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Today is the last day of school! Yippee! They are walking out the door at this very minute! I don't know who is more excited: us or them.

Raining...I love it! Bad weather puts me in a good mood...weird, huh?

Dianne, take your medicine. Good health trumps weight loss.

Eileen, poor girl. Sorry to hear about the in-laws. I pray for their health. Let us know.

Betty, relax! You DESERVE it! And, I'm glad to hear you are so close to goal...right now, when I see I have 88 pounds to go, it just seems like forever. I am learning to trust the weight loss, nice and steady, but it seems unreal to lose that much weight!

Pat, good luck at the mall! I went to Sam's yesterday, and it was a madhouse! I survived, of course, and lived to tell the tale. There is part of the hustle and bustle that I really enjoy!

Jan, good luck on your surgery! You won't feel tip-top for a week, so don't be surprised. It gets better every day. Be patient.

Should get the wireless network set up tomorrow, then I can surf in the comfort of my own bed! Ha! I doubt this will help me get any more sleep! LOl!

Luv, Cindy

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Ok I took the medicine!! Just please pray that I won't gain because going to NJ and seeing everyone, I'd really like to be at least where I am now!

Betty, What exciting news for you!!! 10 more to go wow! So how many different' kinds of Cookies and candies did you make this season. Talk about willpower, you go girl!

Thinking of all of you and praying for everyone. Have a blessed night, talk to you tomorrow.

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Betty, you're really a role model, you've done so well, cookie baking and all. I'm really proud of you!

I bypassed the mall and hit Sams Club, wasn't too bad, had to meet my son there to help him do almost all of his Christmas shopping in one stop.

His GF is due any day, she went to the doctor today because she was having strong contractions, she asked her what she could do to speed things up, the doctor told her to have sex. Gees, that's what caused this to begin with, LOL.

Ira what a beautiful family, Zach is the name picked out for the new baby.

Cindy, rain makes you happy, yes that is weird! Wireless puter for the bed, just one more wireless thing for the nightstand, LMAO. I'm bad, hehehe. By the way, our schools got out last Friday.

Eileen, sorry about the FIL, I feel bad for people in hospitals this time of year, well ever for that matter, cause there's always so many germs floating around. I try not to breathe in while I'm visiting, press elevator button with my knuckle, don't touch any door knobs, and wash my hands immediately upon leaving, I keep that germ stuff in my car and purse.

Stay warm Dianne.

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I'm free! I'm free! No school until Jan. 3!!!!! My DD wrapped lots of packages today, and I finished making "Texas Mix" which is otherwise known as Chex Mix in other regions of the country. Tomorrow, DD and DH are going somewhere on an adventure, so I can wrap her presents!

Did I tell ya'll that I got my DD's present early, last night? She (they) got me the Willow Tree nativity scene...all of it! It is so beautiful! She substituted a different angel for the usual one that goes with it. The one she picked has a little angel holding her ear to a seashell, and is called, "Thinking of You". She said it was to remind of us her Nana (my mom) and Grandma K. (my gma, and her great-gma), who won't be here with us for Christmas anymore. Can you imagine the tears? So, we had our cry, set up the nativity, and admired it for a while. Sigh. You know it's gonna be hard, but I guess you're never ready for just how hard it is.

What's everyone up to tonight? I'm done for tonight I think. Tomorrow, we'll make chocolate dipped pretzels, rolled in sprinkles, and Cranberry-Orange bread for Christmas morning. Also, choir practice for DD.

Pat, I know. I'm weird about weather. I guess we get so much sun here, I just like something different.

Ira, beautiful family. Merry Christmas to you, too!

Dianne, good girl! Pneumonia isn't something to mess around with.

Beanie, whatcha doin'? It's just soooo busy, isn't it?

Off to bed...can't wait to try the new flannel sheets I just put on the bed!

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Morning :(

Ira thats a beautiful picture and you look GREAT !!! You should use that as your avitar. Thanks for sharing :)

Cindy enjoy the time off.

Pat I have that antibacterial stuff in the car and the first thing I did was use it, ick. But I already have a cold (not from there).

Dianne have a good trip to NJ !! How long are you staying here?

Well FIL had his testing and they found nothing. They seem to think that when he was throwing up he might have burst something duh!! (this hospital is so stupid anyway) he's not bleeding anymore so they don't now. He'll prob stay there for a day or two to get some fluids and food in him. If he was my dad I would have taken him to Hackensack and not Valley, they aren't equipt to fight a cold. vent over LOL.

