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Hey Everyone,

I haven't left yet because my mini van had a giant poop!

After work on Wed I stopped at my fave mechanic to have the car checked out for the long drive and he tells me that I have a gasket leak from the transmission and that I can't drive the car... or I kill it. They drive me home and my head is spinning! Did he quote $600 or millions? Need to call my Mom.... oh NO.... whos gonna pick up the boys from daycare?! This all happened at 1:30pm and talk about shell-shocked. I just started counting my blessings: #1 I caught the problem before the trip. #2 the boys & I were in safe places #3 If I don't make it Christmas day, I'll live #4 It was diagnosed immediately and is fixable #5 my mechanic wasn't working on any cars, the bay was empty #6 Mom gives me her Visa #. So, when I got home I called the ex and told him that I didn't have a vehicle to pick up the boys. It was So much fun to throw a wrench into his plans. You see, he still doesn't understand the magnitude of what I do with his kids and I decided that when things unravel on my end that I need to defer to him. This conclusion came to me when I decided that I wanted lapband and that he could indeed care for his own children if I was out sick. Anyway, he got all stupid and mumbled something about his wifes birthday and the resturant gathering that they were going to..... and I just calmly said "the twins are at Finely school and Garrett & Lewis are at Sequoia call if you get lost. It's a challange with such a large family, isn't it.

I got off the phone and he he he.... laughed, snorted, chortled -- man, that was fun!

So, today I just continued to do laundry, dishes and packing. It was a nice "at home" day with Taylor taking the lead with all his help. We made nice progress and I rewarded him with a feisty game of Scrabble (I won) it improves his word power and we got some special mother/son time ;-) By 5pm there was no word from the autoshop so I figured they closed for the night. If the car isn't repaired by Friday I won't be able to go to Santa Barbara:cry on Christmas morning, but, like I said.... we would survive it. Thanks for your support I'll update later.

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Good Morning,

I will come back later to do personals....sorry... CRAZY DAY !!

Two more days ***GIGGLE*** until Christmas :)

Whats everyone doing today? I have to run DD to school and remember to bring stuff for her christmas party that they are having today. Then meet DH for Breakfast at friendly's yummmmm !!!

I bought a new christmas tree yesterday, its a skinny tall one and its so pretty. The one we have originally is HUGE !!!!!!!!!! and it takes up alot of room not to mention it takes me a day to put the lights on it. uhhhh. Our new tree is PRELIT !!! can you say OHHH YEAH !!! and its just lovely. Get this, a few years ago we bought the monsterous tree and it cost us $600.00 on sale...yeah I know !!! This one is 7.5 feet tall, skinny, prelit and cost $100.00 go figure.

Well kids I gotta run... TTYL !!

Love Yah !!

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Howdy y'all!

I have been busy cleaning house. I have it pretty much all done now, so now I get to enjoy my weekend and celebrations like everyone else!:laugh :laugh

We are going to my Nephew's house tonight for a family dinner, he is cooking prime rib. Then tomorrow night we hav Christmas Eve at my DB house. I ask my SIL what she wanted me to bring this year and she said "Could you bake some Cookies? " I just laughed! Then she said "And some fruit salad? " Guess I am in pretty good shape for that huh? I chopped up my onions and celery to make some potato salad tomorrow, so most everything will only take me a little bit and I am done. First year I could do all that ahead of time.

Eileen - I hope you enjoyed your good breakfast! Your new tree sounds lovely!

Patty - Awwww, why does stuff like that happen at the worse time? I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get it fixed real fast! I love what you did to DH too! :laugh :laugh You clever girl you!

Cindy - Glad you found the cranberries! I don't blame you, I would be the same way if I had a new laptop! Have fun with it!

Beanie - Sorry about losing the long post! I use to have a friend that wrote it in word and then copied it over just because of that reason.

Well, going to go finish some last minute things, so catch you all later!

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Good Evening Everyone :)

Betty.... so? are ya gonna make Cookies ROflmfAO !!!!!!!!!!! Thats cool and to have your house all cleaned...whooooah lady, can you come do mine. Have a wonderful time at your DB's house.

