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Students sent home from school for wearing American flag t-shirts on May 5

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Mexican Students Protest American Flag Wearing Peers | Conservative Hideout 2.0

The video down below is more interesting.

(My favorite quote from it, "This was our holiday, Cinco de mayo, all of like the Americans thought they could wear their flags, and just flaunt them in front of us")

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So groups of Mexican students marching, cheering when the US flag is taken down isn't peopel accepting it? I didn't say EVERYONE accepted it.

And the media publishes everything, so it deifnitely must be there, right? Oh wait,the media is a bunch of whipped wusses. They publish something that isn't PC, they get their butts handed to them.

How about this video? Surely it;s outrageous enough for the media to show, right? Nope.

YouTube - Mexican Students Knock U.S. Flag to the Ground

This shows some latinos knocking an American flag off of a truck. This is not about the students taking down the American flag at a school. And of course it would be acceptable to those who took down the flag, but I want to know who beyond them it was acceptable to.

Rupert Murdoch owns much of the media in this country and he is a big right wing conservative. Why didn't any of his publications publicize this news and speak about how "acceptable" it was to many? He and his Fox network sure don't worry about being PC.

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"Whats this have to do with anything? Why does the race card get pulled out so easily these days? Maybe these kids were just fed up with society these days being so pc and putting down our own country to satisfy other nationalities?"

Your nationality is the nation you're a citizen of. Are you referring to Mexican nationals? The race card? From patriotic Americans we often hear, "We want our country back." Back from whom?

PC is simply not referring to people in an offensive biased way. You think kids are fed up with not referring to people in an offensive biased way? PC is a natural part of Christianity for those of you that are Christians and believe we are a Christian nation. Jesus said "Love thy neighbor as theyself." It simply means respecting others and regarding their needs and desires as highly as we regard our own.

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Mexican Students Protest American Flag Wearing Peers | Conservative Hideout 2.0

The video down below is more interesting.

(My favorite quote from it, "This was our holiday, Cinco de mayo, all of like the Americans thought they could wear their flags, and just flaunt them in front of us")

So, I guess you were able to find a conservative media site. And Fox news reported on it too. Proves my point that if there was acceptance of latino students taking down the american flag and replacing it with the mexican flag - BEYOND THOSE WHO DID IT - then it would have been reported on. And when I say beyond those who did it I mean the school, the community, the general population.

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I'm not sure, but I don't think the hispanic kids were celebrating Cinco de mayo. The problem was the boys wearing the flags were using the ocassion of Cinco de Mayo to make an anti-Mexican statement. I don't think the hispanic kids did anything. It was the principal who took this action to try to avoid things escalating into a fight among the kids. (Though I don't agree with his actions.)

Let's be honest here: a lot of white people are prejudice against hispanics, for reasons I won't debate here. The hispanic kids weren't disrepecting the flag, the flag boys were just looking for trouble. This is getting blown way out of proportion.

If the American boys where just looking to start trouble, then they where wrong. Thats why my answer is based on the very, very little info I have. I could think of alot easier ways to start trouble than wearing Am. flag shirts. It does seem funny that all(I believe 5) of them had flag shirts and bandanas but like I said I dont have any more info than what youre typing. But my other question is, why would wearing American flag shirts pi$$ anybody off in the first place, this is America!

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Bob, I think they were all "American" kids. Displaying the flag in any form for the purpose of showing your patriotism shouldn't be offensive. But this wasn't done for patriotic reasons -- it was done to start trouble. So it wasn't the flag that was offensive, it was the boys' purpose -- to make an anti-hispanic statement on a Mexican holiday. I wonder if they wore their flag shirts on any other day simply to show their patriotism? It's obvious what they were doing.

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This indicates this incident was not acceptable:

High school students fined for raising Mexican flag

4:55 pm By Jennifer Woodard Maderazo ·

9 Oct 2006

thumb_Mexican%20Flag.jpgIn my hometown of Houston, a group of high school students have been slapped with a fine for attempting to fly the Mexican flag on the school’s flagpole in honor of Fiestas Patrias, Mexico’s independence day:

On September 15, a group of students say they just wanted to display their cultural pride. But school administrators say they broke the rules.

Who knew the flagpole at Austin High could produce legal questions and cultural concerns all at once? Last month, five students tried to hoist a Mexican flag during school hours on the eve of a Mexican holiday. Campus police promptly ticketed the boys for disrupting an outdoor class, which they say was assembled nearby.

HISD spokesperson Terry Abbott said, “It could have been for any kind of classroom disruption. We issue those types of tickets all the time. They’re very common.”

