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Venting Thread - Erosion Anxiety

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And then on Crystal's positive thinking thread someone says "put your hand on your tummy and thank your band for being there and send it good positive white light vibes" which vibes and lights and stuff is not my thing so I'm thanking GOD for my band and start crying. ARGGH.

Yeah...that was me. Perhaps I should clarify. The "vibes and lights" come from God. White light is a god light. But that's cool, we all gotta use what brings us comfort.

How 'bout you ask God and the angels to help you to feel comfort about this situation. Ask God to help you release all problems to Him. Your worrying so hard isn't good for your mental OR your physical health. Ask God to bring you peace because you sound incredibly stressed out (for very good reasons).

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Alex, most of what we heard here at LBT about Diane Beck was B.S. I talked to her personally, and she couldn't believe the gossip and untruths being said about her experience.

All the more reason not to discuss other people's medical situations unless they are here to discuss them first-hand. I have no idea what happened, except what I read here. Forget everything I said. :rolleyes

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This thread is exactly what I needed today. When erosion or slippage happens to someone you *know* it goes from being a statistic to being a possible reality.

I'm scared, too. And I had almost convinced myself that my band was sick...until I realized that everyone in the office is feeling a little off in their tummys. But because I have a band, I tend to blame everything on it instead of finding out what else it could be. Anxiety about losing the one weight loss tool that has worked for me can be overwhelming. And I don't think that it will go away no matter how long my band is inside of me, kicking my butt when I screw up.

This feeling in my tummy happened once before. I took Prilosec OTC for 7 days, watched the foods I ate, and made sure not to eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. The gas and bloating that I felt went away first, the sour stomach after I ate went away second, and pretty soon I felt like a million bucks again. So, that's what I'm going to do this time. If that doesn't work, I'll schedule an appt. with my doctor. My plan will help eliviate some anxiety.

I have a little problem where I sometimes morn the loss of something or someone before there is any incling of real loss. This I have to keep in check or I don't appreciate what is in front of me.

It feel amazing that I can come to this site and find others feeling exactly the same way I am. We are very fortunate to have a place to talk about our fears. If this scares people away from the surgery, then so be it. This is real. And I believe it takes an extremely strong person to make the decision to take on this responsibilty. I for one think that every person has it in them to weather the good and the bad...it's just a choice to do so.


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Boy oh boy this is not a good time for all of us.

I thought my band had eroded or slipped. Last year y doctor decided he was no longer caring for his band patients, but since I was a patient of his for many years he kept me on as a band patient. He was sending me for fills and/or unfills to a radiologist who was not very familiar with bands.

Fast forward to one month ago when he sent me for an esophogram because I was constantly PBing. I knew I had 1.5 in my band, but the radiologist told me there was only .3 in the band. He takes out the .3 and puts back .8. The noises coming from my stomach were ridiculous. I ended up going to my gastro doctor who scheduled me for an endoscopy (after he tells me if I ate like a normal person I would not need the band. He told me it's called portion control). I actually had Fluid pouring out of my noise when I slept. The band has not eroded but the upper part of my stomach is distended. He tells me the band is the cause of all the problems and tells my primary dr. the band should come out.

I switch to a new band doctor last week who removed over 2cc from the band. I knew I had more Fluid in my band then they said. My new dr. thinks the band has slipped. Turns out the band has not slipped. He told me if it slipped I would not be able to eat anything. The band is not where it should be and they are hoping that the top portion of my stomach will go back through the band. He wants to give it a month and see how it goes. They told me they might have to operate and reposition the band which he said is very difficult to do. I don't think my insurance co will pay for them to take out this band and put in another band.

I am sick over this. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

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Alex, for example, the rumor was, that Diane was rushed to an American hospital because Mexico couldn't help her. Reality is that she was taken to an American hospital based on the fact her insurance would cover it. Good lesson learned!

But going back to what Kathy said, I'm in the same boat as her when it comes to all the options (or lack thereof) how to get band care. It's like pulling teeth while on fire while jumping through hoops while being placed on hold for days and getting nothing but pre-recorded voice-prompted message machines. Where do we go? Who do we call?

