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December's Chat

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Well folks we wrapped up another month of chat. Bye bye November.

This week is flying by,.... of course it will, I gotta go back to work Moanday and I mean Moan !!

Lets see in 1/2 hr DD will be up and I'll be taking her to school, then its shopping for something for DH. Something small. We are getting a pool in the spring and we really don't need to spend the extra cash for christmas. The pool is like a present to us.

I went to the grocery store last night for some of that butternut squash Soup from campbells (selects), they freakin raised the price again. Its up to $3 a box. There's only 2 servings a box for crying out loud. What a rip !!! Thats $1.50 a cup. @_%$%@_&%$@_#%&@_* !!!!! thats me cussing :D

Whats everyone doing today ?


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Incase you didn't see Patty's picture I'm posting it again. And I can't wait to see Mr. Lewis :D

This picture was taken last summer at Disneyland. Lewis decided to hide so, you don't get to see my little monkey. Tomorrow, is Lew's 6th birthday, I'm just about finished with party preparations and last minute details. I promise not to forget my digital on Sunday and you all will get to meet Mr. Lew.


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Good Morning!

I am back to baking today, I haven't decided what I am going to make yet but I have a ton that I want to do so it shouldn't be too hard. Some of the Cookies I make have to be made a few days before so they are really fresh.

Patty your family is beautiful, can't wait to see Mr. Lew too!

Eileen - I went to the store yesterday too, picked up a box of the same Soup and put it back because of the price! Yup, refuse to pay that much for it!

It's hard to believe it is December already. This whole year has just flew by for me. I don't know where the summer went to.

Well, going to go get started on the day. I'll check back later!

Morning to you all that haven't checked in yet! :D:):D

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Good Morning all!

Well, 6 years ago today..... I was in labor! That little monster didn't make an appearance until 10pm that night! This morning I made a batch of "golden" pancakes and then sent them all to school -whew! I have a few gifts that I need to wrap in gold paper and put them in a gold tote bag..... notice the theme? This child wants everything in gold. The reason is because of Disneys 50th. For the celebration Disneyland made golden vehicles for several of the rides: A Dumbo elephant, Casey jr train, a teacup, a Peter pan ship, Mr toad car, an autopia car, a jungle cruise boat and a popcorn stand. What most people wouldn't know is that LEGO is also celebrating 50 years! Lewis is one lucky boy, because Lego came out with a golden brick and on monday of this week I discovered that the lego store in downtown disney is giving away these golden bricks to any guest! So, I will be springing the boys out of school early, about 1pm and driving them to the legostore. After we visit the store, we'll hop the monorail and I want to surprise Lew with golden mickey ears(they embroider names free). My last gift will be a glass jar filled with gold M & M's(who'd a thunk) yes candy in all colors! Thanks for listening to my banter.... I have to get to work - see ya!

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Awwww Patty, what a special day for your young man! It will definately be a day he will never forget! You are a very special "MOM" :D:):D

My table is full of candy and Cookies, so time for a break till some cool enough for me to put away. I got my sugar Cookies baked, and some Tied Potato Stick Candy made. I don't know yet what I will make next B)B)B)

So, what is everyone else up to today?

I got a call a little while ago that my favorite "Aunt" is back in the hospital, and she is in pretty bad shape. So, my mind has been on her for the last hour. I am glad I am making cookies to help keep my mind off her for a while. Things really don't look too good right now.

Catch you all later!

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Eileen, good morning! Thanks for starting the Dec. Chat! I think I look forward to visiting here about as much as anything!

Patty, happy "birth" day to you! You hae gone all the way to make a great day for Lew!~ Perfect!~ Love your picture, too! Gold Legos! How cool!

Betty, well, what can I say? You know I can relate to the waiting you are doing to hear news of your aunt. I hope everything turns out okay. You and family are in my prayers. What is "Tied Potato Stick Candy"? Are you going to publish all these recipes? When I get things cranked up to bake, I'll let you know what's cookin'!

My principal brought in a HUGE floral arrangement today...it's from the staff here at my school. So pretty, hydrangeas, snap dragons and cala lilies. I wasn't expecting it, but it sure cheered me up! The kids are sooo impressed! I told them to try to find a place to work where the people care about you...it's always been a blessing to me.

So, it's off to work I go...well, I'm already here, but I'm goofing off!

Hugs, Cindy

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Once a Jersey girl ALWAYS A JERSEY GIRL!! Even though I love NC and would only go back to visit family and friends, Jersey is still home, so I guess thats the reason why this is pretty much the only other state I check into!

Do you guys ever get together? I used to live in High Bridge, before that Hawthorne, Hackensack, Oakland, and River Edge. Bergen county most of my life.

Feeling kinda down today, even though I have so much to be thankful for.

Have a good day, stay warm!! And maybe someday we'll meet!


