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You'll be fine, Some people can be a little harsh. But I think most have slipped up from time to time. The only people that bother me are the ones that talk about eating pizza, ice cream and other junk and then later complain that the band doesn't work. The fact that you are concerned about it is enough or me. Once again, You'll be fine.

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x96oun...I too had ice cream yesterday! a small portion, but it was awesome! I have not cheated ONE time for three weeks. I lost 13 pounds and then went up 2 pounds! I thought maybe I could "shock my system" to get the scale moving. Weighed myself today and I lost a pound of weight that I had gained. If you can set limits on how much you're eating, then I don't think there is anything wrong with OCCASIONALLY treating yourself. I think it's a good idea to keep Protein supplements readily available to help avoid temptation.

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I am 11 days post op, and today I was hungry and needed a snack or lunch (as I was running in meetings all day). I had a lrge flurry from MacDonalds, but with no toppings just soft serve. It is high in calories (like 400), but has decent Protein 16grams. It is all I have eaten today, do you think this is a big no-no? I feel guilty!!

If someone asks if something is a bad choice, it is not harsh to say it is. As for sugar, no one needs the simple sugars in a flurry.

Should we wallow in guilt when we make poor choices? Heck no, we should learn from them.

As for McD's they have the best $1 side salad out there. It isn't all iceberg lettuce, and it is great with the low cal dressing. So even they have options! (Not for someone still on liquids or mushies, of course.)

Five months into this journey, there is a place for moderation. I have a dark chocolate kiss every day or two.

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Subway here does not sell yogurt, there are no Starbucks, and yes there is a MacDonalds, but they do not do yogurt here either. I live in a city of 18,000 people in the Canadian Arctic. Things are hard to come by at times here. Besides the high calories (400) the soft serve ice cream is close to yogurt in nutrition anyway (protein, carbs and fat). I was not really craving ice cream, I was craving something to eat, and what can you get when you are running between meetings in this place??? Not much, but I need to come more prepared I think is the big thing!!

Hi x96:

Congrats on your new way of life. Is it going to be easy NO, will you have challenges, YES. But the only way you are going to learn is by making some choices which at the time will be fine then the scale will tell you different. Right now number one priority is healing, you may want to try the whey Protein Shots, the are 2.4 ounces and taste good. You had an ice cream during the liquid stage, guess what so did I and it tasted good! Just because you had that does not mean you should feel guilty, what you should do is prepare yourself for when it can happen again, and believe me it will. Chalk it up to experience and go on, healing is the most important thing you will do and you will gain weight and that is ok so go on and enjoy your band.

This band is a tool, you can eat of everything but in moderation once you have your fills, you will be able to have better control. Don't let anyone chastice you because you made the wrong choice you did what you could with what you had available. Could it have been better yes, but guess what sometime life unexpected stresses happen.

Go on and have a great band life

Good Luck!


Good luck


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Would love to know if some of these people being hard on you have never been in the same situation.

I keep muscle milks in my car since I travel alot. I have one of those hot/cold bags in my car and do that. Hope this helps!

I wouldn't worry about it. I often get gelatto here and have lost over 80 pounds in about a year. I am not too worried about the occasional indulgence to be honest.

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Thanks guy's (and gals) for all of the support. I have lost weight on several occassions before, (100lbs plus) and on my weight loss journey's I have actually had McDonald's salads followed by an ice cream cone...and still lost the weight. It was going back to eating a double quarter pounder with bacon and cheese with a large fries and coke and a large flurry that was the problem...always. I am sure I will be okay. The problem I always seen was when I cut verything out is when the urges became too great and hence the "yo0yo" dieting I have been doing for years now!!

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Hey there. Just throwing my two cents in there in with the mix.

You made one not so good choice. You probably know it wasn't the best one to make, which is why you posted. Don't beat yourself up and don't feel guilty. We are ALL human and while many on here are model bandsters, many others have "sinned" here or there, but I truly believe moderation is key. If we denied ourselves constantly, I don't know about you, but I would freaking go out and binge. I'm not saying that it's something to go out and do once a week, which you already know, but chalk it up to your past and move on. There will certainly be more obstacles thrown your way. What some of us tend to forget, it's not "snap, wake up--this is how life is gonna be from here on out"--it's a journey. You find what works for you and what doesn't. You make the best choices possible for YOU and take responsibility for them (which you are doing). Take it easy on yourself, it's okay.

