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December's Chat

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No, no, no, Pat!!!!!! Post pictures! I love them! Your Santa collection is out of this world, and I was straining to look at them more closely...I love Santas and Mom and Dad, well Dad, now, has a big collection of them, too! Love the Harley tree, love the Santa tree, and I especially love the cute little fridge in your island stocked with Water. How cool is that! Please post more, when you have them...I promise I will post mine, too. I just posted a picture of DH and DD at WDW last year...our last and greatest vacation with Mom. So check it out! Eileen, I love your little family...it is so much like mine. Mommy, Daddy, daughter. Have ya'll taken a Christmas picture yet? I'm going to try to do that today or tomorrow. I'll post it.

Today is clean/decorate day. The tree is up, needs lights now. DH is in the yard, about to begin the yearly struggle with icicle lights, tree (in the yard), and all the animals that come to the tree. We have moose, goose, and I don't know what all (not real, of course). Our neighborhood has a Christmas Carol theme, and each house has a carol title on a wood scroll in the front yard. Ours is "I'll Be Home for Christmas". So we usually set a scene where there's a Christmas tree, surrounded by little animals. It's cool. Three years ago we won Best Holiday Yard in our little town...you can't win again with 3 years, so we are eligible this year....but don't know if we'll go "all out" enough.

Zan, since you are connected in the NASCAR area...just wondering if by chance you know a guy named Kenny Sargeant, who does a show on Speed Channel? He covers NASCAR stuff. Anyway, he is a childhood friend of mine from Carrollton...our families have been friends since we were little (he's younger than I am!)...part of a group of families that met at church, when our parents all had little kids. I haven't seen him in forever, but he still sends cards and stuff.

Beanie, you just keep relaxing! I do love your new picture! Can't wait to get my Secret Santa package! And find out if the one I sent is received! I really do enjoy giving gifts!

Patty, I'm so happy you love your avatar...this is such a great group, isn't it?

Gotta run for now, talk later, hugs, Cindy

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Pat what a darling harley tree and your house IS beautiful. .. EDIT !! I just saw the additional pictures, what a beautiful tree !!!! I'm sorry, I giggled at the cookie thing too. Are you going to go to the party? I'm sure they want you there weather or not you have Cookies lol. Enjoy the beach :)

Patty, some men just don't think (sorry Ira) the world revolves around them and nothing else matters (JMHO). Well never mind him, you just have a good time today and tomorrow. I hope Lewis has a wonderful weekend.

Cindy, have fun decorating and to win the best is awesome !!!

We never take a family picture, maybe I should... nah, maybe next year LOL.

Washing machine is fixed...$157.00 later...oy vey. But it still beats buying a new one. Crapola, now I have no excuse about doing laundry LOL !!!

Back to cleaning :)

OH I FORGOT !!! I won a silver necklace with diamonds and a blue topaz stone in the middle of it from Kmart. They were having a raffle and i won WHOOHOOO its beautiful, i never expected it to be that nice. Best thing of all I have matching earings, I mean its like they were a set (the earings were my sisters) LOL

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Wait there's more santa's !!!!!!!!! WOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE they are nice Pat. I love gingerbread people (things) so i kinda collect that, well not alot b/c I have no where to put them LOL !!!!! But I love gingerbread things.

My mom has a santa dressed in black leather that dances, its the cutest biker santa.


Cindy can't wait to see outdoor pictures as well whooohoo...this is cool.

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Didn't make it to the beach, called my DH and told him I thought my son's gf was going into labor and I'd better not leave, LMAO. Soooo, I'm off to the cookie party, empty handed!


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PATTY! You definitely made my day! My weekend! Hug each and every one of your boys, have them all hug you, since I can't do it myself! I went out to hang the wreath on the front door, and there was a package there, with your return address on it! I rushed in, stole the scissors from my DD, and opened it as quick as a wink! I'm totally amazed to have some great reading material on Disney, PLUS a cool Disney pin! PLUS, some little Disney cards with trivia questions! And most of all, the biggest thrill.....my own paid of GOLDEN 50th BIRTHDAY EARS!!!!!!! Well, I'm doing my best for words to reflect how excited I am, and how touched that you would take the time, trouble, and effort to do this. You are a very special family, and I am humbled by your generosity. Many blessings for you and the kids, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I probably should have PM'd this, but I want all of you to know how very special Patty is (like you didn't know already!)

Much love, Cindy

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Hey All!! The vacationing Night Owl is checking in.

We went out today to mail my Secret Santa gift (uh - yeah. I am the world's biggest procrastinator) and to finish up on some shopping. We ended up shopping more than buying (as we did yesterday) but we did cross a couple of folks off the list. Our last stop of the evening was at the famed and much dreaded Romano's macaroni Grill. They had a special tonight: Lobster Lasagna... MMMMMMM. So bad, but soooooo gooooood! Monday, it's back to the routine.... I swear. Besides, we HAD to go there. We needed a gift card! :]

Tomorrow - we aren't leaving the house! I have had enough travelling and roving packs of humanity for at least a week!! It will be almost refreshing to go back to work. Tomorrow is all about doing some laundry and watching some movies.

