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How do you feel about a mosque at "Ground Zero"?

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For the record I always question religious ideals because so many are not for real just for hire and keep people by fear and fairy tales. Whether it is a mosque or temple or church.

I alwaus wonder about people who say Oh they come here to breed and don't speak english and live off our services and take our jobs. Well, who do you think is picking your fruits and veg? who is plucking your chickens making your taco? the reason it is immigrants is because they went there for a job and got one, alot of americans think they cannot or would not do this dirty work and so they do not take those jobs. i recently went to mexico for a surgery yep lap band and my own insurance did not cover it. I did not speak thier language and they did not speak mine but way more of them spoke english and we sure did not know any spanish! this is just plain old arrogance Murpel. I was given very good care and treated with caring kindness. there are experts everywhere and we have had many people come here for all of our history and they usually brings thier skills and a great work ethic, don't listen to propaganda about any one different than you.:biggrin:

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Bjean not so fast please. Rupert is associated with reps, I understand all that but there are also dems who support it. Also this building is a part of ground zero it was damaged by the landing gear of one of the planes! I read what CM posted up above and it did get me thinkin but this just isnt right! Like I said, it was bad enough they wanted to rebuild there but when they see the outpouring of anger and hurt its causing they still want to do it even after they where asked to move it with the help/money from the gov or state or someone! They where offered assistance and refused it! Thats not how you make friends. I know what CM and others are saying and its true, they have the right legally and a whole group is being persecuted for a few "bad apples" but the majority in this country feel as I do!

But we don't make legal decision based on polls or popularity. We can't enforce the constitution just when it's convenient. The tea party is alway yapping about the constitution when they think THEIR rights are being abridged. And they're alway yapping about big government taking those rights away (they are never specific, though) but now they want - who? - that's right - the big government to step in and say NO. How hypocritical.

It is an inflammatory issue to be sure and it is being fed by the big money on the right. People need to look beyond this. So what that they build this mosque. The sun will still rise tomorrow, people will still go about their work in NYC and someday we will have an awesome world trade center bigger than the mosque and more impressive.

Now, that takes me to my next point. I am actually more PO-ed about what is taking so long for this world trade center building and memorial to be built. I mean 9 years? Come on, folks, it could have and should have been built by now. And then maybe we wouldn't be having this debate.

Did you know there are strip clubs next to ground zero? Anyone oppose them?

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But we don't make legal decision based on polls or popularity. We can't enforce the constitution just when it's convenient. The tea party is alway yapping about the constitution when they think THEIR rights are being abridged. And they're alway yapping about big government taking those rights away (they are never specific, though) but now they want - who? - that's right - the big government to step in and say NO. How hypocritical.

It is an inflammatory issue to be sure and it is being fed by the big money on the right. People need to look beyond this. So what that they build this mosque. The sun will still rise tomorrow, people will still go about their work in NYC and someday we will have an awesome world trade center bigger than the mosque and more impressive.

Now, that takes me to my next point. I am actually more PO-ed about what is taking so long for this world trade center building and memorial to be built. I mean 9 years? Come on, folks, it could have and should have been built by now. And then maybe we wouldn't be having this debate.

Did you know there are strip clubs next to ground zero? Anyone oppose them?

If I remember correctly the terrorists went to strip clubs before the incident, I remember people on the news talking about that, I was so heavy into Faux propaganda then! Im not talking about the constitution, I know theyre allowed. Like I said it bothers me that the majority of Americans are upset and outraged and they still want to proceed. Thats the slap in the face to me! Then they say its to teach us about islam. Theyre doing it in spite of the fact the majority of Americans dont want it.

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But we don't make legal decision based on polls or popularity. We can't enforce the constitution just when it's convenient. The tea party is alway yapping about the constitution when they think THEIR rights are being abridged. And they're alway yapping about big government taking those rights away (they are never specific, though) but now they want - who? - that's right - the big government to step in and say NO. How hypocritical.

It is an inflammatory issue to be sure and it is being fed by the big money on the right. People need to look beyond this. So what that they build this mosque. The sun will still rise tomorrow, people will still go about their work in NYC and someday we will have an awesome world trade center bigger than the mosque and more impressive.

Now, that takes me to my next point. I am actually more PO-ed about what is taking so long for this world trade center building and memorial to be built. I mean 9 years? Come on, folks, it could have and should have been built by now. And then maybe we wouldn't be having this debate.

Did you know there are strip clubs next to ground zero? Anyone oppose them?

Who's asking for the government to step in and shut this down? Most of what I've heard is them wanting the guy who owns the place to reconsider, no one is debating whether or not it's constitutional, it is, what people are saying is it is grossly insensitive and should not be put there. Strippers didn't kill 3000+ American's and 343 of my brothers and sisters on 9/11 radical muslims did.

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But we don't make legal decision based on polls or popularity. We can't enforce the constitution just when it's convenient. The tea party is alway yapping about the constitution when they think THEIR rights are being abridged. And they're alway yapping about big government taking those rights away (they are never specific, though) but now they want - who? - that's right - the big government to step in and say NO. How hypocritical.