I have to wake DD up and get her ready for school. So my dearest friends, I'll try to stay away from those blasted Cookies and you all have a wonderful day okay !!

Love Yah !!

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Hi everyone, sorry I have been absent in awhile I have been....busy! Yes that's right I have ventured into the world again-what a relief! I am doing much, much better, I am down 11lbs and HUNGRY! I had my 1st "food" yesterday a thinned out strained mushroom Soup and it was divine! I kinda disregarded my Dr's orders of no sugar just a little bit. I had a gatorade the other day and what a difference! It really helped to get me moving. Water's good but I just needed something more. Other than that my incisions are very sore but looking well-no redness or goo. I cant believe it and I am almost ashamed to say, but I chewed up a Christmas cookie and then spit it out.....it was heavenly! I never could understand when people did that, now I do!

thanks for the good wishes for the puppy! We can't wait, she should be able to come to us the end of February-I should be nice and healed by then.

We decided to name her Heidi to stick with her German roots. Kinda typical but are willing to take suggestions if anyone has any!

Well gotta get started for the day.

Have a great one!

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Hi y'all!

I just can't seem to make myself stay out of the kitchen! I was cleaning up in there this morning and putting away some of the stuff I was using to make cookies/candy with and decided to use some of it up! Yup, I made some more. I made some turtle candy, (two kinds) then I made some rum balls. I just didn't want that stuff to go to waste!

Dianne - I am glad you took the medicine. I think it is bad long term, but never had much trouble with it short term. I have no idea how many different kinds of cookies/candy I made. I do know I fixed a BIG tray for DH to take in yesterday and I couldn't fit some of everything on it. I have cookies/candy all over the house. But, it was fun making!

Lisa - Glad to hear you are feeling better. I think we all have used that chew up spit out method at one time or another.

Eileen - Glad to hear the problem with FIL wasn't too bad, or that they at least don't think so. Hopefully he will heal up fast. My Aunt just went back in the hospital again too, it's hard when they live so far away. I wish I lived closer to her, she's my favorite Aunt and she is a gem!

Cindy - Freedom at last!:laugh :laugh :laugh That daughter of yours sounds like a sweetheart. She must be very special to think the way she does. Mmmmmm that bread sounds delicious!

Ivan - What a beautiful family! I think you should use that for an avatar also.

Pat - Awwww, thanks buddy! You made my day! Ah, that story made me laugh! In my PG days, they banded sex 4 weeks prior to delivery! HMMMMM Maybe you'll have a Christmas G-baby! Or, she could have the first New Year's Baby!

Beanie - Where are you?????? I know you are out shopping and enjoying your time home. Miss ya! Check in please!

Well, going to go get some work done, I need to find something to do besides bake. I have a dinner to go to tonight, so maybe I'll do my nails, and get ready for that!:(

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:alien :alien Good Morning Friends,

Sorry that I sorta disappeared but my ISP dial up number was changed without notice. I posted you guys on monday morning and went to work. Later at 5:30pm I tried to get online... nothing. I tried again at bedtime and again tuesday morning. By tuesday 3pm I was getting pretty mad. I called and they told me that the dial-up number was different and then the accounting gal walked me thru the process. Soooo, I'm back.

Today is MY last day at school and then I'm on vacation until Jan 9th. I still have lots of sorting, wrapping and packing to do and few hours in which to do it :(

I wanted to let you all know that I will have some computer access when I'm in Santa Barbara because my sister just got a new terminal. I'll be able to post at least every-other day. I want to know what Santa Claus has brought you all. Well, I gotta dress for work.... and I'm so glad to back online ;-)

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Hey Folks... Another busy week...

Darn these people at my office who expect me to actually work!?!? What's THAT all about? Like, DUDES - Don't you know I have other stuff to do?? But, they persist in bringing me files to underwrite. Geesh! The Noive! (my best Jersey accent - learned at the knee of our darling Eileen)

Anyway - Last night I went to my Sister's house to visit for the Nephew's 15th Birthday. The kid is taller than me, now - and goofy, like all 15 yr old computer nerds are. I had a great time visiting with them - but no time to visit with you!

Patty - I am playing a PC game now called "The Art of Magic". It's great fun. Wizards duelling with spells - that's the gist of it. Sorry, but I have never found another man like my DH - and I'm not sharing him! Occassionally, I will share his COOKING though, so if you ever get out this way, we will make him slave for us. Have fun at your Sisters!

Jan - Check in when you feel up to it. Congrats! We are all be thinking good thoughts for a painless, quick recovery.

Dianne - hope you are feeling better. Pneumonia is nothing to mess around with, hon. Take care of yourself.