PATTY!!! did you get the car fixed, shucks I hope you can get to see your family on Christmas. Its always something huh. I had to chuckle at your little wrench HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! you go girl. I am praying your car is ready and I'm so glad they caught it before you got on the road. God does watch over us, praise Him !!!


Well I finished wrapping the inlaws gifts, cleaned DD's bedroom, vaccumed the entire upstairs, cleaned the kitchen (but you'd never know LOL), so tomorrow its the bathrooms, bath DD, and get ready to go to church by 5 pm. Then its off to my Mom and my entire family will be there, so it will be nice. We're not sure what Christmas day will bring. If FIL is not up to it we might go down by him, or DH will go pick them up.

Ira, Beanie, Lisa, Jan, Pat, Dianne, and anyone who I may have forgot to mention....... WHERE R U ?

Well folks have a wonderful evening.


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I just told all of you a whole bunch of stuff. I was telling you all basically my life story!

I'm exhausted and will probably write more tomorrow.

Have a good night, I'm feeling better and I sure do need to pedisone!

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Hi Folks!!

It's the end of another glorious day in mortgage lending.. Wheeeee!!! I must say that I hardly worked at all today. We ate nachos and played quite a bit. I played too much and had to stay to finish a file! But, now am off toward the old hacienda for a lovely weekend.

Tomorrow, we go to my Sister's for Christmas Eve - presents and dinner. I wonder if she would still invite us if I refused to make the infamous fruit salad? Don't let the fruit business fool you - it's really more of a dessert than a side dish. Betty, I am intrigued... I *eh-hem* found my recipe some years ago - many, many years ago - and I can't even remember where I got it. Does your salad have mayonaise in it?


Ok - so it's not really a secret - but the sauce is a mixture of Coolwhip, mayo and a little pineapple juice to get that smooth creamy consistency just right. I usually mix it up in a bowl and then add the fruit into the pre-stirred sauce. I would give you measurements - but there aren't any... It's Lots of Cool Whip, Some mayo for that special tang and just enough pineapple juice to keep the cool whip from doing that chunky thing it does when you mix it with stuff. Apples, banana, Grapes & Pineapple are the MUST components. After that, I sometimes add Mandarin Oranges, raisins, nuts or any combination of the above. This year, I am considering a NEW ingredient choice (Spice of Life, you know)... I am thinking about Craisins. It's all Cindy's fault if my family doesn't like the change... Mandarin Oranges and Craisins... (see, I really DO love Cranberry Orange stuff). So, Betty - Is yours anything like mine? I know that fruit and mayo sound like a horrid combination - but really, if you don't tell people what it is, they will pester you for hours asking what gives it that special creamy yummy flavor!

Eileen - you know I was just teasing about the accent thing... I was actually surprised at how subtle it was. It's kind of funny - we watch the Sopranos on DVD - and there is a Character on the show called Adrianna. There was actually a gal in the NY office that sounded JUST like her. I really expected you to have more of an accent than you did, Miss Eileen. AND - you got a deal on that Christmas Tree... Garden Ridge wants $140 down here for that same tree. I looked at it and thought about it. I am going to see if they have any on-sale after Christmas. For me, the tree is pure extravagance. DH doesn't really care about that kind of stuff - so I do it just for me. This year, I just have my Santa's out and some small things. Next year, I am going to DECORATE.

Cindy - rehearsing with the choir? Do you sing? Can we see you perform? I suppose I would have to go to Church, huh? I'm not so sure that would be such a good idea. Lighting and all. lol. I guess we'll just have to meet up at a Karaoke Bar sometime for LBT Sings the Blues!

Patty - $600 is a lot - but it's a WHOLE lot less than replacing the engine, or the whole van. Sorry about the hassle, though. It's not fun to have this sort of excitement at the Holidays. Funny about the DEXH, though... BWAHAHAHAHAH. "Oh, my. But I have high tea with the Queen, I can't possibley deal with my Children right now...." Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Welcome to Reality! Anyway, hopefully that Mechanic will take pity on you and drag his butt in to fix it tomorrow. It sure would be nice if you could make it to your Sister's. Everybody - concentrate really hard on Festive Mechanics....

