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Students sent home from school for wearing American flag t-shirts on May 5

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Conservatives are far more intelligent than liberals. What you feel is something that conservatives "fear" is actually conservatives going along with their moral convictions.


Bible says: Thou shalt not kill.

Conservative born again Bush started a war against Iraq that caused the death of thousands of American soldiers and Iraqi citizens. His state of Texas has the highest kill rate of prisoners in the US.

Bible says: Thou shalt not commit adultry.

The news is continually full of conservative politicians and religious leaders who get caught having gay sex, having sex with prostitutes, cheating on their wives, molesting children, and on and on. Just google "republican scandals" for a list of these incidents a mile long.

Bible says: Thou shalt not steal.

Rich conservative Wall Street businessman lie and cheat investors, consumers, and employees and nearly bankrupted the world because of their greed.

I wouldn't call it intelligence but many conservative political and religious leaders are certainly shrewd and quite skilled at lieing, cheating, stealing, murdering, and sexual indiscretions. They're using you and you're falling for it. Now that's not very smart!

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Again the problem isnt Mexicans being here legally, its the illegals who come here and "steal jobs", the scumbag employers know they can pay them alot less than what an American citizen would command and not have to pay taxes on these people, thats the problem.


As I see it the problem is because folks are mad at the illegals they're taking it out on Mexican-Americans too. I agree on the scumbag employers. Migrant farmworkers are employed at lower than minimum wage and are sprayed with pesticides, have poor housing and sanitation, poor diets and so forth while farm owners are profiting.

Fact is Congress needs get to work on immigration so Americans aren't pitted against each other out of frustration.

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Liberals and Atheists are more intelligent than conservatives according to this study published in Social Psychology Quarterly in March 2010:

William F. Buckley was a Catholic and a staunch Conservative, and though many educated people found his attitudes annoying, he was clearly a brilliantly intelligent fellow. Statistically speaking, though, it’s a lot easier to find someone like Richard Dawkins or E.O. Wilson – brilliant folks who espouse ideas atheistic or liberal. Satoshi Kanazawa, who seems to enjoy stirring things up, has posted a couple of blog entries on this topic, complete with graphs suggesting that people who say they are “not at all religious” have about 6 IQ points on those who say they are “very religious,” and that those who are “very liberal” have an average of about 12 IQ points over those who are “very conservative.”

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It's morally wrong to steal from people when they work hard to earn a living for the things they want in life. That's not 'fear', that's taking a moral stand on sin. Yes, sin. It is wrong to take from someone and give it to someone else without their consent.

By "steal" I assume you mean the requirement to pay taxes. And that just started under Pres. Obama, right? :)

If that's the case, then bush stole from me for 8 years to pay for his unjustified war in Iraq, and his big giveaway to pharma.

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Conservatives are far more intelligent than liberals. What you feel is something that conservatives "fear" is actually conservatives going along with their moral convictions.


Bible says: Thou shalt not kill.

Conservative born again Bush started a war against Iraq that caused the death of thousands of American soldiers and Iraqi citizens. His state of Texas has the highest kill rate of prisoners in the US.

Bible says: Thou shalt not commit adultry.

The news is continually full of conservative politicians and religious leaders who get caught having gay sex, having sex with prostitutes, cheating on their wives, molesting children, and on and on. Just google "republican scandals" for a list of these incidents a mile long.

Bible says: Thou shalt not steal.

Rich conservative Wall Street businessman lie and cheat investors, consumers, and employees and nearly bankrupted the world because of their greed.

I wouldn't call it intelligence but many conservative political and religious leaders are certainly shrewd and quite skilled at lieing, cheating, stealing, murdering, and sexual indiscretions. They're using you and you're falling for it. Now that's not very smart!

Sin is within all of us. ALL of us. The only difference, and I stress that, between a Christian's sin and an unbeliever's sin is that one is going to be forgiven when they face the judgement after their life is over, and one is not. Period. So, to go through a laundry list of Christian conservatives who sin and do wrong is pointless, for EVERY man sins and does wrong, conservative or liberal. ALL sin. So, I understand that many conservatives have done terrible things. So what? Many liberals have also.

