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ATTENTION to those who are less than 3 months post-op and discouraged-READ HERE!!!

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Thank you for saying this colorado....... It's sometimes easy to forget the average weight loss is much lower and slower than the bypass. I'm in this for the long haul too - I will not get discouraged!!!!

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You know I just saw a lap band commercial and it really makes lap band seem like a walk in the park. It really doesn't educate people on what to expect - just shows before and after of the people who succeeded.

My doctor is happy I lose 1 pound a week. 2 if I exercise. I guess I am glad the scale isn't going up but since I got a fill last week I've hit takes 30 minutes to eat or I will get this painful sensation down my throat. Thankfully I haven't vomited like others. I guess I am just venting since all my friends who know about my surgery and many in the public in general see this as a walk in the park b/c it's not as "severe" as gastric.

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I am suddenly referring a lot of people to my surgeon because I am looking thin for the first time in my adult life!! Time seems slow now but with patience, it will work. I am within 9 lbs of my goal, and do not worry about goal or food any more. That is the most liberating thing I have ever experienced. I lost 10 lbs my first week, then about 1 lb a week since then. I haven't lost any for the last month. You need to focus on your positives and forget about goals that are unrealistic. You are going to be fine. It is extremely important to focus on the positive. The comercials are before and after, not the in-betweens, it is hard to realize this when we are in fact in-between. PATIENCE!!! Hugs!!!

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I'm a little bit on both sides. I actually had good restriction postop and my doctor and I decided to not go ahead with my first fill yet. Now I'm counting down the days until I can get a fill at my next appointment. Anyway, this link has been very helpful in helping adjust my eating, thinking, and activity habits that i found on this board. I hope it helps people out.


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I was excited to read your post at first. I'm a week and half out, and yes, feeling discouraged. What you say is valid, but I just felt worse after I read it. It was sort of harsh and criticizing of newly banded. Maybe I'm more sensitive right now, but CAPS DOESN'T MAKE ANY ONE FEEL HAPPY AND POSITIVE AND UPBEAT READING IT. It feels like you're yelling at us for feeling discouraged instead of really supporting us.

I get what your saying, and that being direct instead of babying the issue is important, but this is new and really frustrating for us. I do have family and friends watching me, asking me why I'm not losing weight, since I'm only drinking Protein Shakes and broth and I still don't feel well...it's just all overwhelming, and I was really looking to these boards for support. Is there any support for the newly banded, since you don't want us to talk about our discouragement?

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I'm sorry, but I really get SO FRUSTRATED READING POST AFTER POSTs of new bandsters discouraged that they only lost X number of pounds since surgery!! Most are just a FEW WEEKS post-op and discouraged!

It infuriates me to no end that some doctor's don't tell their patients what to expect during "bandster hell" and these poor people are expecting "lightning in a bottle" and to lose weight immediately following surgery. So I decided to start a thread to help and educate them.

THE FIRST MONTH to 6 WEEKS IS FOR HEALING....NOT LOSING!!! Your body is recovering from major surgery and has fluids it is retaining. Your stomach has a shiny new plastic ring on it..what do you expect your body to do just dump 30lbs like that? Not gonna happen... Let it heal!


DO NOT get DISCOURAGED or feel like a failure..this is NORMAL!!!

DO NOT COMPARE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS TO ANYONE ELSE!!! We are all DIFFERENT!! Some bigger, some smaller, some faster or slower..you will get discouraged if you focus on anyone but yourself!

PLEASE don't say...."I've only lost "X" lbs since surgery" and consider that discouraging. ANY weight lost is a success and pounds you are NOT GAINING!!!


I don't mean to be shouting or sound mean. I just think being direct is what is best sometimes--I hope this helps someone..anyone...from posting another "I'm discouraged" thread...:)

I can't thank you enough for this post. I wish I had seen this earlier. I was banded 3/24/10 and since then I have lost 44 lbs. You are right, we need to focus on the weight we have already lost and keep our goals alive. I did hit the wall with not loosing any weight in 3 weeks and was very upset. I know I have to work harder and keep reminding myself I didn't gain this weight in one year and my goal is to loose it in one year. I hope I get close to my goal in ONE YEAR. We all need to relax and be happy for what we have lost already. Thanks again and good luck to all. May our guardian angels remind us when to stop eating and keep us in line!

