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Hi Sherry and Welcome !!!

Your so right about time draging when your waiting for a date, but when you get that date POOF !!!!!!! your there before you can say sassssssafrassss LOL. I've never heard of those powdered drinks, cool !!! What kind of pre op or post op does your doc make you do. Where are you from ? Merry Christmas to you too!!!! :) :) :D

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Good morning! DH is off to church with DD, for early service, and I'm SUPPOSED to be wrapping gifts or something productive, but here I am hanging out with you, drinking some coffee! I can only imagine the wireless laptop making matters worse...or is that BETTER! LOL!

Hi Sherry! Let us know who makes those Liquid Protein add-ins! That sounds great!

I had a very nice dinner last night at Master Grill...it's like a Texas de Brazil, if you've heard of that...a Brazilian Churrascurria (sp?), where they bring meat around on skewers? Very band friendly, they charge bandsters child plate prices. I had a lamb chop and some bites of other beef, different kinds. salad bar, with smoked salmon and shrimp. I had a little slice of the salmon, and one shrimp! Doesn't that sound ridiculous? I could eat 2 pounds of shrimp, easily, before banding! Three or four lamb chops would be normal, along with lots of filet mignon, sirloin, etc...It is so amazing to notice the difference!

I'm still full!

I think there's a Cowboy game on today, and there's plenty of things to do, so let's get after it, everyone!

Love ya, Cindy

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Morning all,

I'm making a list and checking it twice.....

My miracle yesterday is I shipped a box of stuff to my Moms house and that means vacation is just around the corner! The box weighted 28lbs and they only charged me $13. to ship! I was thrilled. I wrapped everything that wasn't for the kids, since they were watching and made a considerable dent on the list. Bummer, didn't get to D-land and I wanna goooooo sooooo bad. Yeah, I know I have this sickness that most of ya will never understand..... well maybe Cindy-loo. OK, I'm making jars with Funnel cake mix for school teachers, and baking banana bread for the male teacher who doesn't bake. Then laundry & clothes sorting for my Moms house ie; 5 undies, 5 socks, shirts & jeans X 5 people.... I'll have it done in 90 minutes. If it didn't look like rain I'd have the twins wash the van -- they lucked out this time!

Cindy: now that you're wireless, I suspect that you will be messaging us from class? Ha!

Eileen: Tummy trouble for you, I'm so sorry. Glad you got through it without a PB. Just go's to prove that our brains and our bodies just aren't in sync. Love, ya.

Sherry: welcome to this zany bunch. The packets that I think you speak of is Isopure and I have found them on the internet. I've never tried it and am not 100% sure this is what you are looking for, just a thought.

Well, 2 of the 4 are up and I really want to get my chores done so that I can sneak off the Disneyland -- wish me luck!:) :) :D :D

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Good Morning Y'all!

I feel like crap today, too much fun time last night. I didn't get home till 1:45 a.m. and I am not use to that! Also had too much to drink/eat and that didn't help. I think I will be glad when the holidays are over! :):):D I usually don't drink much, but the guy that had the party kept having me taste different booze.

Eileen - Hope you feel better! I didn't take any Cookies last night, I am taking them over this week. I took some hot stuffed peppers with cheese and bacon around them. They were good, along with all the food they had there that was so good too.

Cindy - How special, getting that lapband! No excuses now about checking in with us! Enjoy it!

Patty - Sounds like you are a busy bee! When are you leaving? Have fun at D-land.

Sherry - Welcome! I haven't heard of a Protein Powder like that, but I have heard of Crystal Light that comes in packages and you add to a bottle of Water.

Beanie - Where are you????? Quit lovin on that man of yours and visit with us! :D:D:D I know you missed him, but now it is our turn!

Dianne - I nibble on a few cookies too! I just don't go overboard! The cook always has to taste her work doesn't she? :D:D

Well, going to go get busy! Catch you later!

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Hey Y'All;

I am back at home and thrilled to be here. I did spend all day yesterday with my beloved - MOSTLY shopping... :]

Eileen & I had some lovely Japanese food at a place on the flight path to my hotel and I went home and packed up. It was wonderful to see her again and I must thank you, Eileen for the lovely gifts. Kids, she is a great hostess!! (And - next time, Eileen, dinner IS on me... The Salvation Army thanks you.)

Ira - don't fret. As I mentioned before, Due Diligence review is a horrible job and nobody wants to do it. I wouldn't be surprised to find myself up there again next month. We shall see. I expect that I will get another chance to meet up with the fab folks of New Jersey. And I feel for you... I think if my husband were a Chocolatier, I might weigh 500 lbs... It's bad enough he is a great cook!

Lisa - hold on, Sweetie. I seem to recall a certain NJ Chick whining because the pain was worse than she had expected - but she seems to be doing well, now. It was a surgery, after all. Hope you feel better real soon. AND - getting a puppy!! I love puppies... The only reason I don't have a dog is that I don't have a proper yard for a dog. How wonderful for you!

