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I have always emailed for my fills and I get a quick response.

When I am in the company of others when eating my husband will either catch my eye or put his hand on my lap to remind me to SLOW down. Eating too fast always block me and I need to throw it up. I find that chicken and Ham is what I have the least problem with.

Today at the Vet's I was asked if I had lost weight, and if I was sick... ask what I was doing... Just cutting back I replied... well she said "a woman was in the other day who had lost 104 lbs, well she had a lapband !! That is just Cheating!!!!" And That is why I have told only my family and two friends!!!! :thumbup: Who are we cheating? I am glad that there is finally some way of helping.:lol: I don't think I will go yet for another fill, I am losing, but I still get stuck alot.

Working on that, can any of you feel a hard lump above your major insision? I have been aching a bit... I think I will email and ask SWLC. WE ARE GOOD ... GIRLS:tongue2:

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Hi Ladies,

Miss Bibi if you can eat a kaiser bun I think you do need a fill. Before my last fill I could eat a bun if I hollowed it out, now I know there is no way I could eat one and not get stuck. I hope it goes well. If I do go for another small fill I will try emailing it in, I have always called.

I'm not sure if I need a small fill or not. I am losing but only a little a week! I find I can only drink milk with whey Protein power in it for Breakfast (anything thicker is hard to get down), lunch I usually eat cottage cheese mixed with tuna and I find it a bit hard to get down but I work it! :sneaky: The thing is that I can eat a bit more than a cup for supper and I'm often a bit hungry in the evening. I read on here somewhere that one bandster rates needing a fill on how much she can eat for supper when she is looser. If I go with that I might need a small fill. What do you think?

My banana whey Protein came in yesterday! :w00t: I'm looking forward to trying it.

CJF that is awful what that person said to you at the vet office! Were they overweight or skinny with no real idea what it is like to struggle with a weight issue. If she only really knew how rude she was to you! LOL!!! I have only told a small handful of people too! But other than them I've only had two people notice my weight loss so far. I like it that way!

I love that your husband helps you slow down your eating in such a sweet secretive way. My hubby gives me a look but I like what your does better. I'll be having a talk with mine - LOL!!!

That is where my port is too but I don't know why it would be aching? What do you think so done with it all?

Last night after working a very busy shift and an hour of overtime I came home, grabbed a handful of my sons pretzels and I got super stuck! Usually I either just slime a bit, or have a small PB. Last night I vomitted 6 times. I was so scared I would slip my band but all is well. No more pretzels for me, I was probably just eating too fast. I was starved!

Your guys are my rock!

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Polly could you have banged yourself near that area at all? I remember mine was a lot longer to heal than the little poke marks and it seems tender for quite some time. One time I ran into a wall and I hit near the incision and then it was sore for a week or more. If you aren't having redness or hot to touch, it shouldn't be a problem but you may want to double check with the nurses just to make sure. When I do any kind of abs exercises, my port area is very tender after as well.

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I have always emailed for my fills and I get a quick response.

When I am in the company of others when eating my husband will either catch my eye or put his hand on my lap to remind me to SLOW down. Eating too fast always block me and I need to throw it up. I find that chicken and Ham is what I have the least problem with.

Today at the Vet's I was asked if I had lost weight, and if I was sick... ask what I was doing... Just cutting back I replied... well she said "a woman was in the other day who had lost 104 lbs, well she had a LAP-BAND® !! That is just Cheating!!!!" And That is why I have told only my family and two friends!!!! :smile2: Who are we cheating? I am glad that there is finally some way of helping.:laugh: I don't think I will go yet for another fill, I am losing, but I still get stuck alot.

Working on that, can any of you feel a hard lump above your major insision? I have been aching a bit... I think I will email and ask SWLC. WE ARE GOOD ... GIRLS:tongue2:

Well, a week and a 1/2 later they still haven't called me back. And have gained 3 1/2 lbs. too !!! :laugh: I've been so busy at work that the time has just flown so I haven't had the chance to follow up. I've emailed before, copying both SWLC & nurse here and they won't approve the fill till they speak with me first. Well, they can't speak to me if they don't call me back!!! :wink2:

This morning, I'm shook things up a bit - had a 1/4 c. real oatmeal cooked in a 1/2 skim milk, a scoop of Protein powder and a 1/2 c. fruit cocktail (packed in water), instead of my usual Protein Powder shake w/berries. For lunch I am planning on a fried egg & cheese sandwich on flax bread (that usually tides me over) and for supper, a Lean Cuisine & broccoli (as I don't have to cook for the family)

Will see how this works. I know I could use a titch more of a fill so I will email both SWLC & the nurse today.

cjf, my fill nurse noticed that my inscision was still quite pink and asked if it bothered me - I told her it was a bit itchy at times but other than that, I noticed it was pink too. She said keep an eye on it and if it gets redder or warm, to let her know.


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Hi Ladies,

Miss Bibi if you can eat a kaiser bun I think you do need a fill. Before my last fill I could eat a bun if I hollowed it out, now I know there is no way I could eat one and not get stuck. I hope it goes well. If I do go for another small fill I will try emailing it in, I have always called.

