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Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

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Good morning, Violets..

I was up at 6 this morning and was planning on getting my flu shot, but it is sooooo windy out, I decided to wait until tomorrow. Lots of reports of downed trees and power lines on the scanner. We still have power.. (obviously, or I wouldn't be able to send this!). Hope that continues through the day.

Ethan is here and we're just going to chill today. He is on the computer playing Sesame street games. Tonight is choir for me, but nothing else on the agenda and that suits me fine.

PamELa.. I haven't had the urge to pick up the Kindle lately. I need to get my head back into that game.

My body has been sore for a few days because of the bowling I did Sunday. Couldn't believe how much it hurt!! Things are better today though.

Off to do some laundry and then chillax for the day.

Everyone make it a good one!

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Good morning!

Yesterday was really windy, today is kinda chilly.

The meeting is with all the condos back in here, which if I had to guess would be about 200 -300. They are in all shapes and sizes from single to my size which is a twelve unit building (I think that is the biggest). Anyways they are bringing us up to speed on the things that are happening, and if we have any concerns or questions. Really? I might never come home.

Next year this time Laura will be figuring out costumes for two and Haydee for one!! How fun!! What will Carson be this year!! I think kids are so cute with Halloween!!!

Okay off to work!!

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Hello girlies...

Windy & rainy here, but not nearly as bad as the middle of the country. DH flies home today, so fingers crossed for an uneventful flight for him.

TracyinKS married & 'gnant? Wowza! Time flies... I wish her well!

Hope the meeting goes well, Janie.

Choc covered candy corn, Pam? Bleh... You sound about as busy as me -- and that's saying something!

Isn't it ironic how when your kid (or grandkid) is put on "no [whatever] (games, tv, computer)", it's really more of a punishment for us? I feel for you, Judy!

Hope you dodged the tornados, Laura! What is C going to be for HW?

Haydee, got your e-mail, you need to slow down, dearie! It's not good for you or babe to be so busy & tired. Cuz' if you think you're catching up on sleep/rest next year... ha ha... think again!

I think my kids are too old for t or t now. Wah. DD is going to a HW party, and DS wants to go see "Paranormal Activity 2" on HW. Another "end of an era" for this year. I really can't wait for 2010 to be OVER and to start a fresh new vibe in 2011!!!!!!!

Take care, all!

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i'm here, didn't go anywhere. Just super busy. I need to slow down but it's so hard. I keep asking at work when they are hiring someone else and they keep saying they are looking. I'm leaving in two months and I'll be gone for almost 3 months. I hope they know there is no way I can properly train someone in two months. UGH. And then on top of my regular work I have the wedding work. These are our busiest months. I'm not working the weddings anymore but still doing all the appts and meetings with the brides. I think people think I'm superwoman or something. Juan is not happy about me always being so busy but at least when I finally do make it home he makes me sit on my butt and doesn't let me lift a finger. Ahhhh, I'm so sorry to always be bitching about this. I always keep thinking things are gonna slow down, things are gonna change but nothing.


So how's everyone?

Pam, I'm so happy that you're on the road to success. I'm so jealous too! You'll be so skinny soon! How was paranormal activity? Will I be able to see it or will Sophia come popping out of me if I go? LOL

Jane - aww, Jane. Sucks that your life is work work work. I feel blessed that I have my family close by. I'm usually not that good at making friends so I mostly surround myself with family. I'd probably be work work work too if my family weren't around. I would try what Pam said about volunteering somewhere. Does your church have a youth group? I loved helping out with their events. You might enjoy that.

Judy, I'm glad things are looking up for Joe. I've been keeping him in my prayers that he finds something stable. Did you end up going for the pizza? I love crispy pizza and you made me crave some, LOL.

Laura, what's Carson dressing up as this halloween? I bought a cute maternity top that I'm gonna wear to work on Friday. I'll take a pic and post it if I remember! Oh and yes, I think we decided to go with the midwife after speaking to her. She will let you take your time with labor whearas a dr. will only wait so long and start trying to give you pitocin to speed things up. My "plans" are to try to do this as naturally as possible. but we will see. Sophia might decide differently.

