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Good Morning Friends!

I am alive....barely! My ex paid the deposit for our clubhouse on Sat.... but not without drama(that would be too easy) and the boys & I were off to Knotts berry Farm. We each had a toy to give for our entrance and I pick the cutest Marine that I can find to hand over my gift :rolleyes :D then I turned and there's a network television camera filming my stroller w/ toys and my exchange with the handsome marine --- my wish was to be thin lol! We then met up with my sister and enjoyed the park.

On Sunday I was on a mission to get the party started and have no incidents. I never really talked to mr. ex about bringing the new family so I just stayed quiet. We work real well as a team and we always have. Tables were set, food ordered, boxes unloaded and cheerful banter. Everything looked beautiful. The children began to arrive and I had them immediately sit down to eat. With the meal done they were allowed to pick a craft area to go to. I wanted the children to rotate thru the crafts so that they weren't all bunched up and that kept things moving. They could decorate a sugar cookie or make a magnet or glue together a picture frame(I took poloroids of kids w/lewis). When that was all done we opened gifts, had cake and gave out treat bags. Whew, my back was killing me! It was 2pm, we were done and Mr ex never brought the family. It was a good day and Lewis was in 7th heaven! Mission Accomplished. Thanks gang for getting me thru it all.

Miss Cindy: You got the magic box! You are most welcome, it's good to see a smile where tears were. Much Love, my dear!

Eileen: I have been meaning to ask. Have you been off all these weeks from work because of surgery? I never knew that! Fill me in on what you do.

Well, in the rush of doing and being I forgot that I have a well-baby check for Lewis TODAY at 10am -- I'm SO not prepared and my house is a wreck. God just grant me..... peace. So, catch ya later,

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Hello everyone! It's a beautiful, colder, day in Texas today! I love it! When I was watching the Cowboy game Sunday, I noticed all the snow pushed up against the walls in the Giants Stadium! They play that game in Jersey, don't they? It's hard being a Cowboy fan....

I've got a dang chest cold, and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! Blaach!

Most of the students are gone by this time, and I'm just waiting for the school day to be over so I can start my "other" life at home! Eileen, I've been thinking about you and hope you are not too exhausted!

Patty, so glad the party was fun, and I can't wait to see the pictures! Sorry about the drama, and wish it could be easier for you! I'll get a picture of me and the Golden Ears...wish I had thought of it sooner! Smooch!

Hugs all around to everyone...I will post some pictures when all the decorating gets done!


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Hi everyone :D

Well it was a very long day. I got 420 emails at work so it took me all day to get thru about 300 of them. What a pain but I made it. I am tired :)

Patty I work for a pharmaceutical company in new york. Been there for 8 years, seems like more LOL. I work in discovery research (its where they develop new compounds aka drugs). Before this job I worked for a generic pharmaceutical company in product development, that job I loved. I was in charge of buying all the raw material to make the experimental batches (we copied brand products) I got to design capsules that actually went to market. I left b/c the company got sold and everyone was leaving and when the new broom comes in they sweep the place clean. Before that was a pharmaceutical packaging for clinical studies company, that was COOL too.

I work this week and have off from next tuesday to the new year LOLOL, hey gotta use my vacation or I'll lose it. My surgeon gave me 6 weeks off....well my disability was for 6 weeks so I took it.

I'm so glad you and Lewis had a good day. Thats what counts bottom line.

Cindy yes we got snow, and we're getting another storm tonight, iCK !!!!!


Pat, watcha up to today?

Well kids I gotta go, I'm pooped. I will talk to you tomorrow.

HUGS !!!!!

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Hi Everyone,

Yup – I’m ready for more snow. I love it!!! I have my sled all ready and can’t wait to fit the “hills” in Central Park!

Pat – the pictures of your home look fantastic. Love the Harley tree and the Santa’s make it so festive.

Eileen – well your first day back did not sound too bad… I leave for 2 days and I have 100 emails so I know how you feel, it takes awhile to go through them all.

Cindy – Sorry – I don’t know your friend from the Speed Channel. I’ve only worked with 2 people from Nascar, they were marketing people for 1 project I worked on. I’m slowly learning about it.

