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Eileenie - so far as getting their earlier goes - just flying into Neward vs LaGuardia will probably knock an hour or more off my arrival! As soon as I get firm travel plans, and know whether or not I will have my own vehicle, we will be able to make some sort of arrangements to meet up earlier.

Betty - what are we going to do about all those Cookies? I honestly don't know how you keep from grazing on them all day!

Alex - thanks for the info - but the beauty of this chat is that we don't all have to be on-line at the same time.

A Shout Out to all the rest of our friends who are out enjoying vacations and holidays and stuff. Enjoy it all and then come back and tell us about it.

Happy New Year!!

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I just gave away some of my Cookies to the Schwan's guy. (Frozen food delivery). But, I guess this would be an NSV: I had a cookie after lunch, and left half of it lying on the counter...totally forgot about it! Like THAT's every happened before!

See ya'll tomorrow...it's my day out. Shopping, then meeting a dear friend who is in town only this one day. We have dinner with "the old circle" of friends. It's a lot of fun...we drink more ice tea than margaritas these days!


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I've been so bad this week, my worst week since being banded. Very poor choices and over eating. Those fancy Cookies that come in the big tins at Sams Club, well I've been dipping into those, I don't even like the taste of them, just eating them because they're there and easy.

All the decorations are down and put away, so tomorrow, it's back to being a better bandster. I've been hungry the past two weeks, which is also unusual since being banded, but if I get a fill, I'll be pbing all the time. To fill or not to fill, that is the question.

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Good Morning :)

Pat, throw those nasty Cookies in the garbage. Don'tcha hate it when you eat something and you don't even like it. I should take lessons from my DD and spit it out immediately lol. Oh lady don't get a fill if your going to PB all the time. Are you drinking enuf Water? I know when I don't drink water all day, I tend to get hungier and I don't even realize why I'm hungry. Try filling up on some low cal Soups and have some veggies handy. Are you eating your Protein? I know once I start picking on goodies I'm starving all the time so hopefully with the new year and no crap in the house we'll all do better.

Today I am staying home, its raining out and I just don't wanna go out (unless DH wants to go shopping LOLOL !!!!).

I went to BJ's Wholesale yesterday and got my goodies for New Years Eve. Got some scallops wrapped in bacon, tortellini, butternut squash ravioli, popcorn chicken, little weenies, orange chicken and some chips, cheese, dip. I know I know !!! Its a tradition where my neighbors come over and I make a little of everything. They love it and shooot, so do I. So I'm trying to be good b/4 then.

Whatcha all doing today? How is everyone?

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Hey Y'all!

Well, I got a call Tuesday for an interview for today, they wanted me to bring a lot of info with me so I spent yesterday getting together everything they wanted, I got there at 10:00 this morning, and found out they are a recruiting company! The job they wanted to send me to doesn't even know how much they want to pay at this time. Talk about being a little upset! All that primping, pressing the suit, wearing nylons, doing my nails and hair, all for nothing! UGH! So, I guess I will just go shopping since I am all decked out. (I took the suit off though) lol

Eileen - Could you send some of that rain down this way? We sure do need some!

Pat - I know what you mean about the Cookies. I also think when I eat them for Breakfast, I am hungry all day! Sugar!

Cindy - I hope you had a great time out with your friends.

Beanie - I actually did good yesterday not eating Cookies, but this morning, I ate three for Breakfast because I was in a hurry and didn't want to leave on an empty stomach.

Well, off to do some shopping. I was going to go tomorrow, but the neighbor asked me to go to lunch tomorrow so I best get it done today.

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Hey Y'all!

How's the day? I am actually working at my job on a fairly regular basis - and I have been studying for and taking sections of a required test - which is why I have been a little sporadic in my posting.

Today, I am also trying to get 3-4 other work-peripheral things done... I have located plastic champagne flutes for 265 - Whew!

Now all I have to do is run out and snag about 120 2 litre bottles of Sprite... :/ and lug it into the building... I think I am going to need some elves for that. Can you tell? We are having a little New Year's gig tomorrow. New Year's at Noon. We will have a countdown and toast for the Noon hour to Celebrate. We are a partying kind of place around here.

I am the ChairChick of the Fun Committee - and I am also helping promote our Committee Membership Rally this week - so I have put together a Media Blitz for Committee Participation. Yeah - just another day in Corporate America...

Betty & Cindy - I could SO use a cookie right now... How far are you guys from Addison?? Come on down... Heck, Betty! You baked enough to put down Cookies for my party tomorrow... (lol!)

Aw, Betty - that whole job fiasco sucks. Worse than making you get all prettied up - they got your hopes up! That's just wrong. I hope you had fun shopping, though. Shopping can be good.

Pat - the old year is passing. Out with the crap - in with the veggies! I have sworn to my Beloved that as of January 2nd - any remaining "bad" foods are going into the trash. Neither one of us needs to be eating Queso and chips...