Michelle Michelle. Everything you typed I want. LOL. I'm gonna blame Sophia too just like Laura is blaming Brody. This baby has a sweet tooth!

I'm gonna see if I can post a few pictures...





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Morning girls~

Haydee...you LOOK AMAZING!!! Sooo cute, I love the side pic, soooooo cute I wish I could see you! Paranormal Act. was great...but if you don't like scary movies you wont like it. It is a build up, I feel exhausted after seeing these movies!

My car broke down yesterday! Had a big fight (well, I think we did) w/ Sus and she slept in the other room...not really sure what happened, but I can pretty well say that I was being an asshole and she got fed up with me!

Gotta run...love you all! I am getting excited about the surgery, start liquids on the 12 or 13th!!!


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Good morning,Violets..

Well, the big wind storm of '10 is over. Our power went out three times yesterday, phone service, internet and cable were out twice. I've never experienced that much sustained wind for so long. I went to get my flu shot early this morning and as I passed the hospital, I saw a huge, beautiful evergreen tree laying on it side, pulled up by the roots. Now that must have been some darn strong wind to do that. I'm guessing the tree was 20 feet tall. We have lots of branches in our yard and we lost some of our leaves which is not a bad thing! And the leaves that are left were dried out by the wind so maybe we'll be able to burn them tomorrow or the next day.

Not much on the agenda today. I have flute rehearsal at 2 and then we are going out for dinner with Kris and family for Nathan's 30th birthday. Ethan is here for the day. We are working on vocabulary sight words and he is doing great. He's one smart cookie.... in some areas. lol

Everyone make it a good one. I'm getting excited for you PamELa!!!!

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Me too! Getting anxious and excited!

The weather is cooler here today. It's been in the 90's most of the week but today it was 73. yay!

Ok, im going for my 2nd Breakfast. I'm starving again....

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Good Morning!

I second Pamela Haydee, you look very cute and adorable and I am POSITIVE you do also Laura!!!

The meeting last night was very interesting. Not a whole lot of people, maybe 30 or 40. It seemed like every time I asked a question, I got an answer that didn't have anything to do with the question, but how Wal-mart would be so wonderful for the community. No one in the room agreed. I am glad I got to take off, but I am so glad that I am not involved with many of those meetings.

Charlies SIL is having GB around Thanksgiving, he says before, but doesn't know when. She lives in Ohio. I am sure both you and her will have GREAT SUCCESS!!! Did you have to do a liquid diet before your LAP-BAND®? I really didn't. I think I am the only one here, I really didn't too much after. I mean while I was in the hospital I got french toast and pineapple for Breakfast the last morning?!!

Here I am rambling again!! Sorry..........

Have a good one.

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Pineapple and french toast???? WHAT???? We had no liquid diet before the surgery, just had to lose weight somehow to shrink the liver. Afterwards it was 2 weeks of Clear Liquids, 2 weeks all liquid, 2 weeks soft foods and then regular food. And 2 weeks after that was the first fill.

And YES, I agree..Haydee, you look beautiful! (course you always do!!)

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Hmmmmm, having some band issues lately. Right after the fill I couldn't eat anything. The next day I could eat anything I wanted, no problems. This week, I'm having issues again. Last night had some chicken with Pasta, spinach and an alfredo sauce. I had a few bites and pb'd. Then I could eat about 1/2 a cup. Today I warmed up beef stew for lunch. I had a few bites and pb'd that also. I called and made an appointment for a fill right after I realized I could eat anything. Now I'm wondering... I'm at 2.9 right now and was at 3.7 before the surgery. What to do, what to do. I don't want to be making that 8 hour round trip when the weather starts getting bad and that should be in another month. My appointment is Nov. 15. I was planning on getting it filled to 3.5, but now not so sure.

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I have to do 8 days liquid diet (he gives me),the two days (or one) clear liquids. Then after the surgery, I am on clear liquids in the hospital, then full liquids for 4 weeks. Goal by xmas is almost "doable"...can't imagine if I exceed it:biggrin::sneaky::ohmy::w00t:

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Happy Friday, everyone!