And for the record, when TOM is near (I know this doesn't apply to you), I have my ice cream (it may be skinny cow, but whatever!) LOL You will learn that a small treat every so often isn't so bad. Again, not saying every day (so don't be flaming me people LOL), but again moderation is key. I consider myself successful at this point and I practice moderation and exercise my butt off, so I deserve a treat every now and then.

I know you've come here for support and while some don't seem to come across that way to you, everyone is looking out for you being a new bandster and all. It sucks to start out with bad habits, but from your post, it looks like it was an act of desperation to grab some calories and Protein and you didn't have a lot of choices available.

I agree with a previous poster though, the Muscle Milk LIGHT is awesome!!! An 8.5 ounce "juice box" size is 100 calories, 3 g of fat and 15 grams of protein!! There is also a 16 ounce one that is 20+ grams of protein and 160 calories. I order mine at Discount Anabolics and get the 24 pack of the 8.5 ouncers and keep a stash everywhere just in case I run into a situation where I have limited choices available :-)

Hang in there. And FUHGEDDABOUTIT :-)!!!!!! Start each day as a new day :-)! Live and learn!!

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I agree with Missy.

It is wrong in many ways:

  • Fast food joints serve poison! There probably wasn't an ounce of ice or cream in whatever the crap they served you was.
  • Even if it were a healthy frozen yogurt, it is still not a balanced diet.
  • If it was all you had to eat all day then you apparently skipped Breakfast and that is bad.

If you are in a hurry, find a Subway or deli and get a small sandwich, a salad, a cup of Soup, etc...

Steer clear of fast food joints no matter the cost!

you sound like a preacher but not in a good way - give the person a break

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An interesting variety of responses.

And the answer actually covers a wide variety of issues. I do, of course, have an opinion.

Anyway you look at it, it was a bad choice. Those of you who say that this is a “healing period” may be correct….But, it is NOT a “bad choice” period. Eating this kind of stuff should have ended during the pre-op diet.

I am a believer in the concept that the little choices that we make on a daily or even hourly basis can have a profound impact on the long-term efficacy of ANY Weight Loss Surgery.

It may be true that the OP lives in an area that has a limited selection food-wise, but if there is a McDonalds, then there MUST be a 7-Eleven or supermarket or someplace where you could have picked up a little container of Apple Sauce or pre-made Protein Shake or something like that. I know that old habits die hard; for most obese people, a normal response would be exactly would the OP did….pull into a fast-food joint and grab whatever I could. But life is different now. You have to-retrain yourself, get rid of the old responses, and create a new, healthier mindset.

Now, this issue of whether people are being “supportive” or not is a little confusing. Some of the people here seem to think that “supportive” means saying “forget about it, it’s fine”. I think being supportive means acknowledging that a mistake WAS made, and encouraging the OP to avoid doing it again. The OP asked if it was a “big no-no”….and yes, it IS a big no-no. It is a reality that should be acknowledged. Anything else is enabling negative behavior.

I also have to take issue with those who say that it is ok to “have a treat” every once in a while. That MAY work for some people. But a significant percentage of the obese population has an addiction to various types of foods, and they need to avoid those kinds of food at ALL costs. Otherwise, you just perpetuate the addiction. I am quite certain that if you had a friend who was an alcoholic, you wouldn’t offer them a Martini as a “treat” because they had been sober for a few months. It’s the same thing. As obese people, we do not have the “luxury” of abstaining from our addictive substance. We have to continue eating to live. BUT….we DO have power over WHAT we eat. The Lap Band helps us with how much of it we consume; But not WHAT we consume. That is entirely OUR choice.

As far as “feeling guilty”…..well….you ARE guilty of making a bad choice. So why not FEEL that, move on, and avoid doing the same thing in the future. There is NOTHING wrong with feeling guilty about something if you are, indeed, GUILTY. It’s not a crime you have committed; it’s merely a lapse in judgment. Feeling guilty about something we do is one of the mechanisms available to us to help keep us from doing the same thing again. If you DIDN’T feel guilty about it, I would suggest that perhaps you had a bigger problem. But you do, and that is a good thing. So, embrace the guilt, and move on.