Even so, conservatives have a moral conscience that they follow, whether they sin or not. And most of the controversial issues that we face have to do with moral stands. (abortion, gay marriage, liberty, spreading the wealth around, etc)

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It's morally wrong to steal from people when they work hard to earn a living for the things they want in life. That's not 'fear', that's taking a moral stand on sin. Yes, sin. It is wrong to take from someone and give it to someone else without their consent.

By "steal" I assume you mean the requirement to pay taxes. And that just started under Pres. Obama, right? :)

If that's the case, then bush stole from me for 8 years to pay for his unjustified war in Iraq, and his big giveaway to pharma.

You know, Cleo's, it's very difficult to talk with people who are soooo dense. I have told you many times that I am not opposed to paying taxes. Why do you continue to go there? Taxes pay for the important things that this country needs, like infastructure, defense, police, fire fighters, and the like, you know, what the government was originally set up for. What I am opposed to is the give aways to those who will not work and other free handouts. Some examples are pork spending, money towards your home purchase, free college, money towards the purchase of a new car, housing expenses, corporate funding, welfare and the like. You know, the stealing!

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You know, Cleo's, it's very difficult to talk with people who are soooo dense. I have told you many times that I am not opposed to paying taxes. Why do you continue to go there? Taxes pay for the important things that this country needs, like infastructure, defense, police, fire fighters, and the like, you know, what the government was originally set up for. What I am opposed to is the give aways to those who will not work and other free handouts. Some examples are pork spending, money towards your home purchase, free college, money towards the purchase of a new car, housing expenses, corporate funding, welfare and the like. You know, the stealing!

So, in other words, when your tax dollars go to things you oppose, then it's stealing. When your tax dollars go to things you support, like the Iraqi war, then it's not.

Typical convuluted conservative thinking and you call me dense? :)

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You know, Cleo's, it's very difficult to talk with people who are soooo dense.

Perhaps you resort to personal insults because you're frustrated. It's difficult to justify positions based on misinformation.

I stress that, between a Christian's sin and an unbeliever's sin is that one is going to be forgiven when they face the judgement after their life is over, and one is not. Period.

To me, one of the worst things is hypocracy. Jesus said "Love they neighbor as you would thyself." He believed in loving those less fortunate and lifting people up. If we are a Christian nation why don't conservatives practice what they preach? No one has a free passport to heaven if they don't truly believe. Exclamation point.

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You know, Cleo's, it's very difficult to talk with people who are soooo dense.

Perhaps you resort to personal insults because you're frustrated. It's difficult to justify positions based on misinformation.

I stress that, between a Christian's sin and an unbeliever's sin is that one is going to be forgiven when they face the judgement after their life is over, and one is not. Period.

To me, one of the worst things is hypocracy. Jesus said "Love they neighbor as you would thyself." He believed in loving those less fortunate and lifting people up. If we are a Christian nation why don't conservatives practice what they preach? No one has a free passport to heaven if they don't truly believe. Exclamation point.

Oh, boy Leroyspuds - you're in for a whole bible quoting, bash the poor justifying yap session. Be prepared.

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So, in other words, when your tax dollars go to things you oppose, then it's stealing. When your tax dollars go to things you support, like the Iraqi war, then it's not.

Typical convuluted conservative thinking and you call me dense? :)

When my tax dollars are being wasted on things that are not detrimental to the need and good of society, then, yes, I oppose it. By detrimental, I mean the people can NOT live without it. In other words, We would roll over and die as a society if the government didn't pay for it. (BTW, I'm talking about right now, not what's already been spent in the past and can't be given back) Right now, in this bad economy, if it's not detrimental to the need of society, it should not be spent.

Patrick henry said : “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

Thomas Jefferson said: “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

Ronald Reagan, while not a founding father, put it this way, “Nations crumble from within when the citizenry asks of government those things which the citizenry might better provide for itself.”