I'm not sure if I need a small fill or not. I am losing but only a little a week! I find I can only drink milk with whey Protein power in it for Breakfast (anything thicker is hard to get down), lunch I usually eat cottage cheese mixed with tuna and I find it a bit hard to get down but I work it! :laugh: The thing is that I can eat a bit more than a cup for supper and I'm often a bit hungry in the evening. I read on here somewhere that one bandster rates needing a fill on how much she can eat for supper when she is looser. If I go with that I might need a small fill. What do you think?

My banana whey Protein came in yesterday! :laugh: I'm looking forward to trying it.

CJF that is awful what that person said to you at the vet office! Were they overweight or skinny with no real idea what it is like to struggle with a weight issue. If she only really knew how rude she was to you! LOL!!! I have only told a small handful of people too! But other than them I've only had two people notice my weight loss so far. I like it that way!

I love that your husband helps you slow down your eating in such a sweet secretive way. My hubby gives me a look but I like what your does better. I'll be having a talk with mine - LOL!!!

That is where my port is too but I don't know why it would be aching? What do you think so done with it all?

Last night after working a very busy shift and an hour of overtime I came home, grabbed a handful of my sons pretzels and I got super stuck! Usually I either just slime a bit, or have a small PB. Last night I vomitted 6 times. I was so scared I would slip my band but all is well. No more pretzels for me, I was probably just eating too fast. I was starved!

Your guys are my rock!

Awww, Polly!! Glad we are each others' rocks!!!! A big thank you to you!!

Mmmmmm!! Tuna & cottage cheese! What a brilliant idea!!

I know what you mean about wolfing down anything because we've let ourselves get too hungry. :smile2: What I don't understand, for example, the other night we weren't really hungry for supper per se, so I brought out a box of rosemary & olive oil Triscuits, salmon cream cheese and a few cans of smoked oysters. I figured the whole wheat crackers and the protein from the cream cheese and oysters would fill me up quickly....wrong-o!! I wiped out the majority of the crackers and a can of the oysters pretty much by myself. WT??? I'm good all day but when evening comes? It's like I'm not banded at all! :wink2:

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Crackers are slider foods. I could eat half a box easily especially with something like cream cheese. If I was eating them with kielbassa and hard cheddar, can't eat anywhere near as many.

Re your fill: The clinic had said that if you didn't get a reply within 48 hours to get in touch again in case the email or voicemail got lost. They'd sooner hear from us twice than to miss out on a request from us.

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I emailed both the centre & my local nurse - local nurse said she would check her spam folder JIC....SWLC did get my email, saw a note in their book; say it doesn't look like we spoke. WT??? If it doesn't look like we spoke, could they not have gotten back to me?? Jeeze........:eek:

So, my 3rd. fill is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon around 5:30PM. I feel I am so close to my sweet spot. I really envy you girls that you are at yours!! :)

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So how did your fill go Miss Bibi? I also feel like I'm not banded in the evenings. Did you mention this to the clinic and if so what did they say about that? I really hope you're there now!!!!!!!

I am 3 days away from the 4 month anniversary and I'm really hoping to hit the -50lb mark. Cross your fingers for me!!!

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So how did your fill go Miss Bibi? I also feel like I'm not banded in the evenings. Did you mention this to the clinic and if so what did they say about that? I really hope you're there now!!!!!!!

I am 3 days away from the 4 month anniversary and I'm really hoping to hit the -50lb mark. Cross your fingers for me!!!

I am so excited for you Polly!!! 50 lbs??? Wow!! :eek2:

Well, the nurse sucked out what was in my band & discovered I actually had 5.2 instead of the 4.9 we thought I had. So she added another .2 and suggested I try eating more salad (which I hadn't eaten much of because it's been said somewhere on these boards not to eat too much salad) and maybe make dinner salads.

So for supper last nite (a couple of hrs. after my fill) I had roast chicken & romain lettuce with some yogurt dressing. That was about 1 c. salad & maybe a 1/3 cup of chicken, followed by a skinny Chai tea. Nuh-uh...belly didn't like that. It fought for the longest time to get rid of the chicken. Then it didn't want the tea either! I chalked it up to not dicing the chicken finely enough.

Today for breakfast, I had my usual oatmeal cooked in about 3/4 c. skim milk, a scoop of banana Protein shake and some water-packed pear halves. That didn't quite last 3 hrs. so I had my usual fried egg & cheese sandwich (on flax bread) but didn't feel like the fat free yogurt afterwards.

Lasted till 6PM when I had another c. of salad with yogurt dressing and 1 c. smaller diced roast chicken and a few whole wheat croutons. Set the timer on the stove for 20 minutes to make sure I took that long to eat and that seems to have done it! Hope the success lasts! I am celebrating with 1 (maybe 2) glasses of Chardonnay. :eek: (In case I get razed, my fitday.com profile puts my calorie consumption for the day, including the Chardonnay @ 1,455 :thumbup:

What does a daily menu for yourself usually consist of? Do you eat differently on the weekends?

