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Hi everyone!!

Well today is 1 week and 1 day since banded and today is the first time I feel constipated... this is horrible!!! I was loosing about 1.5 everyday up until Sunday when my mom made me a black bean soup!... Huge mistake! I think it is the cause of all my Constipation and not loosing any more weight since Sunday.

I really can't complain because I have lost 10 pounds post-op, but it does feel bad when you don't see the scale move... so I have decided to not weigh in on a daily base and just weigh in Mondays. My first Dr. visit is in two weeks which will include my frist fill. I do love my band and can not wait til I start with my trainer in 1 week!

Congrats to those banded already and much luck to those who are getting it done today and this week!


Edited by monicaleon18

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Tiffany: Thanks for the words of encouragement...

I was banded yesterday and feel pretty good as I write this. There was a cancellation in my surgeon's schedule, so they called to see if i could come in a few hours early...YES! The staff were wonderful and did everything possible to make my experience as positive as possible.

The doctor said my liver had shrunk to the size of a two year old's and that made things much easier for him and for me. I think he was exaggerating, but it has been much easier than I expected. I've been taking pain meds regularly which surely helps.

Good luck to the rest of you as you go down this path to a new and different life.

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I actually have no idea what band I have or if I got a partial fill-- my first appt. post-op is a week from today and I'll ask then! I suspect I have the Realize band since my doc prefers it, although he does use the LAP-BAND® too on a patient-dependent-basis.

Your dinner experience sounds perfect (except for the sliming)! I haven't experienced anything negative yet, but then again, I'm just starting mushies after full-liquids. I am not looking forward to my first stuck experience, that's for sure, but it seems like a learning opportunity.

I think my eating issues are twofold: 1) when I'm working I often used to skip Breakfast and lunch and then by mid-afternoon I'd be so starved that I would fast food scarf (followed by a carb crash nap, no kidding), and then have a big dinner too, and 2) we eat out a lot and I have issues with Portion Control. I don't really consider myself a binge-er in the traditional sense but maybe I'm fooling myself. So I think this band will help me- with portion control if nothing else. I'm still going to have to work on making good choices when we go out to eat. It looks like you did that Brian!

Hi Lyla !

IF you got a REALIZE Band, you should know it AND you should have gotten a REALIZE Band ID Card with your registration number. You take that REALIZE Band ID number and put it into the REALIZE BAND website for access to your REALIZE MY SUCCESS Personal website / Weight Loss Program. It is pretty good / great. Its an interactive weight loss online program with a lot of great stuff. If you got the REALIZE Band ask your Doctor for your card and ID Number. The funny thing is that before I was banded I didn't know which band I was getting and I didn't even know I got the REALIZE Band until after. Before Surgery I was hoping for the Lap Band because it is the more famous one but afterwards I realize the REALIZE Band was better and my Surgeon ( who is a Beverly Hills Surgeon / Done well over 1000 Bands plus does 10-15 a week KNOWS more then me ) plus the REALIZE Band is newer technology too. It is also wider which helps prevent slippage.

As for dining out... yeah being Banded makes it a new experience !!! I had heard from Banded people about the first time when you eat out and when you have to RUN for the bathroom... IT'S TRUE. I had to quickly say excuse me and make a 50 yard dash for the bathroom. Once inside I started to slime and dry heave until it settled down after 2 minutes. I apologized after returning to table but it defintiely was a good learning experience and I know I am going to lose weight when all I could eat was a fraction of what I normally do.

I think you will learn and adjust your life to living with the Band. You will eat breakfast and a lunch. You will because you will have to. I will eat slower and only a portion of what I previously did because I HAVE TO. I mean that is the reason why I got the Band, personal control alone just wasn't working. I needed more. I assume you are in the same boat or why get banded in the first place ?

We will both be fine and soon we will both be GREAT :smile:.


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I think you will learn and adjust your life to living with the Band. You will eat breakfast and a lunch. You will because you will have to. I will eat slower and only a portion of what I previously did because I HAVE TO. I mean that is the reason why I got the Band, personal control alone just wasn't working. I needed more. I assume you are in the same boat or why get banded in the first place ?

Brian--I think you are spot on with this assessment! I always had a problem with Portion Control, not so much with what I ate, but how much. I chose the band for this exact reason--it will no longer be a choice for me, it will be a necessity. While I realize there is some personal control involved, it certainly will make the choice easier weighing it out: big meal or puke?! Hmmm...I KNOW which one I will choose. :smile:

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Hi everyone, I am way behind in reading posts because I have had limited access to a computer for a few days, but hopefully soon I will be able to catch up with how everyone is doing. As for me I got home from the hospital around 3:00pm today. I was banded yesterday and I am doing extremely well. Very little gas pain and discomfort from my incisions! Couldn't be happier!! I have no doubt that i made the right decision -- so ready for a new chapter in my life to start.

Take care everyone and God bless!! Wendy

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David Glad to see you post and that you are doing well!

Well, guys... I have to say I am feeling much better than I was yesterday morning with not being able to hold anything down. But now, my ribs hurt when drawing in a deep breath and I have that ache in my left shoulder... thought I had gotten past the "gas" stage... Boo!!

Tomorrow will be one week post-op... It says I can start adding soft meats back into my diet as well as hearty bean soups... wondering if that mean chili? I am ready for something with a little substance.

Dont know if anyone would be interested in an AWESOME Weight Watcher Chili recipe...??

1 Med Onion

1 Lb Lean Ground Beef/Turkey

1 pkg Ranch Dressing Mix (powder)

1 pkg Taco Seasoning (Low Sodium)

1 can Yellow Corn - Drained (can we have this?)

2 cans Black Beans - Drained

2 cans stewed tomatoes

1 can Rotelle

-Brown ground beef, last 5 minutes of cooking, add onion (chopped) Drain off any remaining fat.

