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Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?

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I would love nothing more than to see my 5ft 8, 250lb 14 year old slim down. I cant help thinking if he's this big at 15, what's he going to be like in 10 years, although I slimmed down appreciably in my 20's from my teens. There is something in the "puppy fat" theory, and he hasnt hit puberty yet (late bloomer I guess). H'es going to be TALL and he might have a huge growth spurt soon.

So - no way would I consider surgery till puberty's over and done with and adult height reached, so you're pushing 18 to 20 years old there.

Then there's this: he's not ready to take responisibility for his weight. He may be fed by me, true and he's not much into fast food and such, its a once or twice a month thing for him, he just eats a LOT of healthy food and we have too many Snacks like chips in the house. He's COMPLETELY inactive though, his passion in life is his Playstation 3, he cares not one bit about his appearance, has to be nagged to clean his teeth, have a shower, clean up, and he couldnt give a rats arse what girls thought of him, although he seems quite popular at school.

He's just not ready! It has to be his decision and he has to want it, its not up to me. I really, truly dont think many teens are mature enough to decide this, unless they've gotten so obese that it really is life damaging, which for my son, its had no effect on his self esteem yet.

These are the things you have to consider. i dont want my son to be fat, I also dont want him to do a job that doesnt pay well, I want him to invest well in property as soon as he has a job, I'd like some grandchildren before I'm 70 etc etc but NONE of those are my decision, just as WLS for him really shouldnt be my decision.

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Some very tall boys finish growing early. My son was 6'2" in the 8th grade and is still 6'2" (or maybe6'3") at age 28. Usually it's the girls that get tall early and then stop. I too stopped in the 8th grade. I was 5'7" at age 14 and still am. I was also very mature and could have easily handled the band at age 14. I did not weigh 350 pounds though .....

Patty, have your boys expressed interest in weightloss or the band? Are they mature? Do they get summer jobs?

I just think 350 lbs is a very bad place for them to be at such a young age. Are they close? Could they become workout buddies? just some thoughts.....

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What weight loss efforts have they attempted so far? Have they been compliant with these plans, at least to the extent that any of us has been able to comply with a realistic, health-focused eating plan?

I know that dieting doesn't work for any of us, but lifestyle changes DO. They are still kids--and therefore are still learning about how to care for themselves. If they haven't learned proper nutrition and the importance of daily vigorous exercise, I'd work VERY hard on teaching those crucial life skills.

Their weight is high enough that it may remain a significant concern, and I'm not suggesting that banding is a bad option for the future. But if you're just now encouraging them to ride bikes and exercise, it seems that it might be jumping the gun.

The developmental tasks of the adolescent involve learning self-care. You will not find a better time to really teach the importance of good nutrition, exercise, and moderation.

There is plenty of time for adult decisions and adult body modifications, if they are unable to master these skills.

Adolescent males are notoriously noncompliant with medical regimens, in general. I'd want to postpone banding until I was sure that they'd be able to work with the band.

I also have some ethical issues with banding an overweight teen who has not shown interest in weight loss. For minors, parents give consent--and I have a little bit of trouble with this. Making a lifelong alteration in one's body is a HUGE step. I don't know about you, but I wrestled with the decision to be banded. If someone else had imposed it on me, it would have been really problematic.

Further, it probably would not have worked. If you're not ready, you're not ready; the band will not make you so.

Looking back, do I wish that safe, reliable banding was available sooner? Sure. Do I wish I could have saved years of fruitless weight loss battles? Sure.

But if my mother had initiated banding for me? I think it would have been tremendously damaging to me. I believe it's something that needs to come from them.

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What weight loss efforts have they attempted so far? Have they been compliant with these plans, at least to the extent that any of us has been able to comply with a realistic, health-focused eating plan?

I know that dieting doesn't work for any of us, but lifestyle changes DO. They are still kids--and therefore are still learning about how to care for themselves. If they haven't learned proper nutrition and the importance of daily vigorous exercise, I'd work VERY hard on teaching those crucial life skills.

Their weight is high enough that it may remain a significant concern, and I'm not suggesting that banding is a bad option for the future. But if you're just now encouraging them to ride bikes and exercise, it seems that it might be jumping the gun.

The developmental tasks of the adolescent involve learning self-care. You will not find a better time to really teach the importance of good nutrition, exercise, and moderation.

