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Looking for September 2010 Bandsters

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I can't wait to check back tomorrow to see how everyone is doing. My nutritionist is so awesome, she called to give me a phone consult today to see how I was doing. I was messing up a few things. Like the Isopure Protein drink- 4 ounces. I am only supposed to drink 2 ounces at a time. I also have not been getting enough fluids, and need to drink more. Crystal Light was recommended. I am supposed to have three meals a day and one protein snack of 15 G protein, but if I get hungry to have another protein snack. She infomed me of a post op support group that I will look into tomorrow. Thursday is my first post op visit, wonder if I will get a fill to take away some of the hunger. Will let you know. Night all, I sat up too long now.:thumbup:

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Maxi, we had surgery the same day.

I think it's too soon to worry. I have zero hunger and today ate the most I have in a week-- half a yogurt, 4 oz of cream Tomato Soup, and 4 oz of Protein Shake. I feel uncomfortably full and I'm just not stuffing more down. I figure in another week, once the swelling is down, we may be singing another tune :thumbup:

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Hi all thanks for all the encouraging works. I'm so nevus I don't feel like my self. My day starts at 5:00 am, I hope I do Ok on this liquids diet tomorrow. Boy all I can say Is I will be happy when this surgery is :thumbup: over. :lol::):wub:

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ebonykisses, kittykat56, papoose, mom05, teach830, highlojack,Tsaleen, girlbanded I will be right there with you guys tomorrow, thinking of each and every one of you. mom05 We are all in it together - No one is alone, but still sorry to hear your hubs couldnt make it. Hope everyone has a safe and happy surgery!

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ok i am 5 day post-op and still have port pain it feels like gas is trapped behind it > it is frustrating cause i feel great otherwise but when i stand up the pain in the site is horrid so is this normal ??? im going to the dr tomorrow but just wondering if you all have any advice.

Best of luck to all the banders tomorrow!!!!!

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ebonykisses, kittykat56, papoose, mom05, teach830, highlojack,Tsaleen, girlbanded I will be right there with you guys tomorrow, thinking of each and every one of you. mom05 We are all in it together - No one is alone, but still sorry to hear your hubs couldnt make it. Hope everyone has a safe and happy surgery!

Thanks Tiffany!!! I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow--

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Getting the pre-band jitters....

Magnesium flush tomorrow...

Not looking forward to it... especially since I have a work event I am going to try and attend that night...

My date is 9/24/10!!!

Nervous, excited, relieved, scared, anxious... every verb there is really...

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Ok guys, I'm feeling the major need to vent. Last night proved to be the biggest trial of my banded life. For those of you who don't know much about me, I'm a 29 y/o labor and delivery RN. I've done L&D for the past 8 years. Most of the time, L&D is the happiest place in the entire hospital to work. The rest of the time, it's the most awful place on earth. Well, yesterday was the rest of the time.

I work in a unit that stays pretty busy in the Oklahoma City metro area. On top of our regular scheduled procedures (inductions and c-sections) we have lots of walk-in traffic for various complaints. Yesterday about 1pm, we had a mother come in who was VERY premature...she ended up delivering a tiny, very early baby girl. This baby was such a fighter, she made it through the delivery, but we have no idea if she will make it very long term.

Now to where this affects me being banded. Usually on days like yesterday when something so stressful happens, I turned to food. That's all I could think about last night when I got home. I had a major meltdown, the coping mechanism that I've always used to get by is gone. I laid in bed sobbing...not sure how to deal with the stress from yesterday, but from the stress of not being able to deal the way I was used to handling things. Have any of you already banded bandsters experienced anything like this? I LOVE my job, but the few and far between times like this are extremely hard to handle.

Thanks guys for allowing me the time to vent, I had to get that stuff off my chest, I felt like I was about to explode!!!

Good luck to those of you being banded today!!! I wish you safe and speedy recovery!

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Ok guys, I'm feeling the major need to vent. Last night proved to be the biggest trial of my banded life. For those of you who don't know much about me, I'm a 29 y/o labor and delivery RN. I've done L&D for the past 8 years. Most of the time, L&D is the happiest place in the entire hospital to work. The rest of the time, it's the most awful place on earth. Well, yesterday was the rest of the time.

I work in a unit that stays pretty busy in the Oklahoma City metro area. On top of our regular scheduled procedures (inductions and c-sections) we have lots of walk-in traffic for various complaints. Yesterday about 1pm, we had a mother come in who was VERY premature...she ended up delivering a tiny, very early baby girl. This baby was such a fighter, she made it through the delivery, but we have no idea if she will make it very long term.

