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Ever had someone who was mean to you, and now there life is horrible

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Heres the funny part of that, what your saying is god did something bad to the Chevy dealership. Ive been told in the past by my former boss(he was an ordained minister, born again, yada, yada, yada. Ive told you about him in the past, hypocrisy). He told me that god wouldnt do anything bad to anybody, he said that the devil does. It sounds to me like you "made a deal with the devil"! One thing he did tell me that I still follow is, "people always ask god for favors in times of need, maybe people should stop asking and thank him for what they do have". That was about 7-8 years ago and to this day Ive never asked god for anything, I thank him for what I do have, health, wealth and happiness. Whatever happens negatively in my life(mom dying young 10 months after my first boy(her first grandchild) was born, I was very angry). I just figure he has a plan for everyone and everything.

See Cleos mom, sarcasm again. Dont take offense, its common for me.

I didn't find this post at all sarcastic. I think you are right on.

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Here's a different answer to someone's prayers. And after reading it, let's have three cheers for corporate america. And people think that the government is the problem? Yeah, right!

Wells Fargo Preys on Mom of Scalded Baby in ICU

Sat May 15, 2010 at 07:25:20 PM PDT

One year old Ethan Coombs, of my hometown of Sanford, North Carolina, pulled on a tea bag and accidentally scalded himself with a pot of near-boiling Water. Ethan spent days in the ICU at UNC, Chapel Hill. To his family it was a harrowing and costly medical emergency.

To Wells Fargo, it was a business opportunity.


Wells Fargo sent a letter to the Coombs offering to cut their mortgage payments by more than two thirds in their time of need. Injured Ethan in center of photo. photo by Stephanie Bruce, Fayetteville Oberver

Linda Coombs was desperate to find a way to pay her bills with her baby in the ICU. She prayed to God for help. She thought God had answered her prayers when she read the letter from Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo wrote that she was pre-qualified for the federal government loan modification program recently passed into law.

It sounded like an answer to our prayers
when we were at a lowest point in our life," Linda Coombs said.


The Coombses, who have four children, were a month behind in their mortgage payment, so they jumped at the offer to cut their monthly bill from about $766 to $233.

Under the federal government's Home Affordable Modification Program, eligible borrowers receive trial mortgage modifications in which payments are reduced to 31 percent of their income, according to the Congressional Oversight Panel. After three months of successful payments, participants are told, the modification is converted to "permanent" status for five or more years.

As instructed by Wells Fargo, Linda Coombs said, she began paying $233 a month in September. That continued for three months, she said, until Wells Fargo sent a notice saying the family owed more than $3,000 in back payments.

Wells Fargo never apparently never intended to approve the Coombs. They saw an opportunity to collect thousands of dollars of fees. Wells Fargo now says that her husband, a carpenter, doesn't make enough money to be approved. However, they must have known about his income when he applied for the modification. Wells Fargo is threatening foreclosure, requesting payement of the full amount of the mortgage plus thousands of dollars of legal and late payment fees.

Thousands of other people have been given similar offers then foreclosed on by Wells Fargo. A class action lawsuit has been filed in Boston based on a very similar case. Moreover, there is strong evidence of predatory lending by Wells Fargo in Tennessee.

In Tennessee, Wells Fargo preyed on African Americans according to a lawsuit filed in April.

The complaint against Wells Fargo says the company would identify possible customers through their purchases of furniture and jewelry at businesses in African-American areas of the city and county, as well as those who previously had loans with the company.

Credit managers in branch offices were instructed to contact these "leads" to persuade them to apply for new subprime loans with Wells Fargo, according to the lawsuit.

"The way we were told to sell these loans was to explain that we were eliminating the customers' old debt by consolidating their existing debts into one new one," said Dancy, who worked as a credit manager in Wells Fargo's Park Avenue office from 2007 to 2008, in a declaration filed with the court. "This was not really true. We were actually just giving them a new, more expensive loan that put their house at risk."

"The prevailing attitude was that African-American customers weren't savvy enough to know they were getting a bad loan, so we would have a better chance of convincing them to apply for a high-cost, subprime loan," Taylor said in a declaration filed with the court.

Linda Coombs isn't bitter. She thanks God that her baby is doing well, making a full recovery, but she's fighting to her family from homelessness. She has contacted an attorney who is interested in starting a class action suit in North Carolina.

