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December's Chat

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Betty, My wife is a Chef and Chocolatier. Please tell us details about the mice!Thanks

Hershey kiss, cherry, sliced almonds, oreo cookie, melted chocolate chips for sticking together, and gel for decorating. They are fun to make!

Pat - Those drinks sound really good! I'll send you some mice, you send me some drinks! :D:D:D

Beanie and Eileen - Hope you are having a great time!

Cindy - That is so neat about the gifts! I love a small town!

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Happy Friday !!!!

Today is my last day and then I'm off of work until January 9th *WHOOHOOO* We did not get the snow they predicted instead we got rain :D

Beanie, you have a safe trip back to Texas. I'll miss you. For some reason I had a very peaceful feeling knowing you were up here. Strange huh. Hugs and Kisses and thanks for dinner last night, I had a great time. Give a big hug to your DH for me. Drive safely into the city, it should be okay by the time you leave.

Ira thanks, not 30 yet but hopefully by Christmas. I'm going slow and loving it. To bad you couldn't meet up with Beanie, we had a blast last night. She's such a sweetheart.

BETTY!! HOW CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I wanna live in your house for the holidays. Between the mice, candy, Cookies and cute ducks and dogs...oh how lovely. You are quite the talented lady. The pictures are adorable... LOVE IT !!!

Pat your party sounded like so much fun, I love reading about the orange liquor :D

Whats the weather in VA? its raining like cats and dogs here.

Cindy, when is your last day at school (for the Christmas break?). I think the kids here have off the week of the 26th. Do you do any baking for Christmas with your DD ?

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those mice Cookies were the first things to look yummy since I was banded. Well I am feeling a little better today, I am still not hungry but it's still a battle to get down my liquids. One step at a time I guess.

oh some good news

our soon to be puppy was born last night, a friends dog Rosie just had 6 healthy mini schnauzers last night. We get pick of the litter, so it looks like we will be having a new member of the family in late Feb.

Have a safe week-end everyone!

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Lisa! My Bichon had an affair with the mini-schnauzer down the block last year at this time, and had her puppies in Feb. We kept one of them, Mickey, and he "is" a mini-schnauzer...he is black and white, although the dad was the normal silver/tan. He is the cutest! Congratulations! We have a Bichon, an Airedale, and our little mixed mini-schnauzer, and I think he is the "cutest." Of course, they are all adorable in their own way!

Eileen, We have class next Mon. and Tues., then we are off until Jan 3. We have not done any baking at all, yet! We'll get to it in the next several days, I imagine. We will absolutely do sugar cookie cutouts and decorate them...my nephew, DD, and I always are in charge of that project for the whole family. We have fun.

Beanie, hope you travelled safely, and return to us quickly!

gotta run, swamped, kids everwhere!


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Dear Cindy,

My thoughts on that Presidential thread..... how sad. How can any human being, especially a countrie's leader make everybody happy? I think it's best to vent someplace else. I think grown-ups have just plain forgotten how to be respectful.

I've been divorced for 1 year 7 months and the man that ruined what should have been my happiest years is STILL the father of my children. Respect. I don't respect him.... but my children are REQUIRED to respect their father. No, if, ands or buts. They need to respect him.

Thats how I feel about our President.... whether or not I voted for him. If the President creates a law, I'm still required to abide by it.... it doesn't matter what party I'm from. Isn't this what we should illustrate for our children?

OK; soapbox put away.

No work today, giftwrapping to complete and oh yeah.... my beloved hairdresser has quit her job and I am super picky about who cuts my hair. I have to try somebody new and WILL cry if they ruin my precious raven locks. Please pray for me!

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Hi everyone!

Not doing too much today, trying to stay out of the kitchen for a few days. :D I went shopping this morning, I was just going to window shop, but Penny's had a good sale on and I found a pair of pants I liked. I didn't think they would fit, but when I tried them just to see, not only did they fit me, I loved them! They were a size smaller so I was happy with that! I just couldn't resist then! :D:D:D

Lisa - Glad you are feeling a little better. Hey, maybe my mice was a good thing if it makes you want to eat a little something.

Eileen - Wow, that is so cool that you get off work the rest of the year! I love vacations like that! Glad you and Beanie had a good time!

Beanie - I am glad you enjoyed yourself even if you had to work hard, but I am glad you are coming back to Texas. It just isn't the same without you here every day!

