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Students sent home from school for wearing American flag t-shirts on May 5

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This is all so reminiscent of Nazi Germany where they had to have a target for all their problems and that was the Jews. Jews were portrayed as taking jobs from the Germans and the cause of their economic woes. So, it was easy for the Germans to look the other way when the Jews were rounded up to go to "labor" camps.

So according to your post here, 51%(per CBS) of Americans are reminiscent of Nazi's?

Or about 60% of Americans? (according to rasmussen) Why would you want to be somewhere where the majority of the people remind you of Nazi Germany?

The majority of American's are in favor of this.

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Cities that have approved boycotts of Arizona: :redface:

  • Boston
  • St. Paul, Minn.
  • Oakland
  • San Diego
  • West Hollywood
  • El Pasa city and country
  • Boulder, Colo.
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • under consideration is Dallas and Milwaukee
  • Denver Public School

In fact, Arizona is hiring a firm to "re-brand" Arizona because it's starting to lose money because of it's racists. It's being shunned by businesses, governments, colleges and tourists. Real economic losses will be felt by its citizens for supporting these measures. What goes around comes around.

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Arizona was the only western state to secede from the Union and join the confederacy. Arizona fought recognition of MLK day being a federal holiday. A boycott of Arizona forced the state to concede.

Arizona has a history of racism. American's don't tolerate racism and it's against the law. Arizonan's need to come out from under their white sheets and join the rest of civilized Americans or they will pay a huge social and economic price.

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So according to your post here, 51%(per CBS) of Americans are reminiscent of Nazi's?

Or about 60% of Americans? (according to rasmussen) Why would you want to be somewhere where the majority of the people remind you of Nazi Germany?

The majority of American's are in favor of this.

I don't find the majority of Americans to be well educated in matters of politics, our government or our constitution.

Therefore, that makes them vulnerable to fear-mongering, which the neocons have perfected as a technique. They used it with healthcare, they use it with gays, they use it with a woman's right to choose, and the list goes on.

I continue to work politically to inform and educate people and elect democrats whose agenda I support. And I will work to prevent our country from being taken over by the extremist agenda of the right.

Just because the majority of Americans support this doesn't make it constitutional. I'm sure there was a time in this country (and probably not that long ago) where the majority of americans supported segregation.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Over 77 Percent Of All Arizonans Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform  

Since Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) signed SB-1070 into law last month, polls have have shown that 52 percent of Arizona voters continue supporting the drastic — and likely unconstitutional — immigration law. However, a poll released today by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and National Council of La Raza (NCLR) shows that Arizonans overwhelmingly support action on the federal level in the form of comprehensive immigration reform and, if given the choice, prefer it over both increased border security and SB-1070:


The results reflect polling at the national level as well. While a slim majority of Americans support Arizona’s immigration law, an overwhelming majority — across party lines — support comprehensive immigration reform. More specifically, a recent CBS/NY Times poll shows that 57 percent of all Americans believe immigration laws should be set by the federal government and 64 percent support some sort of legal status for undocumented immigrants already living in the country. A Univision/Associated Press poll which was also released today confirms those results and also shows that, amongst Latinos, 86 percent favor a “legal way for illegal immigrants already in the United States to become U.S. citizens.”

Ultimately, Americans are fed up with the nation’s broken immigration system. Only 17 percent of Americans believe the federal government is doing all it can do on the issue while 78 percent believe it could be doing more. Support for SB-1070 is undoubtedly a manifestation of widespread frustration. However, the fact that the majority of Americans also support comprehensive immigration reform shows that there are two ways forward on the issue: 1) local legislative efforts that challenge the Constitution and turn entire regions into police states, or 2) a comprehensive approach that doesn’t just secure the border, but also turns undocumented immigrants who meet certain requirements into productive citizens and taxpayers who could contribute trillions of dollars to our national GDP.

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I don't find the majority of Americans to be well educated in matters of politics, our government or our constitution.

Therefore, that makes them vulnerable to fear-mongering, which the neocons have perfected as a technique. They used it with healthcare, they use it with gays, they use it with a woman's right to choose, and the list goes on.

I continue to work politically to inform and educate people and elect democrats whose agenda I support. And I will work to prevent our country from being taken over by the extremist agenda of the right.

Just because the majority of Americans support this doesn't make it constitutional. I'm sure there was a time in this country (and probably not that long ago) where the majority of americans supported segregation.

your right look how many voted in Obama...

Just because the majority of Americans support this doesn't make it constitutional.

Guess we see clearly where you stand... or is this only when it favors your views?