Now to where this affects me being banded. Usually on days like yesterday when something so stressful happens, I turned to food. That's all I could think about last night when I got home. I had a major meltdown, the coping mechanism that I've always used to get by is gone. I laid in bed sobbing...not sure how to deal with the stress from yesterday, but from the stress of not being able to deal the way I was used to handling things. Have any of you already banded bandsters experienced anything like this? I LOVE my job, but the few and far between times like this are extremely hard to handle.

Thanks guys for allowing me the time to vent, I had to get that stuff off my chest, I felt like I was about to explode!!!

Good luck to those of you being banded today!!! I wish you safe and speedy recovery!

Hi Pooky!

I am sure different people have different feelings and advise for you. My personal view of this is: It's okay to truly feel such emotions ( it also shows how caring you are!), that is what you and I have been eating away; those tears and anger and so on....now we are having to feel it "all the way"...so shedding tears is maybe one way to compensate. It would be more of a problem if you would have a major break down at work every time. But you managed until you were safe in your home. Nothing wrong with feeling sad. And yaaahh, could you have gone to the gym or walk or take abath...sure...but honestly I don't think there is anything "wrong" with crying....and talking about it just like you did. I bet over time you will be able to find other ways too.

Just my thougts on that, and thank you for being so honest.

I just had a break up with my boyfriend ( both sides wanted it) and had similar feelings, usually food will sooooooooth me. Well instead I called one of my friends last night and talked for a while and also let the sad feeling run it's course....

Wishing you a great day!

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Hi Everyone.. I know it has been a while since I have shared with my September Bandsters.. sorry about that.. but let me catch you up.. Had my post op appt yesterday.. 21 days since surgery.. They have me down 20lbs.. I think ( I know it is more.. since I prefer first to go with my weight from first thing in the morning, this was at 4 in the afternoon.. dressed) Anyway still VERY stoked about the loss.. but it has definitely slowed down since I have been eating soft foods.. I did ask for a fill and the Dr... gave in after some resistance... but he gave me 3cc.. Now I know that will not make a huge diff.. however, I just wanted to get the initial fill out of the way,, curiosity mostly.. Well it was not bad at all!! Needle is long will not lie to ya.. but with no topical.. just went for it.. and wa pleasantly surprised!! Now I am on mushy and looking forward to my numbers going down..... only 8 away from first goal!!

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Ok guys, I'm feeling the major need to vent. Last night proved to be the biggest trial of my banded life. For those of you who don't know much about me, I'm a 29 y/o labor and delivery RN. I've done L&D for the past 8 years. Most of the time, L&D is the happiest place in the entire hospital to work. The rest of the time, it's the most awful place on earth. Well, yesterday was the rest of the time.

I work in a unit that stays pretty busy in the Oklahoma City metro area. On top of our regular scheduled procedures (inductions and c-sections) we have lots of walk-in traffic for various complaints. Yesterday about 1pm, we had a mother come in who was VERY premature...she ended up delivering a tiny, very early baby girl. This baby was such a fighter, she made it through the delivery, but we have no idea if she will make it very long term.

Now to where this affects me being banded. Usually on days like yesterday when something so stressful happens, I turned to food. That's all I could think about last night when I got home. I had a major meltdown, the coping mechanism that I've always used to get by is gone. I laid in bed sobbing...not sure how to deal with the stress from yesterday, but from the stress of not being able to deal the way I was used to handling things. Have any of you already banded bandsters experienced anything like this? I LOVE my job, but the few and far between times like this are extremely hard to handle.

Thanks guys for allowing me the time to vent, I had to get that stuff off my chest, I felt like I was about to explode!!!

Good luck to those of you being banded today!!! I wish you safe and speedy recovery!

Oh pooky, I'm sorry you had such a bad day and I hope that the baby makes it. I do know what you mean about food as a coping mechanism. I always said I wasn't an emotional eater but I was clearly in denial myself. We've got to find a good substitute, quick! Is there someone you could talk to at home, or a friend you could call to help process? I know the hours you work might not always be people friendly. . . What else do you enjoy? Taking a bubble bath, writing in a journal, watching a saved episode of one of your favorite shows, maybe even taking a walk (kill two birds with one stone)? I'm a rape crisis volunteer and for me, what helps me put a case behind me is to just talk through my feelings about it with my husband (maintaining confidentiality of course). Once I've gotten out my anger and my hurt for the victim, I'm usually able to let it go-- but if it's a really hard case I might need to curl up for some uninterrupted book time too.

