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Looking for September 2010 Bandsters

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just had my last Protein Shake pre-op. Tomorrow is Clear Liquids and then I get my new shrinky dink on Thursday AM. Someone asked me today what my goal was, through all of this it has not really been a number, my answer is, "to get off my meds, & be around for my wife, my two girls, and my grand babies!":thumbup:

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I cannot thank all of you enough for wishing me well tomorrow and your other kind words. Yes, do continue to hold me in your thoughts and prayers as I will also do for you. I'm done running all those last minute errands, got the last load of laundry in the dryer and my suitcase is mostly packed. My surgery is 100 miles from home and I'll be staying in a hotel Wednesday and Thursday night. I'm making sure my cell phone and ipod are charged and all that last minute stuff. I'll check in when I can! Good luck everyone! Here I go! Your support means the world to me!:biggrin:

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Good Luck and Congratulations to all you Septermber Firsters! :scared2: Praying for quick and easy recovery! Can't wait to hear about all of your experiences!

1Regin- geese, sorry to hear all that :wink2:. Thats madness! But at least everything is taken care of and you are healthy again! This time there will be no problems and you will get your "shrinky dink" (yeah Im stealing that kick name :huh2:, thanks Kydman)!

okay I kinda cheated today... :biggrin: Not horribly... I had a small slice of my dads home-made pizza. (the slices are half the size of a pizzeria pizza slice)... I saw it in the fridge and I was starving so I took a piece. (I was still hungry after it so I had a cup of Jello too). It can't be too bad though, definitally not more then 200 calories and very little fat (the way he makes it). So I am trying to forgive myself cause it really wasn't bad and the rest of the day I think I had like 600 calories and about 5% of the "daily fat" so again it wasn't so bad... But why did I have to give in? Even with that small bit I am kicking myself a lot. Yes I did enjoy that little bit so at least it wasn't a total waste... But wwwhhhhyyyyy? :drool: :thumbup: I keep telling myself that its okay and tomorrow is a new day.... hmmm....

Edited by danide

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Our Special Dates:

Today: Sept 1

BandedNellie, karmaandkismet, cece1967

THIS WEEK: Good luck too those of you having your surgery this week. Let us know when you get a chance how you are doing after your surgery. We will have you in our thoughts.

September 2 - rkwilliams1013, Run Girl Run, pooky032281, ahlmanfamily, Loyalfriend, spitfireleo, Lanah, kydman*

September 3 - Freshstart2010, gracerev, ILUVFOOD, Esin*

Next Week:

September 7 - danide, Nani4five, sannersplace72, swissnis, playermimi, msmith73*

September 8 - NYsLegend78, donnalys, LadyT39, 1reign*

September 9 - Butterfly2010, aliciaj, Olsweetmusic

September 10 - jlr58, ally UK, angelpix, jmariedel, jlr58

Third Week:

September 13 - lillyegg, debrarh, ready4change10, CalaCake

September 14 - KAS1971, TheMaxwellFamily, WAH.MOM, purplevix, Angel82

September 15 - Kysmith72, piperboo, leeblewb*

September 16 - sunny day, fldanny, kimmila, onceuponaband, kissalovoe, matzobeans*

September 17 - Stateofzen, hserrra, blondeej, vega1star, helgainaz

Fourth Week:

September 20 - RACandler

September 21 - angellegna29, krieck*

September 22 - ebonykisses, kittykat56, papoose, mom05, teach830

September 23 - emsbugbug, cicigirl

September 24 - ctrose, kmckinleyrn

Fifth Week:

September 27 - babyk, LisaA, ocbutterfly, david314

September 28 - Zippy74, kosy2, ebeeze824, newbs

September 29 - wanna.b.healthy

September 30 - sourmissg, mrsbure

*newest additions

I want everyone to be recognized for this journey, so please let me know if I overlooked you.

Those approved/self pay and waiting for dates:

Some of you guys have been delinquent in posting. Please take the time to update us on your situation. We want to hear from you guys.





phershey - good to hear from you again - hope you hear some good news soon.

wendyhart - good to hear from you again





Those who have crossed over to Bandland:

BandedNellie - from CT

cece1967 -from CA

CSinTX - Cathy from TX

jshort - Jennifer from MO

karmaandkismet - from GA


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BandedNellie, karmaandkismet and cece1967 -- hope your surgery went just fine today.

rkwilliams1013, Run Girl Run, pooky032281, ahlmanfamily, Loyalfriend, spitfireleo, Lanah, kydman - Good Luck Tomorrow and Hope to hear from you guys soon.

kydman -- Great Goal.

