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Students sent home from school for wearing American flag t-shirts on May 5

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You didn't call me racist, and I didn't say you did, I was preempting you calling me one, because it didn't seem to far down the road, with me saying I don't think it's against the law to be a racist. I imagine there are some really racist area's where if the owner refused to serve to white people blacks, and latinos might flock to their business. Discrimination and racism works both ways, don't forget.

Being a racist and how you manifest that racism in a public way are two different things. A business owner can be a racist but I don't support his denying entrance to a person based on a civil rights category.

And historically, racism against white people has not been a problem.

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Ariscus, I'll be blunt. Anyone who advocates private businesses being able to discriminate against people because of their race is a racist. This country took a moral stand on racism and passed the Civil Rights Act nearly 50 years ago. It is the law of the land. Your right -- it doesn't make it illegal to feel like a racist, but it makes it illegal to practice discriminatory racism in your place of business.

I personally think it's wrong to feel like a racist, but you can feel any way you want.

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His view of it, according to the video, was that yeah, if you want to discriminate that should be your right. He also said that racism, is wrong, that he's not racist, and doesn't really like people that are. But if a private business which gets no public funding, chooses to be racist, that should be their right. It's not against the law to be racist. And any business that used those practices, would just self destruct, especially this day in age. You'd loose the money of whomever your not allowing in, plus the rest of the people would probably stop coming to your establishment based on principal. So let them be racist and fail. All of this goes out the window at any publicly funded place. But I have to say I agree, call me racist if you want, I'm not, I know I'm not, I also know it's not against the law to be racist, so if someone chooses to be a racist, it's their choice, while I don't agree with it, and I feel there is no place for racism in our world, it's just something you can't stop, racism both ways mind you. Should it be mandated that the black students association have white people in it? How about black unions? I'm a firefighter, part of IAFF and CSFA, my shift partner is also part of IAFF and CSFA but he's also part of a union I can't join the BFA(black firefighters association). Should that be mandated to allow me and other white fire fighters to join it? What about black colleges, there isn't a college in the US that has the overwhelming majority of students one race like those colleges do, it's not allowed, except at black colleges.

I agree with this. When I started posting on LBT, there was a forum for "Women of Color" I suggested, just to see what response I would get, that we start a "White Women Only" thread. I talked with a few black women on that site and they were offended that I would be offended by their thread. Why? Would they be offended if I started a White Women Only thread? Heck yeah! I also think that the BET (black entertainment television) channel is discriminatory. Can you imagine the outcry from the black community if we had a WET (White entertainment television) channel. There was once a Black democratic party association in my community. I called to see if I could join and was told that I could not. I didn't want to join, because I'm not a democrat, but I wanted to talk to the lead organizer and help her to see her discrimination.

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I agree with this. When I started posting on LBT, there was a forum for "Women of Color" I suggested, just to see what response I would get, that we start a "White Women Only" thread. I talked with a few black women on that site and they were offended that I would be offended by their thread. Why? Would they be offended if I started a White Women Only thread? Heck yeah! I also think that the BET (black entertainment television) channel is discriminatory. Can you imagine the outcry from the black community if we had a WET (White entertainment television) channel. There was once a Black democratic party association in my community. I called to see if I could join and was told that I could not. I didn't want to join, because I'm not a democrat, but I wanted to talk to the lead organizer and help her to see her discrimination.

Of course I am not the least bit surprised that you would agree with this, since you support the extremist positions on the right. Did the Women of Color forum exclude white women? Men of color? Was it called Women of Color ONLY as your white forum would have been called? Or was it a forum for women who shared some commonality, like the lesbian forum, the powder room, the men's room, etc..? And all the other forums that narrow down one's interests?

There is no need for a White Entertainment television since most of television is white. Name me one prime time network show that features blacks. You have to take a look at this historically. Historically, white people were not discriminated against. Ground zero for them was that all jobs, opportunities, etc.. belonged to white men. Then begrudgingly white women. For the most part people of color were to be relegated to those jobs servicing white people - maids, janitors, etc.. Then after civil rights was passed and blacks had the opportunity to get better jobs and improve their standing it was natural for them to want to organize around their new found status. So what that they have a BET? There's a Lifetime station for women and I don't hear the men complaining. Maybe that's because there are a zillion sports channels.

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I agree with this. When I started posting on LBT, there was a forum for "Women of Color" I suggested, just to see what response I would get, that we start a "White Women Only" thread. I talked with a few black women on that site and they were offended that I would be offended by their thread. Why? Would they be offended if I started a White Women Only thread? Heck yeah! I also think that the BET (black entertainment television) channel is discriminatory. Can you imagine the outcry from the black community if we had a WET (White entertainment television) channel. There was once a Black democratic party association in my community. I called to see if I could join and was told that I could not. I didn't want to join, because I'm not a democrat, but I wanted to talk to the lead organizer and help her to see her discrimination.