Dianne - did the system mess you up, too? I have found the secret... I copy my post using the "Control C" command before I push the button or change pages or anything. Then I can paste it back with "Control V" if it disappears. We will wait with baited breath for your life story. :]

Wow - you folks and your cleaning... you are so energetic! I expect that if I looked too hard, I could find a dust bunny or two in my living room. DH has been smoking salmon today, instead. MMMMMMM. I can't wait to get home and try some. Plus, a co-worker gave us some of the most decadent Dill Dip I have ever tasted. I have to stop at the store for some crackers so we can have Hoi Polloi hors d'oevres. MMMMMMMMMM.

Oh - and the most exciting bit - my camera came today, so I can start posting pictures!! Whoopie!~ Now maybe I will show you what DH looks like... But then, maybe not! If you Texas gals were to recognize him on the street, you might decide to keep him! lol!

Well, I think that I will actually go home, now, and play with my new toys. I will check in with you wonderful folks sometime tomorrow. For tonight, I leave you with a favorite Christmas Carol... (Sing along, Cindy!)

"Here we come a-Wassailling among the trees of green.

Here we come rejoicing so fair to be seen.

Peace and Joy unto you, and to you your Wassail, too.

May God keep you and grant you a Happy New Year.

May God grant you a Happy New Year."

(oh yeah, a happy, peppy, Christmas DRINKING song...)


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Good Morning and Merry Christmas,

Today is a hairy day, between cleaning and getting ready for tonight AND cooking for tomorrow's dinner.

Beanie, you gotta get one of these trees, poof the freakin thing is up and lit. Its wonderful and worth every penny. I'm glad I don't sound like a full blooded NYer. Some times when I hear them talk I think LORDY BE!!! that sound awful LOL. I expected a southern twang from you and got nothin LOL!!!! Hope you and DH have a wonderful time with the new camera and remember, be careful, things could wind up on the web that you wouldn't want to LOLOL !!! Naughty thing you :)

Dianne, sorry you lost your post. Feel better hon.

Okay I'm outta here prob until Monday, so y'all (hehehe) have a wonderful blessed Merry Christmas :)

Love You !!!

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Good Morning and Merry Christmas to Y'all!

We had a great time at my Nephew's last night, and the prime rib he cooked just melted in your mouth. I think it was the best prime rib I ever ate.

I am going to make some potato salad for tomorrow here at home, and some baked Beans, then throw the ham in the oven. We certainly have plenty of Desserts already!:)

I have to fix up all the cookie/candy trays, and get stuff ready for delivery and taking to DB. Another night of stuffing our faces!:laugh :laugh :laugh

Beanie - My fruit salad is almost like yours, only I use fresh whipping cream as my sauce. Other than that, it is pretty much the same. Ahhhhh, a new camera! We expect a lot of pictures from you now!

Eileen - Have a great time! So, now do you have two trees up?

Cindy - Did you get your bread made?

Dianne - Sorry about the post, hope you get it on today!

Pat - What's up Nana? Are you already for Christmas? Or, are you still shopping?

Ira - Hope your holidays are special. I bet the son of yours will have a great time!

Patty - Hope you are on the road! Good Luck! I bet those boys are so excited!

Lisa - Hope you are doing great!

Zan - Are you still out of town?

Happy Holidays y'all!

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Good Morning everyone,

I got my car back on Friday morning and didn't post because I was playing that game of "catch-up" again.... but I'm not complaining.

My plans today are to finish up wrapping, and laundry and then clean out the car. I want to be done with all this detail work so that I can attend the 3pm service at the Crystal Cathedral. I don't attend Dr. Schullers church but the Christmas Eve one is So pretty. It's a candlelight service and after all the singing is done they make it snow indoors. OK for all you back east you can stop laughing now. You have to admit snow is very pretty, especially if you are warm and indoors. Here in California they make the snow out of soap and it's supposed to be 85 degrees this weekend(whats the purpose of a sweater?).

