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"god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

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Why is it that some people blame "god" for everything?

If something goes wrong, "god" was testing them. If something goes right "god" was guiding them.

I'm honestly sickened by this! No really I just threw up a little.

Wheres the cut off? When is someone required to take responsibility for their own actions?

If you believe in "god" and have had WLS youre a "sinner" and will deal with the consequences.

If you are a believer and haven't had it yet...think of this...

"god" made you in his own image so ya...accept who you are and how you look, or face his wrath when he finds out you didnt think he, or his vision was good enough for you.

Guess what! you arent good enough for him either! And you wouldnt be here if you were good enough for anyone else so STFU!

Oh ya, and your story doesnt matter, all you "I found god" people are simply expressing guilt for what you've become and hoping someone will say "its ok". Well guess what...its NOT and no, you arent forgiven you POS!

PS-none of this is exactly my opinion [or is it?], it was an exercise for a class, and it honestly made me really curious. Everything that is said in the OP are quotes from my classmates postings.

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I like your classmates :confused:

Here's a book worth reading if you are interested in the subject more than just for class: "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything"

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I don't think it's a matter of "blaming" god for everything. As a believer, I believe that God, as creator of everything, has a plan for my life. Yes, I have free will and can choose to do my own willfull things that are not part of his plan. I also don't believe that just because I live a good and faithful life that everything will be peachy keen. If everything is perfect in my life, how will I ever appreciate it? I've gone through trials and tribulations and when I have come out of them, I appreciate where I am so much more because of what I've gone through. How can you enjoy and appreciate the sun if you've never experienced the rain?

And as for God making us in his image. God didn't physically make us in his image, but spiritually. Adam and Eve were perfect, free from sin, and had eternal life as does God. Because Eve chose to eat the apple and Adam followed her in eating it, thye sinned and thus were not wholly in God's image any more.

How does having WLS mean you don't believe in God? So having any type of life saving surgery, any medical attention, heck, even going to the dentist means I don't believe in God? It means I'm a sinner because I choose to go to someone instead of praying my cavaties away?

I no I am not ok. I am not near ok enough to be accpeted by God. But through the salvation of Jesus, I have been washed of my sins and made whole again.

What kind of class is this that you're going to?

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MsMackieLee: Here's something for your class to ponder.

God put us here on earth. He set things in motion for humans to evolve. He sent his son to give us some words to live by. Other than that he is not involved in our lives one way or another. Things that happen are the result of random happenings or accidents of nature.

If you believe that God interferes with every aspects of our lives and that everything that happens is because God made it happen then you have to believe that he allows a two year old to die from brain cancer. You have to believe that he caused the tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people. You have to believe that he allows some miners in a collapse to be rescued while others die. You have to believe that he allowed Hitler to gain power and kill 10 million people. And the way you believe all this is to say: We are not to question God's plan. Well, that isn't an answer, that is a cop-out.

If you want to make sense of this life, you have to believe that things, both good and bad, just happen. There is a randomness to life that we can't control. God looks down with joy and sadness at the choices we make, but he doesn't make them for us. He also allows nature to take its course, and it does. And God looks down tosee how we're doing, but doesn't interfere. His "interference" was in sending his son. But that's over and he looks at how we have handled his message. And as humans we are to make the best of life, be the best person we can be and to not be self-centered but to be compassionate about the suffering of others and we are told to love God and our neighbors and to forgive our enemies. Jesus's message was one of love, peace and forgiveness. Now God watches how things evolve here on earth, but doesn't interfere.

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Why is it that some people blame "god" for everything?

If something goes wrong, "god" was testing them. If something goes right "god" was guiding them.

I'm honestly sickened by this! No really I just threw up a little.

Wheres the cut off? When is someone required to take responsibility for their own actions?

If you believe in "god" and have had WLS youre a "sinner" and will deal with the consequences.

If you are a believer and haven't had it yet...think of this...

"god" made you in his own image so ya...accept who you are and how you look, or face his wrath when he finds out you didnt think he, or his vision was good enough for you.