Please stay the $%^& off the mens room, no women allowed!!!

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I was at two plumbing supply houses on two consecutive days and both days people made racist jokes about black people. The one employee working there was clearly disturbed by this as was I. Its not worth my time to respond because these people are ignorant and wouldnt think twice about escalating the situation. It pisses me off that someone would come into a public place and assume everyone there feels the same as they do! I left there and it got me thinking of how hard blacks especially, have it in this country. I cant even begin to understand how it would feel to be discriminated against because I was black. The closest I could come would be because of being overweight which Im sure cant even compare.

So, Patty, now to you. To come on here preaching about god and what a great person you are because of the things you do and how hard you work is just unbelievable! You are going to complain about the "women of color" thread and call your town officials or whoever to prove a point that your being discriminated against. I now believe you are a very, very, shallow person and typical of what I know about most bible thumping, jesus preaching, "moral"born agains. You are a hypocrit. To be this petty about such a deep subject you know absolutely nothing about just floors me. Read what you posted and see how shallow it makes you sound. Im sorry if I offended anyone(Im sure I have)about the"typical born again" comment but it is what Ive experienced! These people preach their ways to everyone else as being the only right ways then do something stupid like this. Im a person who analizes every part of what someone says and most people dont realize how hypocritical they really are. Airiscus99, I have to tell you, I have no problem with you, your entitled to your opinions just like everyone else, my real point here is, I tease you about being Patty only because you you share alot of the same political views as her which again is fine. You dont come on here using god and religion to make every point which is where I have the problem with her. She believes if she incorporates god into everything she says it will be more believable when in reallity it shows how hypocritical she really is. Come on, to even think you have an understanding of true racism which blacks have been dealing with since the beginning of this country is so unbelievable!! Its gotten to the point for me, when someone preaches religion to me its such a turnoff.

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Of course I am not the least bit surprised that you would agree with this,

And I am not the least bit surprised that you would feel that it's okay, if you're a minority, to practice discrimination in reverse.

since you support the extremist positions on the right. Did the Women of Color forum exclude white women? Men of color? Was it called Women of Color ONLY as your white forum would have been called? Or was it a forum for women who shared some commonality, like the lesbian forum, the powder room, the men's room, etc..? And all the other forums that narrow down one's interests?

Who has an interest or something in common with other people simply because of their skin color? How would a white women's thread be received, simply because I have something in common with you because both our skins are white?

There is no need for a White Entertainment television since most of television is white. Name me one prime time network show that features blacks.

There are plenty of TV shows featuring black people, so that arguement is done. There are more whites than blacks in this country, so naturally, there will be more of them on TV than the other.

You have to take a look at this historically. Historically, white people were not discriminated against. Ground zero for them was that all jobs, opportunities, etc.. belonged to white men. Then begrudgingly white women. For the most part people of color were to be relegated to those jobs servicing white people - maids, janitors, etc.. Then after civil rights was passed and blacks had the opportunity to get better jobs and improve their standing it was natural for them to want to organize around their new found status. So what that they have a BET? There's a Lifetime station for women and I don't hear the men complaining.

That's because being male or female is not discriminatroy.

Maybe that's because there are a zillion sports channels.


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pattygreen in green.

I'm in black and red.

Of course I am not the least bit surprised that you would agree with this,

And I am not the least bit surprised that you would feel that it's okay, if you're a minority, to practice discrimination in reverse.

Huh? I never said I supported discrimination in reverse. I don't know where you get that from. A black owned business that excluded whites is just as wrong as a white business that excluded blacks. I support neither. You support both.

since you support the extremist positions on the right. Did the Women of Color forum exclude white women? Men of color? Was it called Women of Color ONLY as your white forum would have been called? Or was it a forum for women who shared some commonality, like the lesbian forum, the powder room, the men's room, etc..? And all the other forums that narrow down one's interests?

Who has an interest or something in common with other people simply because of their skin color? How would a white women's thread be received, simply because I have something in common with you because both our skins are white?

I am sure women of color can share experiences of discrimination, or problems finding make-up in the right shades, or how men of color view weight issues with them differently than white men do with white women, or where to find hairdressers who can address their hair care, etc...

There is no need for a White Entertainment television since most of television is white. Name me one prime time network show that features blacks.

There are plenty of TV shows featuring black people, so that arguement is done. There are more whites than blacks in this country, so naturally, there will be more of them on TV than the other.