Edited by Chris_NJ

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Cities that have approved boycotts of Arizona: :redface:

  • Boston
  • St. Paul, Minn.
  • Oakland
  • San Diego
  • West Hollywood
  • El Pasa city and country
  • Boulder, Colo.
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • under consideration is Dallas and Milwaukee
  • Denver Public School

In fact, Arizona is hiring a firm to "re-brand" Arizona because it's starting to lose money because of it's racists. It's being shunned by businesses, governments, colleges and tourists. Real economic losses will be felt by its citizens for supporting these measures. What goes around comes around.

its sad you actually support this.... nothing like boycotting fellow LEGAL AMERICAN TAX PAYERS for law breaking illegals.

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your right look how many voted in Obama...

And how many voted for bush. Twice :redface:

Just because the majority of Americans support this doesn't make it constitutional.

Guess we see clearly where you stand... or is this only when it favors your views?

My stance on issues has been quite clear on these boards. But if you believe what is constitutional should be determined by a poll of Americans then that is just another example of the extreme thinking of the neocons and why we need to protect our country and constitution from them.

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My stance on issues has been quite clear on these boards. But if you believe what is constitutional should be determined by a poll of Americans then that is just another example of the extreme thinking of the neocons and why we need to protect our country and constitution from them.

So from people who actually have read the constitution and want to follow it?

Please EXPLAIN how the law is unconstitutional ? Protecting our nations sovereignty is unconstitutional?

Shall we all take a trip to Mexico or another country for that matter and do it illegally. Then we will set up shop and ask for free health care, a driver license , not pay taxes and force them all to cater to us. Lets see how far we will get.

and see I don't need make all my writing in red to state something.

No keyboard warrior here. :redface:

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So from people who actually have read the constitution and want to follow it?

No, from those who want to ignore it to serve their own purpose. Like bush's warrantless wiretapping.

And you indicated that the poll of americans supporting Arizona's law somehow made it constitutional. That is the twisted logic that we must protect against.

Please EXPLAIN how the law is unconstitutional ? Protecting our nations sovereignty is unconstitutional?

Shall we all take a trip to Mexico or another country for that matter and do it illegally. Then we will set up shop and ask for free health care, a driver license , not pay taxes and force them all to cater to us. Lets see how far we will get.

and see I don't need make all my writing in red to state something.

No keyboard warrior here. :redface:

I have posted elsewhere opinions by scholars and constitutional experts about this law. It will be decided in the courts. It apprears that most experts think it's unconstitutional but I'm sure there are those who think it is:

Law Profs On Arizona Immigration Bill: It’s Unconstitutional

By Amir Efrati

flag-arizona.jpgBy now you may have heard about a controversial immigration law passed in Arizona that makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally.

The law grants police the power to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being illegal. The measure was criticized Friday by President Barack Obama, who asked the Justice Department to research the law.

It sounded to the Law Blog like we were heading toward a big federalism showdown. So we turned to Karl Manheim of Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and Erwin Chemerinsky of UC Irvine Law to pregame it for us. Their response: the law is DOA.

The Arizona law appears to be “facially unconstitutional,” Manheim said. “States have no power to pass immigration laws because it’s an attribute of foreign affairs. Just as states can’t have their own foreign policies or enter into treaties, they can’t have their own immigration laws either.”

States have long attempted to regulate immigration and in some instances the federal government successfully challenged state laws in court, including in the 1800s, Manheim said.

But federal governments often stay out of the fight. In 1994, for example, California voters passed a law designed to deny social services to undocumented aliens. The law was challenged by private litigants and struck down by a federal court.

Manheim said the Obama Administration, which is in the midst of trying to pass a federal immigration reform law, would likely rely on private litigants to challenge the controversial Arizona law. Challenging the law directly “might create a political conflict” for the administration, he said.

If private litigants sue Arizona over the new law, the Justice Department also could file a so-called friend-of-the-court brief in support of the challenge, he said.

And if everyone was supposed to post in black, why do you suppose they offer color choices? Hmmm. I am pro-choice, after all. You betcha. :smile2:

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If law enforcement has probable cause and a warrant who is going to stop them from going into a mosque, synagogue, or church? And since when don't they stop a 30 something Muslim looking man before he boards an airplane? I was under the impression all passengers passed through checkpoints.

I don't have a problem with people being checked at airports. I haven't seen anyone in the media say they have a problem about this now.

But do you see the slippery slope that the law in Arizona has caused? Now, in addition to this law about stopping people and asking for proof of citizenship, there is a law being considered in the state to ban ethnic studies in the schools. No more african-american studies, no more latino studies, no more islamic studies. Don't you think it benefits all of us to learn about the other cultures who come here as well as for them to learn about our history? When we learn about each other doesn't that promote harmony for living amongst each other? First the textbooks in Texas, now this.