Anyway, hugs to you!

BandedNellie: Yay for you! 20 lbs + in no time! My goal was 30 by Christmas, but if I'm as lucky as you, it'll be 30 by Halloween :rolleyes2: You're awesome.

Edited by stateofzen

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Getting the pre-band jitters....

Magnesium flush tomorrow...

Not looking forward to it... especially since I have a work event I am going to try and attend that night...

My date is 9/24/10!!!

Nervous, excited, relieved, scared, anxious... every verb there is really...

Hi there, my name is Des and I was banded last week Tuesday - 14 September. I really felt nervous on the day but it was all about the unknown! One week down the line I'm feeling pretty good. Are you on a special pre-op diet? I see you;ve got the work function so what have you planned re eating? I also went out the night before which kept my mind busy!!! I pray that all goes well for you on Thursday. You're starting a new life!!!! :rolleyes2:

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Yesterday about 1pm, we had a mother come in who was VERY premature...she ended up delivering a tiny, very early baby girl. This baby was such a fighter, she made it through the delivery, but we have no idea if she will make it very long term.!

Being a mom of a premiee, the fact that she is a fighter is a good sign!! My son was born 2 months early weighing just over 2 lbs. and my friend who was carrying twins had to deliever 5 days after me- and they were 3 months early, one weighing just over 2lbs, and the other not quite a pound and a half. Of course they had to be covered in plastic to keep their body heat, and for a while on a ventalator, but then they moved to a CPAP, then nasal canula.

But if they have the fight, and they are destine to be here.. They will make it!! You should see our kids now.. True they may be a little behind the developemental curve.. But knowing what a miracle the birth of a child can be, the fight that one tiny infant can put up, can be a big inspiration to an entire ward of adults.

Of course the other outcome is a possibility, and one that we all would like to dismiss - but, as I am sure you know... the NICU is a roller-coaster. Ups and Downs.. I surely hope that lil baby sees alot more "ups"! I will be thinking of that little girl and her parents, and wishing her the best. Lord knows they can use it.

Its nice to know that the nurses care, and I would like to think they all have a heart as big as yours!!:thumbdown: It takes a special person to work in the medical field, because there are joys and tragedy. How lucky for us to know that you are there to offer a caring hand. Dont be discouraged, or hard on yourself.. I think you're WONDERFUL!!

~As for me... I am off to the hospital. Let's do this :thumbup:thing!!:rolleyes2:

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Good Morning peeps!

Pooky- Thats got to be a difficult job when having to see sad situations like the one you descibed. I'd imagine that theres a lot of differnet emotions minute to minute, patient to patient. Finding alternative outlets are gonna have to be our focus. Some ideas would be maybe exercising, talking to someone supportive, writing to release emotions and thoughts, slamming a pillow against a bed over and over. (I gotta practice what I preach)

Cathy- Congrats on the hitting below 200, thats awesome!

Banded- Thats awesome! Congrats on the 21 down (maybe plus some)!

Just venting... I went for my 2 week follow up yesterday, they removed my stitches but apparently I still have a lot of swelling in the belly. The nurse weighed me and its the same weight its been for days now. 15 lbs down total but only 7 lbs down since surgery. I mean, I know its actually really good, especially since I had a hard time losing 3 lbs for months, but to me, I feel like it should be more. I know its ONLY been 14 days but but but... Uhhh. This is why I need to avoid the scale, cause it doesn't move fast enough for me, then I get frustraited, then I give up. Not that I am giving up, I can't and I won't BUT it puts a damper on things. :thumbdown: It makes me sad. Yeah yeah, I know... in 3 weeks 15 lbs is really something to be happy about... So why aren't I? Then the nurse tried to explain to me that 1-2 lbs really is the norm and the healthy thing so being that I had more, its really great... :thumbdown: And it didn't make me feel better that she was explaining how after the rest of the swelling goes down I will probably have more hunger and can eat more until I get a fill in 4 weeks.... Okay well, I eat when I get hungry now and its not that often but I guess because I had high expectations, I feel its too much. If I could do it I would love to eat like I did 3 days post-surgery forever... I took 3 spoons of pudding and was full..... Yeah, that feeling didn't last forever. I have to remember, this is NOT MAGIC... its a HELPFUL TOOL! Now if only I can't stop my brain from its normal ALL or NOTHING attitude, then I'd be fine. :rolleyes2: Stupid BRAIN...

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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