This weekend was a bit hectic, my friend was in the hospital so I was running back and forth to check in on her (she’s fine and came home today). I also went to a Knicks game (they lost) but the Giants beat the Cowboy’s!!! Did you hear that? Let me say it again…. The Giants beat the Cowboys!!! Sorry Texas girls!!

Well I’m back on liquids today and soft solids tomorrow… I had another fill so now I’m at 1.6cc. Hopefully that will work. The weight loss has slowed to about 1 lb. a week which is really depressing. I know what I have to do I just can’t get motivated to hit the gym.

I’m not sure where or when the get together is going to be. I just threw it out there to see who was interested. I thought it would be fun to have a get together with everyone. Since I live in NYC and don’t have a car (garage fees can cost more than the rent) I was thinking the tri-state metro area. I know I can get a bus/train out to Eileen’s area. Anyone have any thoughts? Of course holiday time in New York is always fun….Rockefeller Center Tree, Central Park, Radio City, etc…..anyone want to take a road trip to New York?

Time for me to go find some liquid nourishment (hhhmmm wine is liquid.....)

Have a great night.

Damn – no snow yet!!!

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Well here comes the snow, Eileen did it get to you yet? We are only supposed to get 3-5" but the shore is going to get alot more which is a problem for me because I am supposed to be in Atlantic City at noon tomorrow for my pre-admissions. I am 1 1/2 hr's away with traffic and HATE to drive in the snow "now I am biting my nails" I would like to see some snow but NOT ON TUESDAY! Still waiting on the insurance - unbelieveable!

Patty - haven't posted about it but I have been keeping up with your b-day situation, glad you made it through ok!

speaking of cute Marines!!

Here's a pic of my younger brother Eddie he just finished up his 2nd tour in Iraq - thank you God he is safe and home atlast!!!! He is finished his 4 years so he doesn't have to return at all!

Well wish me luck, snow snow go away!


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At least the Giants win made YOU happy, Zan! LOL! I'm not a fanatic or anything like that, but I've grown up watching the Boys, so I enjoy it. They are doing better this year than the last couple, so I'm happy enough!

Enjoy your snow!


Pat? What's going on in Virginia?

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I am all the way in southern NJ -Salem County. I would love to meet everyone but I know with mu surgery coming up and the distance, I probably couldn't make it. Maybe next year.....which actually isn't that far off.

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Ugh. Work. What fun.

My co-workers showed their love for me in a twisted way.... When I opened my file bin, there were 9-10 big fat ugly mortgage files in there - far more than I could have imagined would be left with two people covering my desk... My co-worker sorrowfully informed me that, true to form, the sales staff needed most of the files out by today. ARRRRGH!! But, as I started to pull the files out of the bin, I noticed that the handwriting on ALL of them was the same (the handwriting of my doe-eyed co-worker). AND, the paper in them was suspiciously uniform - not like the "52-card pick-up" files that I normally get... My cheeky co-workers had taken blank reams of paper and a couple of top sheets and made up dummy files to freak me out. (and it worked for a minute or two) I NEVER could have managed all those files, plus a meeting, PLUS two trainings that I had today. Besides, it took me two hours to cut through the hundreds of e-mails I got over two weeks. I thought I was going to have to turn around and leave.... Whew!~

Well, it's way past pumpkin Time for me - so I will have to try to check in again tomorrow.

Betty-Girl, I hope you start feeling lots better! You too, Cindy. Geesh. A little bit of cold weather and the Texans start to drop like flies...

Hugs you guys.


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Betty, stay out of the kitchen, you'll heal much faster.

Cindy, no snow here, just lots of rain.

Lisa, your brother's quite handsome, so happy he's home safe and sound.

Zan, I think I'm going to have to get a larger Harley tree next year.

Eileen, I had no idea you were a scientist!

Well guys, I'm trying to decide whether to post my one year band birthday today. It's been a slow process or maybe I should say slow progress.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Feeling a bit better today thank goodness. My belly is still sore, but that is about all.