More politically correct bs. Fine them for taking our flag down, not disrupting a class. The problem here is, that is why they where fined(putting their flag up)but the police know they cant say its the reason because the ACLU will be all over it. Then we'll have 5 rich hispanics living "todays version" of the American dream, SUE everyone! Im not racist, I just dont think you need to be here if your not a citizen, Or legally here. Theres no other "modern" country in the world you can live in without being a legalized citizen, why should we start the trend?

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Let's be honest here: a lot of Hispanic people are prejudice of white people also.....

Whats this have to do with anything? Why does the race card get pulled out so easily these days?

Maybe these kids were just fed up with society these days being so pc and putting down our own country to satisfy other nationalities?

I'm curious. Who are the "other nationalities" of which you speak? You seem to categorize americans into two groups - real americans and other nationalities. Who are the real americans and who are the other nationalities?

Mexicans/Hispanics, we have to cater to this group so we dont lose their votes(dems and reps). Islamists/ Muslims/Arabs/Persians, whatever theyre called, we cant racially profile this group, theyre only blowing us up. In this country we cant go into mosques, even though we know theyre planning "Jihad" against us in these same mosques, the ACLU would have a fit, so we'll check the 80 year old grandma for bombs but not the 30something muslim while waiting to board the "Muslim weapon of choice", the airplane. Id rather "racially profile" and be wrong than not and be wrong! Worry about the consequences later. I would have no problem being stopped by law enforcement to be asked if I was here legally or checked for bombs or weapons, actually I was asked if I was lebanese by someone at a concert. Im actually polish, slovak, Italian, Irish. In these times I dont see how Americans can get upset by this unless they are hiding something.

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Mexicans/Hispanics, we have to cater to this group so we dont lose their votes(dems and reps). Islamists/ Muslims/Arabs/Persians, whatever theyre called, we cant racially profile this group, theyre only blowing us up. In this country we cant go into mosques, even though we know theyre planning "Jihad" against us in these same mosques, the ACLU would have a fit, so we'll check the 80 year old grandma for bombs but not the 30something muslim while waiting to board the "Muslim weapon of choice", the airplane. Id rather "racially profile" and be wrong than not and be wrong! Worry about the consequences later. I would have no problem being stopped by law enforcement to be asked if I was here legally or checked for bombs or weapons, actually I was asked if I was lebanese by someone at a concert. Im actually polish, slovak, Italian, Irish. In these times I dont see how Americans can get upset by this unless they are hiding something.

If law enforcement has probable cause and a warrant who is going to stop them from going into a mosque, synagogue, or church? And since when don't they stop a 30 something Muslim looking man before he boards an airplane? I was under the impression all passengers passed through checkpoints.

I don't have a problem with people being checked at airports. I haven't seen anyone in the media say they have a problem about this now.

But do you see the slippery slope that the law in Arizona has caused? Now, in addition to this law about stopping people and asking for proof of citizenship, there is a law being considered in the state to ban ethnic studies in the schools. No more african-american studies, no more latino studies, no more islamic studies. Don't you think it benefits all of us to learn about the other cultures who come here as well as for them to learn about our history? When we learn about each other doesn't that promote harmony for living amongst each other? First the textbooks in Texas, now this.

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Fine, then why don't you just say you're against illegal immigration. I'm sure we'd all agree. Why get so wound up over the antics of teenagers? They are all just trying to antagonize each other. As adults we see this for what it is. Let's concentrate on the real problems facing our country.

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Loserbob: You're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. I go to the Irish festival every year where there are plenty of people wearing tee shirts bearing the Irish flag. If someone came with a tee shirt with the Italian flag, I would assume that was done on purpose with a kind of "in your face" attitude. But they would have the right to wear it.

I think the kids who wore the American flag tee shirts had an "in your face" attitude but they certainly had the right to wear them. They did not have a right to wear the bandanas as that violated school code.

And as I said before, they should have been ignored since they just wanted attention, which they got.

And yes, soldiers have fought in many wars for our freedom and our freedoms are extended to all the people in this country.

Legally. The issue here isnt legal citizens, whatever nationalities. The issue here is letting the illegals become legal just because theyre here, illegally! After watching that video, Im so infuriated, these hispanics are parading around in America, flaunting their Mexican flag, yelling Mexico, Mexico, respect, blah, blah, blah but when someone shows the American flag and it is DISRESPECTED by being smacked to the ground, by these same hispanics who want respect, they should be glad that guy who got out of the truck to pick the flag up was such a p$%&. Ive done alot worse to people over my flag and wouldnt hesitate to ever, repeat the past over my flag!

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Now, in addition to this law about stopping people and asking for proof of citizenship, there is a law being considered in the state to ban ethnic studies in the schools. No more african-american studies, no more latino studies, no more islamic studies. Don't you think it benefits all of us to learn about the other cultures who come here as well as for them to learn about our history? When we learn about each other doesn't that promote harmony for living amongst each other? First the textbooks in Texas, now this.

