila, onceuponaband, kissalovoe, matzobeans, sugarmoma, stephanie24p, lauravarley, donna niemi, cortneyhughes*

September 17 - Stateofzen, hserrra, blondeej, vega1star, helgainaz, AnnaOz, MrsFitand42, maxi2010, risenhour1, maxi2010, jakealta, CdnBlondie


September 20 - RACandler, mytrice, Natalka, lbtss16, shellyh

September 21 - angellegna29, krieck, wishful-thinking, ledgins, HAD_ENOUGH

September 22 - ebonykisses, kittykat56, papoose, mom05, teach830, highlojack, Scarred4Life, highlojack, Tsaleen*

September 23 - emsbugbug, cicigirl, kierstyun2010, hocuspocus, mrsmontero12607, sarwenc*

September 24 - ctrose, kmckinleyrn, South Dakota Girl, cocoabeanie03*

September 25 - candy Rain


September 27 - babyk, LisaA (leaving for Mexico on the 26th), ocbutterfly, david314, wendyhart, panna

September 28 - Zippy74, kosy2, ebeeze824, newbs, Marte80, Paigey, tk07*

September 29 - wanna.b.healthy, Foxracing1201, chriper, Marte80*

September 30 - sourmissg, mrsbure, cndalbs, qtney1

*newest additions

I want everyone to be recognized for this journey, so please let me know if I overlooked you.

Those approved/self pay and waiting for dates:








57 have crossed over to Band Land:

1reign - from FL

ahlmanfamily - from MA

aliciaj - from PA

ally UK - from England

Angel82 - from MN

angelpix - from MN

bandalley - from Alberta Canada

BandedNellie - from CT

Brian-LA - Brian from LA

Butterfly2010 - from NC

CalaCake - from PA

cece1967 -from CA

ConB113 - from FL

CSinTX - Cathy from TX

danide - Danielle from NY

debrarh - from GA

Desiree1972 - from GA

donnalys - from AL

drm1123 - from NY

Esin - from London, England

Freshstart2010 - Christi from CA

glitteryvampiregirl - Catherine from AL

gracerev - Pastor from GA


jlr58 - from NJ

jmariedel - from VA

jshort - Jennifer from MO

KAS1971 - from MA

kydman - from KY

LadyT39 - from FL

Lanah - from TX

lemonchick - from TX

lillyegg - from NY

lovemysgt - from TX

Loyalfriend - from NC

Mandyrae - from TX

missjoany - from NC

motherbear - from NH

msmith73 - from NH

Nani4five - from MI

NYsLegend78 - from NJ

Olsweetmusic - from FL

playermimi - from MA

pooky032281 - from OK

purplevic -from FL

ready4change10 - from PA

rkwilliams1013 - Rebecca from GA

RN.Violet - from KY

Run Girl Run - from MO

sannersplace72 - Sandy from MD

SarahMarie123 - from WA

shushuandanniesmom - Jamie from IL

spitfireleo - from MA

stephanie1975 - from Victoria, Canada

swissnis - from IL

TheMaxwellFamily- from IN

WAH.MOM - from WI

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Thank you Maxi ! let's see if this works :thumbup:

woohooooo ty ty ty

wow i gotta long way to go huh LOL


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Good Morning!

So today is 1 week since my surgery and for those who are just getting started or still waiting, I have to say, every day really does get better! I am sleeping a little better, much much less pain (still occassional chest pain and port pain) but really so much better! :thumbup:

And back to work for me this afternoon! :) Yayyy OMG yeah I can't believe I am yaying that. LOL

Hope everyone is doing super!

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WTG Danide

I'm sitting in work drinking my crystal lite just waiting for this week to get overwith! My surgery is scheduled for next monday 9/20/10. Believe me i don't think it's possible to feel like it's going any slower! I'm glad your feeling better, and on your way ! i'm looking forward to being out of work the next two weeks and here you are hurrying back LOL :thumbup:

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Yea!!! Banded yesterday - recovering today. Feeling pretty good actually, just a little discomfort (mostly at port site) but thats to be expected.

good luck to those of you on the list of September bandsters!!!

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Yea!!! Banded yesterday - recovering today. Feeling pretty good actually, just a little discomfort (mostly at port site) but thats to be expected.

good luck to those of you on the list of September bandsters!!!