Last night DD & I went w/the barn to the Washington International Horse Show... what a spectacle! The horses are amazing... they jump SO high! They close off the streets all around the Verizon Center in the middle of DC and put up temporary tents/stalls/barns and the horses just take over the streets. We had a great time, but didn't get home 'til after midnight! :thumbup: But dd was up & off to school on time... I'm still dragging in my pj's... some days I'm so thankful I work from home!

Also last night (of course) was ds's first-round state tournament playoff game, at home, which they WON 4-0 (yay, shut-out for ds!)! The Quarterfinal game in on Tuesday in Hagerstown against the #1 seeded team!

Tomorrow ds & dh are going on ds's first college visit! :thumbup: See what I mean about all these milestones?? They're coming at me fast & furious these days!!!

Yesterday a weird thing happened to me... I was hauling in groceries, obviously I had too many bags in my hands & couldn't see my feet, and I was standing on the steps to enter the house, and I turned the doorknob, and I walked forward to enter the house... but I wasn't on the top step (duh)... so I tripped and fell into the doorway like a rock! I wasn't expecting it, so I didn't break the fall at all... my left knee & front of my leg took the brunt of it and I've got the BIGGEST bruise and it hurts like crazy! Luckily, I wasn't carrying eggs! I can't remember the last time I fell! So odd...

Haydee, you look GREAT!!!

Janie, are they trying to brainwash you all? "Wal-Mart is wonderful. Wal-mart is wonderful. You are getting sleepy..."

Pam, I'm getting 'cited for you! & I can't believe you & S had such a big fight that she slept in "my" room (ha ha)! I'm sure you'll make up quickly.

Judy, you sound busy lately, too! & what's up w/your band? Sounds fickle. Can you give it a week or so before you make a decision about cancelling the app't?

Ok, enough work avoidance... I have to finish a 160-page chapter on the WARN Act this a.m. & send it back to the inhouse editor... fun fun fun!

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Michelle, I think brainwash is a good term!!

So-so busy day here today, but both jobs today and tomorrow and I think, I have Sunday off, although I do have a meeting that morning, does that count as a day off if you have a meeting? I have worked the last four Sundays so this is going to be real nice to have off.

Judy, I totally agree with you on Project Runway!! Don't like the person who won at all. Has always been my least favorite from the beginning.

Oooh look at the time. Got to go!!!!!

Have a good one!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aww Haydee you do look great!! I assume your glucose test was fine since I didn't read any follow up?

I just had mine this morning.. I failed 2 tests, 1 for Iron and the preliminary glucose test. UGH. I was 165 and it should be 140, so it's not super high. She said 'if you ate a lot of sugar yesterday it could cause that'. Why didn't she tell me that before today!? I had 2x ice creams and some Halloween candy yesterday.

So now I have to do a 4 hour test, and you can't leave once you get there. That sounds like a LOT of fun!!!

This has been a crappy week for me and it just dawned on me.

My work computer has a virus so bad it wiped it out and computer won't start up. I don't even know how that happens, I don't go to weird websites, esp. at work!!

Then Russ plugged my hardrive into his to try to fix it, and it overtook HIS work computer, which is an important computer here... so now I'm on my laptop at work. The tornados caused me to miss a lot of work, schools don't stay in session for bad storms ever since the school in south Al collapsed a couple years ago.

And now these tests. I have to go on an iron supplement.

Listening to Edie's "Nothing"....

OH and Carson is going to be Charlie Brown. Tomorrow we are taking him to a pumpkin patch. I'm not sure when Halloween is for us, we are in Limestone county but our neighborhood was annexed into Madison City.

Of course, Limestone Co. is doing it Saturday night and Madison city is doing it Sunday night, so I have no idea what my neighborhood plans to do.

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Oh yeah 2 other things..

Russ got to feel Brody for the first time the other morning.

About 5am I wake up, wide awake, and Brody is normally kicking up a storm. I was laying there listening to the news, and noticed Russell was half-awake, so I put his hand on my belly and Brody kicked him like nuts hah.

Doc said today the c-section will probably be on Feb 9th or 10th.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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