Eileenie - did you get any laundry done? I have been looking at new washer/dryer sets, too. I have these ancient things I bought 16 yrs ago that are still chugging away - but I just know they are going to die any day now. It's amazing the new stuff they have - but the prices are amazing, too... Cool thing about the necklace - especially that you already have matching earrings. I'll bet they were hoping you would swing by the jewelry counter to buy earings or a Bracelet to go with that. It's really great that you won something you would actually wear! Jewelry isn't exactly universally appealing. Can I have you touch my lottery tickets for this month, please? If I win "the big one", I will pick up the matching bracelet... :]

Pat - your Harley Tree is awesome! And geez... how many Santas do you have?? I think you might have more Santas than I have Christmas albums... and I have a LOT of Christmas albums... This year, I added Al Green and Brian Setzer to my collection. Your house looks Festive and Beautiful! Merry Christmas!! And don't forget to give us the low-down on the cookie party. That sounds like fun! Did your Son's GF really go into labor? Do Tell.

Patty - How was Knotts berry Farm? I haven't been there in AGES. I think I was about 10 the last time we went. And how is Lewis? Is he up and Raring to Go on his big day? Aren't you glad that you aren't married to his father anymore? Gosh, for HIM, those kiddy parties DO just appear out of nowhere - courtesty of Patty! What an idiot he was to give YOU up. I can't imagine that you didn't do nice things for him the way you do for everyone else. I betcha the new babe doesn't do half the cool stuff you did. It is DEFINITELY his loss. Hang Tough, Honey. If you want one, there will be another man along. There always is.... for goddesses like YOU!

Cindy - you lucky Mouseketeer! Your own pair of Golden Ears? I am jealous! You will have to take a pic in them and use it for your new avatar! :] At the very least, we will expect a picture of the decorated yard... Those of us who don't decorate much are living vicariously through you & Pat! Post, Post, Post, Post... We love pictures! I do have my Santa out - and I hung my Santa/Joy wall haning in the entryway. Since I have forest green wallpaper in there, it looks VERY festive with Santa against the green backdrop. I guess I am going to have to invest in a digital camera one of these days, so I can post pictures, too. But, gosh. I don't even have a cell phone... I am sort of the last kid on my block to get that kind of stuff.

Zan - it makes you feel old when your co-workers don't know stuff like that, huh? I know it does me. And Eileen & I have already had the bail discussion. I think if we all save up, we can bail each other out... I think we were talking about stalking Mel Gibson in Southern California.... Tell you what, if I get to go to Due Diligence in Orangeburg - we will get together one night. Who can we stalk in New York??

Ira? Oh Ira? Where are you, Darlin'. You know that the estrogen cloud gets a little thick in here without you. Check in, please. :]

Well, guys, it's off to bed for me! Hope everybody is doing great! Maybe tomorrow I will get to check in during civilized hours, since I won't be out shopping.


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Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow !!! DANG GUM IT, ITS SNOWING !!!!!!! and its coming down in small flakes which means its not ready to stop yet. So much for church today. DD is outside having a ball with the dog and DH. I'm toasty warm inside with my PC and my hazelnut coffee :)

Good Morning :eek:

Beanie, I'll rub anything you want ROFLMFAO !!! Yes, I am still doing laundry, it never ends, sheets, blankets, a gazillion little socks that come out of no where. I was kind of hoping it couldn't be fixed because I really want one of those front loading washers, they look so cool. But with things slowing down at my Dh's work because of his bad back (he works for himself) Its a good thing Sears fixed my machine.

Cindy & Patty, How nice to get all those lovely gifts, golden mouse ears is the best !!!!! Can't wait to see pictures of Cindy in her lovely ears and Patty's party for Lewis. ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!!

Pat, oh Pat....how was the cookie swap thingy party. Did you get any great recipies? Was DH mad LOLOL !!! snort.

Betty boop !!! are you still baking? Ohh... I wanted to ask you. Do you freeze your Cookies? how do they stay good until christmas? My thumb prints don't stay good for long so I was wondering if there was a secret. Whatcha doing today?

Lisa good luck with your testing this week and keep on those insurance people.

Zan, how are you liking this snow? did you get alot in the city?

Ira, whats the scoop ????

Beanie... back to the grindstone tomorrow for the both of us....uhhhhhhh If you win the lottery take me with you please :) I will ask that woman for the lawyers name tomorrow, I'm sure she's got to be back from vacation, shoot..... I can't figure out why she didn't respond to my emails and voice mail.

Have a wonderful day everyone :eek:

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Yes, the gf is due any day, well actually she's due Jan 7, but her daughter was two weeks early and even if she doesn't go into labor early, she works for an OBGYN so she'll be induced on the 27th.