For me, I gave up on Mexico. I went to my primary doc in a fit of exhaution, and he gave in and referred me to a Gastroenterologist. Tick tock, tick tock, it took a month to see the Gastro, who had never seen a band. I showed him the picture, explained the process, etc. I even told him that I needed an Upper GI and explained what he was looking for. I told him the barium had to flow through the band, and if there was any flow around, our any leaks, then I'd need an endoscopy to confirm erosion. I was really lucky, cuz he's someone I saw years ago for anxiety that used to be a PA but has since completed medical school and chose gastro! So we had a little history. He wrote down names of band surgeons both locally and told me not to worry since even surgeons that aren't experienced with removing an eroded band DO have experience with other similar things (like fixing bullet wounds or coils for hernia repair.)

So tomorrow is my Upper GI. I'll tell ya'll what happens next.

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I get my band filled by Dr. Maese in Texas who also is excellent with determing band slippage and take insurance. There is also a doctor I met in Rhode Island and one in Virginia who will deal with Mexico banded patients. I think I have a list if anyone wants to pm me with that information. I wish the best of health to everyone, having a band isn't always easy but passing on information and netowrking is priceless. Goodness knows Kip (my band's name) gives me heartache and pain rather often but I'm thankful that I was able to go to Mexico and get a great surgeon and the band has helped me out so much!!!

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Fast forward to one month ago when he sent me for an esophogram because I was constantly PBing. I knew I had 1.5 in my band, but the radiologist told me there was only .3 in the band. He takes out the .3 and puts back .8. The noises coming from my stomach were ridiculous. I ended up going to my gastro doctor who scheduled me for an endoscopy (after he tells me if I ate like a normal person I would not need the band. He told me it's called portion control). I actually had Fluid pouring out of my noise when I slept. The band has not eroded but the upper part of my stomach is distended. He tells me the band is the cause of all the problems and tells my primary dr. the band should come out.

I switch to a new band doctor last week who removed over 2cc from the band. I knew I had more Fluid in my band then they said.

Molynn, this sounds like a classic case of being overfilled. The fluid-out-the-nose thing I can relate to; it's what happens when reflux gets really, really bad. That's why it's SO important to find a good fill doctor and stay with him--the relative amount of fill is more important than the actual amount of fluid. Even my surgeon himself pulled what he thought was "all" my fill out and came up with only .8; later on it turned out there was more in there after all.

My new dr. thinks the band has slipped. Turns out the band has not slipped. He told me if it slipped I would not be able to eat anything. The band is not where it should be and they are hoping that the top portion of my stomach will go back through the band. He wants to give it a month and see how it goes. They told me they might have to operate and reposition the band which he said is very difficult to do.

This is actually the definition of a slip. It's true that if it were very bad you might not be able to eat anything, but it's much more common for there to be a small slip, where the band moves out of position and too much of the stomach migrates up through the band. And repositioning surgery is actually not that "difficult" (or so I've heard).

But even if your doc is using different terminology, the treatment is a complete unfill and see how it goes. It may resolve if the band is loose enough to allow things to resettle--did they take out whatever remained of your fill?

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I just wanted to thank everyone for their honesty. I agree this thread has helped me alot. It's important to know all of the issues and to be well-informed. I come to the board every day and while I've only posted twice, reading the board has given me a great wealth of information. I too am thinking about the people in surgery and hoping all goes well. And believe it or not, I'm really looking forward to getting my band as soon as possible. I think with any procedure or anything we do in life, there is risk involved, but I still think that the benefits outweigh the risks a great deal. I look and see people who have lost so much weight and think "that will be me"! I remember that this board will have a much higher proportion of folks who have side-effects or problems; if they didn't, they probably wouldn't be here. I think that's true of any support board online. I remember when I had a medical problem and went to a support board, but as soon as my problem cleared up, I left the board because I just wasn't thinking about my problem any more. I guess I'm saying this mostly because I am waiting to get my band and rather than let this dissuade me, I see it as a way to be well-informed, and I hope other people waiting to get their band can see it the same way. Thanks again everyone for the sharing of information in an honest way.

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Yeah...that was me. Perhaps I should clarify. The "vibes and lights" come from God. White light is a god light. But that's cool, we all gotta use what brings us comfort.

