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Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

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Haydee, link us to the one you bought so we can see it!!!!

Pam I am so excited for you, I am living vicariously through you :lol: YOU CAN DO THE liquid diet. Just remember, it's a BLIP of your life, and it'll be a distant memory when you're rocking your skinny jeans :thumbup:

Also, my lap-band doc Rx's some meds for food headaches when you start your pre-op diet. I have no idea what it was now (it was a liquid), can you call your surgeon and ask him if he can Rx you some???

Mom is wanting to open up a donut shop somewhere in madison. Apparently she's aware of the lack of donut shops lol. We don't have Dunkin Donuts here, so she was researching franchises, and found Southern Maid Donuts. She thought it sounded nice, even though we've never had any, but their franchise is very relaxed and affordable so she could run it how she wants, etc. I texted Haydee (they are only in LA and TX), and she said they were good. Made mom feel better, I told her it's funny she picked a franchise we've never heard of, while it sounds up and up if you've never had their donut, how could you pick one?!

I think they're going to take a trip to LA to one and check out the product after they get the franchise packet and look it over. I told her I'll help her come up with creative flavors (it sounds like they let you make up your own, outside of their glazed & cream, as long as you use their flour).

We went to Tunica saturday night, so Russ could have a vaca. He's been stressing over work lately and said he wanted a vaca. Can't afford to gamble, so we just went and played our free coupons, ate free food, watched free movies, all that fun stuff. I guess it made him feel better! His mom came down to watch Carson, and brought our 3 month old niece with her. I was so nervous for her, but she said she raised 3 small boys, it's nothing. She said Carson was great and was helping her the whole time, would bring the baby's blanket to her when they were sitting down and they'd all 3 sit on the couch and read or watch tv. She said he never acted jealous. But I got home and he runs to me, and while his mom loaded up the car, I was feeding the baby... and Carson freaked out!!!! He was screaming, making the baby scream, and immitating her newborn cry. Was the weirdest thing. And they wouldn't come back in (ends up neighbor across the street had ambulance & fire truck pull up, so they were out there watching the commotion), so I finally had to carry both of them outside so someone could take one of them. They were so loud! I hope he gets over it. He's only jealous with me, Russ & his mom could hold the baby and he was fine, but if I did it he panicked!

Almost done with my book My Lobotomy... what a sad story :laugh:

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Laura, I LOVE donuts, they are my downfall!! I could never work in a donut store because of the early hours!!

Why oh why is weight such an issue? I feel the same way as everybody else, I too have gained weight, why I am not sure, (obviously eating to much I know that, but why?) I think about my weight all the time. It envelops my life. I can't stop thinking about it. Fretting about it. Worrying about it and basically obsessing about it!! I am not going on, I feel like I am just beating a dead horse, and hope it is not too late for me.

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Janie... when I got on the scale this morning, it was all I could do not to go back to bed and sleep the day away. I was so depressed. But the good part is I have the band and I know it works. Now I just have to work too!

Grady is sitting here eating his supper and I just finished some homemade chicken gnocchi Soup. So far today I've had a Jimmy Dean Breakfast sandwich, cheese and crackers, chicken salad and veggie straws, 10 grapes and the soup. I've had 4 glasses of Water so far and will have my 8 in before bedtime. Day 1 is almost over. I have a Messiah rehearsal tonight and then hope to watch Dancing with the Stars. I need to get some more reading in too. I'm 65% done with Freedom.

Enough rambling... everyone have a good evening. Sleep well!

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Hi girls~

I went to the doc to pay the $3500 and she said, "how are you doing?" I BARKED, (true quote) "I am fucking hungry, I have a headache and I am in a bad ass mood!" She laughed and we started talking. It is very hard with working...and she said I can have one LEAN Lean Cuisine a day!!! Woofreakinghoo! I went and bought some for this week, the highest calories were 300, but I got some 260 and couple of 200. She said I didn't need to substitute the shake but just to add the LC! I have lost 5 lbs by their scale too! I did skip my "shitsoup" but will have my choc Protein Shake later. I make it w/ milk and it helps me sleep feeling so full. The first night I went to bed hungry and it was the worst night! so YEAH...Lean Cuisines!

Started to freak out today about it all...thinking I should cancel. But I am going to keep myself numb and just get through it. I know I'll be SOOO HAPPY when it is over!