Guess what! you arent good enough for him either! And you wouldnt be here if you were good enough for anyone else so STFU!

Oh ya, and your story doesnt matter, all you "I found god" people are simply expressing guilt for what you've become and hoping someone will say "its ok". Well guess what...its NOT and no, you arent forgiven you POS!

PS-none of this is exactly my opinion [or is it?], it was an exercise for a class, and it honestly made me really curious. Everything that is said in the OP are quotes from my classmates postings.

Ill accept it as my opinion, well said!!!

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MsMackieLee: Here's something for your class to ponder.

God put us here on earth. He set things in motion for humans to evolve. He sent his son to give us some words to live by. Other than that he is not involved in our lives one way or another. Things that happen are the result of random happenings or accidents of nature.

If you believe that God interferes with every aspects of our lives and that everything that happens is because God made it happen then you have to believe that he allows a two year old to die from brain cancer. You have to believe that he caused the tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people. You have to believe that he allows some miners in a collapse to be rescued while others die. You have to believe that he allowed Hitler to gain power and kill 10 million people. And the way you believe all this is to say: We are not to question God's plan. Well, that isn't an answer, that is a cop-out.

If you want to make sense of this life, you have to believe that things, both good and bad, just happen. There is a randomness to life that we can't control. God looks down with joy and sadness at the choices we make, but he doesn't make them for us. He also allows nature to take its course, and it does. And God looks down tosee how we're doing, but doesn't interfere. His "interference" was in sending his son. But that's over and he looks at how we have handled his message. And as humans we are to make the best of life, be the best person we can be and to not be self-centered but to be compassionate about the suffering of others and we are told to love God and our neighbors and to forgive our enemies. Jesus's message was one of love, peace and forgiveness. Now God watches how things evolve here on earth, but doesn't interfere.

Patty, Im waiting, where the hell are you?

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I find it strange how many threads/post there are about this on a lapband site.

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How can you enjoy and appreciate the sun if you've never experienced the rain? Your entire first paragraph boils down to this, and I agree.

How does having WLS mean you don't believe in God? So having any type of life saving surgery, any medical attention, heck, even going to the dentist means I don't believe in God? It means I'm a sinner because I choose to go to someone instead of praying my cavaties away? The original quote actually had "plastic surgury" in place of WLS and the girl was posting about a confrontation she had in a brest augmentation forum.

I no I am not ok. I am not near ok enough to be accpeted by God. But through the salvation of Jesus, I have been washed of my sins and made whole again. This is probably the only thing I disagree with...

What kind of class is this that you're going to? You'd probably never guess but its a photography class. We've been covering controvercial photogs lately and Andres Serrano and his work keeps coming up. Specifically anything involving the church. Its sparked a HUGE class divide that gets loud and heated and its actually annoying, and it doesnt end in class, it its the online boards as well [its a hybrid in room and online class]. I never say anything cuz I dont know what to say, so I'll just quote you guys next time!

I'm not a believer, but I also dont know much about it all so my own opinions are few and far between.

Edited by MsMackieLee

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I find it strange how many threads/post there are about this on a LAP-BAND® site.

I was suprised too, but hey...the only other forum I'm part of is a car forum, and to them...they are god, and their car is their savior. I think the intelligence level here is much higher.

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Patty, Im waiting, where the hell are you?

It's Sunday silly. She is sacrificing a lamb or something somewhere

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It's Sunday silly. She is sacrificing a lamb or something somewhere

ha ha. This just made my day. I've read quite a few topics in this sub forum ad ms "pattygreen" doesn't seem to talk about anything but god/her religion. Its quite entertaining!

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For people who do not believe in God you sure do talk about Him alot. Thread after thread!


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For people who do not believe in God you sure do talk about Him alot. Thread after thread!


We talk about Santa Claus, vampires and honest politicians too. What does that mean? :)

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Why is it that some people blame "god" for everything?

Some people do, but not everyone. Some understand that as human beings we must take most of the blame for the things that happen to us and to others.

If something goes wrong, "god" was testing them. If something goes right "god" was guiding them.

