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Accountability thread for October Bandsters!

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Hi, where did everyone go??? I miss yall!! I'm finally to goal!! YYYYEEESSSS!!! hope this finds all of you doing great! I'm gonna start my fund for plastic surgery for a tt now for the following year. I don't get a rash or anything and I do have insurance do yall think I can get them to help pay for the excess skin to be removed? Just wanting someones thought.

Cindylou - CONGRATS!!!! That is awesome that you made it to goal! I'm like 10 1/2 pounds away from having a "normal" BMI (I'm in a size 6 though, so the thought that I'm still considered overweight is mind boggling to me). As for the TT - I think you'd be hard pressed to get insurance to pay for it if you haven't had any rashes or issues to deem it "medically necessary"...but it doesn't hurt to try. I would LOVE to get plastics - I'm in severe need of work....everything is in the wrong place, LOL. I'm sure if I had plastics, I wouldn't have much if any more to lose to be a normal BMI :frown:

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Hi, where did everyone go??? I miss yall!! I'm finally to goal!! YYYYEEESSSS!!! hope this finds all of you doing great! I'm gonna start my fund for plastic surgery for a tt now for the following year. I don't get a rash or anything and I do have insurance do yall think I can get them to help pay for the excess skin to be removed? Just wanting someones thought.

Hi cindylou, missed you too. Somehow, the forum had thrown me out and I was not receiving updates via email. It had been hectic lately and I had not been checking in. Good to read your posts and I`m glad that you`re busy living life. Great! You`ve hit your goal, YEAH babes. I`m doing a celebrately / happy dance for you. Well done, hun. You must be looking and feeling great.

I can`t help with the tt and insurance sitaution since I live accross the pond and did my op privately. My only thought is that whether the insurance company pays for the tt or not will depend on the type of insurance you hold and how your Dr presents your case. Whatever you do, my only advice will be that you maintain your weight for a while before going for the op. Good luck with that and please, keep us informed.

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Cindylou - CONGRATS!!!! That is awesome that you made it to goal! I'm like 10 1/2 pounds away from having a "normal" BMI (I'm in a size 6 though, so the thought that I'm still considered overweight is mind boggling to me). As for the TT - I think you'd be hard pressed to get insurance to pay for it if you haven't had any rashes or issues to deem it "medically necessary"...but it doesn't hurt to try. I would LOVE to get plastics - I'm in severe need of work....everything is in the wrong place, LOL. I'm sure if I had plastics, I wouldn't have much if any more to lose to be a normal BMI :rolleyes2:

"everything is in the wrong place"......you don`t say? Say that again. The body sometimes look like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces and attached foreign pieces, depending on where you`re looking, LOL. Hey I was thunking of you today since the boys were playing in Wales. I didn`t go to the game though since I had an important meeting that could not be re-scheduled.

I didn`t know you were in size6 already! WOW, hun that`s great. You`re looking pretty fit then. I think Leigha is also in single digit (size4?). It must feel so good.

I went for one of my shopping therapies last week and managed to get into a size8 but I looked like a stuffed turkey. So I guess I`ve go a few months to go yet. I feel alright though and I can`t wait to weigh myself on Friday to see how many lbs I`ve dropped. I know I`ve lost something because of the way the clothes hang but not too much.

The diet front has been brilliant since my last fill but I`ve not been good with the exercise. I blame the weather. It`s been dreadful, raining and the wind blowing all the time. I know it`s just an excuse but I`m standing by it. LOL.

Hope you`re all doing well. Let`s ride the 2nd year.

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Hey Claire, It good to hear from you, size 8 is wonderful, the whole stuffed effect will go away quickly. The great thing about getting close to goal is 4 pounds really makes a big difference in the way your clothes fit, it seems like when we first start we lose 10-20 pounds and we are still wearing the same clothes, but the difference between a too tight 8 and just right is probably only a few pounds. :rolleyes2:

I am on the "fighting with my husband diet", its really not that cool. I have been so stressed that my band is really tight and I am having a hard time eating. I'm afraid to weigh tomorrow, I haven't eaten well for several days and I am probably going to be under 130 and I had said I was stopping at 135. :blush: Hows that for a complaint? Kind of surreal.