Cindy - I baked a ton of sugar Cookies, but just can't get in the mood for decorating them. I know I should get it done, but I am more interested in making new things.

Patty - Hope you got all your wrapping done today.

Pat - How is your wrapping going? Are you finished?

Ivan - Hope the ingredients helped your DW. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Well, going to go kick back and enjoy the peace and quiet for just a bit. DH will be home soon! :D:D:D

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I want a puppy!!! I actually thought I might get one so that I could love it and comfort it and hold it instead of running for the FOOD!!! How exciting for you.

Glad to see everyone is happy! Have a great Friday night!

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Good Morning Y'all!

It is chilly this morning, makes me want to stay under the covers! :):):D

We have a Christmas party to go to tonight at the neighbors. It will be lots of fun, I have great neighbors!

Beanie - Did you make it home to your own bed????

Eileen - Today is the first day of your vacation, enjoy it!

Cindy - Are you making Cookies yet? Pictures of those pretty decorated ones please!

Pat - What's up today? More shopping/wrapping?

Patty - Maybe your beautician can recommend someone for you? Hope you find a good one.

Dianne - What kind of puppy are you thinking of getting?

Lisa - How you feeling today?

Ivan - Are you still working all that time????

Zan - Hey girl, how are you??? Miss your posts!

Well, going to go get my day started. Everyone have a great day! If you are going shopping, I wish you luck! :D:D:D

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You guys are so great with everyone's name!!! I can barely remember my own!!!

Betty, we have a lab who is the sweetest and a cat. But a little over a year ago we have to put our cocker/beagle asleep. Maggie was a lap dog but only from October through March. It was like she knew when those months were and she refused to sit on my lap April-September. I really miss her. Sandy, our lab, thinks she's a lap dog, and she really wants to be one. She's so sweet. Maggie changed when we got Sandy so I'm kind of afraid to get a puppy I would hate for Sandy to be sad.

Our NC local Lapband group is getting together in an hour! AHH I don't have my gift yet! I love getting together. I always take a picture so I'll let cha'll know when it's up so you can check us out. I still have no idea how to post it so I always email it to Kim and she posts it.

Have a great day!


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Good Morning,

I just got back from church christmas rehersal with DD. I'm so tired today, I feel like going back to bed but my house is a wreck lol.

Beanie !!! did you get back okay???

Dianne, can't wait to see the pictures. Your support group sounds really close, thats so cool.

Betty, enjoy your party tonight. Are you bringing any of those pretty Cookies ?

Patty, good luck on a new hairdresser. I know exactly how you feel. Is there anyway you can find out where she went and then follow her lol. I agree with you about the respect kids need to have for their parents. You sound like such a good Mom.

Cindy, wowee you guys get a long break. That is so nice. Enjoy making cookies. Thats what me and DD are going to do today IF!!! I ever get up from this couch lol.

Lisa, congratulations on the little puppy. Post some pictures if you can. I'm glad your feeling better and yes, one day at a time :)

Some one pinch me, I need to wake up lol.

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Oh, Happy DAY.

With trepidation I strolled into the mall and asked the deskclerk for a mastercutter. She then gave me a 12:00pm appt and I walked around for an hour. When I met Melanie I had to tell her what I wanted.... which was hard, since no two people cut the same. In the last month I lost my hairstylist, eyebrow girl and nail person! I just got back my Gyno but that was because I switched insurance plans, and that was a lucky break because thats also how I found out about WLS. Anyway, Melanie is a dream and I have my head back!!! I feel cute and sexy and raring to go. I have the kids this weekend and we have a list of things to do before vacation. Do ya think maybe I could squeeze in a few hours at D-land? I haven't been in about 2 weeks -- gasp! And I'm having withdrawals.

Eileen: go to the cupboard and use those toothpicks for your eyelids -- they work, really.

Rene: This side of the US is so much more balanced when you are here, welcome home girlie.

Lisa: your puppy's name is?

Cindy: Our winter break is from Dec 21- Jan9th! I'll be parked in front of my mothers TV watching the foodnetwork on cable. I don't have cable and I love food!