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I was excited to read your post at first. I'm a week and half out, and yes, feeling discouraged. What you say is valid, but I just felt worse after I read it. It was sort of harsh and criticizing of newly banded. Maybe I'm more sensitive right now, but CAPS DOESN'T MAKE ANY ONE FEEL HAPPY AND POSITIVE AND UPBEAT READING IT. It feels like you're yelling at us for feeling discouraged instead of really supporting us.

I get what your saying, and that being direct instead of babying the issue is important, but this is new and really frustrating for us. I do have family and friends watching me, asking me why I'm not losing weight, since I'm only drinking Protein shakes and broth and I still don't feel well...it's just all overwhelming, and I was really looking to these boards for support. Is there any support for the newly banded, since you don't want us to talk about our discouragement?

I don't think the original poster is saying that newly banded should not seek encouragement but to have realistic expectations. There seems to be a couple of posts every day of people a week (or even a month) out of banding and stating they haven't lost weight. Your body is healing and you haven't even had a fill - this is not magic where you lose weight instantly after surgery but a tool which until you get fills is only an ornament. You should concentrate on healing not the scale at this point. The online community is very supportive and more informative than doctors who really don't seem to explain what the surgery entails or what the timeline should be of weight loss.

I am actually in the same boat you are - I just got my 6th fill last week and only on broths and liquids b/c of a sudden stabbing pain that just developed last 48 hrs. Not losing weight and I personally regret telling people I had the surgery b/c they too have unrealistic expectations. It is NOT gastric bypass but a slow and sometimes tedious methodical process.

Give you body time to heal and don't be discouraged until much later if necessary- why be discouraged when you haven't had a fill?

Good luck.

Edited by Mangofish

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I would not give up my band for anything in the world, it is working well for me and I have only had 1 fill so far. I will admit, I have had to stay pretty disciplined, there are times I could eat more, however I know when I get my next fill I am going to be glad I trained my self now.

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I was excited to read your post at first. I'm a week and half out, and yes, feeling discouraged. What you say is valid, but I just felt worse after I read it. It was sort of harsh and criticizing of newly banded. Maybe I'm more sensitive right now, but CAPS DOESN'T MAKE ANY ONE FEEL HAPPY AND POSITIVE AND UPBEAT READING IT. It feels like you're yelling at us for feeling discouraged instead of really supporting us.

I get what your saying, and that being direct instead of babying the issue is important, but this is new and really frustrating for us. I do have family and friends watching me, asking me why I'm not losing weight, since I'm only drinking Protein shakes and broth and I still don't feel well...it's just all overwhelming, and I was really looking to these boards for support. Is there any support for the newly banded, since you don't want us to talk about our discouragement?

I am sorry you feel discouraged!! I have spent a lot of time in discouragement also, but now that more time has passed, I realize that the time I spent feeling discouraged was downright silly!! Our sense of time gets all screwed up for awhile after banding, so we are on the scale every time we pee. After weighing 24 times in a day, it seems like we have been the same weight forever. You are one and a half weeks out, but if you are like me, you have weighed yourself about 150 times. When I realized what I was doing, I also realized that 1 1/2 weeks is only 10 days. I lost 10 lbs but it did not seem like much because I had weighed myself so many times, I thought the scale wasn't moving. When I took a realistic look at myself, I put the scale away, and only got it out on Saturday. I focused on the things that made me feel good, like a little looser pants, a little less discomfort, the ability to walk a little farther. I read a few good books, I watched a few good movies. I did things that made me feel good. One day, I took two hot baths for no reason other than I wanted to. This is how I shifted my focus, and it was liberating because time passed, and I just naturally had a healthier, attitude about weight loss. This will happen to you too. I think the orginal poster was only trying to let new bandsters know that at some point, their perspective will return to normal, and that everyone has been in your shoes. I am sorry you feel it is (yelling) I assure it is not supposed to come across that way at all. You are going to love your band!! Hugs!!!