Maybe our resident fact checker should do a little on her own claims.

AZ HB 2281

HB 2281 prohibits a school district or charter school from including courses or classes that either promote the overthrow of the United States government or promote resentment toward a race or class of people.


The State Board of Education (SBE) must prescribe a minimum course of study, incorporating Arizona’s academic standards, to be taught in Arizona public schools (Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 15-701). School district governing boards must approve the course of study, including the basic textbook for each approved course and all other units recommended for credit before implementing each course in both elementary and high schools. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-701.01, a governing board may adopt courses of study that are in addition to or higher than that prescribed by the SBE.

Current law requires the principal of each school to ensure that all rules pertaining to the discipline, suspension, and expulsion of pupils are communicated to students at the beginning of each school year. All cases of suspension must be for good cause and must be reported within five days to the governing board by the superintendent or person imposing the suspension. The school district governing board is required to post regular notices and take minutes of any hearing concerning the discipline, suspension, or expulsion of a pupil (A.R.S § 15-843).


· States that the Legislature finds and declares that public school pupils should be taught to treat and value each other as individuals and not be taught to resent or hate other races or classes of people.

· Prohibits a school district or charter school from including in its program of instruction any courses or classes that:

Ø Promote the overthrow of the United States government.

Ø Promote resentment toward a race or class of people.

Ø Are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group.

Ø Advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.

· States that if the SBE determines that a school district or charter school is offering a course that violates this act, the SBE must direct the Superintendent of Public Instruction (Superintendent) to notify the school district or charter school that it is in violation.

· Stipulates that if the SBE determines that the school district or charter school has failed to comply within 60 days after a notice has been issued by the Superintendent, the SBE may direct the ADE to withhold up to 10% of the monthly apportionment of state aid that would otherwise be due to the school district or charter school and requires ADE to adjust the school district or charter school’s apportionment accordingly.

· Specifies when the SBE determines that the school district or charter school is in compliance with not offering a prohibited course, ADE must restore the full amount of state aid payments to the school district or charter school.

· Stipulates that actions taken under this act are subject to appeal pursuant to laws relating to uniform administrative hearing procedures.

· States that this act cannot be construed to restrict or prohibit:

Ø Courses or classes for Native American pupils that are required to comply with federal law.

Ø The grouping of pupils according to academic performance, including capability in the English language, that may result in a disparate impact by ethnicity.

Ø Courses or classes that include the history of any ethnic group and that are open to all students, unless the course or class violates this act.

· Prohibits rules pertaining to the discipline, suspension, and expulsion of pupils from being based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or ancestry.

· States that if the ADE, the Auditor General, or the Attorney General determines that a school district is substantially and deliberately not in compliance with pupil disciplinary actions and if the school district has failed to correct the deficiency within 90 days after receiving notice from the ADE, the Superintendent may withhold the monies the school district would otherwise be entitled to receive from the date of the determination of noncompliance until the ADE determines that the school district is in compliance.

· Makes technical and conforming changes.

I'm reading through this and having a hard time finding where it says they can no longer teach about other cultures? Maybe you can highlight with your favorite red color the part that says no teaching of other cultures in the bill because I sure as heck can't find it. Or maybe your listening to too many liberal news organizations and just spitting out their talking points without doing a little fact checking.:w00t:

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"Im actually Polish"

Oh that explains it! Only kidding Bob, so am I. :>)

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Loserbob: You're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. I go to the Irish festival every year where there are plenty of people wearing tee shirts bearing the Irish flag. If someone came with a tee shirt with the Italian flag, I would assume that was done on purpose with a kind of "in your face" attitude. But they would have the right to wear it.

I think the kids who wore the American flag tee shirts had an "in your face" attitude but they certainly had the right to wear them. They did not have a right to wear the bandanas as that violated school code.

And as I said before, they should have been ignored since they just wanted attention, which they got.

And yes, soldiers have fought in many wars for our freedom and our freedoms are extended to all the people in this country.

Again, Im not saying this to be funny, Im Irish and Italian, among others, I never knew there was a problem between the 2(maybe there isnt, maybe Im making to much of it). I could see issues of that kind when dealing with gangs, most arab/ muslim countries(people who think we still live in primitive times) but not people who live in modern societies, especially when religion is not involved, which leads me to my next point. I was watching a show on tv where protestants went to a catholic bar in Ireland,(not a group and not to start trouble)when a catholic man was asked about it he said there would be no problems as long as the protestants didnt advertise they where protestants.

I was taken aback by this. Im catholic and have no problem nor have I ever been taught anything negative about other religions. But I guess every war that has been fought has been about religion or oil.

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