Laura, I actually salivated when I read about the donuts. I am not a big donut girl, I like about 4 maple bars a year! But man that sounded good. I loved the babies story...poor Carson. I think it is a good idea for him to see you w/ other babies as much as possible until B arrives!

Haydee, we wanna see the set, please email us the link!

Judy, glad to have you home! We've missed you! I understand about the #...I hit my oh shit # when I decided to do the gb. Good luck on working out and getting back to basics! WWJD!

Michelle, how nice you schedule conferences. We set open times and parents come in. What a nice school you have and how nice for teachers to have parents like you:thumbup:.

Jane, glad you are back. Hope your headache is ok now. I have a doozy and it is food related for sure. I should ask dr. about the headache meds Laura mentioned...but he is surgery the next couple of days.

OK...off to check this and that. I spent almost 4k today alone (had to buy a used washer for the rental) and came home to a check for $1087!!! The state of NV had me on an unclaimed property list and I filled the paper work and wha-la!!

We bought our xmas tree today! It is my first fake tree but we got a nice one on sale at Micheals. I am excited for this xmas in our new house...and can't wait to decorate. Hoping to decorate over Thanksgiving weekend while I recoop! Pix to follow!



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Good morning, violets..

Weighed in this morning and no loss or gain. On to Day 2. The Bobster heads to work today and I have Ethan for the day and singing rehearsal tonight.

Not much happening here these days. Joe is working, but not every day. He expects to be living with us until January. It's been working out fine so far.

Yesterday was St. Antler's Day in these parts. All schools closed for the start of deer hunting. I always looked forward to that day off. Bob doesn't hunt, but Nathan and Joe and my other son Josh do. Nathan was born and bred as an outdoorsman. I am sure Grady will be too.

Off to get dressed for the day. Just finished 1/4 cup of ham salad for breakfast. Wonder how long that will hold me?

Everyone have a great day. Will check back later.

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Some thoughts for today..

6 Ways to Beat Mindless Munching

Banish hunger

"Skipping meals sets you up for intense cravings," says Susan Kraus, R.D., a nutritionist at Hackensack University Medical Center. Eating regular meals of complex carbs—not refined ones like white bread and pasta—with Protein and a small amount of healthy fat will keep your blood sugar steady, and you feeling satisfied. When you do snack between meals, make smart choices. Foods with staying power: low-fat yogurt and granola or half a whole-wheat English muffin spread with natural Peanut Butter.< /span>

Identify triggers

Keep a food log for a week, recording your moods, what stresses you out, and how hungry you feel before eating. Once you've identified the things that drive you to raid your candy stash, you can react productively instead of eating half a pound of chocolate.< /span>

Wait it out

You're most susceptible to your brain's demands during the 20 minutes after a stressful episode—the amount of time it takes for serotonin to bounce back and stress hormones to fall. If you can resist a temptation for just that long, the urge will probably fade.

Drink something

The hypothalamus, your brain's control center for mood- and food-related signals, detects thirst as well as hunger. Gulp a glass of Water or hot tea (make it decaf—caffeine can trigger the release of stress chemicals) and see if the craving passes.

Blow it off

If you absolutely need an oral fix, reach for sugar-free gum. Researchers in Australia measured the levels of cortisol in the saliva of study subjects and found that on average, gum chewers had 16 percent less of the stress hormone than non-chewers and responded better to stressful situations.

See the lighter side

Studies show that laughter cuts stress, releases feel-good endorphins, and burns calories—an hour of yukking it up can torch about as many as a half-hour of lifting weights.

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Judy, I printed out that mindless munching. Thanks!!!

My headache is back. I went off some medicine for my headaches, and I need something. I have an appointment in a couple weeks, Trying to get the right medicine for my headaches is tough!!

Pamela, no second guessing or anything, you are so right and deserving for this. I am glad they added a solid meal for you. It is hard to do liquids!!

Oh well, off for work, then tomorrow I am off cutting hair because I have a female Dr. appointment at 1:00, so I am just taking the day off from work #1 then go into Sallys at five. This is the Dr. that I used to have to wait for 3 hours. He is my oncologist gyn but I see no one else, he is a brilliant man, but ALWAYS running behind. Then they told me about his Nurse Practishoner (sp) and she is right on time!! If I ever have another problem, he is there, but hopefully never will I have to wait again!!!

See how I am rambling, oh my gosh!!

I just start writing and then don't stop!!

Have a good one everyone!!!

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Hey girls~

What a difference a day makes...and a Lean Cuisine! I feel so much better today, you remember...day 4 is so much better than 1-3. I am starving still, but it is like my body is used to it. the headache has lessesned a great deal too.