Outside of BET, please name any show whose main stars are black.

You have to take a look at this historically. Historically, white people were not discriminated against. Ground zero for them was that all jobs, opportunities, etc.. belonged to white men. Then begrudgingly white women. For the most part people of color were to be relegated to those jobs servicing white people - maids, janitors, etc.. Then after civil rights was passed and blacks had the opportunity to get better jobs and improve their standing it was natural for them to want to organize around their new found status. So what that they have a BET? There's a Lifetime station for women and I don't hear the men complaining.

That's because being male or female is not discriminatroy.

Again, huh? Gender is a protected category in the civil rights bill.

Maybe that's because there are a zillion sports channels.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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So, Patty, now to you. To come on here preaching about god and what a great person you are because of the things you do and how hard you work is just unbelievable!

Don't put words in my mouth! I have never "preached' about what a 'great' person I am because of how hard I work or the things I do. I resent you even saying that I have.

You are going to complain about the "women of color" thread and call your town officials or whoever to prove a point that your being discriminated against.

I find that when black people are being discriminated against, most don't hesitate to cry "racist", even if it's not what was intended by those being accused. Why shouldn't I bring to light when they discriminate against white people?

I now believe you are a very, very, shallow person and typical of what I know about most bible thumping, jesus preaching, "moral"born agains. You are a hypocrit. To be this petty about such a deep subject you know absolutely nothing about just floors me.

You don't know me at all. I don't really care what you think of me. I happen to know plenty about what it's like to be discriminated against. Just the fact that I don't shy away from my beliefs and talk about my God unashamed, is proof of my being discriminated against. People don't like Christians who speak about their faith. I am usually called names every time I post here. I have black children, and understand fully what discrimination is all about. So, I feel that I am well educated on the subject.

Read what you posted and see how shallow it makes you sound.

It may sound shallow to you, but it is the truth. The truth trumps all, IMO. Black people would be horrified to hear of a WET channel, or a White Republican's Committee meeting at the local school on Tuesday at 6. They would be in an uproar if there was an All white college fund. So, don't give me any lip. That is racism in reverse and you know it!

Im sorry if I offended anyone(Im sure I have)about the"typical born again" comment but it is what Ive experienced! These people preach their ways to everyone else as being the only right ways then do something stupid like this.

It is only "stupid" in your opinion. It's not in mine! Also, "these people" don't 'preach their ways' to everyone. BTW, "these people" are Christians. I can't understand why people like you can't understand that "these people" you refer to are just human beings who know what's right in society. What's wrong with that? You can know what's "right", yet not be perfect yourself. Just a little example: I'm sure you know that swearing in front of a child isn't the best thing to do, yet, I'm sure you have done it before.

Im a person who analizes every part of what someone says and most people dont realize how hypocritical they really are. Airiscus99, I have to tell you, I have no problem with you, your entitled to your opinions just like everyone else, my real point here is, I tease you about being Patty only because you you share alot of the same political views as her which again is fine. You dont come on here using god and religion to make every point which is where I have the problem with her. She believes if she incorporates god into everything she says it will be more believable when in reallity it shows how hypocritical she really is. Come on, to even think you have an understanding of true racism which blacks have been dealing with since the beginning of this country is so unbelievable!! Its gotten to the point for me, when someone preaches religion to me its such a turnoff.

Show me where I preached "religion" to you in that post?:thumbup:

I agree with this. When I started posting on LBT, there was a forum for "Women of Color" I suggested, just to see what response I would get, that we start a "White Women Only" thread. I talked with a few black women on that site and they were offended that I would be offended by their thread. Why? Would they be offended if I started a White Women Only thread? Heck yeah! I also think that the BET (black entertainment television) channel is discriminatory. Can you imagine the outcry from the black community if we had a WET (White entertainment television) channel. There was once a Black democratic party association in my community. I called to see if I could join and was told that I could not. I didn't want to join, because I'm not a democrat, but I wanted to talk to the lead organizer and help her to see her discrimination.

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Show me where I preached "religion" to you in that post?:thumbup:
I agree with this. When I started posting on LBT, there was a forum for "Women of Color" I suggested, just to see what response I would get, that we start a "White Women Only" thread. I talked with a few black women on that site and they were offended that I would be offended by their thread. Why? Would they be offended if I started a White Women Only thread? Heck yeah! I also think that the BET (black entertainment television) channel is discriminatory. Can you imagine the outcry from the black community if we had a WET (White entertainment television) channel. There was once a Black democratic party association in my community. I called to see if I could join and was told that I could not. I didn't want to join, because I'm not a democrat, but I wanted to talk to the lead organizer and help her to see her discrimination.