1reign -- Gosh, I sure hope so. Poor thing you have been put through the ringer that's for sure. Your determination is wonderful. You will do great with your band.

LisaA -- thanks for your recommendation on the books. When are you leaving for Mexico?

msmith73 -- Congratulations on your surgery date and welcome to our family. Don't be quite.

sourmissg -- I sure hope you get approved within days. You have been so patient with them.

cicigirl -- How are you doing on your liquid diet, losing any? I was told that the higher the Protein in your drink the longer you would stay full. I think most have or will lose around 10 lbs during their 2 week pre-op diet and since you started earlier you should not have any trouble losing the 13 lbs. You can do it. We are pulling for you. When you get the urge to eat get on your computer and type your little fingers off to us.

wendyhart -- Hi Wendy - I bet if your approval the first time around went smoothly it will the second time around. Are they submitting today?

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My surgery date is Wednesday Sept. 8th. Today I am going for my endoscopy ... I wonder what that is going to feel like. I am still on the fast track for the Lap Band. From seminar to surgery in less then a month !

I have started to stock the fridge w/ various Protein Drinks. So far MyoPlex Lite / normal, Adkins and costco Premier. So far the everything is good except the Adkins does kinda suck. :biggrin:

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For folks interested in participating in a clothes exchange over the next year or so :biggrin:

I have started a community here: Clothes Exchange for Bandsters

To join the community, you must create an account at LiveJournal: Discover global communities of friends who share your unique passions and interests.. Then, post a comment on the welcome thread at the community and you'll be granted membership. Once you've joined, read the rules, ask any questions you might have, and start exchanging.

You are also welcome to invite other bandsters you know who might not be on this thread, but I do think we should limit membership to bandsters.

Have not heard from you in a few days. Everything ok?


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Hi September Sweeties!!

Congrats to everyone who's taking the plunge today :scared2: BandedNellie, karmaandkismet and cece1967!!! I'm thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

danide- Don't beat yourself up, girl! This is a process, right? We didn't get to this point overnight, and band or no band, we can't get healthier in a day. Focus on your next choice, and "keep moving forward!" :drool:(Great advice, but I have a hard time following it myself, hence why I'm here too!:biggrin:)

As for me, I'm in insurance limbo presently. I spoke to my company yesterday (ChampVA- for spouses of veterans) and they told me they did not give pre-approvals, and to just have the procedure and then have my doc submit his statement that I meet their requirements (BMI, co-morbidites, etc.). So I called the docs office and asked, and the insurance lady there just kinda rolled her eyes and said that they DO pre-approve, and without it they would deny my claim! I just never trust insurance companies, you know, and for them to outright lie to me is pretty shocking. Having dealt with the VA for ages, I know that you have to pull teeth to get them to help you out, but once you get through their paperwork nightmare, they're excellent. But I've never had someone just lie...:thumbup:

Anyway, the insurance lady at the doc's office says she is supposed to hear from my insurance by Friday and that they can then schedule me pretty quickly- possibly for next week!! So I'm pretty excited about that and glad I've been shopping for shakes and Soups etc. already. :wink2:

I'm eager to hear from those of you who are newly banded- BandedNellie, karmaandkismet and cece1967- to let us all know how it's going, how you're feeling, etc. :huh2::smile2:

Best wishes to everyone!!!

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Hi September Sweeties!!

I'm in insurance limbo presently. I spoke to my company yesterday (ChampVA- for spouses of veterans) and they told me they did not give pre-approvals, and to just have the procedure and then have my doc submit his statement that I meet their requirements (BMI, co-morbidites, etc.). So I called the docs office and asked, and the insurance lady there just kinda rolled her eyes and said that they DO pre-approve, and without it they would deny my claim! I just never trust insurance companies, you know, and for them to outright lie to me is pretty shocking. Having dealt with the VA for ages, I know that you have to pull teeth to get them to help you out, but once you get through their paperwork nightmare, they're excellent. But I've never had someone just lie...:biggrin:

Anyway, the insurance lady at the doc's office says she is supposed to hear from my insurance by Friday and that they can then schedule me pretty quickly- possibly for next week!! So I'm pretty excited about that and glad I've been shopping for shakes and Soups etc. already. :thumbup:

I'm eager to hear from those of you who are newly banded- BandedNellie, karmaandkismet and cece1967- to let us all know how it's going, how you're feeling, etc. :scared2::smile2:

Best wishes to everyone!!!

Hi Sarah,

Welcome back. It's been a long time since we heard from you. Hope you hear good news by Friday. And don't be a stranger.