So, I have to scoot, I'll post from Santa Barbara.

Remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season --

Love ya,

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Good Morning :)

I'm still drunk from all the sugar and chips I ate yesterday LOL. Boy can I eat alot, feels like I have 0 restriction. I'm so looking forward to my fill January 6th because this is getting out of hand.

How was your Christmas ???????

Ours was nice, we took dinner to my inlaws b/c my FIL is so weak. Then my sister and kids came over to spend the night and exchange gifts. M&M's go down to easy lol.

Today is clean up from the bomb that hit here last night (my 4 year old, my 6 year old niece and 8 year old neice....and 44 year old sister lol).

Whats happening with you all ??

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I'm still drunk from all the sugar

Me too! I think I ate more sweets the last two days than I ate in a year! Fudge, fudge, and more fudge! I gave away tons of stuff, and I still have a ton left! DH is enjoying it all though!

We had a great Christmas though, but I am certainly glad it is all over with. Just one more week to get through and things will be back to normal. I love the holidays, but with all the food and candy, I am always glad to see them go too!:)

It is supposed to be 76 today, so DH said we'll go riding this afternoon. It will be nice to do something besides sit here and eat all day long.:D

How many of you are going shopping for the bargains today?

Everyone have a great day!

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FRIG FRIG FRIG.... long post GONE !!!

Betty, today we did go to a few stores (2) returned something and got tinsle for the tree for next year (okay the next 5 years) at 25 cents a box I bought 20 boxes LOLOL. Why pay $1/box right.

I collect (kinda) gingerbread things so I also got 2 glass houses and a glass girl....very cute and 50% off. now? where to put them LOLOL

76 degrees WOWEEE thats nice. Enjoy the weather. Its cold/damp here and windy with gray skys...ick.

I need a nap... talk to you all later.

Where is everyone? still in a coma from yesterdays festivities?

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Merry Christmas, everyone! I know it's been a few days since I checked in, but I could barely get everything done, much less play with MY toy! LOL! Yes, I got my cranberry orange bread made, but not the mini-cinis. Some things just don't get done, and it's okay! We had a good day, as good as it can be. Everyone was at our house for gift opening, then separate houses for a rest, then met at the movies where we all saw Narnia. Today, we went to the Gaylord Texan to see ICE...2 million pounds of ice carvings in a 9 degree environment. They even give you parkas!

So, we survived the first Christmas without Mom and Grandma. It wasn't easy. We all did the best we could!

Everyone's holiday sounds like it was good...anyone want to tell what their best gift was? I think mine (will be) a new watch. It's backordered, but it's a Seiko gold and diamond watch. The picture is beautiful! Of course, I also love my laptop. The best thing we gave my DD was a collection of vintage Polly Pocket compacts (from the 80s) that we got on Ebay. She adores them! She likes here little Nintendo DS with the dog program, too!

It's good to be back in touch with everyone, and find out I'm not the only one eating Cookies and other sweets...I gained some weight, too...but am determined to chill out, and get back on track after the holidays. I hope everyone is having a blessed holiday!

Oh, Beanie...the choir practice is for DD!!! I only sing in the car!

Hugs to all, Cindy

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Good Morning,

Hi Cindy, glad your Christmas went well, your watch sounds very pretty :D

I got a pretty pink necklace from my friend in california, and DH got me the 3rd episode of the Golden Girls. We didn't go crazy with each other b/c we just bought a pool and it will be installed in the spring, that cost us ALOT!! plus we are building a deck on the back of the house, and we got a new christmas tree. We didn't go nuts on DD either, but between my neices, inlaws, mom and others, we did spend a small fortune anyway. What can you do.... Christmas is GOOD !!! :)

I gained a few pounds too, I'm so afraid of getting on the scale, I mean I ate like a pig, so I'm trying HA! trying to be good until Jan 6th fill.

Well its off to some cleaning today and maybe a movie depending on how the day goes. I'd like to take DD to see the lion witch and wardrobe.

Have a splended day !!!

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