Eileen - DANG, I should be coming up there THIS week... all that party stuff sounds soooooo good!

Well, guys - I am off to pick up the champagne flutes & the pop.

What's everybody else doing? Come on, guys. Check in.

We miss you!

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OK Beanie,

I'm back at my sisters house for a short update.

My Moms favorite dessert is "Creme Brulee" a french custard that I online searched for. I'm gonna surprise her in a day or two with this dessert... lets hope I can pull it off. The only kitchen tool I don't have is a torch to brown the sugar on top... maybe thats why Mom always go's to a resturant for dessert! Since we came here she has been at work every other day, and when she gets off work she makes dinner and serves the kids. I can't get her to rest. I know it's her way of loving us but I get concerned shes doing too much. It's been just a year since her bypass and shes doing extremely well.... I should try not to worry so much... thats the hard part.

Zan: Please don't hit your head so hard on the wall, your concern for your Mom is much like mine but trying to get her to change her lifestyle will be near impossible. Love her where shes at, I think you're doing a great job.

Well, gang, I'm off to the grocery store for Creme Brulee fix'ins. I'm having a great vacation and miss talking everyday with ya all. If it doesn't rain tomorrow I think I'm going to the zoo. I will update later :rolleyes

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Hello All...I'm checking in as ReneBean ask lol. I'm so boring though all I did was work. Was on the road at 6:30 am to work, worked 7:30-6 got home at 6:45 see boooorrrrrring. I'm exhausted. Been putting in long days because the holiday time we've had off causes me to have less work days to get the reports I need done done. UGH. Now we'll have Monday off and we close the books on Tuesday so everything HAS to be done tomorrow. If they let us out early I'll never get it done. (Hmmm no win scituation here haha) After work tomorrow DH and I are headed for upstate NY to visit family and have a 2nd Christmas with them and Celebrate New Years. Long drive from here it's about 6.5 hours. (Can you say YUCK YUCK YUCK?) I like visiting but, hate the drive. It will be good to see my in-laws again though :) Not much more to add here.

Man....I need a life hahaha...or maybe a cookie from Betty? heh heh

Take care all and thank you for making me feel at home in LBT. Hugssss

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Hi Sherry and Welcome !!! Your not boring (shoot, you sound just like me) okay we're both boring LOLOL !! I get up at 4:30 to get ready for work and I'm home at 6 pm (some times 5 pm on a good day).

Where do you live? Bet you'll pass bergen cty NJ to get to your new years celebration.

(pssssssssst... Betty's Cookies are evil, just evil I tell you lol) :)

Oh Patty Brulee, I don't think I've ever had it. Sounds dreamy. Bet its made with all the good stuff slurp! Your mom sounds like mine, she doesn't sit for a minute and when she does POOF! she's up again. The older generation really can run rings around us, I give them credit.

Beanie your new years party with your co-workers sounds like fun. Shoot we never do anything like that at work. But then WTF do I know, I'm never there at new years LOL they could be partying it up for all I know. Do you play games? spin the champain bottle? snort ~

Betty that is down right dirty of them to trick you into thinking they had a job for you. Want me flatten their tires for you? Beanies comming to NJ next month, it'll give us something to do HAAAAAAAA!!! Seriously, I hope something comes along soon for you, something you love!!!

I ate like a pig again today. I wish my band would smack me in the face when I've had enuf ya know but it doesn't, its very kind and lets everything just slip on by. I'd show its who's boss but it won't let me.

Okay kiddies....toodles and all that good stuff. Until tomorrow.

Hugs !!

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OK, at this moment, I am the HAPPIEST PERSON ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!! I have passed the much-dreaded test...and on the First Try - thank you very much.

WHEW!!! Now I can focus on the other things I have to get done over the next few days... And, "surprisingly" enough, my urge to drive over to Betty's and rummage through her baked goods has subsided. HMMMM. Could I be a Stress Eater? Oh, YEAH.

Patty - Blow torch alternatives: Hairspray and a lighter... Local Fire-Breathing Dragon... Falling star/meteorite... Oh - or you could just put the thing under the broiler for a minute or two (if it can stand to be heated?) I THINK you can actually do it with a match - if you are careful about the head not falling off onto the dessert...But, I am certainly no expert at cooking. Who the heck doesn't love Creme Brulee?!? All that yummy, creamy fat & carmelized sugar. *sigh*.

Thank goodness DH has never been much of a Pastry/dessert kind of cook. His Entrees are fattening enough! I really would weigh 500 lbs if he did Desserts, too!

Hey Sherry - Boring is GOOD. Too much drama gives me a rash! And I'll tell you a secret - I never leave when they let us out early... Unless all my stuff is done and put to bed.

So, after slaving like a dog for the short week, you get to spend the weekend driving? I hope the pay-off of seeing the in-laws is a good one.

