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Looking for September 2010 Bandsters

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Mandyrae: I'm nervous already and my surgery is not till the 22nd. Good for you:) you will do great:thumbup:

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I get banded on the 29th. Im so excited to begin my band journey. I've been waiting 6 months since my first appt. I got everything prepared other then finding a decent Protein Drink

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Hello all.. I am writing in this color.. because today in CT, I feel like this is the first day of Fall.. Love this time of year!! Nice cool brisk morning... Anyway I am now 23lbs down.. 9 days post op.. I started the diet on Aug 21.. Gas pain finally gone.. sleeping on my tummy again.. all is good.. except the Steri Strips on my incisions are driving me nuts!!! My incisions ITCH ITCH ITCH!!! Thank goodness my finger nails are not that long becuase I would be all scratched up!! The one that is the most bothersome is the one that has the port.. In reading all your posts I am glad I do not have an incision in my belly button.. because after three pregnancies.. my belly button is wacked out.. finally recovering. All in all I think that is a pretty good complaint to have.. I am enjoying my Greek Yogurt smoothies in the morning. I have pretty much been vigilant with the diet rules.. however last night I had a couple BABY bites of some mashed up speghetti. I used to mash the foods for my kids.. now I am mashing for me.. it felt good to have a little substance in my belly.. but here is the funny thing.. I could not even finish a 1/4cup!!!!! I got that immediate FULL feeling.. which is umcomfortable and scares me.. but more importantly stops me from eating!!!

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Our Special Dates:

Today: September 10

ally UK, angelpix, jmariedel, jlr58, Mandyrae, Desiree1972, drm1123, shushuandanniesmom*

THIS WEEK: Good luck too those of you having your surgery this week. Let us know when you get a chance how you are doing after your surgery. We will have you in our thoughts.

September 11 - missjoany

Next Week:

September 13 - lillyegg, debrarh, ready4change10, CalaCake, bandalley, RN.Violet, SarahMarie123, glitteryvampiregirl, ConB113

September 14 - KAS1971, TheMaxwellFamily, WAH.MOM, purplevix, Angel82

September 15 - Kysmith72, piperboo, leeblewb

September 16 - sunny day, fldanny, kimmila, onceuponaband, kissalovoe, matzobeans, sugarmoma, stephanie24p, lauravarley

September 17 - Stateofzen, hserrra, blondeej, vega1star, helgainaz, AnnaOz, MrsFitand42, maxi2010, risenhour1, maxi2010*

Following Week:

September 20 - RACandler, mytrice, Natalka, lbtss16, shellyh

September 21 - angellegna29, krieck, wishful-thinking, ledgins, HAD_ENOUGH*

September 22 - ebonykisses, kittykat56, papoose, mom05, teach830, highlojack, Scarred4Life, highlojack*

September 23 - emsbugbug, cicigirl, kierstyun2010, hocuspocus

September 24 - ctrose, kmckinleyrn, South Dakota Girl

September 25 - candy Rain

Last Week of Sept:

September 27 - babyk, LisaA, ocbutterfly, david314

September 28 - Zippy74, kosy2, ebeeze824, newbs, Marte80, Paigey*

September 29 - wanna.b.healthy, Foxracing1201*, chriper*

September 30 - sourmissg, mrsbure, cndalbs, qtney1

*newest additions

I want everyone to be recognized for this journey, so please let me know if I overlooked you.

Those approved/self pay and waiting for dates:











40 have crossed over to Band Land:

1reign - from FL

ahlmanfamily - from MA

aliciaj - from PA

ally UK - from England

angelpix - from MN

BandedNellie - from CT

Brian-LA - Brian from LA

Butterfly2010 - from NC

cece1967 -from CA

CSinTX - Cathy from TX

danide - Danielle from NY

Desiree1972 - from GA

donnalys - from AL

drm1123 - from NY

Esin - from London, England

Freshstart2010 - Christi from CA

gracerev - Pastor from GA


jlr58 - from NJ

jmariedel - from VA

jshort - Jennifer from MO

kydman - from KY

LadyT39 - from FL

Lanah - from TX

lemonchick - from TX

Loyalfriend - from NC

Mandyrae - from TX

msmith73 - from NH

Nani4five - from MI

NYsLegend78 - from NJ

Olsweetmusic - from FL

playermimi - from MA

pooky032281 - from OK

rkwilliams1013 - Rebecca from GA

Run Girl Run - from MO

sannersplace72 - from MD

shushuandanniesmom - Jamie from IL

spitfireleo - from MA

stephanie1975 - from Victoria, Canada

swissnis - from IL

Edited by Banded-Sept-2010

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I arrived in Bandland!!!

