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December's Chat

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Good morning! I think today is the first day I don't HAVE to do anything! I will, of course, but I don't have anything scheduled. DH has to take his father to a dr. appt...he's not driving yet (fell again after partially recovering from hip replacement). He offered to take DD with him, but I think I'll keep her with me and have a lazy day. I do need to get some paperwork together, since the insurance company of the guy who hit me (car wreck, not assault!) is now antsy to settle the personal damage part of the case. Does anyone have any experience with this? I did not have many serious injuries...bruises, neck/back pain, the normal stuff. However, because of the wreck, and being without a car for a while, I was not able to go to Houston on the weekends to be with my mom while she was hospitalized down there. Also, I was driving my grandma's car i bought from her when she had to quit driving, so it was paid off and you know what happens when an older car is paid off and totalled...we did not get enough $$ for it to replace it, so I had to get a new car, and new payments...so, any advice or personal experience with this would be appreciated.

Patty, good for you! You have your car working, and can go on your trip. I've seen pictures of the Crystal Cathedral, and it is beautiful. You can have snow at Disney World, too, as I'm sure you know! Have a good time!

Eileen, enjoy the Narnia movie. There are some "scary" parts, but my DD, who is 8, did not suffer any problems from seeing it...the parallels to the story of Christ are obvious, and she is familiar with the sacrifice Christ made on the cross, so the similar event in the movie is moving, but not frightening.

We made our reservations for our Maine vacation in July. Thank God! No vacation at all last year, and we definitely need one. Rough year.

Pat, Betty, Beanie...just waiting to hear from ya'll and hope you are enjoying the holiday!

More later...hugs, Cindy

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Good Afternoon!

It's is so pretty outside, it hit 81 yesterday and I worked out in the yard after we went riding. I got a lot of my flower beds cleaned up! I bagged up a ton of clippings and weeds/leaves. One more thing I won't have to do this spring!:) After cleaning up yesterday, we saw a couple of our neighbors out in the yard, so we went to say hello. Well, the next thing I knew all the neighbors were out there, and the party started. More food/drinks! I am going to hide! Enough parties for a while! I don't dare go near a scale for a while!:) I have been working outside a little today too, it is back in the 80's so I can't hardly make myself stay inside.

Cindy - Your watch sounds beautiful! We'll have to see a picture when you get it.

Eileen - Have fun at the movies!

Well, I am going back outside and enjoy some more of the day. I love this kind of weather!

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I have been in a vegetative state for the past three days....

I did successfully avoid going into any stores at all since Friday Night - when we did the Walmart run at 11:00pm and it looked as busy as a normal Saturday afternoon. It was crazed... But I got a case & a battery charger for my camera, picked up a new microwave to replace the one that did a snap-fizzle on us a while back. I also got the fixin's for the fruit salad.< /p>

Went to my Sister's on Christmas Eve. She had a fab feast and a big box of Fudge & Lemon Bars to take home... The fudge was pretty good - but the Lemon Bars should be illegal in six states...They were incredible! We had a lovely relaxed kind of day, took lots of pictures (which I forgot to bring along today! Sorry!) and everyone opened their presents.

Christmas Day was spent with DH at home. We started watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. DH got a little vacation because between left-overs from my Sister's and the salmon he smoked on Friday, we just nibbled a little bit of this or that all day. The new microwave was put to good use. We lazed around watching the first two parts of the trilogy, sleeping, playing on the computer all day long.

Yesterday, we watched the last movie in the Trilogy and lazed around some more. I must say, I have probably gained a pound or two eating every sugary thing ever made in the last couple of days.

Eileenie - I could have put on a fake twang for you - but that would have been cheating. *I can't even imagine surviving 3 children under the age of 9 in one house...I would probably collapse! And who is the Bad Girl? I don't think I have to worry about any inappropriate pics hitting the internet! (Besides, when "inappropriate" things are happening - both DH and I are too busy to be snapping photos!)

Patty - Hope you are having fun in Santa Barbara! How was the Crystal Cathedral?