BTW I found those black jeans I was looking for and they fit nicely! Of course, I was looking for something else (as usual) when I found them LMAO!!

I AM crossing my fingers for you for sure!


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Breakast I drink my coffee then shower / dress that takes up the 15 minutes ~ then I make instance oatmeal c/w a spash of milk 1/2 tsp of brown sugar Splenda.

11:30 lunch ~ 1/2 cup chicken or beef or salmon. maybe cracker 5/ 90 cal c/w with a piece of laughing cow cheese 35 cal ~ 35 cal yogurt or 60 cal Jello brand pudding.

3pm big cup of tea.

5pm supper ~ meat~ steamed brocolli/ califlower

OR a lean Cusine I am losing a steady rate and I am afraid to get another fill right now as I have had trouble from eating too fast or not chewing well then I need to throw some up. I never thought I would be a person who could stick her fingers down my throat to get rid of the pain and blockage.... but when I start to slime and belch I can't help myself. Not too often but it does happen.:eek:

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Breakast I drink my coffee then shower / dress that takes up the 15 minutes ~ then I make instance oatmeal c/w a spash of milk 1/2 tsp of brown sugar Splenda.

11:30 lunch ~ 1/2 cup chicken or beef or salmon. maybe cracker 5/ 90 cal c/w with a piece of laughing cow cheese 35 cal ~ 35 cal yogurt or 60 cal Jello brand pudding.

3pm big cup of tea.

5pm supper ~ meat~ steamed brocolli/ califlower

OR a lean Cusine I am losing a steady rate and I am afraid to get another fill right now as I have had trouble from eating too fast or not chewing well then I need to throw some up. I never thought I would be a person who could stick her fingers down my throat to get rid of the pain and blockage.... but when I start to slime and belch I can't help myself. Not too often but it does happen.:smile2:

Oh, me too, cjf....I had trouble with roast chicken - if I don't dice it up fine before I eat it, I slime and belch too. I've had success with the chicken Caesar salad for supper thing...1 c. salad, 1 c. cooked chicken then set the timer on the stove for 20 minutes to keep me honest LOL!!!

I had a pretty good weekend, satiety-wise....but I have to wonder; am I eating enough and healthily - I'll give it a couple of days before I weigh myself and report in.

I still think I am doing myself a favour by having oatmeal w/fruit & Protein shake mixed in, although, I may go 1/2 c. oatmeal instead - hope that will let me last longer.

I do admit that I didn't think much of food today (big change for me!!) and wasn't tempted much by the Christmas baking I did today (raspberry squares). I don't think I will jinx myself by admitting I may be at my sweet spot but here's hoping!

Have a great week!!


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I really hope you are there too Miss Bibi!

I have a whey Protein shake for breakfast everyday. I find I'm really tight in the morning and drinking my breakfast is best, plus I'm totally satisfied on it till lunch. The other day I was going for a big hike and had another shake for lunch (I didn't want a heavy belly) and again I was totally satisfied. :)

For lunch I either have tuna and cottage cheese, chicken caeser salad or triscuits with cheese and salsa (this one doesn't keep me satisfied as long).

Supper is a meat, vegi, and if I have room a bite or two of whatever carb I cooked. I find I really only have to watch my portions at supper, earlier in the day I can't eat much at all.

Today is my 4 month anniversary and I met my goal of -50lbs. :thumbup: Yay!

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I really hope you are there too Miss Bibi!

I have a whey Protein shake for breakfast everyday. I find I'm really tight in the morning and drinking my breakfast is best, plus I'm totally satisfied on it till lunch. The other day I was going for a big hike and had another shake for lunch (I didn't want a heavy belly) and again I was totally satisfied. :crying:

For lunch I either have tuna and cottage cheese, chicken caeser salad or triscuits with cheese and salsa (this one doesn't keep me satisfied as long).

Supper is a meat, vegi, and if I have room a bite or two of whatever carb I cooked. I find I really only have to watch my portions at supper, earlier in the day I can't eat much at all.

Today is my 4 month anniversary and I met my goal of -50lbs. :w00t: Yay!

:) Congrats Polly on your goallllllllll!!!

I see what you mean about days & evenings....I am much easier satisfied with what I bring to work to eat, than having access to more food at home in the evenings.

I've found a new trick - 1 c. fat-free, plain yogurt, 2 spoons Splenda, 1 scoop banana Protein Shake, and about a 1/2 c. or so canned fruit (packed in Water, but not mixed in with the yogurt) (Metro/Food Basics brand 'Irrisistables' is really good and cheaper than Del Monte) I bring this as my afternoon 'snack' to work and it's very refreshing. The whey Protein flavour melds well with the yogurt & fruit to an almost pudding-like consistancy. :)

My goal is 50 lbs. by my 5th. month post-op - Dec 16. I hope it happens....I'm still not sure if I'm 'there' yet, sweet-spot-wise....I'll hop on the scale near the end of the week to see if there's been any action. :unsure:

Bye & keep up the good work!!!



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I have been doing some reading about claiming the band on our taxes. What do you think about that? Did either of you get a receipt from the clinic? I don't recall getting one.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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