I had my surgery at 7:30 am yesterday and went home from the hospital at 4 pm. Hardly any gas pain but nausea!!! And I think my BP is dropping at times; I tend to have low BP. Yesterday was mostly rough because of feeling dizzzy and a lot of nausea. I am on Lortab ( tasting awful) for my pain, so any mispelling and crazy sentence structure bare with me... Feeling better in general, but nothing like Brian described , no 98%...he is a lucky guy. I might be at 60%... but much more important then any % : I am happy! And thank you all for all the good wishes and prayers! I feel very good about the surgery and wish all the upcoming ones good luck.

I am now on 1/4cup of Protein Shake six times a day and sugar free stuff/drinks in between. Not hungry at all. Taking it easy; trying to move around in between resting...

Best wishes from NC!

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I need to be added to the list! I'm approved for banding and Sept 22nd is the day!

Congratulation on you approval, you just have 12 mores days and you will be in Bandedland :thumbup:

I'm a week and a day post op and feeling good. Even through the worst times (which still weren't as bad as I had expected) my #1 feeling = RELIEF at believing my yoyo weight will finally come to an end. Good luck everyone. Keep positive thoughts!

Cece1967: It is a RELIEF,:lol: to know once we drop the pounds, when we continue to work with our band the weight will stay in the pass. Thanks for keeping us inform with you recovery. I'm so happy for you :ohmy:

Hi everyone, my dr submitted to my new insurance today -- I start my pre-op diet again on Monday. Still feel like I'm in limbo -- until I get my approval I guess I will probably continue to feel that way. I would appreciate everyones prayers that I get approved.

It's so great to hear how everyone is doing! I have been keeping everyone in my prayers.

Take care and God bless! Wendy

Wendy: I understand where you're coming from. I did not change insurance, but I did not receive approval letter from my insurance. After talking to the surgeon

and the Nutrition Consult yesterday,the Nutrition ask me for the $200, fee then she replied if you was not going to be approval, I would not ask for the $200. Also Yesterday I had my Pre Admissions Testing, I was in limbo until then. Not a good feeling.

Thanks! I go in tomorrow at 7:30 and surgery is at 8:30! I do not have to stay overnight and should be home by 3..

I don't think it has really sinked in yet, I'm not nervous or anything but I'm sure in the morning that will be a different story!

Mandyrae: You don't have to be nervous, I'm nervous enough for the both of us.

Congratulation, wish you well.

Hello all.. I am writing in this color.. because today in CT, I feel like this is the first day of Fall.. Love this time of year!! Nice cool brisk morning... Anyway I am now 23lbs down.. 9 days post op.. I started the diet on Aug 21.. Gas pain finally gone.. sleeping on my tummy again.. all is good.. except the Steri Strips on my incisions are driving me nuts!!! My incisions ITCH ITCH ITCH!!! Thank goodness my finger nails are not that long becuase I would be all scratched up!! The one that is the most bothersome is the one that has the port.. In reading all your posts I am glad I do not have an incision in my belly button.. because after three pregnancies.. my belly button is wacked out.. finally recovering. All in all I think that is a pretty good complaint to have.. I am enjoying my Greek Yogurt smoothies in the morning. I have pretty much been vigilant with the diet rules.. however last night I had a couple BABY bites of some mashed up speghetti. I used to mash the foods for my kids.. now I am mashing for me.. it felt good to have a little substance in my belly.. but here is the funny thing.. I could not even finish a 1/4cup!!!!! I got that immediate FULL feeling.. which is umcomfortable and scares me.. but more importantly stops me from eating!!!

BandedNellie: Happy to see you're coming along . Yes some times that ITCH ITCH ITCH!!!:thumbup::cursing: can drive you out of your mind. A couple of years ago I had surgery when I returned to work, this one day, all I said that day! was I'm ITCHING:thumbup:, sometimes it still feels like that Itch is there.