How do I get my ticker thingie to come up on here??

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Wow, I have been gone for a long time huh... anyways, a little update...

I go to my seminar tonight, I am sooo excited!

Last night I head a freakout moment... I realized that I had been OCD about my research for this surgury... but I've never even googled my surgeon's name! Wow so I stayed up untill like 3am reading reviews and info about him. I now know that he rides a harley, plays the Cello flawlessly, his wife is an obgyn, he's handsome, and he is VERY good at what he does. Apparently he perfomed a rare gastric surgury on a patient who's intestines were reversed of what a normal person's intestines are. *shrug*

I'm feeling a bit down and worried that maybe i cant do this. I find myself alot with the mentality "I cant have it after surgury, so I'm going to enjoy it now" for example, my Pepsi addiction... its that attitude that makes me think I'm not strong enough for this.

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You CAN do this LovelyMiss ! believe me.. I have alot of weight to lose.. I smoked 2 packs of ciggs a day since i've been about 14 yrs old.. i needed my coffee and diet coke every day.. and yet.. the need to see myself thinner is overwhelming now.. I have quit smoking all together since 5/5/10,, stopped caffeine completely and have been doing NOTHING but liquids and following the pre op list to the T since last monday! YOU CAN DO IT ! WE HAVE FAITH IN YOU !:thumbup:

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You CAN do this LovelyMiss ! believe me.. I have alot of weight to lose.. I smoked 2 packs of ciggs a day since i've been about 14 yrs old.. i needed my coffee and diet coke every day.. and yet.. the need to see myself thinner is overwhelming now.. I have quit smoking all together since 5/5/10,, stopped caffeine completely and have been doing NOTHING but liquids and following the pre op list to the T since last monday! YOU CAN DO IT ! WE HAVE FAITH IN YOU !:thumbup:

Thank you so much Shelly.

I have however found out that I will NOT be banded in september :) MAYBE october... but oh well, I'm stickin around here anyways :)

I am pleasantly suprised to see how many of you are using the september sweeties graphic I made for the goup :) It's weird seeing it all over the place and being like "hey I did that! and they liked it enough to put it in their signature! YAY!" lol

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First day of Clear Liquids today-- and how lucky do I feel that I only have 3 days of liquids vs the 2 weeks some of you have had :thumbup: I will remember that every time I think about throwing myself a liquid diet pity party!

But. . . . I'm officially in the 250's now-- and that hasn't happened in 6 years. Whee! It was my goal when I set my surgery date to lose this much before the surgery and it feels great to have done it.

How is exercise going for everyone? I think this is the area that I may struggle with, knowing myself. It seems like the "super" losers with the band all exercise a lot so I've decided I'm going to as well. But folks, exercising when you're fat does not feel good. Skinny folks (like my husband) are always all "exercise makes you feel so good!" and it makes me want to beat them down- hahaha. Anyway, what's your exercise routine?

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hey thats where that came from !! lol Thanks Miss

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Hello All-

Unless something unforeseen happens, I am scheduled for the morning of the 28th. We are not waiting for the approval, I have a BMI of 39 with hypertension and sleep apnea, we didn't when scheduling my wife's bypass last year (she had a BMI over 40) and her approval came back quickly, before her surgery.

Other than some hassles with name brand prescriptions over the last few years, Anthem BCBS has been very good to work with and I don't expect issues, but if there are, we are prepared to go it alone.

I am so pleased that our doctor doesn't require the jumping through hoops to prove we are worthy or really need this. The last doctor we tried to work with for my wife five years ago, came highly recommended but insisted on a 30 pound loss before the initial face to face consultation.

She went bypass last December and is close to 80 pounds down as of now and looks and feels more than ten years younger. She and I both wish we had done something years ago and regained some lost time.

I wish you all luck and no more delays!

Cheers, Erick

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wow I thought I read all this yesterday and now there are like 3 pages of new stuff. It's incredible to read all the stuff people are going through/ learning/ teaching me. Thank you all.

I am fighting my desire to go eat some apple pie someone brought to work- ugg, I feel twice as hungry.