It is an inflammatory issue to be sure and it is being fed by the big money on the right. People need to look beyond this. So what that they build this mosque. The sun will still rise tomorrow, people will still go about their work in NYC and someday we will have an awesome world trade center bigger than the mosque and more impressive.

Now, that takes me to my next point. I am actually more PO-ed about what is taking so long for this world trade center building and memorial to be built. I mean 9 years? Come on, folks, it could have and should have been built by now. And then maybe we wouldn't be having this debate.

Did you know there are strip clubs next to ground zero? Anyone oppose them?

Also as far as the sun rising, how can you be so sure, the people who went to work in the trade center thought theyd see sundown that day! Thats a little far fetched I know.

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But we don't make legal decision based on polls or popularity. We can't enforce the constitution just when it's convenient. The tea party is alway yapping about the constitution when they think THEIR rights are being abridged. And they're alway yapping about big government taking those rights away (they are never specific, though) but now they want - who? - that's right - the big government to step in and say NO. How hypocritical.

It is an inflammatory issue to be sure and it is being fed by the big money on the right. People need to look beyond this. So what that they build this mosque. The sun will still rise tomorrow, people will still go about their work in NYC and someday we will have an awesome world trade center bigger than the mosque and more impressive.

Now, that takes me to my next point. I am actually more PO-ed about what is taking so long for this world trade center building and memorial to be built. I mean 9 years? Come on, folks, it could have and should have been built by now. And then maybe we wouldn't be having this debate.

Did you know there are strip clubs next to ground zero? Anyone oppose them?

Its as simple as this. Ill be very upset if it happens and so will will 200,000,000 Americans! Whether right or wrong those are the facts. Hey Muslims, if you put it there, stay the bleep away from me, I dont want to be your friend or learn about your culture! Although I do love Pita Lands Hummus and stuffed grape leaves. Actually Amols is a great place to eat also.

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Who's asking for the government to step in and shut this down? Most of what I've heard is them wanting the guy who owns the place to reconsider, no one is debating whether or not it's constitutional, it is, what people are saying is it is grossly insensitive and should not be put there. Strippers didn't kill 3000+ American's and 343 of my brothers and sisters on 9/11 radical muslims did.

When it was first being debated that's what the people wanted. Some government entity to stop it. NYC has commissions set up to approve these kind of buildings and the commission approved it. The people wanted them to deny the building of it.

And yes, they have asked the owner to build elsewhere. Maybe two more blocks away where the other mosque is? Is four blocks okay but not two blocks?

Also, al-qaeda jihadists are not building the mosque and that's who attacked us on 9/11.

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Its as simple as this. Ill be very upset if it happens and so will will 200,000,000 Americans! Whether right or wrong those are the facts. Hey Muslims, if you put it there, stay the bleep away from me, I dont want to be your friend or learn about your culture! Although I do love Pita Lands Hummus and stuffed grape leaves. Actually Amols is a great place to eat also.

No one is asking that you go there or visit it or associate in any way with any Muslim or eat their food or accept them. But some people might want to and so what? People are very fickle. They need something to be angry about. Whether it's Obama, the mexican immigrants or now the Muslims in NYC (and elsewhere). It will be something else or someone else next week or next month. Remember when people hated France? Remember the stupid freedom fries? Turns out they were the smart ones not to be duped into bush's unnecessary war in Iraq.

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Also, al-qaeda jihadists are not building the mosque and that's who attacked us on 9/11.

A.K.A muslim extremists. The imam is the guy who, 15 days after the attack said we brought it on ourselves and deserved it. I'm paraphrasing but that's the jist of what he said. IMO that = an extremist.

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The fact that this is such an emotionally charged issue is one reason I jumped on the ban-the-mosque bandwagon. But the fact is that if I know that bad guy, Rupert Murdoch, has spearheaded the outrage, then I have to take a step back! He's the money behind the misrepresentations and lies that spew forth on the Fox network, better known as Faux News. And not just the Fox network, newspapers and magazine publications as well. And he certainly isn't the ONLY money or machine behind all of the anti-progressive, anti-democratic movement. He's a big part of it though. So I don't trust anything that uses him as a source of material, or money to distribute his material.

I do believe (without being very informed at all) that it is in poor taste to build a mosque in the neighborhood of the World Trade Center. Didn't someone say there's already one 4 blocks away? How many mosques are needed in Manhattan? I think Bloomberg (again, I'm merely guessing) is trying to be a big man and a kind man and a true blue Statue of Liberty thinking American by welcoming such a proposal. And that would be admirable if the wounds had healed and peace between our nations had been achieved.

But that is just not the case. We know that Islam and muslim terrorists are just as prevalent and out to do harm today as they were on 9/11. We are a kinder, gentler nation, but there needs to be some kind of kinder, gentler feelings that are afforded those of us who were so seriously affected by the terrorists who flew those planes into our towers.