The federal government needs to investigate indict and try the executives behind these corporate crimes against average Americans. The mortgage loan modification program has been turned into a marketing opportunity for fraud. Wells Fargo will continue to prey on families of injured babies until their crimes stop paying.


Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Heres the funny part of that, what your saying is god did something bad to the Chevy dealership. Ive been told in the past by my former boss(he was an ordained minister, born again, yada, yada, yada. Ive told you about him in the past, hypocrisy). He told me that god wouldnt do anything bad to anybody, he said that the devil does. It sounds to me like you "made a deal with the devil"! One thing he did tell me that I still follow is, "people always ask god for favors in times of need, maybe people should stop asking and thank him for what they do have". That was about 7-8 years ago and to this day Ive never asked god for anything, I thank him for what I do have, health, wealth and happiness. Whatever happens negatively in my life(mom dying young 10 months after my first boy(her first grandchild) was born, I was very angry). I just figure he has a plan for everyone and everything.

See Cleos mom, sarcasm again. Dont take offense, its common for me.

You need to go back and read my comments to what I wrote. I didn't ask God to put them out of business or to do anything to them, especially not a "favor", except to show them their own wrong doing and help them to see it. They went out of business because they reap what they sow. Not just in my case. I'm sure if they treted me, as their customer unfairly, that they did the same to most of their customers, and when you treat people that way, it eventually effects you.

Your Pastor was right in saying that God doesn't do anything bad to people. But he does allow people to experience the consequences, whether good or bad, to their actions. And, yes, he has a plan for everyone.

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Got a question. Patty G is on here now, where is Airiscus99?

Know what I think? I think you're Airiscus. I think you are playing games and whenever I'm posting, you keep your Airiscus dual personality off the post. I think you are really that person as well. How clever of you.

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You need to go back and read my comments to what I wrote. I didn't ask God to put them out of business or to do anything to them, especially not a "favor", except to show them their own wrong doing and help them to see it. They went out of business because they reap what they sow. Not just in my case. I'm sure if they treted me, as their customer unfairly, that they did the same to most of their customers, and when you treat people that way, it eventually effects you.

Your Pastor was right in saying that God doesn't do anything bad to people. But he does allow people to experience the consequences, whether good or bad, to their actions. And, yes, he has a plan for everyone.

Ok, I went back and read what you wrote. You said you prayed for justice after feeling ripped off by the Chevy dealer, then within 1 week justice was served, the Chevy dealer that had been in business for 28 years had closed. It actually sounds worse the 2nd time. You should go back and read it, Im not the only one that said this, someone else posted about how they didnt realize god did that. Face it Patty, you did make a deal with the devil, and you say your born -again, in what Witch-craft?

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Ok, I went back and read what you wrote. You said you prayed for justice after feeling ripped off by the Chevy dealer, then within 1 week justice was served, the Chevy dealer that had been in business for 28 years had closed. It actually sounds worse the 2nd time. You should go back and read it, Im not the only one that said this, someone else posted about how they didnt realize god did that. Face it Patty, you did make a deal with the devil, and you say your born -again, in what Witch-craft?

I see what you did here Patty, you prayed to your Witch-craft god to put the Chevy dealership out of business just to sabotage Obama, now the unemployment numbers are higher which is making him look bad, Thanks AiriPatty!

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Loving your comments Bob.

I suppose a lot of this debate depends on whether you think of God as a loving and forgiving being or a vengeful and wrathful one.

I don't actually believe in God at all but if I did I would prefer to think that he was loving and forgiving. Surely he should help people see the error of their ways in a constructive manner not one that punishes.

And if he really is up there I am sure he has far more pressing matters to deal with than small scale fraud.

I would have thought World Peace, Poverty, Disease etc were of far greater importance.

Unless of course those are too difficult to deal with which would then explain concentrating on the small issues!

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um... this post had nothing to do with god lol there is another posting about god or everyone here can make a new post and talk about god lol

HAS ANYONE BEEN BULLY, TORMENTED, lol i think that was my original post but who knows lol

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Just in case anyone forgot,

when i was in middle school i had this friend and everyone was scare of her because she would fight you for no reason.