You can then add all ingredients into large pot, or in crockpot. Let cook/simmer for at least 45 minutes.

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What the heck is sliming???? sounds like i don't want to experience that.....:smile2:

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David Glad to see you post and that you are doing well!

Well, guys... I have to say I am feeling much better than I was yesterday morning with not being able to hold anything down. But now, my ribs hurt when drawing in a deep breath and I have that ache in my left shoulder... thought I had gotten past the "gas" stage... Boo!!

Tomorrow will be one week post-op... It says I can start adding soft meats back into my diet as well as hearty bean soups... wondering if that mean chili? I am ready for something with a little substance.

Dont know if anyone would be interested in an AWESOME Weight Watcher Chili recipe...??

1 Med Onion

1 Lb Lean Ground Beef/Turkey

1 pkg Ranch Dressing Mix (powder)

1 pkg Taco Seasoning (Low Sodium)

1 can Yellow Corn - Drained (can we have this?)

2 cans Black Beans - Drained

2 cans stewed tomatoes

1 can Rotelle

-Brown ground beef, last 5 minutes of cooking, add onion (chopped) Drain off any remaining fat.

You can then add all ingredients into large pot, or in crockpot. Let cook/simmer for at least 45 minutes.

Lisa - What is the book title and author you were telling us about?

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What the heck is sliming???? sounds like i don't want to experience that.....:mad:

I was wondering that myself... I am picturing that its where you are so full, that it all hangs out at the back of your throat? Hey, Brian - can you clarify?? :smile2:

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Great to read so many postings with postive results. And almost everyone got the band..yahhhhh!!!! Good luck to the few that are left for September, you guys are almost there!

I am on the pureed phase ( week 3 + 4 post surgery) and have been hooked on sweet potatoes, yogurt, tuna and lean ground beef with spaggetti sauce! Still take my shakes to get my Protein in... I can feel restrictions and barely can eat an entire yogurt. Weight loss has slowed down with the food changes, but I hope it will steady go down. I had my first day at he gym yesterday and look forward of getting veryyyyyyyyyyyyy healthy!

Good Luck to all!

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It's been a blast being part of this Sept banders forum but kinda felt like I was never ever going to get to where the rest of you were. Now, I'm going to be there, too.

It's the funniest feeling between nervous and excited! I am sooo not nervous about the surgery -- just nervous about if I'll actually be successful. When NOTHING has ever worked before, I've been trained to think nothing will.

But, man - so many of you are making it work and I'm determined to, as well. I need to -- for all those who love me and that includes ME!

I'll be back -- maybe tomorrow or Thurs. to fill you in!

Anything I need to know for these last minutes?


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What the heck is sliming???? sounds like i don't want to experience that.....:smile2:

Hi CeciGirl & ScarredforLife !

SLIMING is part of the Restriction experience. It is basically a step below of vomiting / throwing up. When I personally feel Restriction my chest is really tight, my stomach - the esophagus feels tight and I feel really really full. I get a nauseous feeling and then the sliming starts - it is basically my body producing A LOT of saliva to help dislodge the food. So much so that I start spitting up all the produced saliva into a trash bucket or something. Sometimes it is just saliva, sometimes it is a bit frothy and sometimes it is the beginning of me throwing up.

So far with my Restriction, sliming usually does the trick and I don't throw up or dry heave or pray to the porcelain god.

So for my personal Restriction experience it is usually a tight feeling in chest and esophagus, then some nausea and then sliming and if that doesn't do it, I throw up. So far I have thrown up about twice. I have slimed about 12-14 times.

It is just my body AND MY BAND telling me to back off, slow down and stop eating.

-Brian :mad:

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Brian--I think you are spot on with this assessment! I always had a problem with Portion Control, not so much with what I ate, but how much. I chose the band for this exact reason--it will no longer be a choice for me, it will be a necessity. While I realize there is some personal control involved, it certainly will make the choice easier weighing it out: big meal or puke?! Hmmm...I KNOW which one I will choose. :smile2:

Hi Kat !

I think it is also BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. It is like the animal that keeps getting shocked when it does something, sooner or later, it stops doing the behavior. The Band restricts me when I can't do it for myself. It is negative reinforcement like a slap on the wrist for bad behavior. Eventually after a lifetime of bad behavior I will slowly but surely have to change my ways.

-Brian :mad:

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Anything I need to know for these last minutes?


Good Luck Debbie !

You are going to be just fine. You might have some pain but remember it all goes away in a few days. In a few days you will be fine and then you can be on your road to getting better in life. Good Luck and have a fast recovery !!!

As for any last minute stuff ... did you get the sugar free Popsickles and Powerade Zero I mentioned. I am sure you got the Protein Shakes but the Sugar Free Popsickles are absolutely the best and the Powerade ZERO is a no calorie thirst quencher / rehydrator. I highly recommend the Grape and strawberry.

-Brian :smile2:

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Good Luck Debbie !

You are going to be just fine. You might have some pain but remember it all goes away in a few days. In a few days you will be fine and then you can be on your road to getting better in life. Good Luck and have a fast recovery !!!

As for any last minute stuff ... did you get the sugar free Popsickles and Powerade Zero I mentioned. I am sure you got the Protein Shakes but the Sugar Free Popsickles are absolutely the best and the Powerade ZERO is a no calorie thirst quencher / rehydrator. I highly recommend the Grape and strawberry.

-Brian :smile2:

Hi Brian -- My last post as unbanded girl is to YOU!!! I'm leaving now for the hospital. My tummy has butterflies but in a few hours, there won't be room! LOL

Yep, I took your advice and got everything you mentioned so thanks for that. It's all ready and waiting for me here.

I'll be back to let you all know how it went. Thanks for your support!


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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