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No hate in the posts below. :cursing: And I guess the Nazis didn't hate the Jews, they just killed them because they didn't like that they weren't christians. Nothing personal, mind you.

"Alright, listen up. We need to open our eyes. There are over 2 million illegal immigrants bedding down in this state tonight! This state spent $3 billion last year, on services for those people who have no right to be here!$3 billion! $400 million just to lock up a bunch of illegal immigrant criminals, who only got into this country because the fuckin' INS decided, "It's not worth the effort to screen for convicted felons!" Who gives a shit? Our government doesn't give a shit! Our border policy's a joke! So, is anybody surprised that south of the border, they're laughing at us? Laughing at our laws? Every night, thousands of these parasites stream across the border like some fucking piñata exploded...There's nothin' funny goin' on here! This is about your life and mine; it's about decent, hard working Americans falling through the cracks and getting the shaft because their government cares more about the constitutional rights of a bunch of people who aren't even citizens of this country! On the Statue of Liberty it says "give me your tired your hungry, your poor..." well it's Americans who are tired and hungry and poor, and I say until you take care of that, close the fucking book! 'Cause we're losing, we're losing our right to pursue our destiny, we're losing our freedom, so that a bunch of fucking foreigners can come in here and exploit our country! And this isn't something that's going on far away, this isn't something that's happening places we cant do anything about it, it's happening right here, right in our neighborhood...I see this shit going on and I don't see anyone doing anything about it...and it fuckin' pisses me off!! So look around you,this isn't our fuckin' neighborhood this is a battlefield, we are on a battlefield tonight..make a decision: are we gonna stand by the sidelines quietly while our country gets raped? "Fuck no!!" are we gonna ante-up and do something about it? "FUCK YEAHH!!!...you're goddamn right we are!!"

Unfuc@ing believable!!! While we're at it why dont we put a Japanese war memorial at Pearl Harbor! We're not fighting for our(American)rights anymore. I think we should remove the statue of liberty and put a statue of Mohammed in her place(I dont know if I spelled Mohammed right and I dont give a flying mother-fu@#)!! Better yet, the Islamo-nuts are probably planning that as we speak!

And Ive actually wondered why people "go crazy". We're being told we're doing the right thing, fighting for our country,the only good thing is we get to kill alot of these nut-jobs, man is that satisfying! Then we come home and find out there is a mosque at Ground Zero, the very reason alot of soldiers became soldiers! Man, right now I envisioning what a 50 cal bullet fired from a sniper rifle does to a terrorist, islamo nutjob piece of shit! Again, so satisfying and gratifying! My grandfather is "turning over in his grave right now"!

And I also used the words disdain, contempt and looking down on and MANY of your posts about those receiving government aid are full of all of these.

The "fact" is, thats right fact, MsMackieLee posted this not Patty!

And I dont claim not to hate!

And again, your one of those far lefty's who believe we're the problem, we caused these problems and peace can be achieved if we all just lay down our guns!

What would you be crying about if I didnt post that?

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Also, you never answered my question. Is it ok to change the federal immigration law and allow illegals who are already here to become legal?

People are free to try to change zoning laws. But we are a nation of laws and if this mosque/community center is privately owned and doesn't violate the current zoning laws, EXACTLY what would you like "big" government to do? Step in and stop it? Then what would prevent them from stopping a evangelical church from being built somewhere? Or a Jewish temple? Or (horrors!) an gun store near the Oklahoma bombing site (it might offend those who lost loved ones since Tim McVeigh loved guns and was in one of those militia groups at one time) ...you see where this is going? You can't present a problem without presenting a solution.

What your saying is keep the law the same and just let the mosque there(In the end there wont be a mosque there).

So lets keep the federal immigration law the same and deport the illegals until they become citizens the right way!

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What your saying is keep the law the same and just let the mosque there(In the end there wont be a mosque there).

Where did I say that? I said they are free to try to change the zoning law. And you didn't answer my question about what the government should do to stop this?