I had a yearly check up yesterday and spoke about the band and some problems I am having with muscles in my abdomen, I was thinking it was related to an umbilical hernia. Could be but my doc thinks it might be adhesion that have formed since my cesarean a couple years ago. Anyway it doesn't look like it's a problem for the surgery and could be fixed during surgery, I"m going to call my lap band surgeon to find out what he thinks. with laprocopic surgery he will definately be able to see if indeed i have them, and he could even disconect them if he was willing/ able. but they may grow back- if I even have them. .....

About the tightness, I hope things are going ok. Look forward to hearing what is going on with that. I've felt that with my cesarean and it was so scary. I know this is different but in the end a few trips to a trusted massage therapist that focused on my diaphragm helped. Really sending you good thoughts.

Husbands and cooking etc. very difficult. My husband has no food addicitons, it's maddening, He loves food, but also can take it or leave it and really it's more about nutrition then comfort. I wish I was that way. He also polices me, in ways that on the one had I know he is probably right about but on the other he's a bit over bearing. I've had him read some of these posts too- like in a ha ha this is a funny string of posts. who knows, I like the lines that were given as loving ways of saying I need some space from your policing. It's like one thing if you are eating a grilled cheese sandwich, another if you are drinking some crystal light. How to get them to understand this thing that doesn't seem all that subtle to me....hmm

My 6 year old now anytime anyone in the house eats he has made himself the eating too fast police of us all. Even my 2 year old who doesn't like being ordered around by him. and my husband who is a painfully slow eater- Lucas will chime in tsk tsk, don't ear fast daddy it's not good for you. I am a terrible fast eater, besides comfort with food this is my other big problem and I hope I can keep it under control without having to get stuck etc.

Well anyway just a bit of a rant really.

Good luck all thanks for all the info etc.

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My surgery was 9/10 & I feel great today, no pain, no discomfort. I see the dr on Thurs & I'm hoping to be put on mushy foods. The clear liquids are getting tiresome. Yesterday I had some wonton Soup, just the broth & it was sooo good. And I had a sugar free ice pop for the first time. I can't say that I'm feeling hunger, it's more that I just want to eat something. But I'm down 7 lbs since Sat & I'm so happy. So hang in there everyone.

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Hi Everyone - 3 days post op here

I have been hesitant to post my banding experience b/c I am one of the most positive people I know, and unfortunately this has not been positive for me - I am truly heartbroken about it.

I love my surgeon - she is great - everyone in the hospital - fab.

After several hours post op I started feeling a tightness in my chest. It threw me for a loop as I was expecting the shoulder/back gas pain - which never came. The incision pain is no fun - but easy to deal with - the tightness in my chest - not so much. I stayed over night in the hospital and walked the hall several times, but the tightness would not decrease. My surgeon called me on Saturday and asked how I was doing and i let her know where the tightness was - breast bone, she informed me that is where the band is - not to worry. After I was released and moving more the tightness was accompanied by shortness of breath. So I couldn't read more than one story to my daughter, or have a decent convo with my son. My neighbor convinced me to call the surgeon on call yesterday - he told me it was not normal and to head to the ER. I did. They scanned my lungs for a clot and i had to hold my breath - and I couldn't - the tech remarked on how shallow my breathing was. Then came the chest Xray and when he told me to hold my breath I couldn't - then coughed. It was no fun. After 7 hours in the ER they concluded that I didn't have a clot or pneumonia and that I needed to contact my surgeon on Monday morning to discuss the next steps as they only avoid catastrophic situations. I called my surgeon this morning and she was in the OR, but she had my paperwork and ordered an upper GI to see if my band was too tight. I actually cried this time b/c i hate barium and I felt sorry for myself (shame on me). Now I wait.

I am frustrated. I don't regret the surgery - I just need answers and I need to know that I will be able to take deep breaths, read stories, walk more than 10 feet without sweating and catching my breath.

Has anyone experienced anything like this?

thanks for your support.

Please don't ever hesitate to post anything; even if you don't get an answer to all the questions; someone will learn from what you posted and it helps all of us to know that we experience things very differently. I hope you are feeling better and received the medical attention you required. Keep us updated!

I do have some tideness around the breast-bone but nothing what you described. 5 days post op and like someone else wrote" every day is getting better".

Take Care!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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