Now for the cookie party, I arrived empty handed, except for my tiny thermos filled with my healthy brew of vodka, frozen strawberries, lite oj, 1/2 banana, and ice, yummmmm. Anyway, I told the hostess the night before, (when I took her the box of truffles and told her I wasn't coming) about my ordeal with the trial run. Well after we played this game where everyone has a gift bag and she reads this story about right and left, then everytime she mentioned right or left you had to pass that way, she asked me to share my story about attempting to make Cookies, first telling everyone that I was not a cook. I thought one lady was gonna wet her pants she laughed so hard, (everyone was laughing), then a couple of others told me they really enjoyed my story and that I was quite the story teller.

The best part, I stayed and helped clean up, then the hostess insisted I take ALL the left over Cookies. I ended up with 3 large platters of cookies. I made four cookie delivery stops on the way home and still came home with cookies.

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Eileen, you're talking snow, snow, snow, then I realized you're just a couple of state up from me, then I turned on the tv and they're calling for sleet and rain tomorrow, yuk, sleet.

Zan, when is your meeting of the bandster planned, I wanna meet everyone. Any chance you could pick a spot a little closer to us VA people?

Gotta go start wrapping now, well on second thought, maybe I better shop today and wrap tomorrow during the nasty weather.

Have a great day everyone.

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Howdy Folks. Since it's a school night, I am checking in at a decent hour....

You know, they say it MIGHT even snow here in Dallas - Brrrrrr. A couple of inches of snow will pretty well shut the city down.

Eileenie, you naughty thing! Throw a snowball for me! I am holding my lottery tickets up to the screen right now....

Pat, your home is beautiful! And so well decorated, too. I think I would like you to come for a visit to my house! (and bring the brew!) My decorating skills pale in comparison. Besides, you have Cookies... mmmmmmm.

Where is everybody today? Betty? Cindy? Ira? Zan? I think we have to assume that Patty is worn out after the Golden party for Lewis...

I hope everybody is having a great weekend.


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Hi Eileen! I see that we are neighbors! I also live in Bergen County. I am being banded on Dec. 21st. Also at Hackensack Univ. Medical Ctr. My doctor is Dr. Trivedi. Did you use him? Please feel free to email me at Jlynn4215@aol.com. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing. It really does help to inspire me and assures me I am doing the right thing. I am getting very excited about this and yes, still a bit nervous but I do have faith things will go well. I am just trying to take this all a day at a time. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care and be well neighbor! Jan :D

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Good Morning :D

Well this is it, I was up all night b/c I could not sleep...yeah, thinking about work ICK. I work with great people its just that I'd love to be a sahm. Plus I get nervous after being away so long. I don't like attention believe it or not so that makes me queezy too.

Anyway I wanted to pop in and say HAPPY MOANDAY, I mean MONDAY LOL SNORT!

Pat your home is soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful, you must be very proud!!!! Got Cookies?

Beanie girl, I'll email you when I get to work. Hang tight sis...uuuuuuuuh !!!!

Jan, its so nice to meet you !!!! We'll have to talk some more for sure and maybe we can meet at one of the group support meetings they have at hackensack. This is so exciting. Does your doctor work with Dr. Ballantyne? I do not know of him. Ohhh the 21st... bet your so excited. Well let me put your mind to rest, hackensack staff and facility is WONDERFUL!!!! they are so gentle and caring, and I really love that. Many of the nurses who work in that surgical area/bariatrics (sp?) have had surgery and they will tell you. Your in good hands. I'll PM you my email addy, you might want to take yours off incase you get some wacko's emailing you.

Okay I'm out of here to dry my hair... remember, I left with blond hair and I'm returning to work with my natural chocolate brown hair LOL !!! AND 25 lbs lighter...sheaaaaaat... I gotta change my ticker, its such a pain in the ass LOLOL !!! actually I shouldn't complain WTF? LOL

By all, talk to you from work I HOPE !!!!

Love you and thanks so much for putting up with me all these weeks.


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Hi Y'all!

Not baking, I have been sick all weekend. I am still not feeling too good, but wanted to check in, I'll try to write more later. I got a very bad UTI, it is getting better each day, but I was pretty sick all weekend. The fever has finally broke, but still have a lot of pain in my stomach.

Pat - Your house is beautiful, and I love the Harley tree!

Eileen - Yes, I freeze alot of my Cookies when I bake them early. The fragile ones I bake the week of Christmas.

I'll try to get back later today.

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Good morning everyone, thanks for all the comments about my home, I enjoyed sharing my Santas with my special LB friends, but they were taking up a lot of space, so I deleted most of them.

Betty, I was wondering where you've been this weekend. See, cooking can be bad for your health! Hope you're feeling much better.

Rene, I'm not sure about the decorating skills, but I'm positive about the brew, LOL.

Eileen, it's back to the "real world" for you today, and such yukky weather.

Cindy, since the tree is up and decorated, lets see some pictures, that goes for everyone, I showed you all mine, now show me yours, LOL.

Jan, welcome to LBT and our NJ post, although, I'm not from Jersey.

Zan, when's the get together and where?

Patty, more pictures please. I love your avatar.

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