I owed my kids Cookies so I passed out 4 boxes of chips ahoy! The smell killed me...but I owed them.

Now home to chillax and eat my Protein bar!

Pop in later!


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Good afternoon, Violets..

Boring day here today. Ethan and I walked for a little bit, so at least I got some exercise in. Eating has been good today...1/4 cup ham salad for breakfast, 1.5 cups of beef/broccoli and rice for lunch and homemade chicken noodle Soup is in the crock pot for supper. I've had some cheese and crackers, grapes and literally a couple of bites of Ethan's left over pb&j sandwich.

Michelle.. I've been following the Next Iron Chef on the food network and the guy you mentioned to us is in the final 2!! I'm betting he wins it.

PamELa.. glad you feel better today. I never had problems with the liquids part after surgery and never had to do the liquids before, thank goodness. It's the whole rest of the journey I'm having trouble with!!:lol:

Like Janie says, it's all consuming, isn't it? Or is that a pun??;)

Ok.. enough of the rambling. Off to have some soup before singing rehearsal tonight.

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I prefer SmartOnes over Lean Cuisine, and every once in a while when I eat one, I surprise myself all over again at how good they are.

I had one the other night, Russ was sick so I wasn't going to make dinner and he keeps them for lunch, so I had a salisbury steak & asparagus... it was only 210 calories, how is that only 210 calories?! The patty was a thick one, and the asparagus was so good.

One I've always liked--which is weird because I don't like Pasta, or red sauce... is angel hair marinara.. has angel hair, squash, zucchini, and probably some other veggies in a marinara.. and it's very good..although I normally eat it too quick and end up PBing.

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here is the bedding we picked out

Glenna Jean Only the Best for your Baby

juan is finishing up the painting in the nursery. the pink has grown on me. and anyways the pink wall is going to be almost completely covered by a wall unit/dresser combo.

here is the crib:

Romina Furniture - From Europe with love!

but sophia's furniture is a brown color.

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Those are gorgeous Haydee! And I do so love that name ;)

Make sure you take pics when you get the nursery together. I have our nursery together, I plan to take pics soon, right now I have a bunch of rubber maid bins of Carson's old clothes all over the floor, want to get those sorted before I do pics, I have a fuzzy blue rug on the floor that has to pull into the pics!

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Those are so beautiful, Haydee! What a lucky little girl!!

I meant to say earlier, Laura... mmmmm, donuts!

You're doing great, Pam!

Yes, Judy, I think he just may win it all, too! My friend was very coy and all she'd say was "It's a fabulous outcome." He certainly does spaz out at least once per episode, but he sure can cook! If I ever get back to NYC, I'm definitely going to his restaurant!

Janie, I hope your headaches calm down!!

I'm setting up for ds's 16th birthday tomorrow. Gifts & cards on the table for when he comes down for breakfast, egg casserole and cinnamon bread for breakfast, balloons, streamers... the works! I'm going to try to sneak 1 doz helium balloons into his room tonight while he's sleeping, so when he wakes up, balloons are everywhere!

Internally, I'm a wreck. HOW IS HE 16????? Seriously, in my mind's eye he's Carson's age and adorableness. If I let myself think about it, I get very "vaklempt" (sp)... so I try not to think about it. He's grown into such an amazing person... kind, smart, funny, athletic, witty, helpful, curious, musical, passionate, involved... and taller than me!

Did I tell you that he was accepted into National Honor Society? Induction is in a week.

Ok, off to wrap one last gift... then to bed, so I can wake up in the night to do the sneaky stuff! I love doing sneaky mom stuff!!


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Where to begin??

Haydee, just gorgeous! Can't wait to see pix of the room all put together...and then pix w/ the wee one in there too!

Michelle, I got vaklempt for you! 16 is a huge milestone...and you know what? You've done a wonderful job in raising a wonderful man. I wish you were my mom! You have lucky kids! xo

Laura, I put a ton of Beatles on fb!! Can't wait to see B's nursery pix too! Is Carson moving into the 3rd room?

Jane, I am sharing your headaches...but hope yours end soon.

I am keepin' on. Feeling good. Just ate a 200 cal LC and am full-ish! I'll wait until my bedtime before the choc shake that I like!

Trying to be very distracted and not paying too much attention to the pending surgery. Man, I want it to be next Tuesday so bad!

ok girls...behave ;)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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