Betty - The Mice are adorable! I want some. Cindy & I will be right over. You truly are talented! I like the ducks, too.

Cindy - You ready? Meet me at 75 & Bethany... I really try to stay away from politics as a topic - because the subject is just to volatile... Guess that's not news to you, huh? Hugs! AND - I also bought myself a laptop yesterday. I had been thinking about getting one for a long time - but after my recent visit to NJ with Free Internet in my hotel and NO COMPUTER, I was more determined to get one. Besides, they are practically giving the things away, these days. So, next time I visit the Great White North, I will be armed and ready.

Pat - I think you are lucky he had that sprayer aimed at the sink... What a cutie your grandbaby is! Oh, and while I was out shopping yesterday, I saw a line of tents outside my local Best Buy... They were camping out for the newest shipment of XBoxes... I thought of you. Did you ever find one?

Hey Miss Dianne! How are you? I am posting you a PM on how do post pictures. We love pictures around here, so don't be shy!

Patty - I feel for you on the Hairdresser thing. I still haven't found a proper hairdresser for myself since I left Oregon 3 yrs ago... My best friend from high school became a hairdresser - and he did my hair for 20 yrs... It's really hard to switch to someone new after that... The gal who did my perm was ok - so I will probably try her again - but Trust is hard. I am so glad that all is well.... I wish you lived closer so I could go to your gal!

Hey Sherry! Welcome! It's always nice to have new friends. And I'll be expecting to see some pictures from you, too! :]

Today is all about relaxing. I have laundry to do - but just a couple of loads, so I will do that and then enjoy a Roast chicken and Stuffing dinner prepared by my DH. Have I mentioned how much I adore him, lately?

Well, I have a new toy to play with, so I am off to lounge on the couch and play PC games... I hope all of you sniffly cold folks feel better, soon.

Love you guys!

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Well Good Morning :)

One week until Christmas *GIGGLE*

Beanie, I'm glad your back safe and sound :) When I got home Thursday night and told DH I had veggie tempura his mouth hit the floor b/c he had burger king that night ROFL !!!

I'm playing hookie with DD today, I'm keeping her home so we can make Cookies. Not the pretty ones Betty made but tasty nonetheless LOL.

I have a STANKIN COLD !!!!! DANG GUM IT!! and a cold blister right smack on the middle of my lower lip. WTF? lol can you all say Merry Christmas OY VEY haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm making myself laugh here.... (((nut))).

Whats happening in your world today?

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Good Morning!

Thanks for the compliments on the Cookies, but they are not all that special. I was just tinkering with some that's all. Actually on some I surprised myself on how they turned out! :)

Eileen - Sorry about that cold and sore lip. Hopefully it heals up fast for you. Have fun with the cookies! I have some dough ready to go in the fridge, I guess I best get mine done too. The folks at DH work keeps asking when I am sending in the tray. Hmmmmmm, how much longer should I make them wait? :):):D

Beanie - Good to see you back here. Glad you had a good time while you had to do all that horrible work. My Nephew and his son was here yesterday, I gave him one of the mice and you should have seen his eyes light up. My Nephew thought they were so cool. I might have to make these on a yearly basis now.

Cindy, Ira, Dianne, Patty, Zan, Lisa, Pat, good morning!

Catch you all later!

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I'm Awake now! I fell back asleep but got them kids to school, yeah!

Betty: did I read that right? You have 10 more to lose for goal? Dear Lord in heaven that is marvelous and amazing. ;-)

I too made cookie dough but won't be rolling those out until last minute. I got a few more items crossed off my list, and that feels good. I swapped work for today to have tomorrow off to go to orthodontist. The kids told me that last day of school is Wednesday. Ha, silly me, I thought last day is Thursday!

Hey, everybody I want to tell you about my friend Eileen. When I get all weird about surgery, she calms me down and lifts me up. Isn't that the greatest! I just wanted her to know that that means the world to me :)

Rene: That man of yours sounds adorable. I'm placing my order for one of those.... arrival should be next Christmas! Oh, my favorite PC game is Bejeweled.

So, I gotta make Breakfast and off to work. I have a goof-off day with one of my classes, what fun!

See ya later! :)

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Just checking in with you all! I'm at work (not on my laptop, though), just kinda chatting with the kids who actually showed up today...nice and relaxing day, for the most part. Took DD to the mall to shop yesterday, and she got all her presents for everybody. Not much going on today...a little Sam's shopping after school.

Tomorrow is a half day, and the other half is our faculty "party." I put it in quotes because it's really just going to a restaurant to eat. That'll be enough!

Hope everyone has a great day! Cindy

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Hi All,

Check out the NC thread, look for LBT Charlotte bandsters pictures. I don't look to happy in Saturdays but I really was.

Beanie thanks for the tips I lucked out and didn't have to post them but I really appreciate your help.

