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December's Chat

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Good moring everyone,

Your killing me with these recipes!! I have gained a couple of pounds over the holidays and am fighting to get them off again or my surgery will be cancelled! Ugh! It's so hard around the holidays!

I called the surgeon again this morning about my insurance but nope, no response yet. This stinks because dh has to take off next Tues. and Thurs for all of my pre-op stuff AND I need to make arrangements for my kids. If the insurance denies me at the last minute I am going to be really ticked.

Our only plans this week end is a lunch date with Mrs. Claus tomorrow with my Brownie troop - I'll post a pic for everyone if I can figure out how to.

Well, enjoy your weekend!

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Morning Everyone, Sorry I'm a bit late.

The Birthday kid has a TEMPERATURE!

Yeah, isn't that par for the course. I have Taylor here to help keep Lewis occupied while I finish up.... well everything. Oh, lets just throw in an 11am job interview just to make things interesting!

Thanks for all the positive feedback, you all make me feel more loved than my church family... but thats another story.

Eileen, thanks for the PM, your input always puts my mind at ease about living the lapband life, no matter how you look at this, its a BIG step(surgery) and scary and overwhelming to say the least.

Cindy: Have you got the box I sent? That chowmein noodle thing...... yummmmm, memories!

Rene: That close-up of you and the Santa Hat - Wow, a classic beauty is what you are!

Dianne, Welcome to the chat.... look forward getting to know you.

Catch you guys later,

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Good morning! I have so much to do, yet, I must find time to hang out here with all of you! My grading will have to wait a minute!

I'll send some recipes to you, Betty...I consider it almost a hobby! And eating a few Cookies isn't really gonna set you back...no one's enjoyed Christmas just munching on celery!

Beanie, well, I did decide to skip chimes practice and choir practice, and I'm still alive! The teacher hasn't seen me yet! DD will sing in the first service on Sunday. I will also get to pick up a copy of our church's Advent Devotional book, in which I am a contributor (for the first time!) People volunteer to write a devotional about a given scripture, and I decided to give it a try this year. Can't wait to see it in print! Anyway, Beanie, you can butt in anytime! LOL!

Patty, I will let you know the minute I get your box! I am so excited! Sorry about the sick kid. Did you give us details of your party?

Lisa, PLEASE post pictures of the Brownie party! My DD's a jr. girl scout now and enjoys it so much!

Pat? Where are you? Are you buried under some flour in the kitchen? Are you shopping? Standing in line for a 360 Xbox? I know, you're madly decorating your house! Miss you.

Eileen, report to us the very minute you get back home for the dr. appt! I'm sorry your "vacation" is almost over! We'll hold your hand and help you get back into your regular routine.

You know, these crazy kids are such a blessing. They have problems, of course, because they are here in an alternative school, but they are some sweet and caring little people. That's not to say that I haven't been called some names, but we usually make up and become friends. The one thing I have tried to do is give them some straight advice, and you might be surprised how rare that is...I have kids who have never been told that some things are right, and some things are wrong...they are truly confused. When one of the teachers here was getting married, one of my girl students said, "She hasn't even had a baby shower yet!" You see? *sigh*

We are putting up the lights and the tree this weekend. DD is running for student council, so we heard her practice her little speech she is giving today. I am really proud of her. She called me on the cell phone on my way to work, so I could listen to it again! So cute.

Hope everyone is well, and busy in a good way. See ya later, Cindy

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Just a recap on the party situation..... I spoke to the ex first about expenses due to party supplies. Everything OK with that, he dropped off a check. He hasen't mentioned his dear wife.

On Saturday we need to put a deposit on the clubhouse that we are reserving for the party. After the money has been turned in I will make my move. Now, he can still say that he's bringing her but then I just cancel the whole thing (he's already paid for party supplies). Then he will feel guilty and recant and I get my way! Conflict -- he hates it and I have 14 years of documention to prove it. Don't mess with me, pal.... and you'll be fine. It's so unfortunate that my husband(when I had one) never ever stuck up for me..... ever! What makes you think he would stick up for his new bride?? Ahhh, a creature of habit and this one hasn't learned his lesson yet. Only time will tell. Ya, know what makes me laugh, back in the day when he had me as his nagging wife he hated listening to me bitch.... now he has 2 nagging wives and he isn't any happier -- totally funny :):D

I just want to add that Lewis will have his party and everything will be fine. I would never hurt my children or pit them against their father, but the reality is that I still have a relationship with this man and I KNOW he thinks that all is forgiven and that he moved on with his life. Ahhhh, the misinformed male, don'tcha just love them! Until next time on "Desparate Housewives"......