Pat - glad you were able to avoid the mall. I wouldn't go anywhere near it right now unless I had a Tank and a couple of Professional Wrestlers to help me negotiate the traffic and the crowds... :]

Betty - Wow! 100lbs... you are almost there!! How incredible will it be to hit that milestone? I am in awe... And all while BAKING and making Candy! (so, do you have my plate ready? should I come over now?) I am a little in awe of you culinary types. I bake about once a year - maybe, if the stars are aligned just right...

Lisa - 11 lbs is great! Congrats! (and no worries about the cookie.) I guess if it's a girl-puppy, you could call her Frieda or Gretta? Those always sound very German to me, too.

IRA!! What a fab picture. You and your family look wonderful. You should stop by more often - we miss you around here.

Cindy - I guess you get to stay a kid for as long as you teach. There is still magic in the Last Day of School... How cool is that. And - YOU'RE baking, too?!?! I am going to have to take an LBT tour for coffee and baked goods... And your DD is a wonderful child. I am tearing up for you over here.

Eileenie - how's the lip? I hope you are feeling a little more up to par, today. How is FIL? Is the hospital REALLY that bad? It's not too late to take him for a 2nd opinion... Big Hugs!

Let's see - tonight, I am going home to collapse and get some sleep. I have to work all week - and it is Month & Year-end, so it will be WORK. I still need to string a Bracelet for my Niece and wrap the presents for her whole family. Thank goodness that's all.

We actually did very well this year in getting the whole gift thing done early. All are packages have been mailed and received - all we have to do now is show up on Christmas Eve... and I have to make my fruit salad - it has become a holiday tradition. Grapes, Bananas, Apples and some secret sauce - sometimes I throw in Mandarin Oranges for color. There's no proper recipe - but I can tell you that it isn't thinning. Don't let the Fruit business fool you. Cool Whip is one of the ingredients in the sauce.

On the insurance front, the State of California has acknowledged my request for Independent Medical Review and I should get some response within 45 days... I only hope that there is no exclusion added to my company insurance policy after Jan 1. This surgery surely would be a great way to start the new year!

Well, I'm off to the old homefront. DH has had a little cold for the last few days, too. Poor Baby. But, we have lots of fluffy comforters and Fat Cats to keep him warm and cuddly.

Love you guys! Take Care of Yourselves & Have a Very Merry Christmas (if we don't see you between now and then)


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Wow! A busy day for all, I see! I just got back home from Haven's choir rehearsal, and then I went to the store to get cranberries (Does anyone know that song Christmas Wrapping by the Motels? I always think of it when I say cranberries!), and guess what? Out of cranberries. They tell me there's a shortage???!!!! So, I guess I'll keep looking, or blow off the cranberry orange bread. MMmmm...

Wrapped presents and made white chocolate dipped pretzels today. Sugar cookie dough is on the schedule for the morning tomorrow, with baking in the afternoon. Sister, nephew, and dad are coming over in the evening for a night of pizza and decorating Cookies. I love it! Not the pizza part, but I can usually eat one piece, if I go slow.

Thanks for the nice compliments about my DD. She is a sweet and sassy kind of gal! I love her to pieces!

Betty - more cooking! And turtles? One of my faves, for sure!

Beanie - what's up with your office expecting you to work? It's the holidays for goodness sake! Hope you sail through the rest of the week, and then get to rest for a while!

Eileen, glad to hear you FIL is okay. Ya'll take it easy, and get through Christmas in one piece!

Lisa - see, we LBT types assured you that you would be okay, and you are! Take it easy on those cookies, even if you are spitting them out! I wonder how many calories are absorbed while you're chewing....there must be a study out there somewhere....

Patty, have a great vacation, and post when you can!

Pat? Whatcha doing? I know, it's crunch time! Shop, wrap, bake, repeat!

Good night, all! Cindy

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Good Morning :eek:

Beanie tell it to me strait, do I really have a jersey accent? ROFLMFAO !!!

I'm glad you got to see your nephew for his birthday. Being 15 and a nerd is a good thing these days ya know. Good luck with the insurance, you need a ticker to cound down the days.... crossing my fingers for you.

Cindy what a lovely day. Don't know why there's a shortage of cranberry's lolol ??? you would think there would be a shortage of chocolate or sugar for crying out loud :D

Patty, when are you leaving to go to your sisters (((sorry brain fart))). Enjoy your stay there and we'll be looking forward to seeing you pop in here.