And that is not to say that I am discriminating against all Muslems. That would be flat out ignorant. But in the context of 9/11 and all that is happening world wide with our military, it would not be an act that would go toward healing our nation and our relations with the middle eastern world. In fact, it could make Americans even more bitter and resentful and could backfire big time.

And as for Pearl Harbor, a Japanese tea garden would be fine there NOW that we've healed our relationship with Japan and so many years have passed - and we WON that WAR. But this is not the case with 9/11, Muslim terrorists, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or the middle east in general.

We welcome Muslim refugees. We welcome those of middle eastern descent who wish to immigrate to the U.S. and join us in the fight against global terrorism and who want to become Americans and have a better life. But we must also be sensitive to our own people and the grief and stress that we still feel today because of those terrorist acts on 9/11.

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Cleo'Mom: "Also, al-qaeda jihadists are not building the mosque and that's who attacked us on 9/11."

How do you know that, without any doubt?

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The fact that this is such an emotionally charged issue is one reason I jumped on the ban-the-mosque bandwagon. But the fact is that if I know that bad guy, Rupert Murdoch, has spearheaded the outrage, then I have to take a step back! He's the money behind the misrepresentations and lies that spew forth on the Fox network, better known as Faux News. And not just the Fox network, newspapers and magazine publications as well. And he certainly isn't the ONLY money or machine behind all of the anti-progressive, anti-democratic movement. He's a big part of it though. So I don't trust anything that uses him as a source of material, or money to distribute his material.

I do believe (without being very informed at all) that it is in poor taste to build a mosque in the neighborhood of the World Trade Center. Didn't someone say there's already one 4 blocks away? How many mosques are needed in Manhattan? I think Bloomberg (again, I'm merely guessing) is trying to be a big man and a kind man and a true blue Statue of Liberty thinking American by welcoming such a proposal. And that would be admirable if the wounds had healed and peace between our nations had been achieved.

But that is just not the case. We know that Islam and muslim terrorists are just as prevalent and out to do harm today as they were on 9/11. We are a kinder, gentler nation, but there needs to be some kind of kinder, gentler feelings that are afforded those of us who were so seriously affected by the terrorists who flew those planes into our towers.

And that is not to say that I am discriminating against all Muslems. That would be flat out ignorant. But in the context of 9/11 and all that is happening world wide with our military, it would not be an act that would go toward healing our nation and our relations with the middle eastern world. In fact, it could make Americans even more bitter and resentful and could backfire big time.

And as for Pearl Harbor, a Japanese tea garden would be fine there NOW that we've healed our relationship with Japan and so many years have passed - and we WON that WAR. But this is not the case with 9/11, Muslim terrorists, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or the middle east in general.

We welcome Muslim refugees. We welcome those of middle eastern descent who wish to immigrate to the U.S. and join us in the fight against global terrorism and who want to become Americans and have a better life. But we must also be sensitive to our own people and the grief and stress that we still feel today because of those terrorist acts on 9/11.

If you cut out the unnecessary fox bashing(which is the most watched news station on tv today, so they must be doing something right), this post was mostly spot on.:) The tea garden at Pearl Harbor I'm gonna say there are still probably enough people who fought in WWII around who would think that is a terrible idea. It was actually a comparison made by my neighbor when we were talking about this(he was B-17 pilot in WWII) and he's still quite uncomfortable with anything Japanese being placed around Pearl Harbor. But that is just the opinion of one old man.

Edited by ariscus99

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Really well stated BJean, I think it gives me pause for thought. I guess if I had my way I would think that a mosque located just 4 blocks away is plenty and there is probably another place in the country that could use another religious bldg way more. When religions start to place thier bldgs for political impact or to make a point just shows what thier agenda is and it is not a place of worship where it is needed or serves the people who like to go there.

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Really well stated BJean, I think it gives me pause for thought. I guess if I had my way I would think that a mosque located just 4 blocks away is plenty and there is probably another place in the country that could use another religious bldg way more. When religions start to place thier bldgs for political impact or to make a point just shows what thier agenda is and it is not a place of worship where it is needed or serves the people who like to go there.

I was hoping. I didnt think it would be this quick but your coming around!

Yah, no Jap anything near Pearl Harbor. My grandfather fought in WWII. There was no pol. correct bs back then. Lets at least respect the greatest generation by not caving in! Come on, Warner Bros. cant even put Bugz Bunny on TV because of the Pol correct bs of today! I wonder if we could put the Enola Gay in Hiroshima or Nagasaki!!!

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The funny thing is I never thought of it that way. If theres already one 4 blocks away, whats the purpose of this one 2 blocks away? Now Im really pi$$ed. Maybe there is some truth about putting places of worship at sites they have conquered! I just cant remember anybody theyve conquered. Maybe thousands of years ago. I never had any interest in learning about Mesopotamia, the bread basket of the world bs, that was nap time for me!

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