Again, even though this new studies, law(and yes we should study other cultures)is being presented its still a different issue than being here illegally. The two have nothing to do with each other, legal or illegal is the issue Im concerned with. It is a shame I learned more about the middle east from war than from school! When in school, I could never tell you where Iraq or Afghanistan were, but now I could tell you any city, province town whatever you want to know because of war!

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its sad you actually support this.... nothing like boycotting fellow LEGAL AMERICAN TAX PAYERS for law breaking illegals.


Chris, I've said repeatedly on this thread that I don't support illegal immigration. I'll say it again, "I don't support illegal immigration." I'm against racism. These new laws are racist because they adversely affect Mexican-Americans. Public School Superintendent Horne's actions against ethnic studies is a case in point. The murder of a rancher by an illegal precipitating sweeping legislation that is anti-hispanic is another example.

I think what's happening is this: People are lumping Mexican-Americans and illegals into one group -- the bad "brown" people. That's racism.

I'll leave you with this example: When referring to the kids involved in the flag t-shirt incident another poster referred to the flag wearers as the "American" boys to differentiate between Americans and hispanics. Did he know that the hispanic kids weren't Americans? No!

Arizona has a history of racist politics. That's why they are being boycotted, not because everyone is for illegal immigration.

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Loserbob: You're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. I go to the Irish festival every year where there are plenty of people wearing tee shirts bearing the Irish flag. If someone came with a tee shirt with the Italian flag, I would assume that was done on purpose with a kind of "in your face" attitude. But they would have the right to wear it.

I think the kids who wore the American flag tee shirts had an "in your face" attitude but they certainly had the right to wear them. They did not have a right to wear the bandanas as that violated school code.

And as I said before, they should have been ignored since they just wanted attention, which they got.

And yes, soldiers have fought in many wars for our freedom and our freedoms are extended to all the people in this country.

Lets compare apples to apples, would you be mad if someone wore an American flag shirt to the Irish festival, assuming its in America? Dont get me wrong here, Im not saying these guys, kids, should have been allowed to taunt the hispanics, calling names or any of that, my reaction was to the video of the Mexicans parading in America with Mexican flags then knocking the American flag to the ground because they where doing the same thing(the guys in the truck). It sounded like both sides where taunting each other. The guys in the truck didnt do anything to the Mexican flag. And I would have had more sympathy for the hispanics if they carried American flags. What I meant above, The Hispanics where in America and evidently there was fear they would be offended by an American flag. Would you be offended if someone wore an American flag shirt to the Irish festival held in America. If its held in America and someone wears an Italian flag shirt to an Irish festival, then I could see you being upset, besides, who the hell would wear an Italian flag, what the hell have they ever won? Im part Italian.

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I don't find the majority of Americans to be well educated in matters of politics, our government or our constitution.

Therefore, that makes them vulnerable to fear-mongering, which the neocons have perfected as a technique. They used it with healthcare, they use it with gays, they use it with a woman's right to choose, and the list goes on.

I continue to work politically to inform and educate people and elect democrats whose agenda I support. And I will work to prevent our country from being taken over by the extremist agenda of the right.

Just because the majority of Americans support this doesn't make it constitutional. I'm sure there was a time in this country (and probably not that long ago) where the majority of americans supported segregation.

Conservatives are far more intelligent than liberals. Liberals think that they have all the answers and they actually put themselves quite high on a pedestal. They think that the rest of the country would fall to pieces without thier intelligence and it is rather demeaning to others. You're confusing fear with morals. What you feel is something that conservatives "fear" is actually conservatives going along with their moral convictions. We don't "fear" Healthcare, we choose to have control of our choices where HC is concerned. We don't want our government getting any bigger than they already have gotten, which is too big for anybodies good. It's morally wrong to steal from people when they work hard to earn a living for the things they want in life. That's not 'fear', that's taking a moral stand on sin. Yes, sin. It is wrong to take from someone and give it to someone else without their consent. We don't "fear" gay people. We just believe it is morally wrong for gay people to commit the acts they do and expect others to find it acceptable. We don't want God's beautiful plan of marriage for a man and a woman to be distorted by their sinfulness. It's not fear, it's a moral stand. We don't "fear" women's choice. We just take a stand morally on the issue of infant murder. It's definitely NOT fear. It's ALL ABOUT MORALS. (which Liberals usually don't have much of).

(Segregation is a totally seperate issue from those others. There is no sin in the color of ones skin, therefore, it should NOT have been a policy in the first place )

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