There is plenty of time for adult decisions and adult body modifications, if they are unable to master these skills.

Adolescent males are notoriously noncompliant with medical regimens, in general. I'd want to postpone banding until I was sure that they'd be able to work with the band.

I also have some ethical issues with banding an overweight teen who has not shown interest in weight loss. For minors, parents give consent--and I have a little bit of trouble with this. Making a lifelong alteration in one's body is a HUGE step. I don't know about you, but I wrestled with the decision to be banded. If someone else had imposed it on me, it would have been really problematic.

Further, it probably would not have worked. If you're not ready, you're not ready; the band will not make you so.

Looking back, do I wish that safe, reliable banding was available sooner? Sure. Do I wish I could have saved years of fruitless weight loss battles? Sure.

But if my mother had initiated banding for me? I think it would have been tremendously damaging to me. I believe it's something that needs to come from them.

This. This. This.

Banding is not an easy choice.

It requires sacrifice, determination, and dedication.

And, it is permanent.

The decision to band is one for adults to make for themselves, not one for a parent to make for a child.

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What weight loss efforts have they attempted so far? Have they been compliant with these plans, at least to the extent that any of us has been able to comply with a realistic, health-focused eating plan?

I know that dieting doesn't work for any of us, but lifestyle changes DO. They are still kids--and therefore are still learning about how to care for themselves. If they haven't learned proper nutrition and the importance of daily vigorous exercise, I'd work VERY hard on teaching those crucial life skills.

They are homeschooled. every year, They have a health class. They know as much as I do about calories in and out. They are well informed about health and habits, just like most of us who have had the lap band, they don't put it into practice.

Their weight is high enough that it may remain a significant concern, and I'm not suggesting that banding is a bad option for the future. But if you're just now encouraging them to ride bikes and exercise, it seems that it might be jumping the gun.

True. I have thought of that. I will see where all this bike riding stuff goes first.

The developmental tasks of the adolescent involve learning self-care. You will not find a better time to really teach the importance of good nutrition, exercise, and moderation.

There is plenty of time for adult decisions and adult body modifications, if they are unable to master these skills.

Adolescent males are notoriously noncompliant with medical regimens, in general. I'd want to postpone banding until I was sure that they'd be able to work with the band.

I also have some ethical issues with banding an overweight teen who has not shown interest in weight loss. For minors, parents give consent--and I have a little bit of trouble with this. Making a lifelong alteration in one's body is a HUGE step. I don't know about you, but I wrestled with the decision to be banded. If someone else had imposed it on me, it would have been really problematic.

I would never impose it on them. It would definitlely be their descision only. They have seen how the band has helped me.

Further, it probably would not have worked. If you're not ready, you're not ready; the band will not make you so.

Looking back, do I wish that safe, reliable banding was available sooner? Sure. Do I wish I could have saved years of fruitless weight loss battles? Sure.

But if my mother had initiated banding for me? I think it would have been tremendously damaging to me. I believe it's something that needs to come from them.

You gave me some excellent advice, and much to think about. Thank you.

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Some very tall boys finish growing early. My son was 6'2" in the 8th grade and is still 6'2" (or maybe6'3") at age 28. Usually it's the girls that get tall early and then stop. I too stopped in the 8th grade. I was 5'7" at age 14 and still am. I was also very mature and could have easily handled the band at age 14. I did not weigh 350 pounds though .....

Patty, have your boys expressed interest in weightloss or the band? Are they mature? Do they get summer jobs?

I just think 350 lbs is a very bad place for them to be at such a young age. Are they close? Could they become workout buddies? just some thoughts.....

When my 17 year old was 15, and 6'2", I thought he was done growing, cause who could grow much taller than that? Yet, 2 years later, he's 3" taller. WOW! We have a big family and there is only one of my cousins who is 6'5" tall. He's the tallest. I told my son that if he grows any more, he'll beat the family record! LOL

My 17 year old has looked for a job, but hasn't found one yet. My 15 year old can't work yet. They are close, and they do alot together. I have tried to encourage them to bike together and play soccer together in the yard. The only time they actually play sports is once a week at our church, a boys scouting group gets together for a football or soccer game and they get a workout. They have never said anything about getting the band.

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I would never impose it on them. It would definitlely be their descision only. They have see how the band has helped me.