Ohhh, I now have 3 up and they've gotten cozy in front of the TV... gotta get them moving. I'll check back later,

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Good afternoon, my friends! I didn't check in last night because....ya'll won't believe this....I was out buying a LAPTOP! AND, a wireless router/access point to have a home network, so all the 'puters can get internet. Can you believe it?! I was just working, as usual, when I got an email from DH saying, "It's time to get your laptop and wireless network stuff." Just like that. I got a Toshiba Satellite notebook and the other stuff, plus a software package for Students/Teachers that will install Word on the other two computers. That's what I use at school. DH says I will make a fortune writing a book...LOL! I want to, but don't know what about...probably not fiction, like Beanie. Anyway, they'd miss me if I was out on a book tour! ROFLMAO! Still, I'm so pumped about the laptop! I tried to set up the wireless network, and got about half way and threw in the towel. I work with a wizard, so he and his wizard-in-training son are coming Wednesday to get it all going....and get this: his son charges $10/hour! What a deal!

Tonight we are going out to dinner for DH's birthday...tomorrow, church all morning (DD is playing chimes). Then some Rice Krispie treat making for my kids at school for Monday. We are also trying to square away the clutter (ha! it sounds better than "complete disaster"!) in the living room/kitchen, which is all one big open room.

Betty, I hope you enjoyed your peaceful moment, and have a good time at the party!

Patty, we see eye-to-eye on the respect issue...there is certainly a general lack of that, these days, in all sorts of arenas. Glad you love your haircut! That's so important!

Eileen, maybe you can get a little nap? I know, I know, it's impossible, but fun to think about!

Lisa, take care of yourself...it will get better!

Dianne, post pictures of the puppy when you can!

Beanie? Check in with us, we're glad you are home!

Pat, I hope your holiday prep is going well...I'm sure everything looks gorgeous!

Everyone else...have a great evening!


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OH HOW do you do it Betty?!!! I baked Cookies today I have a horrible cold and cough I can't taste a thing. BUT THE COOKIE DOUGH! OH I just had to have that!!! What an idiot I can be!! I can't even taste anything but I eat the cookie dough!

So I just told my daughter that as of today I am not baking another thing! I'm done! I have no dough willpower....lol.....no dough......And to top it off I have no clue as to if the baked products even taste good!!! Cause I can't taste them!

Our Lapband group meet today and we had a really nice day. The incredible shrinking women!!! Everyone looked great. We are now stealing NJ's chat idea and were going to try it. I was telling them how great you all are.

So I'm off to the recliner and bed early tonight. Have a good one.


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Good Morning,

One week to Christmas :) :) :D :D :D :D :D :D LOVE IT !!!

Dianne, I have a blasted cold too. And to top it all off a stankin cold sore right dab smack in the middle of my lower lip HELLO! I was going to make Cookies too yesterday but didn't have the energy.

Patty, I'm glad your hair turned out well (I can see Patty dancing around like Maria in West Side Story, I feel Pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay, and I pitty any girl who isn't me today lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala !!! ROFL). YOU GO GIRL !!!!

Cindy, your gonna love your wireless laptop. I have one thats 2 years old and I can't stay away from it. You can even take it to the bathroom.....better than a newspaper ya know ROFL. ENJOY !!!

Well today is the Christmas Pagent at church and then I'm back home to relax or clean what ever the day brings.

Whats everyone up to today?

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Hello everyone, I thought I'd join in on this one :) Today is a busy day for sure with Christmas one week away . OHHHH MY! Where does the time go? Hmm time only flies slowly when you're waiting for a surgery date huh? Weird how that works. Anyway...I need to finish up shopping like stocking stuffers, special cards and wrap my son's gifts before he gets too nosey heh heh. Then I'm hoping to make some Cookies because that just seems to get me in the spirit of things :) While shopping I'm going to look for some more sources of Protein Drinks, mixes or powders. My friend told me of one liquid form fruit flavored drink mix that comes in little packets you can mix into a bottle of Water? She got them online somewhere and can't remember the name of the company..dang nabbit. I tried searching and couldn't find liquid form in travel packetts...anyone out there know where I can? She has orange and fruit punch and loves them. She's going to send me the name of the company but in the meantime I'm curious hahaha. Ummm I think that's a busy enough day although....I just bought an exercise bike last night (ho, ho, ho Merry Christmas hmmmmm) and really need to use it as of day one, today :D so I'll get that in as well.

Hope you all have a great day!

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