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As for me, I'm in insurance limbo presently. I spoke to my company yesterday (ChampVA- for spouses of veterans) and they told me they did not give pre-approvals, and to just have the procedure and then have my doc submit his statement that I meet their requirements (BMI, co-morbidites, etc.). So I called the docs office and asked, and the insurance lady there just kinda rolled her eyes and said that they DO pre-approve, and without it they would deny my claim! I just never trust insurance companies, you know, and for them to outright lie to me is pretty shocking. Having dealt with the VA for ages, I know that you have to pull teeth to get them to help you out, but once you get through their paperwork nightmare, they're excellent. But I've never had someone just lie...:biggrin:

Hi Sarah!

My insurance company tried to tell me the same mess (Cigna). I called to check on my paperwork and the rep proceeded to tell me they wouldn't see any paperwork until the procedure was done. She said I didn't need to get pre-approved because it was a covered benefit. That didn't sound right to me, but she kept insisting that was the case. I then contacted the insurance rep from my surgeons office and she told me the correct info. They DO have to get a pre-approval from Cigna. I called Cigna again and the next rep said my paperwork was in the review process. I wish I could have talked to that first rep again and told her she needs to know what the hell she is talking about if she wants to be in customer service. :thumbup:

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Hi all, happy hump day. So exciting how many are getting the procedure, I can't hardly believe it.

CS I don't fly till Sept 26, very anxious.

Dandie I too cheated with 4 tbsp of couscous salad, not too bad, this weekend I have a bunch of family stuff- wedding and a reunion, so worried. You are doing great, keeping track is important, and realizing, there is cheating and then eating a cheese cake. and for sure not beating yourself up. Send yourself loveing compassion and knowledge that you are doing very well say compared to a month or 2 ago and that you can do it.

Cici, I am on the 2 shakes and low cal meal for 4 weeks, I feel ya, you are on all liquids for how long. That's liquid as in shakes? time to really start on the shake recipes, I did one today and it was great. You can do it and quitting smoking is so important also.

stateofzen, I have been thinking of you and hoping all is well with you.

time to take some Fiber pill, uggg

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Thanks CSinTX and Lucrecia (aka crecia1975)- I guess I got a little discouraged there for a while because the insurance thing is taking so long. I know many people have to wait longer than me, but I am so impatient! :) I'll try to check in more often.

Lucrecia, how do these insurance companies get away with lying to us?? I'm sure it must be illegal, because the only point of lying like that about not needing pre-approval is so they can deny our claim later on, don't you think so? That's what the insurance processor at my docs office said anyway and I start to believe her! So are you hoping to be banded this month also? (it feels weird to think this could be happening THIS MONTH! :thumbup:)

LisaA, I'm wishing you the best with your restrictive diet...I know you can do it (and me too when it's my turn)! What kind of shakes do you like?

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so far I've only tried 2 slim fast, and today I got metabolic Reset, which is pretty tasty.

You will do great sarawenc! that 76 lbs will melt away like butter.

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I was stranded last week longer than I wanted without anything to drink, so while I was waiting for a prescription to be filled at the grocery store I grabbed a special K Protein Drink. HIGHLY recommended when not at home. Yummy

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Thanks CSinTX and Lucrecia (aka crecia1975)- I guess I got a little discouraged there for a while because the insurance thing is taking so long. I know many people have to wait longer than me, but I am so impatient! :) I'll try to check in more often.

Lucrecia, how do these insurance companies get away with lying to us?? I'm sure it must be illegal, because the only point of lying like that about not needing pre-approval is so they can deny our claim later on, don't you think so? That's what the insurance processor at my docs office said anyway and I start to believe her! So are you hoping to be banded this month also? (it feels weird to think this could be happening THIS MONTH! :))

LisaA, I'm wishing you the best with your restrictive diet...I know you can do it (and me too when it's my turn)! What kind of shakes do you like?

I was also wondering how they get away with lying. I'm also starting to believe they would lie so they can deny the claim.

I have a friend who used to work for a medical insurance company. She told me how they try really hard to deny you if they can.

It makes me so mad because I've jumped through all of the hoops they asked for and then they lie to me. I don't understand their logic because they've paid thousands of extra dollars for no reason. I had to go to a nutritionist, psych eval, and 6 months of dr visits. All I paid was the co-pays......but the real kicker to me was my sleep study. I looked at the claim and Cigna was charged $6,900.00 for it. They paid all of it!!!!! Does that make any sense!! They could have looked at my dr's notes for the past 5 years and see that I'm fat!!! Why all the extra run around??

I am really hoping and praying that my paperwork is approved soon. Cigna's had it since 08/17 and I hope they don't take the full 30 days to approve. I really want to be banded this month. I'm so anxious and excited!!:thumbup:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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