Betty - some day, we will have to have a salad show-down. I actually forgot to put the cranberries in... I just ate it the traditional way. I always forget how good it is... I guess that is a good thing. It is a carb and fat delight... NOT thinning.

Cindy - I guess we won't be carolling next year, after all... Of course, your DD and I could go... We would sing with you in the car... :] I must say that the best presents I got were things I got for myself... My Sis & SIL both sent baked goods for us & Mom sent a gift card. I got myself a lap-top - and I have been playing my Art of Magic game on it all weekend. I don't know what to tell you about the Insurance thing. Unfortunately, the ins. co. probably won't pay for what it actually cost you - unless you go to the trouble to sue them. There is no way to put a price on missing those weekends... You should probably consult *gasp* an attorney who is familiar with personal injury cases. Or, you can just go with the "If You Don't Ask, You Don't Get, school of thought and tell them you want all your medical bills paid + the loan balance on the new car... You never know. Stranger things have happened.

Ira - no fair going back and spell-checking our old posts... :] How are you doing? Are you getting closer to your Super Weightloss Stud goal? What's happening with you?

I hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas weekend. I am looking forward to these next few days passing quickly so that I can have another 3 day weekend!! Woo hoo!! Sadly, I haven't managed to win the lottery (nope - not in either Texas OR New Jersey!) or invent my miracle product and earn enough money to retire. So, it's just slog thru the short work-week and enjoy the long weekend to usher in the New Year.

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Hi Everyone BURP!! I stuffed myself again today... This is sick !! I sware I'm throwing out the chips and boxes of chocolate tonight. This is frightening b/c I was good all day up until 1 hour ago when I said I could eat all that crap.

Tomorrow I get my ass on the treadmill, and I'm gonna start logging in my food right here on this board. I'm really ashamed of letting myself go beyond Christmas day.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Getting mad IS GOOD !!!!!! RIGHT !!!

I can eat a ton and I feel like I'm damaging my pouch but it doesn't hurt...this isn't fare...

Okay Rant Over !!!!

I'm going to start a Monthy Eatery / Exercise thread, anyone care to join me it would be cool to have support.


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Cindy, sorry to hear about FIL, yikes. I hope you had a relaxing day. A relaxing day for me is not getting out of my jamies :) How's DD doing? Oh I've been meaning to ask you. How are you doing since your fill, do you feel any different as far as amount of food you can eat? Good luck with your car sweetie !!!

Beanie girl, lemon bars ARE the best. I'm so glad I don't have them laying around b/c I would figure out a way to eat them all in one day. Shopping at 11 pm WOWEE you wild thing you. I'm usually sleeping by 8 pm ROFL!!! What kind of nuker did you get? If I had know you liked the lord of the rings, I would have brought you to my house, that movie is the bomb and DH and I actually went to see the last one in the movie theater after 10 years of not seeing one single movie in a theater. Of course we pick what? a 4 hour movie. Our rear ends were numb lol.

Betty thats so cool you got to play outside today. It was freezing here today and windy. For some reason I felt bone cold all day. I am not getting near a scale until Jan 6 when I have no choice b/c I am seeing my doc for a fill then. Lordy be, Ive prob gained 10 lbs BOOOHHHOO lol.

We didn't go to the movies but we did go to unbelieva-bills, its a kids play place and they have 4D movies that we watched... WAY TO COOL !!!!

The lion, witch and wardrobe is over 2 hours and DD is not going to sit for that long so we will wait until it comes out on DVD. Cindy I'm glad its not to scary. My dd likes scary things (not REAL scary, like harry potter scary).

TTYL, gotta give stinky a bath (DD lol).

Hugs and thanks for letting me rant here.

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Eileen, hang on! The holidays will soon be over and we'll be back to our regular routine, and all will be well. I'm joining you on the posting thing...the good, the bad, and the ugly. I don't mind being totally honest here, since that is the whole point, right? I will post exactly what I eat. I don't exercise much, so probably won't have much on there for that.