So lets keep the federal immigration law the same and deport the illegals until they become citizens the right way!

Most Americans support a comprehensive immigration bill that would include some path to citizenship for those here. There is no practical solution to deporting those who are not citizens but are here with their families and working. At least none that I've heard.

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The "fact" is, thats right fact, MsMackieLee posted this not Patty!

And I dont claim not to hate!

And again, your one of those far lefty's who believe we're the problem, we caused these problems and peace can be achieved if we all just lay down our guns!

What would you be crying about if I didnt post that?

I didn't say PG posted these. I offered her these examples to support my claim that many post from an emotional, often hate filled position. They are not interested in facts. Try to keep up.

And where did I say to lay down our guns? I believe we have the right to defend ourselves. The pre-emptive strike in Iraq was not defensive, it was offensive and unnecessary. Now, you can defend that war, and that's fine because I know you support everything the military does. But most Americans want us out of both wars. Does that make them all "want us to lay down our guns?"

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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No hate in the posts below. :rolleyes: And I guess the Nazis didn't hate the Jews, they just killed them because they didn't like that they weren't christians. Nothing personal, mind you.

"Alright, listen up. We need to open our eyes. There are over 2 million illegal immigrants bedding down in this state tonight! This state spent $3 billion last year, on services for those people who have no right to be here!$3 billion! $400 million just to lock up a bunch of illegal immigrant criminals, who only got into this country because the fuckin' INS decided, "It's not worth the effort to screen for convicted felons!" Who gives a shit? Our government doesn't give a shit! Our border policy's a joke! So, is anybody surprised that south of the border, they're laughing at us? Laughing at our laws? Every night, thousands of these parasites stream across the border like some fucking piñata exploded...There's nothin' funny goin' on here! This is about your life and mine; it's about decent, hard working Americans falling through the cracks and getting the shaft because their government cares more about the constitutional rights of a bunch of people who aren't even citizens of this country! On the Statue of Liberty it says "give me your tired your hungry, your poor..." well it's Americans who are tired and hungry and poor, and I say until you take care of that, close the fucking book! 'Cause we're losing, we're losing our right to pursue our destiny, we're losing our freedom, so that a bunch of fucking foreigners can come in here and exploit our country! And this isn't something that's going on far away, this isn't something that's happening places we cant do anything about it, it's happening right here, right in our neighborhood...I see this shit going on and I don't see anyone doing anything about it...and it fuckin' pisses me off!! So look around you,this isn't our fuckin' neighborhood this is a battlefield, we are on a battlefield tonight..make a decision: are we gonna stand by the sidelines quietly while our country gets raped? "Fuck no!!" are we gonna ante-up and do something about it? "FUCK YEAHH!!!...you're goddamn right we are!!"

Unfuc@ing believable!!! While we're at it why dont we put a Japanese war memorial at Pearl Harbor! We're not fighting for our(American)rights anymore. I think we should remove the statue of liberty and put a statue of Mohammed in her place(I dont know if I spelled Mohammed right and I dont give a flying mother-fu@#)!! Better yet, the Islamo-nuts are probably planning that as we speak!

And Ive actually wondered why people "go crazy". We're being told we're doing the right thing, fighting for our country,the only good thing is we get to kill alot of these nut-jobs, man is that satisfying! Then we come home and find out there is a mosque at Ground Zero, the very reason alot of soldiers became soldiers! Man, right now I envisioning what a 50 cal bullet fired from a sniper rifle does to a terrorist, islamo nutjob piece of shit! Again, so satisfying and gratifying! My grandfather is "turning over in his grave right now"!

And I also used the words disdain, contempt and looking down on and MANY of your posts about those receiving government aid are full of all of these. I rest my case. Case closed!!!

You are confusing me with someone else. I didn't write that. Since when do I swear and curse?

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I didn't say PG posted these. I offered her these examples to support my claim that many post from an emotional, often hate filled position. They are not interested in facts. Try to keep up.