Lisa, when are you allowed to have mushie or thick liquids? I know its hard, the hardest part for me was the Clear Liquids 2 stankin weeks of that...uhhhhh. Lots of people chew and spit just don't do that with meats. When I was on thick liquids I was sucking on pepridge farm goldfish crackers, pizza flavor of course lol, they melt so nicely in my mouth and I figured if I can crush up my percocet and drink that I can suck on some crackers. It really saved me from doing anything that could have hurt. You know yourself, just go slow.

Betty sorry to hear about your auntie being sick. Yes it does suck being far away. thats how we felt when my BIL was dying in arizona... it was horrible being so far away. Big hugs to you !!!! MORE CANDY!! your crazy woman, boy your hubby is a lucky guy :eek:

Well I gotta go get ready to bring DD to school, then its off to Sears to look for flannel shirts for FIL. Then to BJ's to get stuff for the weekend, christmas eve and day. Christmas night my sister and her 2 girls (6 and 8) are sleeping over. We exchange gifts and the girls (Mine is 4) can play with their toys.

They sent FIL home yesterday with a "diagnosis" you see when this hopsital can't find the problem they'll take a guess, roll the dice, pick a problem out of a hat..... who knows. They said he should treat himself as if he had diverticulitus ??????????????? WTF??????????? they did a colonoscopy (sp?) and didn't find anything... okay then. This hospital misdiagnosed my appendix year ago as a stomach virus, sent me home, 6 months later the same thing....stomach virus, even though I was back an forth to them in an ambulance b/c of the pain THREE times !!! then it burst when I was at home and they still couldn't find the problem until 2 days later laying in the hospital. DUH !!!!!!!! They suck !!! but FIL and MIL won't go anywhere else, so there's no sense in it. Yes they are that bad and they put on a front like they are wonderful b/c they are in a "rich" area. Rant over LOLOL.

Have a wonderful holiday fun filled day everyone... HUGS !!!

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Good Morning Y'all!

It's going to be pretty today, I love it! Puts me in a good mood! Tomorrow they say is going to be 73 degrees, I might have to break the Harley out and go for a ride!:eek:

Eileen - I guess if they don't want to go to a different hospital there isn't anything you can do about it. People get set in there ways and beliefs, and that is all they want to hear or do. Hope you are enjoying your vacation!

Cindy - Hmmmmm they had cranberries at the store when I was there this week. I have a bag in my fridge, if you are in the area stop by, I'll give it to you. Have you thought about using the bags of craisins? They might be a little bit sweeter, but I bet they would work. No more baking for me, I am cleaning just to stay out of the kitchen. I did a little sewing this morning, I have a top I bought a couple of years ago, first it was a little small on me, so I put it up, this year it was way too big, so I am trying to alter it to fit me. I would at least like to wear it one time!

Beanie - Work! How dare they expect you to work at a time like this! Tell them you did all the extra work in Jersey!:eek: Your plate is ready! Come on over! Bring you DH with you too, I'll put him to working teaching me some new meals!:D I had to laugh when I read your post because my thing I have to take for every get together is fruit salad! Yours sounds a lot like mine, and my family don't care if I bring another thing as long as I have that fruit salad. I am so excited about the insurance company! I am still crossing everything I have for you!:laugh :laugh :laugh

Patty - Glad to see you back, I just hate it when the computer acts up. You are leaving soon aren't you?

Our dinner went great last night, it was fun and I got a break from cooking.

Catch you all later, I have to get busy and get this work done. Although everytime I walk past the computer I stop and read!

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ARGH!! I had a whole long post typed up and my log-in TIMED OUT. So when I went to submit - it deleted the whole thing and kicked me to the log-in screen... ARRRRRRRGH!

I have to go now. I love you guys, and I will try again tomorrow.

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I'm writing on my new laptop! Can you tell? I'm in the livingroom, sitting on the floor. Everyone just left after decorating sugar Cookies, and I finally have time to use my new toy! What a blast! I am sure most people think they are old hat by now, but I am thrilled!

Eileen...sorry you are having such a time with your inlaws' health. What a terrible time of year for all that. I guess pretending you have diverticulitis isn't as bad as pretending you have some other things. I'm trying to find something light-hearted about it...LOL!

Hi, beanie! Better luck next time. Love you, too!

Betty, you must have a great family! I bet they love to see you coming with all those goodies!

It's been a good day, and lots of fun! I did find cranberries...our local store got a shipment of 12 bags, and DH bought me 3 bags. So, now I can make my cranberry bread tomorrow!

What did ya'll get your DH's for Christmas?

See you tomorrow! Cindy

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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