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Patty, I seriously doubt that you are a "desperate housewife"! We'll have to think of another name for YOUR show! Any ideas?

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Patty here is an avatar for you. Plus directions on how to post it.

TO post the Avatar follow these instructions:

Click on the USER CP located at the top left of page.

Then click on the Edit Avatar link located on the LEFT side of page Under the SETTINGS & OPTIONS box.

Scroll down the page past the cartoon avatars and you will see CUSTOM AVATARS.

In the box that says CUSTOM AVATARS FROM YOUR COMPUTER click on the BROWSE box and find the pic you want to use for your new Avatar.

When you click on Browse it will search your computer looking for all your pictures. If you have saved it to your computer then find it and click on the picture. The http:// info will fill in automatically for you.

Then click Save changes.


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Hi Pals :)

Lisa good luck with the insurance company. Did they say they got the paperwork? Please document every person, date and time you speak to there and stay ontop of them...yeah I know "OKAY MOM ENUF !!!" I'll shut up now LOL.

Betty, did you break down and make a batch of Cookies today LOL.

Patty, OH NO!!! don't tell me Lewis is getting sick? Well you can count on my prayers that he is all better by tomorrow. And no, you don't sound like desperate housewifes LOL !!! I'm glad your comfortable here.... so am I and your welcome for the email :D

Cindy your kids are very lucky to have such a caring teacher like you. I have no doubt when they get older they are just going to smile every time they think of you. Bet your their hero :D DD sounds like she is coming around (after g'ma's death). Kids are wonderful, they bounce back so quick.

Penni your so cool !!!!

Well the doc said I'm good to go to work (what does he know harumpf!!!) lol. I lost 24 lbs so far (gotta change the siggy) and he was happy with that. I asked when I get a fill and he said at the rate I'm losing I won't need one. so I said "OH YES I DO BUSTER" I told him at 1200 calories I'm knawing at the walls and how hard it is for me to stay at this level of food. So he said okay, January 6th I go for my first fill :D :D :D I could have gone b/f christmas but I really didn't want to SNORT ~~

Wheres the rest of the Gang?? Pat where are you ????

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OH MY GOSH! It worked :):D :D

I now I feel part of the group! Penni my kids are here covering their ears I shouted SO loud. For the past 2 weeks I've been trying to do this..... I'm so pleased!

You guys are just awesome!

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Hi Everyone,

It’s December already?

Hmmm Texas and Jersey girls, what do we have in common? (Insert big hair joke here!)

I wish we were all located near each other... I have a feeling if we all got together posting bail would be part of the festivities.

Well I just got back a little while ago from Green Bay, Wisconsin… It was 9 degrees there – I froze by big butt off!

Eileen… It looks like you and I were the only takers on a NJ holiday get together we should figure out if we can meet up and get more participants! So it’s back to work on Monday huh? Doesn’t time fly? What’s that? You say you have a sore throat? A fever? Uh oh, you might be coming down with something (cough, cough).

Beanie – love the new picture! I just recently became a Nascar fan about a year ago. I’ve worked with them on some projects at work and I was lucky enough to go to their awards ceremony last year (the one on tv now – it’s on TNT). That was fun! The luncheon I went to this week was for the March of Dimes annual sports luncheon. A colleague is on the committee and our company bought a table at the event. They were awarding Brian France with an award and Jimmie Johnson presented it to him. Billie Jean King was there too presenting to the womens soccer team and that really made my day. But then I get back to the office and tell a 24 year old coworker that she was there and she said “who is Billie Jean King?” I almost died, I could not believe it! I forget that her hey day was the 70’s and this coworker was not even born yet!

Patty – Lewis’s golden birthday sounds terrific, I hope you have a great party tomorrow.

Cindy – How are you? I’m so glad the flowers brightened your day. Isn’t it amazing how someone’s thoughtfulness goes a long way in making you feel better?

Betty … .mmmmm those Cookies sound delicious! I have decided that I just can’t bake this year… I just don’t think I can avoid the temptation and would eat too many.

Well I need to find something to eat in my empty apartment (could not do the plane and airport food!)… I have a feeling I need to go grocery shopping but am hoping a meal will mysteriously appear in the next 5 minutes.

What’s everyone doing this weekend?