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Hi fellow october bandsters. I am beyond frustrated right now. Its been over a year since I was first banded and I am still not at goal. I tried changing my workout routine, my eating habits and ven increased my calories for a while. That didn't work so I tried reducing my calories this week and I am gaining weight!

I must admit being in Korea has caused me to not read the labels on food so that is what I am trying to do now to keep track of my eating. If I don't lose these 14 pounds soon I'm going to scream. Im going to South Africa for Christmas and I want to be at goal but that is not looking like it will happen.

Any advice?

p.s congrats to all at goal :rolleyes2:

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Hey Claire, It good to hear from you, size 8 is wonderful, the whole stuffed effect will go away quickly. The great thing about getting close to goal is 4 pounds really makes a big difference in the way your clothes fit, it seems like when we first start we lose 10-20 pounds and we are still wearing the same clothes, but the difference between a too tight 8 and just right is probably only a few pounds. :rolleyes2:

I am on the "fighting with my husband diet", its really not that cool. I have been so stressed that my band is really tight and I am having a hard time eating. I'm afraid to weigh tomorrow, I haven't eaten well for several days and I am probably going to be under 130 and I had said I was stopping at 135. :blush: Hows that for a complaint? Kind of surreal.

It`s good to read from you too, Leigha. Yeah, the stuffed turkey effect is hillarious but as you mentioned, it will soon work out.

Hun, I didn`t know that the battle between you and hubby is still on-going. What a bummer? That must be a strain. No wonder you`ve tightened up. Shame to him for making you feel rotten. 130 should be alright but not so cool if you didn`t want to go beneath 135. If eating is problematic, may I suggest you up the calories and reduce the bulk? Have you considered getting an un-fill in the meantime? I hope and pray that you get some resolution soon, hun. Please remember Number 1 in the scheme of things.

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Hi fellow october bandsters. I am beyond frustrated right now. Its been over a year since I was first banded and I am still not at goal. I tried changing my workout routine, my eating habits and ven increased my calories for a while. That didn't work so I tried reducing my calories this week and I am gaining weight!

I must admit being in Korea has caused me to not read the labels on food so that is what I am trying to do now to keep track of my eating. If I don't lose these 14 pounds soon I'm going to scream. Im going to South Africa for Christmas and I want to be at goal but that is not looking like it will happen.

Any advice?

p.s congrats to all at goal :rolleyes2:

Hi AlienBandit, good to read from you. Not all of us at the 1 year mark are at our goals. I`m not there yet but I`m confident I`m going to get there. Reading your signatories, it appears that you`ve lost considerable amount of kilos and you`ve got about 5 kilos to go. This is quite an achievement! Well done. Am I also reading right the you had a tt on the 9th of October? If so, how is your recovery going?

Regarding the diet, I agree with you, it`s always a good idea to read about what you`re eating and keep a log too. Do you need band adjustment? My hope is that we all get to our goals, hun. Hang in there. Oh and have a wanderful time in South Africa on Christmas. Don`t make it a requirement to reach goal before going. Relax and things will fall in place.

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Well, I weighed myself this morning and had lost 8lbs. I`m happy with that. The clothes feel comfortable again now. hope you`re all doing well. Nasty weather this side of the pond.

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Claire - YAY, congrats on the 8 pounds - It would take me FOREVER to lose that at this point, LOL. As for my size 6 - remember, that's a US size 6, which is a UK size 8 - so you aren't that far off from where I am :(! My hubby was watching the game online last week (he went to great lengths to find a way to access the BBC site so that he could watch, LOL).

Leigha - sorry you are stressed and fighting with the hubby - I can totally relate though - this has been a terribly stressful week for me too (mostly due to issues with the kids, but those issues are caused by issues we have as a whole, you know?)...so I'm with you on the tightness factor (which for me, isn't a terrible thing since I'm trying to lose those last 9 pounds :)). I think I didn't even eat any solid food until yesterday (all Protein Shakes prior to that)...and what I found when I tried to eat solid food was that I just couldn't eat that much. I hope your issues with hubby settle down and that you get back to normal.