And where did I say to lay down our guns? I believe we have the right to defend ourselves. The pre-emptive strike in Iraq was not defensive, it was offensive and unnecessary. Now, you can defend that war, and that's fine because I know you support everything the military does. But most Americans want us out of both wars. Does that make them all "want us to lay down our guns?"

Actually, the fact is, and it is fact, you didnt do much research, Ive posted in the not so distant past that I believe the war in Afghanistan should end. We didnt go there to "nation build" and it will never work anyway.

The war in Iraq should have never been, we where mislead from the beginning!

My support is fully for the military men and women(families)who dont have a choice in the matter. So if supporting my fellow American soldiers is a crime to you Im sorry you feel that way!

Most Americans dont understand the repercussions of pulling out of either place early. In a perfect world we should have had a leader who knew how to lead. Looking at it now, what did going into Afghanistan accomplish? When we where "ahead of the game" Bush let off, he focused on Iraq and the Taliban and Alqaeda regrouped and now we're worse off than we where in the beginning. So, no you didnt do your research and had to rely on your opinions as facts which werent accurate once again proving my point!

Iraq, we should have never gone in the first place.

But most Americans supported both wars in the beginning because Bush was able to make a good sale by playing off everyones emotions and they thought it would be like Desert Storm, in and out! It was in and out alright, Bush stuck it to everyone! But we cant just pull out because its losing support.

And the main thing for you Bush supporters, these 2 wars are the main reason our economy sucks. THANKS AGAIN GEORGE!

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You are confusing me with someone else. I didn't write that. Since when do I swear and curse?

Again, try to keep up. When you edited my quote and left out the part that said "...than most who post from a place of hate then go from there" - well that makes a big difference. I think we've all learned how the right wing edits things (videos) in this past week to mislead the public.

Now, all that being said, I offered those sample posts BY OTHER POSTERS to show how much hate some of them start off with and then go from there. I never said they were yours.

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Most Americans support a comprehensive immigration bill that would include some path to citizenship for those here. There is no practical solution to deporting those who are not citizens but are here with their families and working. At least none that I've heard.

To me, most Americans would mean 160,000,000 people or more considering we have 310,000,000 people, show me those numbers and Ill believe you otherwise its your opinion which only matters to you!

Show me facts that prove most Americans support this because all the protests and numerous states that want to adopt the Arizona law seems to be growing.

I myself dont have a problem with Mexicans, Chinese, Russians, whoever as long as its legal(except Muslims)!

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Again, try to keep up. When you edited my quote and left out the part that said "...than most who post from a place of hate then go from there" - well that makes a big difference. I think we've all learned how the right wing edits things (videos) in this past week to mislead the public.

Now, all that being said, I offered those sample posts BY OTHER POSTERS to show how much hate some of them start off with and then go from there. I never said they were yours.

You know how Lapband has that trademark R, mine is going to be the word muslim after I say the word hate!

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Actually, the fact is, and it is fact, you didnt do much research, Ive posted in the not so distant past that I believe the war in Afghanistan should end. We didnt go there to "nation build" and it will never work anyway.

The war in Iraq should have never been, we where mislead from the beginning!

My support is fully for the military men and women(families)who dont have a choice in the matter. So if supporting my fellow American soldiers is a crime to you Im sorry you feel that way! I support our men and women in the military and I think they have been shortchanged in many ways when bush sent them to war from not getting the equipment they needed (unless their families bought it) to the medical treatment when they got home that was often lacking. Where do I say that supporting our military men and women is a crime? See why it is so easy to disprove you? You make sweeping statements with no factual basis.

Most Americans dont understand the repercussions of pulling out of either place early.I do and I've argued this point with PG who wants to know why Obama doesn't keep his promise to bring the troops home. In a perfect world we should have had a leader who knew how to lead. Looking at it now, what did going into Afghanistan accomplish? When we where "ahead of the game" Bush let off, he focused on Iraq and the Taliban and Alqaeda regrouped and now we're worse off than we where in the beginning. So, no you didnt do your research and had to rely on your opinions as facts which werent accurate once again proving my point! Exactly what opinions do I have that I was presenting as facts?