Theres a reason others on here post about how you bring religion into everything. I just dont appreciate it when someone tells me the faith I believe in is wrong(catholic), especially when my religion has been around alot longer than yours. You'll have to excuse me if Im spelling is incorrect, Ive been drinking margueritas since 2:00 and I really dont feel like correcting myse3lf. (now thAt being said, Catholic priests have made alot of unforgetable mistakes but they are human and i still dontb question the catholic religion itself. Im done, I can see Im going places I dont want to go! Im not some reoligious "NUT" who wants to push my beliefs on everyone else.

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patty, even though your mad at me right now, Im thankful for you and everyone else on here for giving me something to do while my wife watches "Lost" for 3 freakin hours!

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Join Date: Sep 2008

Age: 49

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City: Naugatuck

State: CT

pattygreen in green.

I'm in black and red.

Of course I am not the least bit surprised that you would agree with this,

And I am not the least bit surprised that you would feel that it's okay, if you're a minority, to practice discrimination in reverse.

Huh? I never said I supported discrimination in reverse. I don't know where you get that from.

I get it from you opposition to my former post on BET channels and a black democrat organization in my town

A black owned business that excluded whites is just as wrong as a white business that excluded blacks. I support neither. You support both.

I believe you are confusing me with someone else. I do NOT support both at all.

since you support the extremist positions on the right. Did the Women of Color forum exclude white women? Men of color? Was it called Women of Color ONLY as your white forum would have been called? Or was it a forum for women who shared some commonality, like the lesbian forum, the powder room, the men's room, etc..? And all the other forums that narrow down one's interests?

Who has an interest or something in common with other people simply because of their skin color? How would a white women's thread be received, simply because I have something in common with you because both our skins are white?

I am sure women of color can share experiences of discrimination, or problems finding make-up in the right shades, or how men of color view weight issues with them differently than white men do with white women, or where to find hairdressers who can address their hair care, etc...

And these issues can't be discussed on any number of threads that are not called "women of Color" ?

Like I asked before, How would they feel if there was a 'white woman's" thread"?

There is no need for a White Entertainment television since most of television is white. Name me one prime time network show that features blacks.

There are plenty of TV shows featuring black people, so that arguement is done. There are more whites than blacks in this country, so naturally, there will be more of them on TV than the other.

Outside of BET, please name any show whose main stars are black.

Good times, the fresh prince of Belair,Sanford and Son, In living Color,The cosby show, girlfriends,The Jeffersons, Everybody hates Chris,The Boondocks, Living Single, What's happening, TRhat's myt Mama,Roc, South Central, Under one roof,The Monique Show,The Wanda sykes show,The Brian McKnight show, Fox's Bernie Mac, NYPD blue. Also, there are plenty of shows on TV that appropriately show a fair ratio of black, white and hispanic people together.

You have to take a look at this historically. Historically, white people were not discriminated against. Ground zero for them was that all jobs, opportunities, etc.. belonged to white men. Then begrudgingly white women. For the most part people of color were to be relegated to those jobs servicing white people - maids, janitors, etc.. Then after civil rights was passed and blacks had the opportunity to get better jobs and improve their standing it was natural for them to want to organize around their new found status. So what that they have a BET? There's a Lifetime station for women and I don't hear the men complaining.

That's because being male or female is not discriminatroy.

Again, huh? Gender is a protected category in the civil rights bill.

Maybe that's because there are a zillion sports channels.


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Show me where I preached "religion" to you in that post?:thumbup:

Theres a reason others on here post about how you bring religion into everything.

People who post hare have gotten used to the fact that I bring my beliefs into my conversations. Maybe you should also. I don't apologize for it at all, for it is who I am.

I just dont appreciate it when someone tells me the faith I believe in is wrong(catholic), especially when my religion has been around alot longer than yours.

Both our faiths were around at the same time. Christianity started when Christ died. I believe that there will be many Christians from many different denominations, Catholic as well as protestant, etc., who will enjoy eternal life with God. I do not say that the Catholic faith is the wrong. They believe in Jesus as the Savior, and that's all that matters. My belief is that all denominations are imperfect. There are even faults that I have found, scripturally, in some of the teachings from the church that I attend. I have come to the realization that there is NO church out there that has it 100% right.

You'll have to excuse me if Im spelling is incorrect, Ive been drinking margueritas since 2:00 and I really dont feel like correcting myse3lf. (now thAt being said, Catholic priests have made alot of unforgetable mistakes but they are human and i still dontb question the catholic religion itself. Im done, I can see Im going places I dont want to go! Im not some reoligious "NUT" who wants to push my beliefs on everyone else.


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