Ben Franklin said: “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”

The original intent for the government of the United States of America was to keep the peace and settle disputes and to stay out of the way and out of the pocketbooks of the American people. Man, we sure have “progressed”. The Federal Government was not supposed to expand as it has over the years. Some, and I stress some, government is always needed. You feel more government is needed and I feel less is needed and that the federal government has crossed over the line in the past many years. Their good intent to help society has turned into a dependency upon them that needs to be severed.

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You know, Cleo's, it's very difficult to talk with people who are soooo dense.

Perhaps you resort to personal insults because you're frustrated. It's difficult to justify positions based on misinformation.

I stress that, between a Christian's sin and an unbeliever's sin is that one is going to be forgiven when they face the judgement after their life is over, and one is not. Period.

To me, one of the worst things is hypocracy. Jesus said "Love they neighbor as you would thyself." He believed in loving those less fortunate and lifting people up. If we are a Christian nation why don't conservatives practice what they preach? No one has a free passport to heaven if they don't truly believe. Exclamation point.

Hypocrisy is a horrible thing, I agree with that. What you say about Jesus, loving the less fortunate and lifting others up, I agree with also.

Yet, hating hypocrisy does not make facts any less true. Conservatives and liberals alike are not able to practice what they preach. We are born unto sin. It is not possible for mankind to practice what they preach. Thus our need for the Savior. Why do you think God had to send Jesus into this world to take our punishment for us? Because we are not able to live here without practicing what is right, even if we know what's right. God knows this. Man knows this. Even if we know what's right, we can't live it. This shows how much our Creator loves us. He would suffer death for us to ensure that dispite or sins, we will always be with Him throughout eternity.

Also, all believer's in Jesus have a "free passport" into heaven. (That's a different way of saying it, but it's still true none the less.) All it takes is the faith to believe. Once a person has that, they recognize their sinfulness and confess it, then they ask God to make them a part of his family and He does. It's that simple. They may now enter into Heaven when they die without condemnation.:)

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When my tax dollars are being wasted on things that are not detrimental to the need and good of society, then, yes, I oppose it. By detrimental, I mean the people can NOT live without it. In other words, We would roll over and die as a society if the government didn't pay for it. (BTW, I'm talking about right now, not what's already been spent in the past and can't be given back) Right now, in this bad economy, if it's not detrimental to the need of society, it should not be spent.

Patrick henry said : “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

Thomas Jefferson said: “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

Ronald Reagan, while not a founding father, put it this way, “Nations crumble from within when the citizenry asks of government those things which the citizenry might better provide for itself.”

Ben Franklin said: “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”

The original intent for the government of the United States of America was to keep the peace and settle disputes and to stay out of the way and out of the pocketbooks of the American people. Man, we sure have “progressed”. The Federal Government was not supposed to expand as it has over the years. Some, and I stress some, government is always needed. You feel more government is needed and I feel less is needed and that the federal government has crossed over the line in the past many years. Their good intent to help society has turned into a dependency upon them that needs to be severed.

You referred to it as STEALING when tax money is collected and spent on programs that you don't agree with. And if you agree with how the tax money is spent then it's not stealing. And that opinion is just plain stupid.

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Oh, boy Leroyspuds - you're in for a whole bible quoting, bash the poor justifying yap session. Be prepared.

I got to give it to you there, that was funny. Leroyspuds is new to Ariscus99, I mean Patty!

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Seeing that Cinco de mayo is not a real American Holiday it's a Mexican Holiday the 5 kids should not have been asked to remove their shirts. Hello California, this is America not Mexico if you haven't noticed. I too like to Celebrate other ethnic holidays such as St. Patty's and Cinco de Mayo with a marguarita, but if we went to any other country and asked their children to remove their country's shirts during an American holiday they would laugh in our faces.

We as Americans are allowing too many ethnic groups to control our feelings and actions to save this country as our own.

I personally like learning about other cultural holidays and even participating in some, such as parades and party's but I strongly stand behind what our Flag means for our freedom, and for the freedom of speech through clothing or whatever other means.

Soon our country will no longer belong to us it will belong to all the other countries who want to control our holidays.

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