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Ah the weekend.... The last two glorious days of my vacation. Then it is back to the Salt Mines... I must confess that I have taken the full two weeks off - from everything. I haven't thought about my appeal too much (or filed it) - although I did FINALLY get the denial letter from our friends at BC/BS. The Post Date on it was November 17th - and I didn't get it till several days after that. I haven't been to the gym. I did mess up my back from driving and sleeping on my Mom's guest bed - I am still medicating for that. Hopefully, I will be up to snuff on Monday so that I can get back into the WHOLE routine.

So, until Monday, I am basking in a sea of laziness - eating whatever I want, whenever I want and knocking back the Tylenol with Codeine while I sleep in a proper bed... (My back feels LOTS better after I started the Meds.) Clearly, I am staying up far too late and my sleep schedule is all out of whack. Maybe I will just stay in bed all day Sunday and see if I can't turn it around...

Thanks you guys for all the sweet comments about my new photo. Really, I can't take credit for a fab gene pool. I don't think I can even really claim Clean Living! I am just blessed by the gods & mother nature. Anyway, the same gene pool that gave me good skin and fab hair is the one that made me blow up like a balloon at the mere thought of food... Sometimes I am glad that I was fat from childhood - because I just KNOW that if I had been thin, I would have been the world's biggest BITCH. I am spoiled enough as it is. How much worse would it have been if the world had bent over backwards to please me for my whole life? It's almost scary to contemplate. I think fat was a balancing factor so I wouldn't be a danger to myself and society!

Anyway, I have to go. It is well after my bedtime and I have to scurry out to the post office tomorrow and mail stuff. We got the final component of the gift for DH's DD and the Grandkids. Now it can all be shipped.

Hugs All Around!


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Good Morning :)

Zan, well, us two can always meet up some where :) Wholey smokes, Wisconsin !!! I have one friend out there. Its funny you say call in sick because I do have a sore throat and a full head LOLOL !!!! Hey, I'm just gettin ready for the snow on Monday...ICK !!! I told dH I was gonna call in sick ROFL !!! I have NO sick time left lol.

Beanie, your a pistol. I come from a fat gene pool too. My G'ma, Aunt, Father, all chubsters. Its funny because there are 7 of us kids and only two of us are really big. I think alot of our weight problems (me and my sister) come from negelect. We were & 6 and 7, both parents worked like animals and well, we went thru life just being. We never got any attention or support (not that they didn't love us now) so out of boredom me and my sister ate for comfort, company, attention. Hope your back feels better in time for work (nasty 4 letter word isn't it lol).

Well here I sit awaiting for Sears to come and fix my washing machine. They give you a time that they are coming... between 8 am and 5 pm.... isn't that sweet of them. OY. Like I wanna spend my last shopping day home ROFL. Actually its okay, DD has a cold and needs to rest so this will keep my feet nailed down today.

Whats everyone doing this weekend?

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Good morning everyone!

Well ladies, today's the Cookie party day, sooo last night I went to Karen's house and took her a pretty, decorated box of truffles, explaining I wasn't going to be able to make the party, I'm suppose to head to the beach in a little while, burrrrrr, not excited about that either. Then I shared my cookie cooking experience with her, she laughed so hard and told me to forget the Cookies, just come anyway.

Well, I've been decorating and we all love pictures here, so I thought I'd post a few, I warned everyone I'd bore you to death with pictures if I ever learned how to post, LOL.

Betty, the first one is my Harley tree and what I call the Harley bar


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Hi Folks,

Pat, your home is just beautiful. Bring on Christmas!

Well, this morning I need to place the deposit on our Clubhouse for tomorrows party. I tried calling my ex all day yesterday when we found him at home sleeping. He had just had Lasix eye surgery and didn't know if he could drive here after he visits the dr for follow-up. What got me angry was just plain irresponsiblity. Elective surgery when your son is having a party? AG%*@ stupitidity, shame on you.....glad not married any longer! Do they really think kiddie partys just appear out of nowhere? I'm SOOOO done!

After I take care of my deposit we are off to Knotts berry Farm for our annual Toys for Tots drive. The theme park gives us park entrance when we bring an unwrapped toy. Since this is Lew's weekend, he gets to pick the rides! My sister will be driving down from Santa Barbara and plans to join us. She has 2 grown daughters and one "Oops" daughter age 2. It'll be fun with the crafts festival, train rides and shows. We'll stay until it gets cold and then come home for hot cocoa. The boys are still sleeping and I haven't checked Lewis' temp yet. I'm hoping his fever broke during the night because he's slept thru without complaint. I gotta get a move-on, we'll chat later.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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