How 'bout you ask God and the angels to help you to feel comfort about this situation. Ask God to help you release all problems to Him. Your worrying so hard isn't good for your mental OR your physical health. Ask God to bring you peace because you sound incredibly stressed out (for very good reasons).

Oh that was you!!! Thanks for that. Even though it made me cry, I'm very grateful. And I didn't intend to sound aggravated about white lights and vibes because I absolutely wasn't! I totally respect the differing spiritual backgrounds we have on this board, and I transition easily to my own personal belief system, plugging in whatever the sent message is to how it applies to my beliefs. So I guess what you did was quickly sent me to a place in my heart where I was grateful and appreciative. I experienced a peace in that moment that has helped me. So thank you. I'm lots less stressed out! :D

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You are already a wise one! Read, read, read - so you know what you are getting into!

And as exhausting as this seems, I never regret getting my band. NEVER! :D

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Okay, I posted this on another thread, talking to someone who is having similar band issues and I thought it would be a good update for this thread. Plus, I didn't want to type the whole thing again, lol.


It's all good now. After being paranoid my hubby said, "you need a plan" so I made one. I had no REAL reason to get an endo before my one year, so this is what I did. After the PB's from last weekend, I went liquids for a day, then mushy for a few days. Today I ate regular foods. I started taking Prilosec twice a day but feel so much better I'll back down to once a day. I plan on staying there for at least a few weeks. I also bought some Aloe Vera juice. I'm drinking about 4 ounces in the morning and just before bed, after washing out my band with 6 ounces of distilled Water. I quit the Crystal Light Peach Tea binge and went with all clear Water today. I still drink my coffee though. (that's a tough one). It's helping!

All this is really more preventative than anything. I got myself worked up reading posts and got stressed...I de-stressed thanks to the nice folks here. DeLarla's Venting thread has been handy, along with all the others.

I went liquids and mushies and ate canned Soups over the weekend and my face and feet got puffy from all the salt. I'm guessing all of me was swollen from the salt and now I feel like the salt is out of me and I'm soooo much better. No funny tummy feelings, no bloat, and with the Prilosec and Aloe Vera, no more funny band feelings AT ALL. Just my normal restriction, which I don't think is too tight at all.

I think it started with stress (daughter with pneumonia the week before Thanksgiving), then a house full and all the cooking on Thanksgiving, then getting up at 3:45am on Black Friday for shopping, the very band UN-friendly lunch at Chili's and the subsequent PB's, the salt, aaaw lawsy! All at the same time as our LBT family goes into crisis mode all over the board.


So, people, my conclusion is be kind to your band, take care of it likes it's sick every day, avoid stress and salt, try not to be paranoid, and come HERE to LBT for all the support and encouragement you need. I'm mending!!!! I just know it! I can't explain it, I can't prove it, but I know it's true. :D

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Great to have you back to your old self Kathy. I too went off all the wrong foods and drinks I was consuming and back to protien and Water and could not cut my coffee out and I feel alot better..

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I agree on the breathing in an out. I think when we hear of someone going through an experience we may put those symptoms in our mind. Our mind can be very tricky at times, playing on our fears and emotions. Not to say, that if you feel there's something wrong you should ignore it...by no means ignore get it checked out. I think we think we have to give our bodies a chance to get used to this device, and it may do some weird things at times but from what I have heard on OH, this forum and others the lapband erosion is a very small percentage. I have yet to have the lapband placed but I know from my research of my doctor and the many patients he has seen, he has not had a problem to where he had to do a revision or take it out completely...he's been doing this for about 7yrs now. I am sure there are other doctors with the same reputation whether US or Mx. I've heard more problems with the gastric bypass surgery than I have with the lapband, in fact more deaths due to the RNY but that's not to say either surgery is without it's complications. Please do the research, do get the needed exams routinely and keep in touch with your doctors on a regular basis. As for the doctor I am going to he will personally get in contact with you if you haven't touch base with him in a few months. Good luck to those who will have the lapband surgery done...to those with concerns, my prayers are with you and I will send positive thoughts your way...take care!!!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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