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Well your company picked a very nice hotel Beanie, its in a beautiful rich area, I pass that place every day so I know exactly where it is. Your a nut for driving from LaGuardia NY OY VEY !!!! It might take you a few hours to get out of NYC, so just beware. The best way to that hotel is from the Garden State Parkway.

I wonder why they didn't let you stay at the Pearl River Hilton ?? its seconds from your work.

I hope they gave you directions to your office from the hotel, if not I can show you a real easy way how to get there using the back roads. Bet they all take the long way.

What time did you want to meet on Sunday ??

I still can't believe your coming, this is so meant to be... how cool !!!!

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Pearl River is booked solid - I asked for that - but the reservations gal says there is no room at the inn.

It would not be my choice to drive from LaGuardia - but it made the most sense, since I will need to drive to work and be renting a car, anyway.

This place is only 8 miles from work. Not so bad - although I will allow lots of time for the drive.

My plane is supposed to land at 1:16. I have NO idea how long it will take me to get where I am going and get my room. Being the last alien on earth without a cell phone is only hard when I travel.

I am betting it will be something like 5 before I am all put together. Hows about I call you after I get to the room? I have your numbers... I will be sure to carry them with me - and leave a copy for my DH in case I get buried under a snow drift or something.


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I can hardly wait to hear all about the great meeting of our two great friends! Take pictures!

I won't be checking in for a couple of days...this is our "girls weekend" where my sis, dd and I go to the big city (Dallas) and shop (mostly window) at the foo-foo mall (North park). It will be fun to check out Nordstroms, Neiman Marcus and Tiffany's and all that kind of thing. We're leaving at 7:30 in the morning, so we can have ALL DAY! I plan on lots of Starbucks and hope we can all be in a festive mood; it's kinda forced this year, but I think we can do it.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Love you guys, Cindy

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Good Morning :)

Beanie it starts getting dark here around 4:30 pm so I think you'll just make it to the hotel before then. If your to tired by the time you get to the hotel its okay, we can meet up on Monday if you want. Its going to take me at least a 1/2 hr to get to your hotel Sunday b/c I live out west Jersey but during the week I am 5 minutes from your work / hotel. I get out of work at 4 - 4:30 pm. We will work it out. Have a safe trip.


Cindy Ohhh do enjoy your trip with the girls. It sounds like so much fun. Be safe and spend alot of money LOL !!! Enjoy your starbucks.

Today I am going to clean up a bit and take DD outside to play in the snow. Tomorrow is Church in the morning and maybe dinner with Beanie :P

I feel like laying in bed today and just watch TV. But that would drive me nuts lol.

Whats everyone up to today ?

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Of course I have to work tomorrow, otherwise I would love to meet up with you guys. If it gets pushed off to Monday, let me know!

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:P Well, todays the day.... my seminar. I get to meet all the people from the medical center and I'm guessing they will have WLS graduates and of course the surgeon. Yesterday I telephoned the other clinic that I was considering and finally they answered my most important question: do you take my insurance -- NO! It took them 3 weeks to tell me that, then she asked me if I wanted financing options? What part of No don't they understand? Anyway, I have my list of questions and my approval letters in hand.... this may be the only place for me to go, well.... there's Penni's dr and he is out in Ventura which is a good 3hr drive from me. OK, this is supposed to be a positive step, but it still doesn't feel real. I'll update later. Gotta curl my hair.< /span>

Thanks for holding my hand ;-)

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Eileen & Beanie, have a great time together this week-end.

Cindy~have fun shopping...I love to shop and don't do it nearly enough for myself.

Patty~good luck, all I know is that the whole process seemed to take forever and then *boom* the surgery date hits you. Now that I look back the time really flew.

As for me, I am trying to tie up loose ends, laundry, food shopping, those kinds of things. I made a big pot of chicken Soup and have (20) 1/2 cup servings of broth in the freezer. I am going to make a pot of bean Soup w/clear broth also...do you think that would be gassy even w/o the food part?

I am waiting for the nerves to kick in, but so far it's just excitement..I guess that's good.

Well gotta go make some popcorn for dd and her friend-they are watching Willy Wonka-the new one...kinda weird. It's ok but it can't compare to the original!

Oh well..until next time!

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Lisa, you're in the home stretch -- yeah! Go find all your old shot glasses... that way you won't drink too fast at the beginning. I saw the new Willie Wonka, yes, it's different but thats my Johnny Depp -- I like him fine any time!

Update on seminar. The Dr is young and cute, but he's done 500 RNY procedures and 120 lapbands. He does less lapbands because insurance companies are just not willing to pay for them since they are STILL considered experimental. No surprize there. I took notes, and turned in a required questionaire but I was the only one with PCP approval papers in hand. The administrative gal was a patient and with her GB surgery she has lost 240lbs. She looked beautiful. When she spoke with me she said "Hi, you're my email buddy" I had written her on a yahoo groups site a few weeks ago. I was amazed that she would remember. She promised to call me this coming week and fill me in on where I am in the process. According to their checklist they send a letter to insurance for the green light and then they begin labs. What if I go before my "make believe" February date! I'm good, it's in Gods hands and I will trust my surgery will go either in January or February, I guess it really doesn't matter. Guys, thanks for listening. Talk later!