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I'm tired! I just finished my last cookie for the day! :):D:D

I made Eileen's thumbprint Cookies, and I made a thumbprint cookie I had.

Cindy - Tied Potato Stick candy is a recipe I just made for the first time. It is really good, and it is easy. It makes a lot too.

48 Oz Butterscotch pieces (I used 4 bags of 11 oz)

1/2 cup creamy Peanut Butter

24 oz of dry roasted peanuts or mixed nuts

1 can (16 oz) Potato Sticks

I did mine with the microwave, but you can do it on top of the stove too.

Place butterscotch in large (4 qt) bowl and heat till melted. (I used about 2 minutes each time to stir) When chips are melted stir in Peanut Butter and stir till blended. Stir in nuts and potato sticks. Drop by spoonfuls onto was paper. Let stand untill candy hardens. Store in airtight container. Makes about 125 pieces of 2" candies.

I think they are pretty good!

Here is the other thumbprint cookies:


2 cups flour

1 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar

2 eggs separated

1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract

1/8 teaspoon salt

suggested coating

2 1/2 cups finely chopped peanuts, almonds, pecans, or walnuts

suggested toppings

Caramels, cut in half

chocolate stars

fruit preserves

Maraschino cherries

Heat oven to 350 degrees

Combine all cookie ingredients in large mixer bowl. Beat at low speed, scraping bowl often, until well mixed.

Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Beat egg whites in small bowl with fork until foamy. Dip each ball of dough into egg white; roll in choice of suggested coatings. Place i inch apart onto lightly greased cookie sheets. Make indentation in center of each cookie with thumb or back of teaspoon. Bake for 8 minutes.

Remove Cookies from oven; fill centers with choice of suggested toppings. Continue baking for 6-10 minutes or until lightly browned.

I used camamels in some, I used Rolo's in some, I used fruit preserves in some (strawberry and apricot) and I used Maraschino cherries in some. The ones with the jam isn't near as pretty as the ones of Eileens because the nuts give it a dark apperance. But the ones with the chocolate, caramels and cherries are really pretty. The cherries are the prettiest and they look awsome.

OK, now I am going to go and figure out what I am going to fix for supper and clean up some of my mess. Then I am going to sit down and not move again! :D:D:D

Dianne - Welcome! Nice to have you aboard! I am from Texas, but they let me sneak in here anyway!

Cindy - How sweet of the folks at the school. They sound like a great bunch of people.

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Thanks, Betty, for the recipes! I have made some butterscotch Cookies like yours, but mine have chowmein noodles and peanuts! I think I'll have to try yours! The main cookie I am required to make are decorated sugar cookies. The recipe is from my great-grandmother on my dad's side. The cookies are kinda soft, then frosted with the old standard confectioner's sugar/milk frosting. The frosting hardens when it dries, so you can stack them. I like red hots and silver balls, along with all the other sprinkles and colored sugar. My DD and nephew (now 20) would protest mightily if I did not have them at the kitchen table, decorating like mad!

Those thumbprint cookies sound great...I have a recipe for them, too, but I haven't made them since high school!

If you want me to, I'll collect the recipes and email them to everyone? Or, I guess I could copy them and mail them out in a little book? Is anyone interested?

Sunsett/Dianne, hello! I'm another Texan that sneaked in here...I'm not sure how it happened, but I sorta started hanging out here, and made great friends, and who knows? Maybe we will all meet someday!


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OH you guys realize your killin me!! I'm PMSING and starving!!! Now I may have to make them tomorrow or Saturday they sound tooooo good.

Hey whats the deal with splenda, can you really use that instead of sugar? Is here really no difference in taste? How much or is it the same as regular.

Thanks for the welcome..Jersey folks are great and the state is beautiful!!!! REALLY much prettier than where I live now, just south of flat Charlotte, it is pretty here but NJ is much more scenic.

OH I"m so HUNGRY TODAY!! I guess I'll go take a shower! Can't eat in there.

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Welcome Dianne, boy I know every town you mentioned in Jersey, I live in bergen county and my family (cousins) are from Hawthorne... My uncle used to be chief of police there. Its a big italian community. I live about 5 minutes from there :) I haven't met anyone yet but we will be getting together soon I hope.

Oh Betty..... DROOL on those recipes. Those potato stick candies sound soooooooo (insert cuss word here) good !!!!!! ROFL. Yeah yeah thats the Soup...sasafrass!!! why do they have to be that expensive. Phooie.

Cindy thats great you got flowers, I'm so glad they made your day. You have good coworkers. How is your daughter?

Patty, the gold party sounds wonderful, he's a lucky little guy to have such a great Mom. Sounds like its gonna be a great party. What did your ex say when you said you don't want them to be there???? was he okay with it??? Can't wait to see pictures.

Oh well I better get my rump up and make dinner.