Edited by HDmama

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HDmama and Leigha, I really hope that the issues you`re

facing within your individual families settle soon.

HDmama, in regards to the Rugby, the Southern hemesphere teams are wiping the floor with the Northern teams. For a while, I thought Wales was going to win last weekend but they gave it away. England did well though. They put up a good fight and deservedly won their game. Well, let`s see what happens by the end of the session. Mmhh.

As a rugby groupie, I was on kitchen duty yesterday before the game. The amount of food that people consume during games really came alight for me. Oh dear, the burgers, sausages, bacon, chips, cheese etc. This is where the band comes into it`s own. I did not even feel like tasting the food, let alone eat any. If I was on any of my faddy diets, it would have been "a little of what you fancy will not harm you" approach which will lead to days / weeks of junk eating.

For about 2 weeks it`s been raining this side of the pond and the wind had been terrible. It stopped today but the ground was frozen. The sun was shinnng through this morning so I thought I could go for a jog. I could only do about a mile because it was freezing despite me dressing warmly. I`m not doing much today so back home and keeping myself warm.

I had couscous, chickpeas and scallops for dinner last night. it was great but I could not eat that much. I`ve not had Breakfast yet, just coffee and actimel so far.

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:angry:I was banded on 10/28. I lost 10lbs quickly and that's it so far. I am eating less and trying to follow a protien diet. No carbs. I started exercising this week to see if that helps. If it doesnt I am stopping those protien shakes for breakfast. I really don't feel like I am eating to much or cheating. I don't really have restriction yet. I am a little dissappointed that I have not lost more weight.

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:angry:I was banded on 10/28. I lost 10lbs quickly and that's it so far. I am eating less and trying to follow a protien diet. No carbs. I started exercising this week to see if that helps. If it doesnt I am stopping those protien shakes for breakfast. I really don't feel like I am eating to much or cheating. I don't really have restriction yet. I am a little dissappointed that I have not lost more weight.

qwiksilva1, don`t be discouraged so soon into your journey. 10lbs in in 2-3 weeks is great. You`re averaged to lose 1-2lbs a week when it comes to the band so you will get there. Furthermore, you have got no restriction at all. When are you due for your next fill? That should assist the situation to progress a little. Just continue doing what is right and mainly following your surgeon`s advice and hopefully once you`ve got restriction, things will fall into place. Are you still on mash stage or are you eating solids now? Persevere, hun and things will fall into place. I know it`s easier said than done but you need to be mindful that it`s a difficult battle when it comes to the band. The end result is fab though. Hang in there.

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I`m totally lost at the moment on this site. How are you all? I`m still hanging in there. I refused to weigh myself last Friday. Not because I think I`ve gained weight, on the contrary. I`ve now decided to not rely on the scale too much. Maybe once a month or so? It`s part of my preparation towards living as normal a life as possible. I don`t want to be a slave to the scale any longer.

I`ve been eating sensibly, sometimes less than I will like but it balances itself out. I`ve not been exercising for a while since I had chosen the outdoor option and it`s been raining for weeks. Guess what happened when the rain stopped, SNOW. I`ve got togo back to the gym. I`m defeated.

The mirror, shop windows, comments from others and clothes say I`m doing brilliant and looking great but I`m not feeling it. The psychological situation, wishing I could psycho-analyse myself.

Let me know how you`re all doing. Missing you.

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I was banded 10/1/2010 and I want to thank you guys because reading about your successes has been a real inspiration for me.

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Good morning Claire,

I have been wondering about you, I was afraid the new site ran you off. I haven't been posting much but I have been reading.

I ate crap the whole 4 day holiday weekend and I haven't gotten on the scales yet. I am about to get ready for work and I guess I will see... I have to say I am glad that the egg nog is gone!

Still fighting with my husband, we have an appointment with the therapist on 12/20. Maybe that will help. Who the hell knows.

I will post later, after I face the scales with an update!

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