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Hi everyone, just thought I would check in and catch up on reading the posts. I was in Key West, FL on vacation with my husband since last Sunday and yes it was warm and sunny and great, but now back to reality and the cold. I got a fill on friday before I left so at least I couldn't indulge too much while I was there, I may have even lost a few pounds.

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Well, as tempting as it is to wait for IRA, I think Sunday is really the best bet. I have no idea what hours I will be working while there - It may be normal to stay until 6 - I usually work 9-6 or later in Dallas. Until I have gone in, worked a day, and figured out the drill, I can't say for sure.

In the mean-time, I want to be sure and meet up with Eileen!! Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!! This week only at the Westcliff Lake Hilton.....

MAYBE we will like each other enough to want to do it again later in the week... And Ira can join up with us then. :]

Sorry, guys, to be hogging the thread for my travle plans...

Betty - How did that interview go? Did it feel "right"? Are you employed?

Cindy - I am waiting to hear about the "foo-foo" girls weekend. One way or another, I will check in while I am in NY.

Patty - it might be worth the effort to make the drive. I hear Billy is a hunk, as well as a top-notch surgeon. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you to go before the February date. None of us can start this journey soon enough! Hugs!

And LISA!! Wow, you must be so excited! I know I would be. I am so happy for you. It's totally great that you don't have to wait forever and ever after your approval... I think this whirlwind thing is much better than the endless anticipation. Again, none of us can start, soon enough...

Hi Respiratory Girl!! How cool is it that you were able to go on vacation without that nagging worry in the back of your mind that you "shouldn't be eating that" or that you were going to gain weight. That would be awesome... Oh, and you are more than welcome to join Eileen & I tomorrow, if you want. The more, the merrier!

Zan - since we haven't heard from you, I am going to assume you are in Cali. If not, we can hook up mid-week - and maybe even get Ira to stop by. I can't decide whether I should be hoping you get to go to Cali, or hoping you won't have to go since that means I will get to meet you. (would that be selfish? maybe not if it means no "emergency" at work, right? yeah, I'm going with hoping you don't have to go. :] )

Pat? Where are you? Whatcha doing? Did those Red Hat Ladies spirit you away?

I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. I will check in as soon as I can - and I will send my love with Eileen if I don't have access to a computer.

Hugs all around!

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Good Morning,

Been up since 5 am when DD decided she wanted to play with my face while I was sleeping ROFL !!! So I started laundry and made some coffee :P I'll be heading off to church in a few hours and then patiently awaiting Bean Bean's call :) ***GIGGLE***

Ira, maybe we can meet some where during the week after work, would that work for you, even if its for an hour or so.

Patty, yes, it is important when your date is. We all know exactly what you are going through and how much it means to you and whats important to you is important to us. I'm so glad you had a good seminar and you liked the folks there, that is so important. Time drags until you get that date and then WOOSH your home and recooping. Love yah !!!

Lisa, get all your laundry done b/c you won't be able to lift heavy things (nor will you want to) when you get home. The broth is good !! The canned stuff is gross. I'm so blessed that I had my Mom make me some when I needed it and there is nothing like home made. Get some ice pops (don't worry about sugar free, you'll need some calories in you so get regular IMHO), gatorade, crystal lite, teas and you can have coffee w/skim milk (on a clear diet). What time is your surgery ? and your going to Morristown ? no ?

RespGirl, I thought we had scared you away. What a nice thing to hear you were enjoying sunny florida. I'm envious :D Glad to hear you got a fill and its helping. I get my first one in january and I'm nervous of the unknown but I know I need something. Nice to see your back.

BEANIE................. can't wait to see you later :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

One thing about Shopping on a Sunday in Bergen County NJ is, you can't. Theres a blue law that closes all the stores down (except food stores and pharmacy's) so you'll notice that the nice malls are empty today except the food parts. Its kinda nice b/c that makes traffic nice. NY State's sales tax is 8.75% so they all come to jersey to shop, (NJ is 6%) plus NJ doesn't tax clothing where NY does so you can imagine NJ on a Saturday, its a nightmare. Thats why its nice to have sundays no shopping :D of course you can go to the other county's in NJ but bergen has the most stuff.

Call my Cell first, I'll leave it on.