But anyway me and her just clicked even though i was her complete oppsite then one day in 8th grade she just stop liking me and talking shhyt about me

well that follow all the way to highschool she would always tell people ima fight her (me) and never do it, (shes a beast im glad she never did lol)

well she had her little goons that will follow her around and who ever she hated her friends hated

so my point is one of her friend named nyeshia skipwith hated me soooo much she would roll her eyes at me say mean shit to me after i walk pass her, start rumors, tell people i was spoil biatch, she even key my brand new car my dad brought, but we sued her for that and my parents raised some big hell and said they will stop donating money and the whole shabang if that girl was not out that school but 4 days later she dropped out so it worked out

so my other main point is

the other day i was reading this article

a 23-year-old mastic woman was arrested thursday for a medford bank robbery last fall, suffolk county police said

nyeshia skipwith was charged with robbery and will be arraigned at first district court in central islip on friday.

major case investigations unit detectives said she robbed a td bank on route 112 by handing the teller a note that demanded cash and stated she had a bomb on sept. 29. :laugh::thumbup:

so glad i never got mad and fought her, i just brushed it off cause i knew she didnt have a mind of her own and she would be nothing in life.

She is going away for a long time and all i can do is just laugh laugh laugh....:thumbup::w00t::drool::lol::drool::w00t::thumbup:

(her picture is below)

so my question is has anyone had a bully that is living a horrible life

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Way to go, Catherine! You take your thread back, girl!

When a friend of mine was in elementary school she had a "friend" who was a bully. This girl threatened to tell on my friend because she'd kissed a boy in the coat room, you know kid stuff. Well, it escalated from there.

Fast forward to adulthood, and that kid is now a heroin addict with kids of her own who have done a geographic, and don't even live in the state any more. It was another case of someone with a visual impairment who wanted to fit in with the "sighted" kids, and tried to make my friend feel bad for not acting the way she did.

I have quite a few stories like this.


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i dont understand why people treat other people like that, i mean i always hear. " they must be upset with them self" but damn cmon i use to hate hearing that lol.

i didnt get teased like all my life but it was just those group of girls and all of them have kids or they live in group homes are they just walking the streets lol (not going to mention god lol lol)

but i just think it is sooo funny just to see people who were assholes walking around looking like an idiot..

i did have some of those girls try to reach out to me on Facebook and said im sorry that i was mean to you and im like um who are you lol.... i tend to forget alot of people i never had an relationships with oh welllll

Way to go, Catherine! You take your thread back, girl!

When a friend of mine was in elementary school she had a "friend" who was a bully. This girl threatened to tell on my friend because she'd kissed a boy in the coat room, you know kid stuff. Well, it escalated from there.

Fast forward to adulthood, and that kid is now a heroin addict with kids of her own who have done a geographic, and don't even live in the state any more. It was another case of someone with a visual impairment who wanted to fit in with the "sighted" kids, and tried to make my friend feel bad for not acting the way she did.

I have quite a few stories like this.


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um... this post had nothing to do with god lol there is another posting about god or everyone here can make a new post and talk about god lol

HAS ANYONE BEEN BULLY, TORMENTED, lol i think that was my original post but who knows lol

Pattygreen hijacks every thread and turns it into a debate about God and her interpretation of the bible.

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Got a question. Patty G is on here now, where is Airiscus99?

Really guy? You haven't got tired of that already? I have numerous posts on other parts of LBT instead of being a full on tool and continuing this foolishness why don't you go see the rest of he posts I've made that have nothing to do with anything she's intersted in. On top of that I don't even hold lost of the same views as patty. That's not to say I don't like her, just that we definetely don't see eye to eye on all things political. I'm fiscally conservative, and that's about it. I don't want to waste money on social programs. But as far homosexual rights, wimens rights, civil rights, I am on the middle to left side of those things. To me there is no difference in any two people whatsoever. The only exception to that being I don't think illegal aliens should be given anything I've seen their devistation first hand several times over. Also stem cell research and science progress I support 100%

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Really guy? You haven't got tired of that already? I have numerous posts on other parts of LBT instead of being a full on tool and continuing this foolishness why don't you go see the rest of he posts I've made that have nothing to do with anything she's intersted in. On top of that I don't even hold lost of the same views as patty. That's not to say I don't like her, just that we definetely don't see eye to eye on all things political. I'm fiscally conservative, and that's about it. I don't want to waste money on social programs. But as far homosexual rights, wimens rights, civil rights, I am on the middle to left side of those things. To me there is no difference in any two people whatsoever. The only exception to that being I don't think illegal aliens should be given anything I've seen their devistation first hand several times over. Also stem cell research and science progress I support 100%

Well then, it looks like I can agree with you on these issues also, even the "you and Patty" not being the same person. I just posted on Kids sent home thread, about how you and Patty are different.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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