Still, I can't resist the excellent company!

Beanie...I think you're right on the "you never know until you ask" idea. I've looked up some stuff on the internet about demand letters and how to write them, and I like writing, so I am going to go that direction...when Mr. Adjuster calls, I'll tell him to wait on the certified letter, then call back with an offer. We go to church with a personal injury attorney, who will advise us if the offer is way too low. It was a mess with the property part of the settlement. I hate dealing with these things, but I'm no pushover. DH can get downright scathing, so I can always sic him on them...play good cop/bad cop. We can sing carols anytime! Come over and play with DD's karioke (spell check, Ira?) machine!

Everyone have a good night, Cindy

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Hey Gang,

I'm posting from my Sisters Computer in beautiful Santa Barbara.

I left Orange County with my boys on Christmas morning at 7:33am. Jumped on the freeway and it was smooth sailing! We arrived at my Moms house in exactly 2hrs time! It was literally the best drive I have ever done.... there was no one on the road.

On Christmas Eve I attended the 3pm service at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove and immediately found a great seat on the side balcony that had a great view of the stage and a TV screen. Everything was televised and I sure hope I wasn't on TV:ermm When the music began and the choir began the first song I got all choked up! I was really glad that I was alive and that I'm just really greatful to be alive -- dumb huh? The full orchestra was magnificent and I realize how much I miss the musical side of my life. I spent years on stage and have known some awesome musicians but since becoming a Mom I don't attend concerts and such.....anyway,my fleeting thought was that I missed classical things. When the service was over I drove home to finish preparing for my trip and anxious to be with my children again.

Santa was very generous to me this year I got a covered wok from my Sister and a new rice cooker from my Mom, two things I really needed! The boys were all totally spoiled and we have spent the rest of our time here just vegging in front of the TV(mom has cable, we don't) Tomorrow we plan a trip to the Santa Barbara Botanic gardens to use up a free pass that my Mom got in the mail and next week I'll take the kids to the zoo where we are members. I have just read a few posts on how some of our bandsters are trying to watch their eating. Since I have been here I have no desire for much of anything -- I think I'm afraid. My secret is that I hope to be approved real soon and I haven't shared that with everyone in the family(namely my sis). So, I'm not pigging out but I'm not denying myself of anything either.

Eileen, the chocolate still doesn't bother me - Hehehehehehe~ but the butterscotch fudge is to die for!

Rene: I went shopping for miniature ornaments and found 4 new ones! I haven't been to Walmart yet but SB doesnt have one and i fear that when I get back home all the holiday stuff will be gone!

Cindy:You would love my Sisters house, Disney everywhere. Behind me on the wall is 8 Cels, the prettiest one of the Mickey Mouse Club.

Well gotta sign off.... I'll try to post in a day or two :) :)

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Hi Everyone,

Well I know I have not been around in awhile. Long story short… I went away for 3 days and came back home to find out my mom was sick. I rushed down there and decided to stay at her place until she felt better, wound up staying through the holiday. She is fine now; the doctors said all the tests came back normal. So we are not really sure what the problem is other than she is getting older and does not take care of herself. I finally got home last night. Unfortunately, Mom does not have a computer and the firewall / security at work does not let me have access so I have missed you all! Hope you all had a great holiday. I have not read any posts in about 2 weeks and have a feeling I will be up all night trying to catch up on everything!

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Cindy, me too, I'll be totally honest in posting my food journal. I have to start writing it down so I can see what I'm doing. I'm so glad your gonna play :)

Patty, I'm so happy you got to your Mom's in time and your enjoying your family. The Crystal Cath... WWOWWOWWEEE how cool is that. I get all choked up in church too and I always cry so your not alone. You were in music? WAT TO COOL, who did you use to sing with ??? You sound like such a neat person. I don't blame you for not telling anyone. I am the same way. The only ones that know in my family is my sister/mom and DH. No one else unless my big mouth mother told my brothers. I hope not b/c its none of their business ya know lol. Enjoy the rest of your vacation !!! Hugs and have a safe trip home.