Pat - I haven't been in the kitchen at all! But maybe that is a good excuse to stay out of there too! I just loved all your decorations, I wish you hadn't taken them off. I didn't get to look too close at them. :) Hey, I would welcome the drinks you took anytime over the Cookies :eek

Lisa - Your brother is quite the looker! I bet in that uniform he has to fight the girls off!

Eileen - Sounds like you had your day full at work. I hate it when you go on vacation and come back to a desk full. Hopefully today will be better. What a deal getting all that time off!

Beanie - How funny! I bet you wanted to scream when you first opened that drawer! How is Thursday looking for you?

Zan - If you ever see Jeff Gordon at any of these things, you can send him my way! He can put his shoes under my bed anytime! OPPS, did I really say that?

Cindy - Sorry you are sick! Have you tried that Airborne? I heard it is really good! Last year we couldn't keep it on the shelves here in the Metro-Plex. As fast as they got a shipment in people were standing there waiting for it. I never could get any last year, but I got a bottle in the cabinet now. I also like the Zinc cough drops. They help me a lot.

Oh, and stay out of the kitchen! Orders from Pat for sick people! :):D

Patty - I am so happy that Lewis's party went well. I guess sometimes it is best just to keep our mouths shut huh? I don't know if I will ever learn how to do that though! :D

Jan - Welcome! Congrats on your banding date, and good luck!

Well, going to get off here and get busy. Gosh, I won't know what to do with myself if I have to stay out of the kitchen.

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Good Morning,

Wowee its nice to see you all this morning :)

Lisa, your brother is handsome for sure and I'm so happy to hear he is back home safe. Did you get a date for surgery yet? I know you had testing but thats the last I read.

Betty Boop !!!! you just take care of yourself. Sorry to hear your tum tum was upset. Did you dip your patties into the batter to many times? Hugs and feel better.

Zan, good luck with your fill. I would be up to meeting in the spring if we can get something together. With this wacky weather every other day I'd be afraid to commit to a date this month. Friday we are supposed to get alot of snow. I hope its like todays so called storm ROFL maybe we got 1/4" LOL... good enuf for me.

Pat, HAPPY BANDIVERSARY !!! If you don't post it I will ROFL !!! On Your Mark... Get Set...... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! Congratulations. Pat, Pat, me a scientist... haaaaaa no, I"m the moron that pushes the scientists paperwork around LOL !! Assistant Administrator in discovery. Its a step down from my last job but I needed to get into this company and well here I am 8 years later. I'm lucky I can boil Water LOL.

Beanie girl, being busy at work IS a good thing ya know... well except when you want to come here and play :) Behave today.

Cindy, feel better !!!! Are you doing anything special with your kids for the holidays?

Well nothing much is new. I changed my vacation from next week thru the holidays to the week after thru the new year :D HEHEHEHEH !!!! love those after christmas sales.

Okay I'm gonna try to change my ticker thing... what a pain LOL

HUGS !!!!

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Oh! Oh!! I am so excited!! I had to break into LBT early today to tell y'all that it looks like I will be coming to Orangeburg either this week or next for Due Diligence!!

They used to do it in California - but they moved it to our Orangeburg office in the last couple of months. AND - I checked my calendar. No jury duty. No nothing. I could be there as soon as tomorrow!!

Once I know, I will let you East Coast Chicks know when I will be there. I want to meet you guys!!


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ORANGEBURG FREAKIN NY ?????????????????????????????????????

Please tell me yes, I'm a stone throw away !!!

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Hey Everybody,

I'm Soooooooo tapped out I can't even think straight.

I wanted to say "Hi" to Lisa and thanks for the support.

Glad to see Beanie's posts and am jealous that you are located close enough to other LBT family.

I think that I just did too much. Yesterdays Peds visit took the last ounce of me left. I have work this morning and it has gotten colder here -- OK OK it's not snowing in California but to me it's cold!

Eileen, the next time I pop pills I will think of you! Don't work too hard.

Gotta go, I will try to visit later.

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Patty can't wait to hear about the party :) rest up now.

Beanie, bring lots of warm clothes. Its freezing up here.

I can't believe they are calling for another snow storm this Friday ICK !!!!!

Have a great night everyone.


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