Me, I am all for hanging out at home for at least 2 of the 3 days.... But DH has some kind of big ideas about going to IKEA (yes, AGAIN) and looking at wood flooring. Geesh! He was also babbling about several other stops he had planned for this weekend... The only one that sounded any good to me was dinner and a movie... (yep, it's official. I am a slug.)

Eileen! Spin the Champagne Bottle at this office would be WAY too scary. Besides - our "Champagne" comes in green cans with a little red dot and the number 7 on them... (low budget - big production value). I think the entire investment for this mini-shin-dig is under $100 for our office of approx. 280 people. It's just a little something to break the monotony/drudgery of the busiest day of the month. We'll have one of the boss-types do a count-down on the overhead speakers - we'll all drink a little toast and we'll go back to work.

Well, that's all the news that's fit to print. I'll check in with you kids again tomorrow. (no guarantees for the weekend, though. I might be in that holiday vegatable state.)


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Good Morning,

Okay why are the skys so gray AGAIN !!!???? this is getting old.

Everyone is still sleeping, its just me and my pooch Susis oh and my toasted almond coffee :) :) :D :D LOVE IT !!!

Beanie I'm so proud of you for passing the test. Your such a smartie pants !!! Congratulations :) See good things do happen to nice people.

Nothing is planned for today, but thats my opinion, when DH gets up he'll have us racing some where lol. Hopefully the Christmas Tree Shop... that store is fun.

My tree is so pretty, I hate to put it away. I like it more at the end of the season then the beginning.... weird huh. Well it ain't going in the attic until next week...so there !

Whats everyone doing today?

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Good Morning!

Whooooo Hooooo Beanie! That's great about your test and on the first try! Hey, my door is open and the Cookies are still here! Dh is hitting on them, (and me too) but we aren't making too big of a dent in them. We are going to the neighbors house for New Year's, even though I made a big tray for them for Christmas, I might just take another one with me for New Year's! :)

Eileen - I figured I might just as well wait till Jan. 2 to get back on track. No use getting on for a day or two then off again. It is too hard for me to get back on, so I will make it one time! Works for me! Go right ahead and kick their butts! They deserve it! The gall of them for not telling me before I worried myself sick over the interview!:)

Sherry - Welcome! Hey, I could send you some of those cookies!:D Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself! It sounds like fun!

Patty - Your dessert sounds wonderful. Let us know how it turns out!

Well, got things to get done, the neighbor ask me to go to lunch today so I need to get things done early. Something tells me I won't feel like doing it when I get home.:)

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Good morning to all! Eileen, until just a few minutes ago, I was up writing on my laptop, with my little mini-schnauzer Mickey by my side. I am drinking Ghiradelli chocolate Caramel coffee, brought to me by my DH when he came out here a little while ago! He's so great!

Beanie, WAY TO GO! Great job! Have a good time at your NOON new year's eve celebration...being a teacher, we are never at work on this day, TG!

Betty, have fun at lunch! I had a great time seeing my friends last night. I understand what you mean about getting back on track, then going off again for New Year's...I'm trying to avoid the last of my Cookies, and I'm taking them to my neice's house tonight, to finish them off!

Pat, I read your response to the Sturgis thread...I laughed my behind off! I'm still laughing! I worked with a guy who was a Harley biker...we got him a big book on Sturgis. You know, the kind with lots of pictures...especially of the women of which you spoke! Let's start designing your outfit now! I've got some ideas....LOL!

We are going to a place called Master Grill for New Year's Eve, compliments of my FIL. We're going early, and getting off the roads before the amateurs start driving around. We are former "professionals" who have reformed...no drinking for us at all anymore. It's good.

I bought some new clothes yesterday, and had the best time trying on clothes that fit right! Even a size 18, but didn't buy...I was tempted, but the pants were too short. I have some size 20s that are still tight, so I think those 18s were a fluke, but it was still a great feeling!

Patty, good luck with the creme brulee. I love that stuff!

Everyone else, do what you do and do it better than anyone else!

Hugs, Cindy

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This must have been a busy day for everyone...I was the last person to post at 9 this morning. Had to take DD to minor emergency clinic this morning. She flung herself off the bed, goofing around, so she fell off, knocking her arm into the bedside table, chair and floor. She's a goober. Anyway, it was swollen this morning when she woke up, so thought we better take her for an x-ray. She's okay, no break on x-ray, just a deep bruise. Kids are so fun. LOL!

Then, I didn't think I wanted to go to the family thing tonight, and tried to bow out, but DD cried...guess where we went? Of course, we went to the family get-together, and it was fun. I'm glad I went. Just fighting off the funky mood I get every once in a while, since mom passed away. It stinks. They are getting fewer and further between...so that's good. Just wish, well, you know what I wish.

Are we starting a new thread tomorrow night, or Sunday?

Love you guys, Cindy

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