Tomorrow is the surgeon at 8 am. Guess he's gonna give me my papers to go back to work LOL...phooie LOLOL.


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I miss the great Italian resturants, Johnny and Hanges and pizza, they sure don't know how to make that here! They try but it just doesn't cut it.

I'll let you know when I'm going to be in the Oakland area again maybe we can meet up!

Have a good night everyone.

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Hey Y'all!

Just back from my first dip into the shopping pool. Not too bad today during business hours. Thank goodness everyone else is at work. I am hoping to finish up tomorrow so I can start shipping things around. I have made my Secret Santa gift and now I just have to ship it out.

Cindy - HUGS! I hope those kids can hold onto that loving spirit until the break. How was DD about the chimes? Did she kick your butt? Oh - and you shouldn't encourage me to butt in... I can hardly stop myself sometimes as it is. Y'all feel free to tell me to keep my nose out of things if I get to pushy. :]

Patty! What a great family you have. You will have to get a good picture of the shy boy for us soon. Maybe a birthday shot? it sounds like you are getting closer and closer to the goal. Good Luck!! What a Lucky Boy that Lewis is that everything is Golden for his Birthday.

Ira - I guess you can share my SuperModel Dream Goal - but I guess we'll call it the Super Stud Goal for you. I guess we're just going to have to keep you alive for the year... Then we can hook you up with SOME insurance company...

Hi Lisa! I'm glad to be home.

Zan - we'll be looking forward to hearing all about your trip - and maybe some more details about your Nascar Holiday Moment. :]

Betty - Thanks! I had a little more control over the photo shoot for this Avatar. How can you stand all that Baking? I would be eating Cookies non-stop!! I guess the band helps with that, huh?

Hey Miss Dianne! Another Texan here. Good to hear from you! Stop by any time.

Eileenie - you will have to experiment with that Soup. Maybe you can make up your own recipe and freeze it?? I would think that you could bake some squash and puree it and mix it with milk or cream or something? Check the ingredients on the ever so expensive soup that you have.

I hope everyone is doing great on this fabulous December Day.


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Good Morning :)

Well today is the surgeons visit at 8 am then I'm free the rest of the day. I have to ask him about the stitches that are sticking out of 3 of the incisions. The other two don't have any (that are visible). They don't hurt or anything but they are there and you just can't yank them out.... yeah I tried LOL. Gosh I hope he doesn't have to cut me to get them out ick.

Dianne, Johnny & Hangies is gone from paterson, its now in FairLawn across route 208, right near the Nabisco factory. That was our favorite place to go. You could sit and eat your hotdogs all the way, in your car and get a free show by watching the rats in the dumpsters ROFL !! seems nobody cared b/c the place was always busy. We originally came from Paterson but then moved to Waldwick and then to another town. My dad was friends with the original owners of J&H's. But since they moved to FairLawn they changed the sauce recipe and ICK ick ick... Our favorite dog place is the Goffle Grill in Hawthorne, they seem to have stayed the same all these years. My uncle went to school with Lou Costello (from Abbot & Costello). Do you know that they have a statue of Lou outside of the school he went to lol. How come you moved to NC ?

Beanie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't forgotten about you and that lawyer, My friend STILL has not responded to my email but when I see her on Monday I'm gonna ask again. I'm not sure if she was on vacation??? I'm glad you had a good shopping experience, and yes, during the week makes it a world of difference. Me !!! make Soup? ?? I'm so lazy. I did find another kind that I'm going to try. Its one dollar less so we'll see how that taste. If it taste like crap I'll just have to find another kind. I like this brand b/c its only 100 calories a cup.

Well kiddies, I'm out of here. Pat, Red Hat Lady, whatcha doing today? Betty is making me hungry with all those recipies LOL !!!

Talk to you all later.

Hugs !!

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Good Morning!

No baking for me today unless I get bored this afternoon. I have to clean house and get some of the mess cleaned up that I have made the last few days! :D

Cindy - I would love to get some recipes! I try new stuff all the time, especially during the holidays. I make the chowmein noodle ones too, only I make them in chocolate. I haven't made the no bake Cookies for years, I might make some of them this year.

Eileen - Good luck at the doctors today! Let me know how the new Soup tastes.

Beanie - I haven't done the first thing on shopping. I might go look around a little bit today. I just can't get in the mood for it yet! Nope, I can't say the band helps at all with cookies/candy! :D:D:D I have ate a few of them, but no many. You know a cook always has to taste the product to see if it tastes good! :) I was so busy baking yesterday that I forgot to eat anything, so I tasted a couple of Cookies and that was my Breakfast and lunch. By the time I realized I hadn't eaten anything all day it was 2:00, so I had a couple cookies.

Dianne - Sorry if I made you hungry. Did the shower work?

Well, I'm going to go get busy. I can't decide if I want to run to the store first, or clean house. Hmmmmmmm, I bet the store wins over that choice. :D

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