I think it is important to remember the relationship between parents and children is very sensative. As is the that between older and younger siblings. When I was younger "suggestions" or "recommendations" from my mother were really more like expectations.

I agree with earlier posters that this has been a very difficult decision for me and I am 40 years old; am a college graduate and very successful in my career. I really don't think a teenager would be able to say "No" if they know their Mother thinks it's a good idea.

Remember 30 years ago 18 year olds weren't even allowed to vote; I would say making a life long decision on my body is harder than deciding who should be president.

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There is a lady in my support group who lost over 400 pounds w/the band. Amazing! After her success, her husband got the band too. Didn't have quite the same success, but he took off a good portion of his weight and improved his health quite a bit. She has two son who weighed as much as yours. But, instead of getting banded, they became each others' support and totally changed their lifestyles in terms of diet and exercise. And, they've both lost over 100 pounds and kept it off without surgery.

I'm just giving this example because you just never know if your sons might be able to overcome obesity on their own. Like a previous poster said, they aren't totally fixed in their 'lifestyle' yet. And, don't underestimate the power of a young metabolism. I have lost large amounts of weight before and it was way easier and faster when I was younger.

So, I guess I'd encourage some lifestyle changes on them first. If I ever saw my child dieting, losing, regaining, and failing over and over and over like I did, though, I would do everything in my power to help them get a band (if they wanted it). I just wouldn't jump to that conclusion to begin with. For one thing, I think you have to have tried seriously dieting without it at least once to really respect what a powerful tool it really is.

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adagray, You make a great point there. I believe you're right. I will try to encourage lifestyle changes before the band. You're right when you say don't underestimate the power of a young metabolism.

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I was banded on June 30.2010. In my preop class there was a young lady that was 16 years old. She was banded the same day I was banded. Her and her mom was there. Her mom self paid for her surgery. They drove over 6 hours to my city for the surgery. She appear to be maybe 5'2" and her weight was maybe in the 350s. I have a niece that is 20 years old that is obese and I suggested her to exercise and watch what she eats but not sure if i would suggest surgery to her unless I was sure she actually gave diet/exercise a good try.

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Wow, I think teenagers are too immature to deal with a Lapband.

You are their mother- so I guess you know what is best for them, but I think that surgery should be a last resort.

I've read posts on here from some other very young bandsters, and they just don't seem to be mentally-equipped to deal with it all.

I really think you should think this through.

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Btrieger, I'm going to have to disagree with you. I'm 22 and I weighted 327 before getting banded. I could and still have the possibility of having a stroke and/or a heart attack. I could be borderline diabetic. There is no way for me to lose 172 pounds by myself. I've been dieting most of my life. Heck, I remember making my mom buy me Slim Fast at 12. I would take it to school everyday, but I would put into a different container.

So, yeah, this is best thing for me. I've been doing this all without my parents help or support.

ALSO, why not start now to lose weight? Why does one have to weight until their 18?

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I was banded on June 30.2010. In my preop class there was a young lady that was 16 years old. She was banded the same day I was banded. Her and her mom was there. Her mom self paid for her surgery. They drove over 6 hours to my city for the surgery. She appear to be maybe 5'2" and her weight was maybe in the 350s. I have a niece that is 20 years old that is obese and I suggested her to exercise and watch what she eats but not sure if i would suggest surgery to her unless I was sure she actually gave diet/exercise a good try.

How about you give diet and exercise a try? :confused: If you have, try harder.

How does that make you feel?

Point proven.

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How about you give diet and exercise a try? :confused: If you have, try harder.

How does that make you feel?

Point proven.

We all know that trying to diet and exercise does not work. We've all done that. I believe that once you stretch your stomach and fit a certain amount of food in there, you can always put that amount in there. It's like a balloon. It never fully goes back to it's original size.

Edited by pattygreen

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We all know that trying to diet and exercise does not work. We've all done that. I believe that once you stretch your stomach and fit a certain amount of food in there, you can always put that amount in there. It's like a balloon. It never fully goes back to it's original size.


That is why telling someone else to just go diet and exercise is stupid when it hasn't worked for them. That is why so many people get bariatric surgery: because diet and exercise wasn't enough!

So, I find it humorous for someone with the Lap Band to tell someone to "JUST" exercise and diet. Hahahahahaha...

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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