If you do live in an area where the food choices are limited, then you would be well served by stocking up on foods that you can take with you and use as needed, such as ready-made shakes, Protein Bars, etc, so that you will never be at the mercy of McDonalds again. Or Wendy’s. Or Jack in the Box.

Recognizing when you have done something counterproductive and resolving to avoid that kind of behavior in the future is NEVER a bad thing, and feeling a little guilty about it is really a good thing, and will help you stick to the program.

By the way: Nice fish, man. What is it, how much did it weigh? You live in a nice place. :rolleyes:


Edited by Spartan

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I "enabled" myself to eat ice cream last night and it was wonderful! Then I got up and ran the C25K week 5 day 2 to make up for it. This is life, its messy and not perfect. Do the best you can most of the time, make up for the rest with extra exercise.

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Don't buy a bunch of muscle milks etc., unless you know you like them. The muscle milk lite is one of the nastiest drinks I purchased. I drank them because I am cheap, lol. Some of the powders are even decent with Water. not good but decent.

To those 'defending" the op, you all need to chill. No one is jumping down her throat. They are merely answering her question with their opinions. If she didn't want opinions, she shouldn't have asked. Opinions vary in life. That is what makes them opinions.

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I "enabled" myself to eat ice cream last night and it was wonderful! Then I got up and ran the C25K week 5 day 2 to make up for it. This is life, its messy and not perfect. Do the best you can most of the time, make up for the rest with extra exercise.

I agree with Leigha. As long as you are balancing your meals with exercise and activity, a treat is not going to kill you. Balance is key. I eat ice cream a couple times a month and I don't feel guilty at all. However, I'm active, keep my calories in check and I allow myself to have a relationship with food that's not based on fear and abstinence. I'm still a fairly new bandster, 5 months out and 67 lbs down so far, but I truly believe that finding a balance with the lap band and not fearing food is key. Anyhow, on a tastier note, over the weekend I found a yummy fat free, whey Protein based ice cream by Arctic Zero. It is only 128 calories a pint and has a total of 16 grams of Protein. Now that's a compromise :confused:



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I think the best part is the big lesson here: BE PREPARED! We have all been caught short with the right foods. Once in the early stages I did with nothing as i had no "right" options to choose from. Instead I was sooooo hungry that when I was in reach of a "good choice" I ate too quickly and became stuck and horribly sick. I realized a bit of a poor choice would have been better. I carry Protein bars and dry Cereal.< /p>

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I got my lap band to help me with weight loss. If I wanted to cut everything out I enjoy for food, I think that is a bit extreme...forever. I know friends who still enjoy an ice cream or a burger, but do not do it very often, but still enjoy it when they can. These people are in good shape and exercise regularly. I do not think cutting everything out altogether is the proper format. My guilt was not over eatting ice cream, it was replacing a meal with it for lunch.

The fish I caught was a lake trout at 45lbs at Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories Canada!!

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If I wanted to cut everything out I enjoy for food, I think that is a bit extreme...forever.

That is exactly why diets fail.

We need to stop at looking at food as good and bad or allowed and forbidden. It is far more sensible to regard food as always or sometimes foods.

I got banded because I was sick of dieting. I wanted to be able to eat what I wanted when I wanted - exactly the same as thin people do. Most people who have a healthy relationship with food do not obsess over every mouthful. They listen to their bodies, figure out exactly what they need at that point and eat it.

If I want to eat a piece of chocolate I will and hopefully because I know that itis OK to do so I will stop without finsihing the whole bar. Preband chocolate was forbidden food so it held a much greater hold over me and I was far more likely to finish the entire bar than I am now.

For me the band has been about not dieting, listening to my body and eating any food I want in moderation. It has been about trying to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Some of my choices now are far healthier than preband.I have just eaten a slice of melon because that is what i really fancied. It is not the easiest food for me to eat now and actually causes a little discomfort going down. I could easily have thought forget it let me have some crackers/yogurt/icecream whatever instead as they would have been far easier to eat but I persevered with the melon.

My guilt was not over eatting ice cream, it was replacing a meal with it for lunch.

I don't think this is bad at all. At least you didn't have lunch and icecream!

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