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Okay here you go... this is Beanie and her I Love NJ purse, don't she look cute :)

Thats a TRUE TEXAN !!!!!


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This is us at the Saloon Sunday night. The waitress was almost sitting on the floor taking this picture of us. Gosh I can't wait to lose my cheeks LOLOL !!!!

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Aww, you two look like you had a great time, I'm so jealous!

I have two grown sons and two grandsons, 12 and 2, and #3 due any day.

Betty, I'll pm you my address so you can send those pretty little candies my way, LOL.

About that wrapping, wellllll, I haven't quite started yet, I keep looking at everything that's inside so far, then all the stuff still in my car, then I get so tired just thinking about it and then put it off until.."tomorrow". I do this every year, I'll getter done eventually, LOL.

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Good Morning :)

Pat I'm so sorry but Betty is sending them to my house, but you know if you come up I'll be glad to share :) lolol. So do you know what the new baby is girl/boy? I love new babies but at this point in my life I love when others have to take care of them ROFL !!

Nothing much is new, SOSDD. I'm here by myself today (well the boss IS here but no one else is so I get to run around the office naykiddddd JK!!! okay not naykid but I get to run around barefoot :D

My co worker found an awsome NEW oldies station that plays stuff from the 60's - 80's. Its wonderful since they took our regular oldies station away from the NY area :D

They even play that instrumental song Love Is Blue (any one remember?) which I haven't heard in YEARS. If I had a choice of what I could be in life it would be a singer or some one who can play an instrument really well because I love music so much. But since I can't do either, I'll just sing in my car when no one's around or when I'm drunk (but thats rare these days).


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Hi Guys! My work can be pretty well described by the word CHAOS! I am taking 5 minutes to just stop in and say "Hey" to all my pals. Betty - MMMMMMMMM. If you send that candy to Eileen by overnight D, I can have some, too!

You guys are great. I will get more time to check in once I get out of here... I had NO idea it would be so insane. WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Have a good one!

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Good Morning Dudes & Dudettes!

I survived..... ya know the miracle of toothpicks is that they can hold your eyes open. Marvelous!

So, Betty.... what was your address? I can ship my boys right to your front door. Ahhhh, peace and quiet. And why do you torture me so with all those goodies. Lets not forget that I'm a pre-bandster and want to inhale all those luscious treats. Not a big fan of chocolate but the rest of it.... no problemo!

Cindy & Eileen, coping is different for everyone thats why its fun to share. Whats necessary for one might be a great tip for another. I have learned that my messy house will only be for a season. The boys won't remember the clutter but they WILL remember mama in the front row wildly waving encouragement. I telephoned the ex and he said that he had to take care of ill wife and ill baby, so he could not make it to Lewis' program. Kind of sounds like that song: "Cats in the Cradle".... life imitating art.

Oh, Cindy.... where do I pick up my "lose 10lbs free" card? Your old cast-offs will fit me just fine, now that you're so thin -- hrumpf a size 20.... my wish to God's ears! Love ya!

I'm starving for Breakfast and off to work! Maybe in my spare time this afternoon I could clean the fish tank -- in my dreams.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Patty, I'll send you one of those special cards! You truly do amaze me. I kid around alot, but I'm serious about that. What size clothes do you need? PM me! I'm serious about that, too!

Betty, OMG! You do fantastic work in the baking department. I am soooo impressed. I could meet you somewhere and sample those things for you....I live closer than those NJ chicks! LOL! Oh, uh, yeah, I'll mail some up there for you....yeah.....

Today was our great big fabulous Christmas luncheon at school. It was super as always, and we had tons and tons and tables and tables of food; most of it from the students. NSV: I sat across from my really close friend, Susan, and she commented that I really "eat differently" now. I had only one dessert, and I couldn't eat all of that. My strategy was just to eat one bite of each of the things she chose. It worked. I'm stuffed, and I didn't even feel bad about not trying every little thing. With a smaller capacity, I just choose on the very best things, or my very favorite things, and let all the others go. It IS a big change!

Beanie and Eileen, your picture is so cute! I'm with Pat, I'm really jealous that you got to meet. I hope we all get to meet sometime!

Pat, did you ever get an XBOX 360? Just wondering. How did your RED HAT group thing go?

Outta here for now...

Love you guys, Cindy

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Good Afternoon!

Been doing more baking today, got my main Cookies (the family favorites) done today. I also made some wreaths out of chocolate covered mixed nuts and put a pretty red bow on them. lol

Awwww, Eileen and Beanie I love the pictures! Cute purse too! It sounds like the two of you had tons of fun! I wish I was there to play with you.

Patty - Glad you survived! How true it is, nobody remembers the house was messy, they remember the good times. I bet your kids are getting excited about Christmas huh? I raised two by myself, and I just can't imagine doing 4! I give you all the credit in the world!

Eileen - I love the oldies! I also like to kick off my shoes. At home I am always barefoot! Mostly braless too! Those are the first two things I take off when I walk in the door. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Of course if the doorbell rings I have to run in the other room very fast!

Beanie - Sounds like you are working way too hard. I would definately send those cookies/candy up there, but you would be home before they got there! :D:D:D Eileen would have to eat them all by herself.

Cindy - It sounds like you did great at the party! Now, you have to explain to me what the $10.00 card is! I guess I missed it somewhere along the line.

Thanks for the compliment on the cookies. It was the first time I made that kind and thought they were really cute. My DH came in the door last night, and I had the table full of cookies and he said he could smell them clear out in the garage! lol You are welcome to come over anytime and sample the goodies!~ Everyone here is welcome! I have run out of containers to put them in, and believe me I have tons of containers!

Pat - Don't worry, when it gets close enough to Christmas, you'll find the energy to wrap all that stuff. You can't rush into stuff like that you know! :D:D:D

How many of y'all are finished with your shopping?