Zan little chicklet, I'm glad your home and Mom is doing better. I don't know one house hold that doesn't have sick family members. Did she have that stomach / flu thingy thats going around? Good to see you lady !!!

Okay I'm going to get my jamies on and watch the rest of Scooby Doo #2 with DD and DH.

Talk to you tomorrow.


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Hi, all! My DD is out with my sister getting a pedicure...that little girl is going to be spoiled rotten! Fancy restaurants, big vacations...what's a mom to do?! LOL! I guess she's reaping the benefits of being the only little girl, in a family who was quite a bit older than average. She's enjoying herself, that's for sure!

Hi, Zan! It's hard taking care of ill parents. I understand. How old is your mom? Sure glad to see you are back with us!

Eileen, enjoy Scooby Doo! I love watching movies with my DD. I think she will like Narnia...my DD loves all the Harry Potter movies, and they do not upset her at all.

Night, all! Cindy

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Thanks Cindy & Eileen! My mom is 64 and does not take care of herself… she drinks and smokes way too much, has high blood pressure and colitis. Her original test indicated that she might have had a stroke but then a follow up test showed nothing. Then she went and had a shot (flu?) and had a severe reaction…. The doctors found nothing major but she still is exhausted. I have finally come to accept that there is nothing I can do to change how she takes care of herself. It’s still very frustrating but I can’t keep beating my head against a wall .. .it hurts! Anyway…. I finally read through all the posts…. Looks like everyone had a good holiday and I see that I’m not the only one who indulged (I’m blaming it on stress!). Off to bed now....

Ahhhh – it’s good to be back!

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Hey New Jersey & New York...

I will probably be in town again next month from the 16th to the 20th. Chances are good I will do what I did this time and fly in relatively early on Sunday the 15th. Based on my experience this month, I would hazard a guess that I won't have any large amount of time available AFTER that - so I think we will have to plan on any get-togethers that Sunday. I hope to have all my travel arrangements JUST a little earlier than I did last time, and I might have more input in where I stay. I will try and get a place near a train station - but I may end up in the Pearl River Hilton. It appears that I will be there with the Head Honcho, this time. That ought to be interesting... Last time, I was sort of the head honcho - if only by experience in my craft. :rolleyes Every trip is going to be an adventure, I can tell...

Maybe we can get together in January!


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Thanks Alex, we'll check it out :) :) :):D

Zan your mom is very young. I'm glad her testing came out good though and your home relaxing. Hang in there !!!

Beanie that would be cool to get together. Is there any chance you could come out earlier in the day, only b/c its a school night and I must get DD ready and in bed early. If you can't its okay, maybe we could meet for lunch one day. I'll see if the boss is going away and I'll pick you up.

Well today is a lazy day, HA! Gotta run to a few stores, DH need wood so we're off to Lowes and I'm off to BJ's to get some milk and stuff for new years eve.

G'ma Pat, I keep meaning to ask you how your Mom is feeling lately?

Watcha all doing today?

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Hi Y'all!

Had to go over and do billing this morning, then this afternoon I am just doing odd jobs. This is the first year I am sick of looking at Christmas stuff and want to get it down and put away! I am doing a little at a time in the house, I don't take the tree down till after New Year's. My Mom always said it was bad luck to take it down before then, so I don't!

Zan - Glad to hear your DM is doing better. It's had dealing with that, but it's worth it in the end. Take care of yourself too!

Cindy - That is cool that your DD has had a pedicure already. I just had my first one ever this year!:) :)

Beanie - We'd probably both win, they would be both so good nobody could make up their mind!:) :) Isn't it funny how just something like a fruit salad can make people so happy!

Patty - Glad you got to your Mom's. Have fun!

Pat - How is that new GB? He is so precious!

Eileen - Lazy day huh? I love lazy days!

I went over to DB house today, I took them some more cookies! You should have seen his face when I brought in more! I told him he could probably freeze them as they were fresh and hadn't been frozen. I still have a ton of them here!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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