So I stopped my antibiotic yesterday and I still feel cruddy. Went to the chiropractor and she told me that I have phemonia. I have at least 30 more people to buy for shop clean and then pack for NJ! We have company coming hear starting Thursday by Saturday night we have 11 sleeping over. Monday morning we kick everyone out and then Tuesday we head to NJ. (Monroe area)


Have a good day. di

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Good Morning,

Cindy have a wonderful time at the luncheon today. Thats what we did with our department too, no christmas "party" just a lunch which was very nice.

Patty, good luck at the doc's today (eeek). Silly !!!

Dianne, whats going on with you girlie ? pneumonia is not fun, I had that last summer after my doc misdiagnosed me. Take care of yourself.

My DH took my FIL to the hospital yesterday, it seems he in bleeding internally and they don't know from what. He was sick over the weekend, had the runs, throwing up and passed out in his living room and didn't go to the emergency room. We find all this out yesterday when he was so weak to drive himself to the doctors... OY So today I'm running DD to shool and then I have to get my MIL and take her to the hospital to see her husband. She can't drive b/c she's only got one leg and is about 70 lbs soaking wet, she had her good leg operated on during thanksgiving so she's a mess herself. I myself have blood work for my band doc so I'll get that done while I'm waiting in the hospital with MIL. oy vey.

Thadda be my day, how about you all ? Whats shakin.

You know I already had 2 Cookies this morning...........eeek and its not even 7 am yet.

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Hi Everyone! I Just Can't Believe It But Tomorrow Is My Surgery! I Am Excited And Yet A Bit Nervous But I Do Feel Ready For It. I Have Been Working On My Mindset And I Do Believe It Is Where It Has To Be For This Surgery. So Many People Ask Me "how Come You Are Doing This Before The Holidays?" I Say, When Is There A Better Time? At Least This Holiday I Won't Gain Weight!:) I Heard From A Gal I Met At My Chiropractor's Office And She Had Her Banding On Nov. 17th. She Is Doing Great And Already Lost 21lbs. She Also Went Back To Work Pretty Quickly. However, I Am Giving Myself The Time The Doctor Told Me To Take. I Want To Feel Good When I Go Back And Eating A Bit More Normal. Please Keep Me In Your Thoughts For A Successful And Smooth Surgery:) Hopefully, I Can Get Back Here Before Hanukkah And Christmas Begins To Let You Know How It All Went. Wishing You All A Happy And Healthy Holiday And New Year! We All Have Alot To Look Forward To In 2006!!!! Be Well Everyone! Hugs To All! Jan:)

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Good morning everyone!

Baby it's cold outside, 25! Just think next week at this time it will all be over, the cooking, shopping, wrapping, cleaning up, and everything put away, (and Jan0421's surgery).

Have a great day, off to the malls I go.

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Jan, good luck tomorrow. You are so right about the right time!

Pat, I hate the sound of 25! I live in the south now. Ohh how I hate the cold now when it's 45 here I'm freezing what am I going to do next week in NJ!!!!

Eileen, sorry to hear about the inlaws! Oh I hope everything goes ok. I took my predisonce this morning but then read that Mothernature gained 20 pounds on it!!! So believe me I don't want to take that! Did you have to take it? If so how much did you gain and how fast did you loose it! I have a call into the PC to see what she wants me to do. Cookies are aweful! I ate 3 yesterday!

Have a good day everyone.

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Good Morning!

It is raining here today, but we need it so bad that I won't gripe one bit. It is supposed to warm up and get to the 60's by Christmas Eve.

I am officially closing the kitchen for baking Cookies and making candy! I just finished up my last thing and I am done with it all!

Dianne - You really should take that medicine. You might gain while taking it, but as soon as you stop, it will all come right back off. You certainly don't want to get down here during the holidays. By the way, you have done a great job with your band. Your beginning and after pictures are amazing! Hey, I ate three Cookies yesterday too.

Eileen - Sorry about the in-laws. Hope it turns out not to be a big thing. Please keep us posted. My prayers are with them and your family.

Pat - Have fun at the mall! I don't go near the malls down here at Christmas time. It is a mad house. Our neighbor was mad Saturday because his daughter planned a birthday party for her daughter at the mall. He had to walk 6 blocks to get there.

Jan - I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You'll do just fine! It is normal to feel nervous. Please post and let us know how you are doing when you can.

Patty - My PCP said he would be very happy with my weight if I would lose 100 pounds. He didn't think I needed to lose more than that. I thought yeah, so would I! So, my goal was 100 pounds. If I never lose another pound, I will be happy, but I probably would like to lose 20-25 pounds more. I more or less want to play it by ear, see how I look at different weights.

Cindy - Have fun at the lunch! Seems like Christmas is all celebrated by us eating. I had a party Saturday, a dinner Wednesday, another dinner Friday, and Christmas eve at DB on Saturday. I don't have a chance!

Well, going to go get some stuff done that I have neglected. Catch you all later.

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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