Mrsbure, Cndalbs, Qtney1

We all will be Banded on the same day. My surgeon told me the day before surgery, I will be on liquids and none thing after 12 midnight. Just wondering what do your surgeon have you doing before surgery.

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:thumbup:Hello, I just received a call from the medical coordinator, she stated 6 mo diet notes were good and I have all req's: cardio, endo, psych, dietician, so approval was submitted today, and I got my appt date of September 21. Wooo Hoooo!! I am beyong happy, I did not think it would be this sson. I thought it would be around november. Wish me luck people!:thumbup:

Cograts... We have the same band day!!! Come on 21st....it isn't coming fast enough for me. :thumbup:

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I have a question for everyone! How long did it take for you to figure out how to use this site?????? UGHHH

still working on it..

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Sept 13th for surgery wooohoooo

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bandednellie- Ohhh so glad to hear about your post op stuff. Im so glad you are doing well. I am only 3 days post op and every day seems to be a little better. I cant wait till all this gas pain is gone. And ohhh I cant wait to be able to sleep normally and back on my stomach!

Butterfly- congrats and welcome. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well.

Good luck to those getting done today! Woo hoo!

Question for those now banded.. When did you finally go to the bathroom-bathroom?


Is it just me or is it impossible to drink the recommended amounts of post op stuff? Today is the first day that I had mor then a few sips of anything. I had about 4 oz of protien drink and 2 teaspoons of pudding. My diet recommends 8 oz of drink 5 times per day...

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Now I've read so much I can't remember who wanted to know about the september sweetie. I think that post was like on page 7 maybe, I want to say RK make it. on subsequent pages there are even more instructions. but you might also be able to right click on a one of the images and save it as.

and then upload it into your profile signature.

when you click on your name you go to manage your profile.

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Hello to all the September Bandsters. I have not been here for a while but I occassionaly check in to read up on how everyone is doing.

I have good news to share. The Insurance Company (Cigna) just approved:thumbup: me for surgery on the 22nd.

Im really so excited its not even funny. My pre op appointment is on the 20th and my liquid diet begins on the 15th.

This is such a blessing for me:rolleyes2:. I' am not nervous at all but very anxious even more anxious for June 2012. Why because that will be almost 2 years after surgery and my birthday is in June. I figure around that time I will have sttled on a steady weight that Im able to maintain and be happy with.

I cant wait for the results of this transformation.:thumbup:

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I have a Sept 23rd surgery date. I didnt have to go throught the insurance approval process because my insurance doesnt cover the surgery - so I am self pay which make the process faster I guess.

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My Update: NO i am not at 98% ! Actually today 2 days Post Op I am more like 90% back. Immediately Post Op and yesterday Morning I felt 98% - now I know why - DRUGS and PAIN KILLERS !!!! After they wore off I felt more like 80% to 85 % most of yesterday. I don't try to take drugs if I can / I try to tough it out. Immediate Post Op my brother gave me the full dose of the pain killer plus the anti-nausea pill. Yesterday after I woke up I and felt more like myself ( I guess that is a good thing - becoming more normal / regular ) I stopped taking both medications and toughed it out - so I felt more like 80% back. I did feel some pain / discomfort in my tummy area - probably at the port area but it is probably a 2 or 3 on the pain scale at most.

Today I still have some discomfort in the tummy / soreness so I put it at a low 2 becoming a 1 in a day or two if it continues.

All is well otherwise. Yesterday all I consumed was about 2 Protein Shakes, A Gatorade and a half plus 6 -7 sugar free popsickles !!! ( YEAH The sugar free popsickles do ROCK and I highly recommend them Post Op ). I feel pretty good with a little sensitivity in the stomach / belly button.

I hope all my fellow September Bandsters are doing well too.

-Brian :thumbup::smile::thumbup:

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ugh is it September 27th yet!? I am so ready for this! I am so sick and tired of being uncomfortable on the inside and out. I don't even go out anymore, in fear that I will run in to someone I know. I am only 20 years old and these years are supposed to be the "best years of my life." Well I sure hope not haha. I am really hoping this all works out and that I actually lose the weight. I have no problem with sticking to a diet and exercising if I am actually going to see results. How is everyone else doing? Congrats to those who have already been banded this month and good luck to those who will be banded in the near future :]

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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