My opinion on this is spiritual. We live with spiritual warfare going on all around us that we can't see. Satan is a powerful being that was given the earth as his domain. He knows his end is near and he schemes at every chance he gets to bring humans to his side, with the prayers of believers on earth against him. God and the angels he created work at bringing as many human souls into Heaven as possible. They are constantly at war with each other. This war is about right and wrong, good and evil. When something goes wrong, Satan and his demons are to blame. When something goes right, God is to be praised. Don't fear, though. God wins in the end and Satan is defeated.

I'm honestly sickened by this! No really I just threw up a little.

Wheres the cut off? When is someone required to take responsibility for their own actions?

People are required to take responsiblity for their own actions at all times.

If you believe in "god" and have had WLS youre a "sinner" and will deal with the consequences.

I disagree. Many people have surgery to correct health problems. Do you really believe God would be angry if our hearts were attacked and we denied the angioplasty to save ourselves?

If you are a believer and haven't had it yet...think of this...

"god" made you in his own image so ya...accept who you are and how you look, or face his wrath when he finds out you didnt think he, or his vision was good enough for you.

God made us in his own image, spiritually, not physically. Do you really think God looks to be about 300+ pounds? lol

Guess what! you arent good enough for him either! And you wouldnt be here if you were good enough for anyone else so STFU!

Oh ya, and your story doesnt matter, all you "I found god" people are simply expressing guilt for what you've become and hoping someone will say "its ok". Well guess what...its NOT and no, you arent forgiven you POS!

PS-none of this is exactly my opinion [or is it?], it was an exercise for a class, and it honestly made me really curious. Everything that is said in the OP are quotes from my classmates postings.


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MsMackieLee: Here's something for your class to ponder.

God put us here on earth. He set things in motion for humans to evolve.

Cleo'smom, humans don't evolve.

He sent his son to give us some words to live by.

Other than that he is not involved in our lives one way or another.

God certainly is involved in our lives. Very much so. The bible says that He knows the very number of hairs on your head. He is in control of all things and He loves us deeply. When believers pray, He intervenes in our lives. He says that He works out all things for the good for those who love Him.

Things that happen are the result of random happenings or accidents of nature. God is in charge of nature. Things do happen randomly, but always with God's consent. He allows things to happen, in other words.

If you believe that God interferes with every aspects of our lives and that everything that happens is because God made it happen then you have to believe that he allows a two year old to die from brain cancer.

He does allow it. God, and God alone gives life and takes it.

You have to believe that he caused the tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people.

He allowed it to happen. He is all powerful and if he wanted to stop it from happening He could have.

You have to believe that he allows some miners in a collapse to be rescued while others die.

Yes. He does.

You have to believe that he allowed Hitler to gain power and kill 10 million people.

He allowed it. He was not happy about Hitler's sin, but he allowed it to happen for His own reason.

And the way you believe all this is to say: We are not to question God's plan. Well, that isn't an answer, that is a cop-out.

Call it what you want, but God has a plan for everyone.

If you want to make sense of this life, you have to believe that things, both good and bad, just happen. There is a randomness to life that we can't control. God looks down with joy and sadness at the choices we make, but he doesn't make them for us. He also allows nature to take its course, and it does.

This I agree with you on.

And God looks down to see how we're doing, but doesn't interfere.

He interfers when his children pray. He protects us from evil. He even sends his angels to protect us.

His "interference" was in sending his son.

Now he sends his Holy Spirit to convict our hearts of sin. His Holy Spirit does the work of drawing and enabling humans to come to Jesus for Salvation and eternal life.

But that's over and he looks at how we have handled his message. And as humans we are to make the best of life, be the best person we can be and to not be self-centered but to be compassionate about the suffering of others and we are told to love God and our neighbors and to forgive our enemies. Jesus's message was one of love, peace and forgiveness.

This paragraph is Beautifully said. I like it.

Now God watches how things evolve here on earth, but doesn't interfere.

I must disagree with that again. He interferes plenty. When believers pray, God moves mountains for them. He gives them what they ask for if it is in accordance with his will.


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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