Iraq, we should have never gone in the first place.

But most Americans supported both wars in the beginning because Bush was able to make a good sale by playing off everyones emotions and they thought it would be like Desert Storm, in and out! It was in and out alright, Bush stuck it to everyone! But we cant just pull out because its losing support.

And the main thing for you Bush supporters, these 2 wars are the main reason our economy sucks. THANKS AGAIN GEORGE!

I certainly hope you're not including me as a bush supporter. I never supported him for one day. Ever.

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Again, try to keep up. When you edited my quote and left out the part that said "...than most who post from a place of hate then go from there" - well that makes a big difference. I think we've all learned how the right wing edits things (videos) in this past week to mislead the public.

Now, all that being said, I offered those sample posts BY OTHER POSTERS to show how much hate some of them start off with and then go from there. I never said they were yours.

You say potato I say po-tat-o!

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I certainly hope you're not including me as a bush supporter. I never supported him for one day. Ever.

No, I read that after I posted, I figured you know that I know better because what I said you said, you said. Ah forget that, I know better.

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To me, most Americans would mean 160,000,000 people or more considering we have 310,000,000 people, show me those numbers and Ill believe you otherwise its your opinion which only matters to you!

Show me facts that prove most Americans support this because all the protests and numerous states that want to adopt the Arizona law seems to be growing.

I myself dont have a problem with Mexicans, Chinese, Russians, whoever as long as its legal(except Muslims)!

New Poll Shows Comprehensive Immigration Reform has Broad Support

The headline of a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll reads, "Most Americans Back New Immigration Law," while this is true it only tells half the story.

While most Americans support the Arizona law they equally support a pathway to citizenship.

It is true that there is support for SB1070, lets look at the cross tabs:

31. A new law in Arizona would give police the power to ask people they've stopped to verify their residency status. (Supporters say this will help crack down on illegal immigration.) (Opponents say it could violate civil rights and lead to racial profiling.) On balance, do you support or oppose this law? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?

-------- Support -------- -------- Oppose --------- No

NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opinion

6/6/10 58 42 16 41 12 29 2

58% of Americans strongly support the Arizona law, however there is almost equal support for a pathway to citizenship.

30. Would you support or oppose a program giving ILLEGAL immigrants now living in the United States the right to live here LEGALLY if they pay a fine and meet other requirements?

Support Oppose No opinion

6/6/10 57 40 3

4/24/09 61 35 3

12/19/07 49 46 5

11/1/07 51 44 4

6/1/07 52 44 4

57% of Americans support a pathway to citizenship provided the immigrants pay back taxes and meet other requirements.

It is important that that political pundits and legislators recognize, that while SB1070 is popular,fixing our broken immigration system is equally popular.

Not only does the polling data shows that Americans want something done on comprehensive immigration reform, but it shows consistent support for immigration reform going back three years.

Also of note within this poll there is broad support for federal enforcement of immigration law vs. state only enforcement.

The question in the poll reads:

In general do you think states should be allowed to make and enforce their own immigration laws or should they be left to federal jurisdiction.

53% of the respondents said that the federal government should be responsible for making and enforcing immigration laws.

It is significant, that the general public recognizes that the federal government should be responsible for passing and enforcing immigration laws.

This statistic is another indicator that the public would rather have federal comprehensive legislation then allow states to create their own laws.

When the term "most Americans" is used it usually refers to polls and they don't include children so one half of the population is not relevant for this purpose.

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I certainly hope you're not including me as a bush supporter. I never supported him for one day. Ever.

I cant be so fortunate to claim non-support, I voted for him the 2nd term because I bought into his bull after 9-11! I was becoming interested in politics around this time because of 9-11 and the wars. I said in the past I thought what Hannity and Beck said was the gospel, now I listen just to get pissed off. It makes me so uncomfortable to listen to them anymore.

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