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Hi Eileen and anyone else that is reading this:)! I had an experience the other day I must share with you and anyone else who is interested in reading this. As you know my surgery is coming up real soon. I am being banded on December 21st! I am quite excited about it and I feel I am being very positive about the entire surgery. I feel it's the only way to be. I won't say I am not nervous at all but I think most people are before they have any surgery. However, the power of positive thinking is still good to have. Ok, so here goes my story....I had brought my mom to the hairdresser the other day and while I was waiting for her my mom said "Jan, Fran's daughter had surgery I think by the group you are having." Her daughter had the GB not the LB. I ask this lady who the surgeon was and she said....my surgeon's name. Then she says Oh but I can't stand him. He ruined my daughters life! I said to her that is my surgeon and I have very good feelings about him and have never heard anything negative about him only positive. She said that he punctured her spleen and that the other surgeon in the group had to fix his mistake. She said her daughter will never be the same because of what happened.Obviously, she is in a law suit against him. This happened in 2002. Then she said to me I am sure your surgery will go fine but I would never use him since what happened to my daughter! I then tell her I am really sorry to hear about what happened to her but I still feel very confident that he will do a great job on me. It's the only way I can think. She wished me luck with my surgery and then left. I still feel good about my surgeon but just figures I had to hear something like that right before I have my surgery. I don't want to post the doctor's name here but if you want to know the name feel free to email me and I will tell you. You could also find it in my introduction somewhere on the boards. This lady I do not know and some of it might be a bit exaggerated so I rather not post it here. On the positive side, a nurse I met a few days ago while taking my ekg. She had the GB and it was performed by the head guy. She had some complications but thank god were taken care of. She told me her husband had surgery of a different kind by my doctor and he was great. She said if she had to do it over again she would of used my doctor. She said I was in great hands. This is a nurse that told me that. So, I tend to go with the nurse then the other gal...but I just had to write this down and share this experience. All I can do is just hope and pray that things will go well and keep a positive attitude! Worrying what if will get me nowhere except get an ulcer!! lol....Anyway, I am happy my surgery is coming up soon. Just dreaming how things will be next holiday seaon:) I am hoping I will be half my size or at least close to it!! Anyway, the most important thing...I will be alot healthier and that is why I am doing this. I saw my endocrine doctor on Friday and he told me to stop my diabetic medicine 2 days before surgery. He said he feels I won't need it once I am banded!! I am thrilled to hear that!! I pray to god he is correct!! He said to ask my surgeon if they would give me an amino acid drip instead of a glucose drip so I wouldn't need insulin drip with it. Otherwise I will need insulin drip because the glucose will make the sugar count go high! He said if he won't do that just make sure I have an insulin drip. So I thought that was a good tip. I have to get ready for my day...couldn't sleep anymore so I decided to check the boards and say hi! Hope you all have a GREAT day!! Jan:)

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Hi Jan,

Well cripey, that is a horror story to hear right before surgery. I'm so glad you are taking it w/a grain of salt BUT at the same time, double checking on it.

I can't believe how fast its coming up. I know how excited you are. HUGS !!!

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Good Morning Y'all!

I spent most of yesterday, cleaning and decorating for Christmas. I am not finished yet, but close to it. I want to finish up my baking hopefully next week, then finish the decorating.

Beanie - You sound so excited! I would be too if it were me! Friday started out to be a horrible day. I was getting ready to go for the interview and had some time left, got to reading on LBT then noticed I should have left 15 minutes ago. Out the door I went, but noticed I needed gas bad! I went to the station, and for some reason the machine wouldn't accept my card. I didn't have time to go in and wait in line, so I decided to just go with what I had. I made it over there, found a parking lot and parked. I walked (about 3 blocks) to the building. After reaching the building I found there was a parking lot right next to the place! UGH! Oh well, not like I couldn't use the walking. So, I go in the building and looked for the restroom. I needed to change to my heels, and check my hair and makeup. I saw the restroom sign and headed there, walked in only to find a man in there! Opps, wrong door!

I backed out of there really fast! Now, I finally get to the right one and change my shoes. Then I get on the elevators to go up and there was another lady on it too. I was only going up one floor, so when it stopped I got off only to find a weird floor with lots of staff only signs. After walking around a little bit I finally found a man and ask him. He said I was in the basement! How the heck I got there is beyond me! Anyway, I got back on the elevator and got to the proper floor. Now, I just wanted to say WTF and walk out, no chance in hell that I am going to ace an iterview with all this luck! I checked in and actually made it the 15 minutes before like recommended. When the gentleman came out and called my name, I stood up and he took me to a room with 4 other people in it. The were all there to interview me! Talk about nervous! But, I really think I did well with the interview. I won't know anything for a while as they are still doing some interviews next week. The bad luck hit me again right after the interview though! lol The company I work for is going out of business, so I have to find a new job. Now, Beanie, aren't you glad you asked???? :P:):D

Jan - Good luck with your surgery, I am sure things will go fine for you.

Respitorygirl - Glad to see you back!

Cindy - Did you survive the shopping? You certainly are brave, I don't go anywhere near those malls at Christmas time!

Eileen - We'll be waiting for those pictures of you and Beanie!

Well, going to run, catch you all later!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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