Well, gonna go clean up some of the mess again. One thing I can tell you is I am getting sick of cleaning up messes! Including myself, I look like the dough boy, I am white from head to toe from confectioner's sugar! :D

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Eileen & Rene

You two are adorable. Was it fun.... it looks like it was fun to meet a LBT buddy. I'm SO impressed that you guys actually took the time to arrange a meeting. Thanks for sharing photos. It just makes my day!

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Hi All!

Gosh, Patty - you're EASY. If a picture can make your whole day, then I figure I can make you lots happy once I get my digital camera! :]

Betty, I agree. I am working way too hard. I swear, I haven't had to work this hard for practically a year.... I had forgotten what Drudgery was, until this week. I will be happy to get home to my nice, boring desk. I had a GREAT time meeting our Eileen - but I miss my DH and my cats. (But I will probably end up here doing drudgery again...It's a dirty job, and NOBODY wants to do it.)

Cindy - I want a "Lose Ten Pounds Free" card, too. Can I, huh? Can I? Pleeeeeease... Of course, that won't work at all, if we hi-jack Betty's baking!

Pat - Good to see your face. Don't be a stranger.

Eileen and I have another hot date for tomorrow - I am going to have to "knock off early" (aka leave at 5) to meet her - but it will only work if we don't have a raging blizzard or something tomorrow. We ARE supposed to have another storm. Hopefully, it won't be a big deal. Friday I get to drive back into NYC, find the rental car place and get back to the airport in time for my flight... I expect finding the rental car place will be the hardest part... It will be good to be home.

I hope everybody is having a great day!!

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Good Morning,

Gosh I wanna get out of here already LOL. Beanie come kidnap me will yah.

Nothing much is new today, sosdd. Rain/sleet/snow tonight and it starts at 5 so they say, ick.

I just had my eggmuffins and I'm working on my southern pecan coffee :rolleyes: Can't wait for lunch LOL!!!

Beanie - Sounds like you are working way too hard. I would definately send those cookies/candy up there, but you would be home before they got there! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :DEileen would have to eat them all by herself.

Betty you say that like its a bad thing ROFLMFAO !!!!

Oh and the chocolate wreaths... lordy girl, your killin me.

Cindy, I'm glad you had success at the party. Its cool to plan something and actually stick to it. And its even more thrilling when people notice. I actually had some people here say something to me about weight loss... yikes, it felt nice for once.

Patty Patty Patty, you no likey chocolate??? oh thats so sad ROFLMFAO !!! I think your the 2nd person I ever met that didn't care for it. Me on the other hand am addicted to it. Its my favorite food group other than pnutbutter. How's the ol toothpicks, still holding them lids up? Hang tight and I'll say a prayer for you.

Well kiddies, I'm off to do some work.

Have a wonderful thursday and hang tight the weekend is almost here.

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Hello all,

It's raining cats and dogs today, thought this would be the wrapping day, hoping to be motivated by noon, LOL.

Check out this picture of my gson caught in the act yesterday, he's two and what a handfull!


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He's cute Pat LOL !! good thing you weren't in aiming distance. I've never met a kid thats terrible in their 2's. Its more like the terrible 2's is when they hit 3, and 4 and then again 13 :rolleyes:

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Hey Gang,

This last month with you people has been the most joyful and blessed place to be.....

Rene, my darling Rene. My ex told me (in one of our last heated discussions before divorce)"Patty, you want TOOOO much!" Well lets explore that, I wanted a husband to LOVE, HONOR and CHERISH me. ie; that means please don't LIE, CHEAT AND STEAL from me. LBT is a photo album with real people who choose to share their lives.... and yes you still make my day, I wouldn't start it any other way.

And now, why am I laughing SO hard. It's that Leenie! Yes, I am one of those rare gems -- a diamond in the rough who does not have a love-affair with the chocolate Monster. That doesn't mean that I don't eat it -- just that it's not the first thing that I reach for. I have my favorites: a few M & Ms with popcorn, Reese's cups, and molasses chips from See's candies. It was the find of the century when Reese's came out with sugar-free Peanut Butter cups -- I hide those from the kids! Yummmm!

Pat, I have a date for your grandson! My very very very naughty Niece, my sisters (boo-boo) baby. Maleah is 2 almost 3 and a Hawaiian Tropic pageant winner. In Sept 2004 she was crowned Grand Baby Supreme, but her reign is now over, so nows shes just a regular kid.... until my sis signs her up again. :cry Blahhhhh, beauty pageants are fine, except my sis is waaayyy overboard on the stuff. Which is why we have nothing to ever talk about. Sooo, tell us what other devious things the little Harley dude does?

I just organized my rubbermaid tote with gifts. I'll wrap a couple everyday and by next week it will all be done. One more thing off the list.... and the list is VERY long -- oh well, it keeps me outta trouble.

Going to work now,

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Good Morning!

It's cool, but sunny here this morning. I got up at 3:00 couldn't sleep again! After DH left for work, I made some mice! I still have some details to add to them but they are gonna be so cute! Then I went shopping and just got home.

Pat - I love that picture! I smell blackmail when he gets older! lol You better lock up the Harley's!

Beanie - Hurry home girl, Texas girls miss you! I think I will definately need a card after this holiday. I just can't behave myself during Christmas. I can pass on every other holiday, but Christmas! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Eileen - How is the weather? Are you and Beanie going to be able to meet again? Hope so! If I sent you all these Cookies and candy to eat by yourself, you might as well not have starved yourself for the last month! :D

I have had trouble with a few of them myself! :cry

Patty - It has been a pleasure reading your posts the last month. I love hearing about your family!

Cindy - What ya doing today?

Well, guess I best go put my stuff away. Catch y'all later!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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