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Well written post...as a bandster who's six months out of surgery, I can tell you some of the things I've learned:

1. Overall, my weight is down. Do I lose every day/week? No. But, as long as the trend is generally down, life is good!

2. Do I exercise? Nope. Every once in a while I'll go jump on a treadmill or in a pool, but my body hasn't needed the infusion of regular exercise yet to lose weight. When I plateau, I'll get into it. For now? I only exercise when I feel like it. I do not live a sedentary lifestyle, so I'm sure that helps.

3. Restriction is a double edged sword. I was filled to 8cc in my 14cc band about mid-March...I lived for a month and a half on that fill, still being able to eat most foods but in lesser quantities. After a month and a half of that fill, realizing that I was still hungry most of the time, I pushed my doctor to fill me up to 9cc at the end of May...and then I went on a three and a half week vacation. I couldn't eat ANYTHING without PBing it back up (yes, I took small bites, chewed, etc.) and was miserable with chest pains all day from even trying to eat. That malnutrition cost me a month of weight stalling - my body was starving and refused to let me lose weight. I got back a few days ago, got unfilled back to 8cc and have lost almost 4 pounds in just a couple of days because I'm eating again. Be careful what you wish for in your restriction...

4. The LapBand is not a "miracle pill" or an "easy way out." For those of you thinking you were going to lose a million pounds in a few months...you should have opted for liposuction or gastric bypass. I chose LapBand because it is the HEALTHIEST TOOL on the market...I don't eat nearly as much as I used to, I don't get as hungry as I used to...but the food choices are still ON ME. I could have started the day with eggs, sausage, bacon, waffles, hash browns, etc...but here I sit working on a serving of Weight Control Quaker oatmeal. The girl I was 7 months ago would not have made that same choice. Rewire your brain...this band is supposed to help you do that.

5. Too many people whine on this website. Seriously? You've been overweight for a long time, no doubt, and have tried and failed with numerous diets...otherwise you wouldn't have a LapBand. WHY do you think this is another easy way out? WHY are you frustrated with your progress when you can't even pull your head out of your butt long enough to do some serious reflection on what YOU are doing or not doing to help yourself succeed? Seems like many of the users on this site didn't have their head in the game when they started this...your ignorance is only due to the fact that YOU chose not to ask questions of your doctor, do the research, etc. Don't be "shocked" that your previous dietary habits aren't working...don't blame lack of restriction on the reason you're failing. It was a good 3 months before I felt restriction...I still made the choices to eat healthy, eliminate carbonated drinks, etc. This is on YOU. Stop putting it off on other people/excuses - more than likely? Your blaming/creating excuses mentality is what got you fat in the first place.

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As an addition: if your head is in the game, you've made the right eating choices, etc...kudos to you! I've found this band to be my life changer, and I'm utilizing it as just that. A better way to really read about the lessons people learn is by reading/writing blogs...you get the entire journey in writing, instead of a single post about a single issue. Go spend some time reading a blog...you'll learn that Protein shakes are not a meal, but a supplement to your diet - you SHOULD eat three meals a day. You'll find tricks/tips that other Bandsters have learned along the way. This thing CAN work for you - just smile and enjoy the ride :confused:.

I keep reminding myself that this weight took 10 years to put on...an overnight transition isn't realistic and isn't going to happen. Every single pound I lose is a celebration!

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Great post JR.

I have been following this thread since its creation and have had nothing to add because everything I think is already being said. The opening post was great. A little more politically correct than I am but great.

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Great post JR.

I have been following this thread since its creation and have had nothing to add because everything I think is already being said. The opening post was great. A little more politically correct than I am but great.

Which is why I jumped in and went the politically incorrect route :confused:

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Donna Jo from Idaho - you are so sweet! I am going to try your chicken broth plus Protein (chicken, turkey, etc) blender mix recipe.

JoiaRox - great post! It is a good attitude to have - when you feel down at least we can say the scale is going down and not up (and lately for me it has been with no exercise) so I really don't need to complain or even compare myself to others.

I really had to own up to myself when I was also surprised I didnt lose weight instantly after surgery. I am nearly a year out and "only" 30 pounds down. If I didn't have this band I'd probably be close to having a 4th chin by now. Yes, you definitely have to rewire your brain b/c believe it or not - I can be really tight and only drink Soup...and chocolate. I find it ridiculous how slider foods can go down so easy.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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